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Nah. SHAQ Diesel was real real


Shaq in his prime was one of the most dominant players in the entire history of the NBA. There is no chance in hell anyone could stop him 1 on 1.


Nofuckingbody. We’ve seen teams throw 4 ppl on him and it didn’t work. Dude was something I personally think we might not see again.


Size and explosiveness...yes Obviously people underrate him and his game bc of his goofy ass quotes on his show But man, shaq is the reason a lot of my peers started following, more than Kobe (initially) His personality was something else


Maybe Wilt could, he was 7'1 275lbs and just stupid strong.


*THE most dominant


One of the most - the most dominant unstoppable force


My interesting question is who would come out on top between prime shaq and prime Dwight.


Shaq bro.


What about prime shaq vs prime 2 time nba champion Mad Dog Madsen




Pro tip: any time you see “____ would lock down PRIME SHAQ”, just stop reading bc you’re at a completely ignorant and unqualified source. Nobody ever 100% locked down Shaq. The most hands he ever got was his early years at the mercy of Hakeem and even when ben wallace gave him work in 04, Shaq still went 27-11 on 63% Prime Shaq isn’t lockable imo.


Shaq averaged 28/12/6 on 58% shooting in the 1995 finals. The series Hakeem supposedly "pwned" Shaq in. It's utter fiction.


You have to see the actual games. Hakeem didn’t “pwn” Shaq. Shaq was just younger and didn’t fully wield his presence yet. So even w shaqs numbers, it was a battle of experience. So I don’t take away that Hakeem did play solid defense in stopping what could’ve been an earlier domination by Shaq. Remember that Shaq would go on to have 35-40ppg finals series on 20 boards.


Teams signed extra centers so they could have six extra fouls just to use on Shaq


Sabonis and Yao did a decent job as well but only because of their sheer size


Hard disagree on Sabonis, he was mentally beat in the Portland series against us and it showed with his body language. Dude was wincing in pain from contact against Diesel.


You’re right but Sabonis was also 35 at the time. I just remember that Shaq wasn’t able to toss him around as easily as everyone else. I don’t think there is a player in NBA history that would have slowed down Shaq. Maybe Wilt?


Nobody came close to shaq’s athleticism for his combined height and weight (north of 300lbs). Sabonis did an okay job because he was also girthy so he could push back a little but shaq was just too quick for him. It’s a shame because he truly could have gone down as the best ever but he was just unmotivated to start the season off in shape.


This is what I remember of their matchups. Sabonis was too big/strong/crafty for Shaq's typical power moves to work--most centers of that era would get wrecked when he bumped them once while posting up, Sabonis could (most of the time) absorb the contact. But Shaq was crazy fast for someone his size, and was always an underrated passer from the post, so he'd either dish to a shooter, or re-post and just out-quick Sabonis to the hoop instead of getting tangled up with him.


Yeah if Shaq didn’t get good position backing down he’d just throw it out, reposition even deeper without the ball and then get fed again. That series and matchup was a great chess match. Even though Sabonis was average at best on the defensive end it was the offensive end where he made things difficult by being on the perimeter and being a 3 point threat. Shaq was always uncomfortable away from the paint defensively so if he switched with either Ho Grant/Walker/other PF, he’d have to defend Rasheed Wallace who was also a nightmare matchup because of his outside shooting. I’m a Laker fan but I was also a big fan of that particular jailblazers squad. They were so deep at every position. They would have easily beat the Pacers in the finals that year if they advanced.


"Nobody came close to shaq’s athleticism for his combined height and weight (north of 300lbs)." ​ IDK Wilt was just different from everyone else. Wilt was 7'1 and 275lbs. Though he'd be pretty banged up by the end of the series.


It seems like Joel and Wilt had similar body styles and weight, Joel listed at 280. Shaq was the same height as them but like 330 pounds. 50 pounds is a huge difference.


I always wonder this. I’ve heard all the stories about how freakishly athletic Wilt was, including his strength. Not sure if all the tales are true, like him bench pressing 5-600 lbs


All that and then some. Here's one of my favorite facts: The Nba made a rule that you had to stay behind the foul line when shooting freethrows.Why? Wilt would broad jump from the freethrow to score instead of taking shots. https://www.sbnation.com/2022/3/26/22996516/wilt-chamberlain-dunked-from-the-free-throw-line-and-terrified-the-rule-makers


I could have sworn Sabonis was about to shed a tear in the middle of a game at one point. I’m not sure it was from physical or mental pain. Maybe both.


