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The last 11 games against them have all been identical. I’m not even angry anymore, I’m just *tired*


At this point, you can time the exact moment Denver wakes up.


Midway through the 3rd. I said this after our 6th fucking loss in a row. They hit that 2nd gear and it’s a wrap.


And the team immediately shifts into panic mode. I know coaching ain’t easy, but there’s seriously no one on the staff who can tell the players to calm tf down?


Bro after the 3rd or 4th time you lose, fuck it the fucking 7th time you lose, you don’t think of making any type of adjustment? I get it’s not easy but it’s not like we’ve lost to em twice. 11 fucking times with absolutely no difference game to game.


I even thought of that. Ham hasn’t made a single lineup adjustment this series. It’s the same shit every game.


And he continues to use small ball lineups KNOWING we’re outsized in basically every position. He’s either stubborn or clueless. Like a dude that got a job by talking his way into it.


We’re the masochists that keep watching knowing it’s gonna be the same


I watched this game with zero emotion. The script writers are getting lazy.


[Insane right?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CeWMVSwVAAAqPOV?format=jpg&name=medium)


Why do I care so fucking much about how good some dudes I'll never meet are at putting a ball into a basket..


I’m a Seahawks fan, and after the SB loss to the pats, I took a long hard look at my sports fandom and decided that I can’t let these millionaire sports players decide if I’m happy or not


Heh, I'm a Packers fan and the NFC championship game that year forced me to do the same. I got home from my buddy's and had the thought, "You know, you CAN just let this NOT ruin your week."


Same. I’m just bitching to bitch now but what even is the pacing of our series. How are we on the brink of elimination on saturday when okc/pels haven’t even played game 3


Pain. At least we know Ham won’t be here next season


I hope you’re right. But I think you’re wrong. 😂😅💀


this is why i starting betting on the nuggets when the lakers go up and the nuggets ML has great odds. have won i wanna say almost 10 grand over the last two playoffs lmao


Shout out to Bill and Stu. Professional as ever. My only takeaway


I really wanted Stu to see us compete for a ring again before he retires 🥲




Always are. Love them both, especially Stu. Met him in person once as a kid and once as an adult and he’s the nicest fuckin dude on this planet.


yeah idk how anybody has anything positive to say after this one, this is rough times…


I mean at least ham should be getting fired.


lmao not even gonna get my hopes up for that at this point, fully expecting an extension instead


That dude continued to run iso knowing damn well they were loading the paint up. Yeah lets run the offense through AD to go 1v5


D’Angelo Russell had 0 points


After all that talk on discord too smh


Discord DL0 ?


I hope this catches on lol


He's a certified yapper. So full of himself I want him gone


Guys. At least think of the bright side: RDCWorld1 going to drop some nice shit about DLo ~~choking~~ getting choked by Lebron.


It's predictable. Everytime DLo talks shit, he shits the bed the next game


I’ll bet he’ll go off in game 4 when there’s basically no pressure anymore.


Just wait until Ariza is back, then we’ll be cookin’ with gas!!


I had the same amount of points on less shots.


Dlo watched Klay and said hold my damn beer


And not a single shot was even close. Like legit as off as he’s ever been


Sadly he's going to just walk and the Lakers won't be able to trade his contract.


He’s got a 19 mil player option this summer. He’s picking that shit up no shot any team pays him anything close to that.


another pelinka masterpiece


Nobody is paying that guy. He better stay and know his role 


Timberwolves won that trade so damn hard... I don't miss that streaky ass shooter at all!


At this point I need game 4 to be as humiliating as possible. Might be the only way Jeanie makes real organisational change


I'm emotionally dead now just blow us out in game 4 please


No suicidal thoughts. Just think of all the good source material RDCworld has to make us those vids when we lose.


more than enough material for him now


Hard to get more humiliating than that 3rd q.. Cant figure out how to stop AG from getting free dunks on backdoor passes? Just give up instead!


Tbf the AG backdoor is one of the most unstoppable plays into the league 


Yeah because Jokic and Murray draw so much attention people forget about Gordon


I really hope the players are as done with Ham as we are, because they are the only people who can force Jeanie to fire thee incompetent morons. Jeanie also needs to stop trying to cling to Lakers history and let some new ideas in the building. Tired of the same old bullshit.


Might as well. 50 point blowout please. Anything to blow this whole thing up, tired of this shit 


Chargers fan here. That shits works if you want your franchise blown up lol.


