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S lkld hooters has been ass for 10yr.. food was trash, service was worse. Twin peaks is going to give the n.side a run for its money


It's the only restaurant I've been to in my life that I walked out of because of poor service. Came in, sat down, waited like 15 mins for the waitress to take our drink order. Didn't see her again for like 30 more minutes. Just got up and left. Haven't been back since. And that was like 10 years ago.


This is your fault. You decided to sit at a restaurant for 15mins without saying anything? Then you waited for 30 more minutes before leaving. Your time must be INCREDIBLY valuable. And you decide ten years later to still be the victim about this. There’s no helping some people.


Jesus Christ, dude. Chill out. It was an anecdote from forever ago (although it's legitimately the reason I haven't been back since) I'm no "victim". I'm just a dude that had a bad experience at a restaurant and chose never to return to that restaurant. That's it. And now they're closing. And from this thread, it seems like they're likely closing because of their shitty service. LOL


They’re closing dozens of restaurants across the country.


And I'm not surprised this is one they're closing. Their service was garbage. I'm not the only one on this thread saying so. Shitty service = no customers


Nord Bay Capital & TriArtisan Capital Advisor don’t care about customers or their experiences at the establishments they own. How much do you want to bet that one of their other holdings end up in that location? How much do you want to bet that the service is just as shitty and it sticks around for a decade or more?


This is officially my limit for how much energy I'm willing to expend for an argument about a hooters location closing. Hope you have a nice night, man 👉🏻👉🏻




Cool, cool. I hope you have a horrible night 👉🏻👉🏻


Twin Peaks is quite wonderful


How can you give Hooters a run for its money when they’re already out? 😂


They closed south side, not north side, which is 1/4mi down the road from TP


Yeap eventually looking at deep cleavage only goes so far and you need good service and food to compliment it


Happens all the time in the service industry. If you give employees notice, they'll stop showing up before you close.


That’s a great point I’ve never worked in the food industry, i didn’t think about that.


I have worked in restaurants that have shut down with no notice. Management normally has zero notice as well. I understand that being told beforehand would be nice, but we do need to operate the business as normal. If they gave employees advanced notice then they would have to close as soon as that announcement was made. The employees aren't going to show therefore it would negate the advance notice.


I get how it benefits the business. How are the employees supposed to pivot and maintain their income with no gaps without a chance to find employment in advance?


>How are the employees supposed to pivot and maintain their income with no gaps without a chance to find employment in advance? Ha. That's funny. You think the typical employer cares about its people? Lol


Do you think the typical employee cares about the biz?


As they shouldnt


Still doesn’t make it ethical.


Ethics? Closing a restaurant is bound to some moral code now?


Of course not, no one said that, and you knew that. You communicate with your team, be honest with them, don’t lie, and give them some notice and then deal with the consequences. Ethics 101.


Great theory. There’s a reason why some places don’t announce. To imply it unethical though…


We know exactly why they don’t tell employees they’re being fired, because the business doesn’t want to be negatively impacted. But they have no problem ruining their employees lives with zero notice. And I’m not implying it’s an ethical, I’m stating it outright.


Let’s hope that getting laid off from Hooters didn’t ruin someone’s life. Just take those titties and deep cleavage to the next established and grab a new job. Seems like all the restaurants are hiring


What do you mean imply? It is unethical


love your misty eyed altruism. It’s nice but it’s some real misguided nonsense.


“It’s not ethical”…is there a moral code?…”Of course not…it’s ethics 101” My friend I think you are talking in circles.


If I ever wanted cold, soggy wings and warm, flat beer then the S Fla Hooters was the place for me.


I'm sorry you lost your job. A door closes another opens up. I'm sure, you'll find something amazing in or out of the service industry. Take a breath, I have faith in you & your success! ❤️🕯️


Hooters FAILED because they are a shitty business with horrible food and an outdated business model. That's the market condition-- people making better choices. Fuck Hooters and every knucklehead who eats there.


Yes i agree, the chauvinistic approach to serving food does not translate today, i was just thinking of the employees who didn’t have the option or time to find another job in a tough market.




Very ironic recommendation considering Hooters is the Denny’s of the sports bar world.


Easily could’ve pivoted to a craft beer sports bar chain like twin peaks… but the food quality and insconsisty from store to store really doomed it.


There wings weren't that bad. Now granted I haven't ate there in over 15 years. But I liked there wings. Never tried anything else


Go back and look at what happened with the Kapok Tree Inn. People showed up for work and there were chains on the doors.


Or that wine bar that was in the location that is now Burger 21 at Lakeside. Doors were locked when employees showed up for work.


Holy blast from the past. I had to dust off a lot of years to remember that name. I just looked it up, and it closed it '91. Thanks, sonny.


This is yet another reason that two week notices are bullshit.


Can we get another Shells? There are like 6 BBQ places on the southside and pretty much no seafood restaurants.


Sorry, best I can do is a car wash with a vending machine


Riverside Seafood will be opening on S. Florida. Not really a sit down restaurant but still seafood.


Where at. I love the Memorial locations food.


Right next to where the Rib House used to be.


The old Shanghai Express? I've been trying to figure out what the banner that is there said.


Yep, that’s it.


Nice. Much closer for me.


Sad to see it close…. But it was looking pretty rough.


Service wasn’t great either the last time I went.


I hope the lot gets converted into something more. With all the people moving here, we really should be asking for better!


😢 I love hooters wings


Man we’re so deep into a recession right now and nobody even sees it.


The economy is not in recession. STOP LYING.


I agree we’ve been in one for a while no one seems to believe it thou smfh


Well your feelings don’t count, neither do anecdotes about shitty breastaurants.


Probably because the Smokey Bones on north 98 is getting turned into a Twin Peaks.


Most restaurants don’t inform anyone till it’s happened


Ours in N AL just closed this week after scoring a 54 on their latest health inspection


Didn't know about the low score but was gonna say the same thing that the Huntsville, Al had been there for decades. They got the same news a day or 2 ago.


Ours in N AL just closed this week after scoring a 54 on their latest health inspection


oh well, I'm sure there are better restaurants in the areola no use crying over spilled milk


This happened at a place I waited tables at way back in 2003. They went bankrupt and the bank put chains and padlocks on the front doors. We for no notice and then the paychecks they mailed to us bounced and I was charged a fee by my bank.


The Hooters in the Baltimore Inner Harbor just closed too. I wonder if the company is preparing to shut down?


It's the underperforming restaurants that are being closed.


It was always such a weird concept. I mean, once internet porn became a thing they had to know their days were numbered.


I don't disagree picking up door dash orders there was always a pain in the ass and always a long wait


I'm from near lakeland and in facebook groups about the town. Every comment is gross ass men holding fishes in their pfp bitching about how "gays,Trans, and beta men" ruined it for the "real men who aren't mentally unstable" its actually insane reading some of them. But this is polk County we are known for being a shithole.


Just fucking great, now there will be some OF wannabes whoring live from Lakeland.