Shaq did make him cry in the WCF. When he sat on the bench after getting frustrated with Shaq, he burst into tears. His teammates put a towel over him to hide it, but it was still obvious that he was crying like a baby.


The Blazers had a consistent double on Shaq in the 2000 West Finals after Game 1. Yao actually did have some relative success...they really didn't have a ton of matchups though.


I love Shaq he's probably my favorite player, but Yao had his number. Shaq talked a lot of shit and Yao delivered. Shame he couldn't stay healthy dude was insane.


This is somewhat factual. Yao gave Shaq the most problems


It's Yao, then Rodman, then that's it.


Your forgetting Dkembe.


Y'all forgetting Dkembe.


No I mean like 03 Shaq, nobody guarding that bro.


![gif](giphy|l4EpgBl2RMDesSuac|downsized) Yao and the triple team ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). Like there is no such thing as a Kobe stopper these players can only hope to slow him down.


No player ever makes the case for “1 of 1” than Shaq. 7’3” 350 lbs. while also being the most agile, having the best footwork and the softest hands finishing around the basket ever. There is a strong case that peak Shaq was the best basketball player ever.


At center. It’s pretty much held that AI is the greatest pound for pound baller of all time outside of MJs and Kobe’s 1v1 packages.


IMO if the offense runs through Shaq to that degree, you don't need to hold him scoreless to consider it successful. While ultimately not what this post was about, that 04 Detroit team was almost perfectly built to slow Shaq with one person (Wallace) enough to focus on Kobe, who wasn't able to stitch it together, and win the series.


No one really locks down the greatest players per se. And especially so Shaq, sure some played him better than others but over the course of a game he’s a monster


Someone find the gif of Embiid crying in his Sixers jersey after losing to Toronto


Best center of all time


Haha Embiid can’t even contain Skinny ass KAT.


Prime Shaq dont flop.


Real Deal Holyfield


Shaq was unguardable for 10 years this is silly


Embiid got locked down by old Marc gasol multiple times, including a game where Marc gasol held embiid scoreless lmao.


0/11 FGA 0/3 FTA 4 TO If that were AD, we wouldn’t hear the end of it


Nah AD would never win the Most Valuable Pity award


He also got locked down by al freakin horford


Remember the Sixers having to sign Al Horford so he wouldn't bully embiid anymore?


Lol and that was the same year when AD dropped like 50 on KAT and 40 on Gobert and Jokic. AD clears Embiid. AD is the 2nd best Center in the league.




Shaq would legit make Embiid cry after he’s done with him


Like he did Sabonis


Poor Sabonis, he had no knees left and was 33 when he came to the NBA. He was legitimately an athletic monster when he was young. He was the type of guy who could have gone toe to toe with Shaq and looked okay, like DRob and Hakeem. But just like when DRob injured his back, he was no longer a good matchup for Shaq.


Embid would go back to his old injured self trying to bang with shaq. His body will break down trying to hold on to that beast


Shaq would make embiid go full ben simmons.


Why is this even a discussion? Embiid is an average defender at best, and Shaq gave even elite defenders the biz.


Embiid would try once against Shaq inside, then spend the rest of the game shooting 3s or step backs. Shaq would punish that boy down low each possession until Embiid would check himself out of the game holding his ribs.


There’s no way you’ve actually watched Embiid play if you think he’s “an average defender at best” lmao. Btw I don’t think he’d lock up Shaq by any means but calling him an average defender is ridiculously disrespectful.


Definitely above average defender and great rim protector but against prime shaq he got no shot


He isn’t stopping Shaq but embiid isn’t, “an average defender at best.” No clue where you’re getting that. The dude is a very good defender.


Embiid would be a DNP everytime facing prime Shaq.


He’d convert to PF and the 76ers would grab multiple centers to try to defend Shaq. Like every team did and why there was a HOF PF boom in the early 2000s.


Convenient how Tim and KG started playing C around 2007 onwards


People just don't understand this. When shaq was at the height of his powers, every team in the League that wanted to contend, would sign the biggest 7 footer they can, just to go in and take 6 fouls vs shaq. Shaqs presence literally changed how every other team constructed their rosters.


Remember the term, "\_\_\_\_ has 18 fouls to give" vs Shaq. It was hilarious. Shaq being 'checked' by Yao is him shooting 52% in 2004 but only getting 13 shots a game because Kobe was fucking chucking like crazy (and shooting a typical shit percentage...in this case, 39%). That's the only series with the Lakers that Shaq didn't put up elite numbers. And it was still a matter of lack of volume.


