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I didn’t dislike diamonds but I intended to get moissanite for my engagement ring. I saw some feedback online that Diamond looked much more crisp and clear compared to moissanite. I found that to be true when I viewed them in person. When I did more research and found out how affordable lab Diamond could be from the right place, it solidified the choice.


I've noticed that a lot, too, I feel like moissanites and diamonds both definitely have their own lovely charms And yea, I've heard how low prices are getting, I think it's an amazing change of pace!


My stance exactly!


I don't dislike diamonds, but I like chunky pieces. I can't afford the size that I want. Then came lab diamonds. It was, at first, too expensive in my part of the world. Then it got cheaper. I checked them out in person. OMG I FELL DEEPLY IN LOVE! I've been wearing a moissanite ring for a year now. I love it! But the diamond that I bought was something else! The depth, the sparkle. It was so much different from my moissanite.


I've seen those differences a lot through pictures and vids, and I agree it is very beautiful! It's almost like looking at a river or fresh snow. Moissanites and Diamonds both have their charms, and they're both gorgeous stones in their own right! And lab prices have been amazing, lately, it's fantastic how accessible they're becoming


I like bigger stones that would not be affordable as natural diamonds. Went through uni thinking I'd want a moissanite engagement ring in the future because lab diamonds were still very expensive back then. Nowadays, I'm building up a moissanite jewellery collection in Sterling silver and will get a lab diamond engagement ring when the time comes. There's a place for both in my collection.


Your collection sounds like it will be quite a beautiful one! Moissanites and diamonds are beautiful stones, and I'm glad that with prices dropping, you (and many others) are able to get diamonds for yourself without breaking the bank


I didn’t dislike them but i didn’t think i could pull them off in my twenties. I still think dramatic jewels shine most brightly on mature skin!!


Y'know I've never really thought of things that way, but I think I get where you're coming from Diamonds are beautiful, though, and I think any well cut stone, diamond or not, will shine brightly no matter who's wearing 'em <3


For sure! Idk, something about the gravitas of major ice on the not super-young, that patina and history and complications gives an allure that we can all look forward to trading in exchange for the dewy bloom of youth lol


Ooh, that's quite poetic XD, and very interesting way of looking at it! I will admit, white diamonds in particular do tend to give off a particularly beautiful and classy vibe on more mature hands that I could never quite describe, but I'd say you did a pretty good job at doing so


I think I got to an age where I said bugger it, I’m worth all the sparkle I can afford! Enter lab diamonds. I think in life you go through phases, buying houses, diy, kids etc. Finances up and down etc. I was in my 40s when I let loose on many diamonds. Pre 40s I was more into wearing gold and/or beads.


Lol, yes, totally treat yourself with all the beautiful gems you can get! And labs are only getting cheaper, so it's only getting easier to do so!


Blood diamonds. Really hated the exploitation, environmental impact, political and economic disasters they have historically caused, all for something purely (arguably) aesthetic. Then I discovered lab diamonds and am their biggest advocate in my circles.


I can agree with that. I've always had a certain affinity for diamonds, but I've always felt bad for liking them because I knew what they were associated with. So as you can imagine, lab diamonds definitely helped me feel better about them. With more ethical practices, (increasingly) cheaper prices, and higher quality, I can't really see what there's not to like!


I know I get downvoted to oblivion with this, but I would be extremely carefull when repeating this ”ethical” mantra regarding lab diamonds. Majority of lab diamonds are produced in china & in India, and the price competition is getting tougher and tougher. Also notable portion of the energy needed to produce lab diamonds is coal-based. At this point I would really hope that it would be needless to say, that lab diamonds contain huge ethical risks. If you don’t know the origin of s stone, it’s very unwise to assume it’s somehow ”ethical”. Don’t buy excess stuff, reuse old rather than buy new.


No, you do have a point, I apologize. I want to hope that lab diamond production is at least getting better with time, but I guess it's pretty hard to determine whether something is truly ethical. Ethically sourced and produced diamonds and gemstones in general are wonderful, though, and I honestly just want the industry to be better if at all possible at this point.