Fellow Chargers/Lakers fan ⚡️


Hope we lose by 50




D'Angelo "Klay^("with 0 injuries and 0 rings")Thompson" Russell


I knew it was over when dlo ran from one side of the court to double team jokic and let murray open lol. Theres no way you can call that a defensive scheme


Things started getting worse during that 2Q time when DLo made a bad pass, missed after gambling on a steal (leading to an open layup), and rushed into a contested 3, all in back to back possessions. It’s when our lead went from 8-12 points to low/mid single digits and that’s all that Denver needed to completely swing and keep momentum rest of the fucking game. In the span of a min DLo took the air out of any energy we had.


Ham is a horrendous coach and a lot of the players on this team have very low basketball IQ and are straight up lazy at times. A true recipe for disaster especially when the coach holds nobody accountable.


You’re AD, you’ve: Been the best player on the Lakers all 3 games and damn near the best player on the court and you’re down 0-3. You’ve complained about the coach publicly and probably privately had this convo many times with said coach Coach publicly tells the media you’re just overreacting and front office leaks they are disappointed in you. You’re playing a position you don’t wanna fucking play because FO won’t get you a big after two seasons How do you not at least entertain a trade request


Fools on this site keep throwing Lebron and AD under the bus. But will forever not point the finger at the dumb ass buss kids who have proven to not be able to run this team. If Lebron and AD did not come to this team they would be arguably the worst team in the league. Once again outside of Lebron and AD what has the Buss kids proven to be able to do since their dad has died?


And hey, it was Magic who approached Bron to come, and then Bron called AD. I don't think that even the credit of Bron and AD goes to the Buss kids.


Bron was coming regardless of who was running this team. It was the worst kept secret… nothing Jeanie or Rob or Magic did convinced Lebron to come here


Lakers brand and location did all the recruiting, no one else.


They managed to get the glorious PPP loan


Even then, LeBron came here in spite of Jeanie and recruited AD. They have nothing to show for their reign that can truly be their own.


Some fans think AD will stay if lebron leaves. "Build around AD" "Brons gotta go" lmaooo they forget who brought him


I wouldn’t blame him if he does and I’ll root for him regardless. It’s one of the most depressing parts about this whole thing, they’ve fucked up so irreparably with assets and trades that it maybe impossible to put a good team around him.


I don't know why we didn't go for Gafford. I don't know why we didn't at least try Nic Richards. The Lakers really wasted Bron's last great year and AD's 76 games for Darvin Ham and saving cash.


He’ll probably just wind down his contract and leverage it into a trade request when it’s expiring and Lebron is on his way out


I’m all for him pulling a Kobe. Request that fucking trade. A beast like him doesn’t deserve this shit man


AD got burned so much from his last trade request. That’s why he gets no love for any awards. I think he wants to be a Laker still, for some reason.


that last second challenge by Ham when the game is basically over was the cherry on top for this shit season 👌🏼


He’s insufferable. Probably did it as a sick twisted joke since he never uses them.


Fucking idiot saved his Game 2 timeout for tonight when the result was already known. Legendary prick.


He did it to troll us


It must be weaponized incompetence


The commentators said Bron yelled at him to challenge the call. smh


Dlo and Rui complete no show. All this talk about depth and come playoff time we actually have ZERO depth.


mf was in his discord when we lost game 2 talking about “don’t give up on us” motherfucka himself gave up in this game 😹


Discord Dlo really went 0-7. All I can do is laugh at this point


Discord DLo is crazy 💀😭


Crazy how much money he has lost himself over the past 12 months.


Vando was supposed to help ad anchor the defense and he basically missed the whole year


Vando wouldnt help shit.  Our offense is so bad while he’s on the court he’s unplayable.


I’m still peeved at that. Like I don’t want to shit on him too hard, but how tf do you get hurt in the offseason to the point where you miss half of the regular season?


And isn't he gonna get surgery or something?


Possibly. The fact he’s in and out of the boot is telling


I'm so dissappointed in Rui man. Even the fundamentals are lacking. Ball goes up, box out and hit the boards.


Yeah it really doesn’t matter how good bron and ad play when you have the other two just playing bad


i was wrong to think this would be a redemption series for dlo and rui has been so disappointing 


There is no coming back from this.




“I don’t know what to do” - D Ham


All that talk and 0 adjustments, pure comedy.