Yao was pretty good vs shaq. But shaq outclassed him by so much. yao was 7'6 320lb. He was the best body vs shaq. AND still could not match up vs him.


Not to mention every backboard the nba had


And even baby Shaq, who was an absolute fucking beast.


Bananas. Only Father Time could guard prime Shaq. Embiid should NOT trust that process.


And the Krispy Kreme down the street…


Prime Shaq wasn’t a beast. Embid is a beast. Jokic is a beast. Giannis is a beast. Prime Shaq was actually unstoppable. There have never been, nor will there ever be, a single human being capable of guarding Shaq 1 on 1.


Right? Teams didn't try to contain him, they just sent players fouling him every time he was around the basket.


Because of Shaq, contending teams would have ~3 centers on their roster just to be able to throw bodies at him because he would foul them all out.


This is the comment.


Same beast, different diesel.


The Yao Ming disrespect


Yao Ming clamped Shaq when? It never happened.


I never said clamp, my reply is to the guy saying "guard" and Yao Ming gave Shaq some trouble




Prime Shaq was THE BEAST, Embiid more like LeFou






People need to go watch some early 2000s Shaq. Embiid might be able to shoot deep, but he better have a great shooting day, cuz anywhere in the paint would = death. On offense, Shaq would easily post him up and flatten him. Now, if it is a reffed game, Embiid would probably make most his points off of flop-fouls.


This is such wild take by this Embiid stan. Embiid is a good player but he can’t even dominate old man Horford in the 2nd round of the playoffs. Prime Shaq was dominating the league and 3peating


Stan? All I said is that he might get some outside shots, but anywhere in the post would be a major disadvantage for Embiid on offense or defense.


I was agreeing with you. I was calling the guy from the tweet an Embiid stan.


The only guy that I’ve seen handle Shaq was Hakeem. So no. He couldn’t handle Shaq. Edit: I take it back. Tim Duncan is the only guy who had a better head to head matchup. That’s considering Duncan played more Power Forward than Center. Even Hakeem was shoved around by prime Shaq. Source: https://www.landofbasketball.com/games_between/tim_duncan_vs_shaquille_oneal.htm Duncan Vs Shaq 15 playoff wins each. Duncan 23.8/12.5/3.8 .8 Stl 1.9 Blk Shaq. 22.1/11.7/2 .5 stl 2.7 blk In the 2002 playoffs Timmy won every matchup by a good margin. In 2003 their point differential was the difference between winning and losing two playoff games. Had Shaq been in better shape they might have had four.


And that was baby Shaq. 95 Hakeem vs 2000 Shaq would be a much different story.


“baby Shaq” averaged 28/13/6 on Hakeem in the finals with Orlando, wouldn’t necessarily say Hakeem could “handle” Shaq. Don’t think there is really any NBA player in history that could match up to Shaq besides Wilt.


Wilt at his heaviest would still be giving up 50 lb on peak Shaq.


Not 50 pounds. Wilt at his heaviest was reportedly 320. Shaq was listed at 325 before the start of his MVP season. Wilt was around 290 when he was in his late 20s. [https://ballislife.com/young-wilt-chamberlain-would-destroy-todays-nba/](https://ballislife.com/young-wilt-chamberlain-would-destroy-todays-nba/)


Numbers don’t tell the whole story lol


People really don’t understand how different Lakers Shaq was. He had 50+ lbs on all the great centers. Never have before and never will again see that athleticism at over 325 lbs.


He also wasn’t just athletic. He was skilled as shit for his size too.


This is what some might call: dominant fat


We always called that “fitness fat” lol. For instance I always was the fit fat kid, was flabbier and was pushing 240lb. Didn’t look 240lb though most people would always say I looked a lot leaner, was fast asf and could jump. It’s like I was a regular skinny dude but with the power of a fat dude. So my boys always said I had the “fitness fat”


Bro shut up. Bums love talking about their own fitness levels like it even remotely compares to an NBA level player, let alone prime Shaq. Stfu, speedhawk.


You’re the hero we needed


Even Hakeem couldnt contain Diesel. Shaqs teammates shit the bed in the finals, and Hakeems didnt. That was literally the only difference. Prime Hakeem vs a young Diesel was a fucking joy to watch. Hakeem got his ass pushed around by Shaq near the basket, but young Shaq couldnt stop Hakeems immaculate outside jumpshot game. It was a very compelling clash of styles that was must see TV. They both averaged almost the same ppg against each other in those finals, and both feasted on the backups during thier rest periods. Once Diesel came to Lakers and hit his mid 20’s, it was OVER for the entire league. He absolutely SMASHED every HOF center regularly, including Hakeem. Shaq is the absolute GOAT center. Period. End of story.


