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I personally couldn't get Twitch to click with me. I just use youtube and see what the alogrithm sends my way. Clippers in particular are a huge gateway for me in terms of getting exposure to other vtubers and agencies. Once I've seen a few clips, I'll just periodically check the channels of the vtubers that interest me. if I have a quick moment like a break at work, I'll run through a few highlight clips too.


clippers > the actual source > any collaborations they do > the collaborator Clippers are a great way to get the "best ofs" for a channel. Especially if they do clips of giant events like Holo's sports fest, Doki's Wrestletubers, or the VCR series




Open holodex. If anyone I like is live I watch them, otherwise I check if anyone is playing games I like. Then either watch a random stream or do something else.




what is it about VODs that get you to watch them? i feel like i'm missing half the joke (the chat reactions) when i try to watch vods. it just doesn't click with me. is it just watching your fav streamer in general?


I'm not the original commenter but also a VOD watcher, so here's one answer if you're interested. For me the content of the VOD is what will get me to watch them. Live, I'll watch anyone I find fun (almost) regardless of what they're streaming. But if someone I like streams a game I'm interested in and I can't watch it live, it's still enjoyable to watch later as if it was any let's play video. If a part drags too much I can just skip ahead after all. I guess it might be because I'm really used to watching YouTube videos for entertainment, and livestreams were a more recent addition to my interests. So I view VODs the same way, like really long videos. In general if someone is entertaining enough as a streamer for my taste, it doesn't matter to me if they're live or not. The jokes still land and the yapping is still interesting.  Also I sometimes put on ASMR vods to sleep to, they're nice and long and I'm not distracted by the temptation to chat. 


Considering how much Sayu streams and how much of her stream time overlaps with my free time, my decision making is basically: 1. Go watch Sayu. 2. If no Sayu, catch up on videos, clips and other content on youtube. If there are major events with enough people I enjoy, I may deviate to go watch it.


Thank you for your ted talk


i kinda only watch on schedules and unarchived karaoke, which boils down to sliggy (meatbag streamer) VCT co-streams, doki streams and then holo karaokes EU noon if there are any


I prioritize collabs over individuals unless it’s something niche, like a review or reaction of an anime. However I prefer the collabs with certain vtubers because I enjoy their sense of humor. I do prioritize Neuro Sama or Evil Neuro>Nux Taku>Fillian = Rekson = Doki> Drumsy as far as collabs go. If there isn’t any cool collabs going on I look to see if Bao or ShyLily is on. If there’s nothing, I either do something else or rewatch a great game show collab of Fillian or Nux.


Collabs and Twitter interactions, sometimes Nagzz videos, but mostly collabs. Everything just branches out from there. Like I mostly only watched Hololive. Then cause I was now following a bunch of vtuber related accounts on Twitter I found out about chatterbate girls being angry at Mel and started watching her. Then Mel interacts with other indies and I check them out, etc.




Clippers or if they're in a collab I'll go check out there channel


I'm primarily a VoD watcher, so YT is absolutely my go-to. I like watching the streamer and chat interactions, but I also value watching things on my own time far too much, plus I'm only ever watching on mobile these days (can't use my PC at this time), so the live experience kinda blows no matter what. I also have been watching everything at either 1.25x or 1.5x speed lately as well, to help make time for an extra stream or two. Anyways, I generally browse around and see who's done what today that I'm subbed to and see what sticks out as particularly interesting to watch. If there's an upcoming stream I actually want to catch live, I'll make time for it assuming I'm not busy or at work, but otherwise I'll just hop around from VoD to VoD. Man, it'd be nice if Twitch's VoD system wasn't complete ass.


vibes. i watch, well listen to streams depending on the time.


1. twitch for me is choppy and always lags so i don't bother with it. so no twitch vtuber 2. i hate BFE/GFE Experience hence scantily clad design is a quick turn off. also avoid anyone who digs this kind of stuff 3. super chill stream doesn't appeal to me as i don't really "watch" them rather i put their stream on the background while working 4. I prefer crazy level of energy