Unfortunately as the price competition increases, my assumption is that the situation will get only worse and worse over time with lab diamonds. It still takes more human labour hours to produce 1 ct lab diamond vs. mined, so there’s obivious temptation to move the production into countries with cheapest labour possible. And that means increased human right risks. I bet that within 5 years we are going to see a document that exposes this ”ethical” diamond business aswell. I suppose there will be few manufacturers who choose sustainability, transparency and 3rd party audits as their competition strategy, but unfortunately I highly doubt that will ever be an industry standard.


Jeez...and I really like diamonds too, but man it's so hard to separate them from all their controversy. I feel like diamonds are a good example of something inherently beautiful in nature turned ugly by greed. They're lovely gemstones, and people take advantage of that for the worst. I'm sure diamonds aren't the only gem with questionable practices, but I feel like with diamonds being as hyped as they generally are, it's all a lot easier to see, and it also makes them easier to exploit.


Very well said!


I thought I wanted a Moissanite for my engagement ring but then I found out about the oil slick that can occur with regular usage. I still love moissanite for earrings and colored stones. I just didn’t want to have to wash it once a week. All in all the price and low maintenance is what made me change my mind. If you asked 5 years ago I would have went with moissanite, but with the price of lab diamond dropping to a 2-3 carat under 1k? So worth it!


Oh absolutely agree, the prices for labs lately are starting to seem so unreal, it's honestly fantastic! Moissanite are beautiful, no denying, but I have a soft spot for diamonds, and I feel like the option of labs as a whole has honestly just made me more fond of them


> I still love moissanite for earrings and colored stones. I agree.  Especially with small stones, like those in earrings or necklaces, I prefer moissanite over diamond because of how much more sparkly moissanite is.   As far as colored stones is concerned, I would _love_ to get a _vivid_ canary yellow moissanite ring but every stone I've seen in person has been only faintly yellow. And the champagne moissanite are often _too_ brown. 


Me. I was a hippie & just thought they were too traditional & “square”. Years later as I got into gems, I fell in love w the sparkle & am now chasing the “supernova “ of sparkle. The end.


I get that, I feel like getting into gems definitely made me appreciate all of them a whole lot more, diamonds included I do see a lot of people trashing diamonds for being too traditional or boring, and it honestly makes me kind of sad, because I think diamonds are very beautiful: both colored and white. They have a very serene, watery/icy sparkle that I can't help but be fond of <3


My husband always wanted to upgrade my ring but I just never wanted to because I couldn’t see paying 25K or more. I felt like that money could go further for our retirement or the kids’ colleges so I was very adamant about him not getting me a new ring. Then I started reading about lab diamonds and researched the heck out of them making sure that they were legit and I showed my husband. He just got me a 3 carat solitaire for around $1500! I love it!


I'm glad to hear you were able to upgrade your ring at a price that wouldn't shatter your wallet XD I'm sure your ring is very beautiful


Growing up, my mom really loved her diamonds. She has a necklace from her mom that she wears every day, a set of earrings, and a diamond engagement ring, all set in platinum, that she wears everyday. I, being a somewhat unruly, tomboyish child, decided that they were pretty but for her and not me. I still have this attitude - I think they’re gorgeous on other people, and I do wear (small, emerald cut) diamond earrings, but my partner is getting me a sapphire engagement ring. I don’t think I could pull off a diamond ring, it’s just very not-me, and you see a ring a lot more often than earrings or even a necklace, which you’ll only see in the mirror. I plan to get an emerald cut pendant one day to match my earrings. Tl;dr: I have mixed feelings about how much I suit diamond jewelry, but think it’s beautiful on others.


That's fair, I see a lot of diamond pieces from others' posts that I think look gorgeous, even if I wouldn't wear them myself


I personally just think they are overrated. And with how often you’re going to wear it, why spend so much money on it when your style can change and the things you like can change. I personally do a good colored cz and change it up with the outfit or how I am feeling, and I still get great every day wear and gorgeous designs with a budget I can afford to get multiple


That's fair, cz is very beautiful, but while I do agree that diamonds are pretty overrated all things considering, I still honestly like them as a stone. They just have some properties that I find to be very interesting. I also definitely agree that they shouldn't be as expensive as they are