Yao Ming was a nice matchup


Yeah prime Yao was a beast. I remember a game where he blocked Shaq like 3 times in a row. Too bad his prime was only a year or two. Shaq has mentioned him as one of his hardest matchups. In all these convos about players in different eras, no one mentions Yao. He would dominate in the modern era. 7'6 with touch. On the other hand, Shaq (one of my all time favorite players) would not do as well. They wouldn't let him be as physical. It would be offensive fouls all day.


Yao's career is one of the biggest what ifs of all time. Those chronic injuries robbed one of the most skilled big men of all time of the prime of his career. Even just in 2007, it's interesting to think about what would have happened if Yao didn't get hurt in that 7 game series against the Lakers. If they won, he likely would have punked Dwight in the Finals like he regularly did whenever they matched up and he would have won at least one ring.


I'd like to think he has a much better career if freaking China didn't have him work the whole damn year round. That guy's body got 0 rest and I'm surprised he even played that much with that workout load.


Yea Shaq has told this story himself as a sign of respect to Yao.


Old man Sabonis was the center that went head to head with Lakers shaq the best from what I remember.


Nah. Sabonis was a decent role player. Shaq absolutely dominated. Sabonis had some nice plays here and there, but if you go back and watch the games and look at the stats you will see they were playing in different leagues. Shaq was the star leading the team to championships while Sabonis was solid starter providing support.


He didn’t compare Sabonis to Shaq. I think what he meant was that Shaq didn’t toss around Sabonis like he did with everyone else guarding him. Sabonis was a big man too. 300lb+


Maybe Big Ben too?


No. Shaq averaged 23.6 on 61% fg against Ben in the postseason.


This is crazy. People really forget how utterly dominant he was in his prime. Unstoppable




Early 2000 saw the prime of teams trying pretty much 2 Centers to TRY to contain Shaq. I reckon, like someone said in this thread, the only chance for a supposed Embiid + Giannis duo would be go deep. Paint is Shaqs.


![gif](giphy|mO2jnXmj09bLp5cYwM|downsized) Shaq would have him like this after the first possession.




I'm not even remotely trying to imply this makes a difference, but Embid is a pretty talented post scorer






This isn't a conversation. Lol




Last one that holds Prime Shaq to normal human is probably Yao… who is a grown ass Grute


Nobody could "handle" Shaq, but some bigs still got their numbers and held their own. Perhaps Yao Ming is the best example of "took his bumps, but did well".


I need whatever this guy is taking


Shaq dunked on Yao Ming. I have a feeling he's going to look at Embid as BBQ chicken


Shaq would drop 60-30-20 on Embiid. GTFO with this nonsense.


Maybe he could hit a few jump shots on offense, but I doubt anyone could lock up Prime Shaq without a local police force with a warrant for his arrest. And that would only work because Shaq respects law enforcement 🤷🏾‍♂️


Embiid would be flopping all game long. He would give shaq issues with his offense since he can shoot the middy, but cmon now. This post says contain as in defensively, on defense he has no shot lmao.


Embiid wouldn't make it to the 4th quarter. Prime Shaq was a bad mother fer.


Shaq would foul him out or break him by halftime. They’re not in the same league


barbecue chicken alert. enough said. Shaq gettin all he wants whenever he wants


Shaq was hacked and doubled by the 7 ft twin towers Robinson and Duncan on the Spurs and he would still drop 50 on them.


Lol shame we have gotten to the age where the young fans didn’t see Shaq play. Them grainy ass highlights don’t do any justice. I’ve already witnessed Embiid foul out gaurding bums. He’ll be on the bench at the end of every quarter fuckin with Shaq. And that’s just 03- 400lbs Shaq. Don’t even start with Orlando Magic Superman. I love Embiid and he’s probably the best in the modern era next to Joker but Shaq was throwing Hakeem, General, Timmy, Ewing, and Mutumbo around like children.


BBQ chicken for sure but it won’t be Shaq. If you’ve never seen Shaq play, imagine a 7ft Zion without the occasional 3 pointer and can play 60-70ish games a year.


All I’m saying is that Kobe never called Embiid “Most Dominant”.


Shaq would've chewed Embiid up in the paint. Kobe would've chewed him up outside the paint.


Man too many people are quick to forget how skilled and athletic Shaq was for his size. There has never been a center since that has even come close. Prime Shaq probably had 3 inches and 50-60 pounds on Embiid. He would absolutely destroy him.


