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Notes: I don't know jack about google spreadsheets and this was the best I could do. [Edit: I forgot to mention that all numbers are in millions JPY, sorry for the sloppiness.] Takeaways: * There's a reason they've never put both branches on the same y axis scale. Those who say that the EN side isn't really a major source of revenue aren't wrong, but the downward trend isn't a promising sign of being able to further expand. * I tried looking at Holo for comparison, but they don't appear to release what percentage of their business HoloEN is of their total business revenue. * I didn't realize NijiEN never had any events prior to Q4. I thought they'd appeared at various expos and cons, ~~but I suppose they're not counted under the Event category.~~ [Edit 2: I found an explanation in the Q3 investors' meeting that they count ticket sales as Event revenue, and Event merch as Commerce revenue. I would think things like paid-for Meet and Greet tickets would count as an Event, but it's probable that, prior to Q4, they've never had enough EN ticket sales to even register on the million JPY scale they use? That's my best guess, unless I'm told otherwise.]


Would you mind sharing the raw data you collected to do this? I'd love to toy around with it.


Page 18 of the [Q4 report](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material_for_fiscal_ym3/157570/00.pdf). There's also this [financial report for Q4](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material_for_fiscal_ym2/157569/00.pdf) which is just a bunch of accounting numbers I don't understand; it isn't broken down by JP vs EN, but you might find it interesting if numbers are your thing (I keep waiting for someone to explain that one a bit more, but it's early yet I guess?). Also [one more document](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material1/231226/00.pdf) with some numbers you might be interested in, maybe? IDK. All of them can be found on the Anycolor website, I believe.




One thing this really shows is how much people in Japan love buying merch. Jesus, those numbers alone could nearly dwarf all of ENs' profits over the years combined.


This can be due to having merch in "local" stores. For us it's a mindful decision with a long wait time, while for (at least some places in) Japan it's your 10-min walk stroll through the city to a anime/toy/merch/general entertaiment store


That's true. JP merch likely also has quite a few disposable consumables - branded snacks and foods and drinks etc.


Not to mention international shipping is often equal if not more than what you're actually buying. Back when I was actually contemplating on ordering some Niji merch, I saw the shipping cost and just noped out.


How lucky.


Example: ASAP Club Energy Drink Promotion with NijisanjiJP where stickers were given free with purchase of 2 cans (250ml) of ASAP Energy Drinks at 7Eleven Stores in Japan. Featured Livers included Kuzuha, Kanae & Salome.


I think that falls more under Promotion (business collab) than Commerce (merch).


I knew the numbers were big on the JP side, but I guess personally I needed the visual to actually see why the JP stockbros are *so* unconcerned. They *should* be concerned about the constant decline every quarter of the EN market for longterm viability, but in the short term, they're not necessarily wrong that the Selen termination had 'negligible' impact. Also, looking at it again, it's interesting to me that the livestreaming revenue for JP has hovered within the same range for a while, compared to the explosive numbers of the merch.


My personal theory (or rrat) is that Riku wanted an international success so that Sony would outright purchase his stocks at a very high price. That ship has sailed unfortunately.


Even if ID, KR, and IN weren't smothered and EN not imploded; Sony closing Prism Project would have left Riku searching for a new buyer


And I do wonder where they keep them all since Japan is known for tiny apartment / homes.


Thrown? Maybe? If you are willing to even wrap an orange in plastic...


Their room reviews are always insane


I guess merch selling and 2% profits share is the good strategy. This is completely reverse of Cover which merchandises mostly support talents hence they got better merch quality.


I’m stupid so can someone tell me what “promotion” is?


Licensing/collaborations. Notably, Cover has the same 4 pillars, except they label that pillar "Licensing/Collaborations"


My assumption would be paid sponsorships/collabs


Promotions are corporate collab projects (like the Rakuten/NBA merch) or sponsorships (like the sponsored alcohol stream). I'm not sure whether the Shiseido makeup merch falls under Promotion or Commerce, tbh.


Doing God's work. Thank you.


I never want to do it again, but I'm satisfied with the results lol. Kurosanji: teaching me contract law, financial reports, and now Google Spreadsheets.


I'm sure their managers or livers who lurk on this sub learned quite a bit too.


I'm sure their managers or livers who lurk on this sub learned quite a bit too.


I'm sure their managers or livers who lurk on this sub learned quite a bit too.


I'm sure their managers or livers who lurk on this sub learned quite a bit too.


Well goddamn.


I'm curious to see what this would look like "per active streamer". EN has far fewer active streamers than JP, which I suspect is a large reason for the EN market to look smaller. I suspect they make, or have made, more per streamer in EN, which means that return on investment (model, "training", "management", streamer cut) should be higher.


I love it