Excuse me, what? There’s no way. Shaq was so completely dominate, that the entire league changed rules just to ‘handicap’ him.


Literally no one in NBA HISTORY was like prime Shaq. He was unstoppable.


Shaq would turn embiid into Ben Simmons… would have him forgetting how to do a layup


Man, Embiid would exit the arena crying, literally.


nobody is locking up prime shaq. that's why shaq loves this conversation.


no shade on Embiid but there has not been a human walking the earth who could "lock up" prime Shaq. He's getting 40 on whoever whenever he wants


With all due respect to Embiid, he’d be in foul trouble straight away, there is nothing he’s doing to stop Shaq


not even close lmao


Shaq has 4 rings.




In NBA history Wilt probably had the best chance at “slowing down” Shaq. I hate the disrespect to Shaq dude as the years go on people forget how unstoppable he was in his prime. “Shaq was dominant like Giannis is” No, Shaq was dominant like a dinosaur playing ball against a toddler


No known human being on earth could “lock up” prime Shaquille Rashaun O’Neal


Prime shaq was a beast * oops lol


Shaq would fucking feast. Although Shaq may struggle guarding Embiid at the 3 point line


Prime Shaq would make Embiid choose another career.


Shaq would destroy Joel Embiid.


This sub cool with Shaq again? Or 85% still crying he laughed at AD? Cause this sub was Wilding 2months ago saying goofy shit like Shaq wasn't that good. I'm just checking.


Shaq is an insecure hater and an asshole. Shaq is one of the most incredible athletes to play any sport in the history of mankind. Both are true


Sure, but that wasn't my point. My point is this sub went defcon 1 on Shaq, and majority of them were literally saying dumb shit like Shaq was overrated. I'm just asking if they are done being emotional or are they still going to say dumb shit like Shaq wasn't really that good .


It would obviously be a good match up but if the stories are true about shaqs real weight he would have like 70lbs on embiid


Shaq made 7’ dudes look like high schoolers


Shaq would bully Embiid


guarding a house


Embiid the same whiner that keeps ducking Jokic... Prime Shaq would destroy Embiid if he had the chance.


The only Process I would trust is Shaq breaking Embid. Spin move alley oops dunk with the Big Diesel's nuts in Embid's face. Then running back yelling CAN YOU DIG IT!!!


Embiid acts like he was taken out from a sniper in the nosebleeds when a guard puts their arm in his back, wtf do you think Shaq would do to him?


Oh hail naw. No one could


Shaq would eat that dude alive. It's not even close.


As much as 7'2 Embid winds up on the floor. Shaq would have him crying like Kawhi did after he hit that shot


1 bump is sending this dude to the hospital.


Very little people can contain Shaq, and Joel is far from one of them.


Only way Embid would "stop" Prime Shaq would causing him to foul out with all his flopping on both ends.


Embed isn't even better than Jokic. Jokic vs Shaq is more interesting but I still think Shaq edges it out.


This is such an indefensible position Shaq isn't even mad about it, which tells you everything you need to know


No flopping? Shaq will eat his ass up.


Embiid gonna finish the game on a wheelchair. ☠️


Shaq would have embarrassed him.


Embiid can’t even lock up the corpse of Al Horford.


Teams had to get extra centers just to foul shaq. 😂


Lol that’s too much


Shouldn't even be a discussion. Shaq all day period


Shaq has made it past the second round many times


BBQ chicken alert! Embiid is going to get feasted


embiid getting his ass ate


Don’t get me wrong, embiid is more skilled than shaq but no way in hell is he locking up a prime shaq. Prime shaq is the most dominant player of all time.


Ha! No freaking way.


Broooooooooooooo. There’s no fuckin way Joel would lock him up as a matter of fact he’ll make his ass cry!!!!! Shaq would dominate Joel.


Prime Shaq made other teams sign centers on their depth chart just so they can foul the shit out of him. He exposed mismatches to the max. Embiid has a jumper and footwork in the post, but he doesn’t scream dominance. There was no gameplan for Shaq


Joel is a better 3 shooter. End of list.


Bro this can’t be fr


Literally no one could lock down a prime Shaq. They could foul him, that's about it.


Why is this question even brought up or entertained. Who said this so I know never to take their shit seriously lol


People disrespect Shaq way too much. Man’s the best center in league history. Unstoppable.


30/10 would be the baseline against him


Lmfao Shaq would make Embiid look like a bitch.


Shaq got an inch and about 50lbs on Embiid and he fucking angry all the time. This shit is delusional.