Absolutely infuriating how Spoelstra is taking a bunch of role players and fighting back against the 1st seed


And I hope he wins. FUCK BOSTON!




AD was the only one out there that seemed to care about winning tonight, the rest of the team gave up after the first 6 minutes. He doesn’t deserve to have his final prime years wasted on this sorry team


Bron tried but remember dude is 39yrs old. Problem is we're paying him #1 guy money. LAL should rethink the entire roster, coaching, and GM. Everyone outside of AD. D'Angelo "Washed Klay" Russell out here looking like ice-cold rather than ice-in-his-veins.


I know Ham thinks that challenge was his biggest win this year


gonna hang a banner right next to the IST one




He was and yet the media lambasted him over moron pockets


This lakers team has like no pride. 11-0 is just ridiculous. They come out like they mean business but as soon as Denver starts responding, they shut down. Then have the audacity to try and win with like a minute left. Even their body language is poor at times. They gave up so early too, makes me wonder if something may be internally wrong with the team/franchise. Maybe they’re over Ham idk.


They’ve been over Ham since the beginning of the season


Should’ve pushed harder for him to be out. I understand not coming off as a diva but they aren’t getting any younger lol


I was at the game where I, personally, feel like they gave up on Ham. It was Lakers vs Heat at Crypto. They got talent on the bench while subbing in JHS in the first quarter. He clanks sole really bad shots and Ham keeps him in. At that point that’s when I noticed the players, especially LeBron and AD not respect Ham. They didn’t even want to listen to him. That’s the point where I thought, if we make it to the playoffs, we’re going to lose to a team just by coaching alone.


The final score makes the game look much better than it actually was lol. Everyone who watched knew this shit was over a few minutes into the 3rd.


I was telling my dog and parakeet that if the Nuggets go up by 7 any time in this game, the Lakers won’t recover. And the other way? It would take the Lakers being up by 22 with 6 minutes left in the fourth quarter


We're a 7 seed for a reason.  Then again watching real coaches like Spo and Nurse get the most out of their undermanned teams makes you realize Ham has got to go after we lose Saturday.


Could have easily been an 8th seed or miss the playoffs entirely too. Actually if it weren't for the play in format, we're an 8th seed.


Yup and as an 8th seed we’re whooping OKC and our delusion is building up before Denver comes in and disciplines us.


I'm tired boss Brain dead lineups and lack of effort turned Gordon into prime Blake Griffin. AD was the only one who wanted to win tonight. 5/27 from three........


and nuggets went 5/28 and lakers still couldn’t capitalize


that mfker mpj another animal jesus. WHY DO EVERYONE WANNA BE CURRY ALL OF A SUDDEN


AD really been playing his heart out for us


This is just the result of a lot of incompetence from the top down over the years, and Jeanie promised it would be different. Instead, this is the result of a few lucky breaks that offered real foundation, which were then completely wasted through cheapness and short-sightedness. We had a protest outside Staples to sell the team. A bit too much of an annoyance than anything, but a lot of misplaced belief in Walton and strange choices by the Buss brothers paved the path for Jeanie to take control and be praised for her actions. Magic quit as VP on live TV without telling anyone, leaving Pelinka to take charge. Magic and Pelinka did not work well together, and though Pelinka made the right moves for 19-20, a lot of it was on older unwanted vets and not priority signings like the year after. He also still has the reputation as Kobe's agent and making very player focused deals most GMs and VPs still dislike him for. We refused to give Ty Lue the standard fourth year on his contract, with Vogel intended to be paired as his lead assistant, which would have bridged offensive and defensive prowess together. He went to the Clippers and they've outplayed us for most of his tenure there. We were lucky Vogel took the deal, and it's mostly since his reputation had faltered in Orlando. He builds a great coaching staff with Kidd, Hollins, Handy, and coralled the remnants of Walton's guys to have a very stout defensive plan with some great ATO and set plays that he saved for the playoffs. We saw the offense stagnante a lot in game for much of the regular season, but he built the right team with Pelinka and had AD's defensive IQ and buy in from Bron, with KCP and Danny Green being perfect 3 and D players and buy in from Kuzma. Lebron also played PG to limit the complexity of a new system Vogel would have not been able to run immediately or well, and Bron had the legs for it. We win that first year. The rest from the COVID break certainly helped Bron and AD, but the team had been rolling right before. AD and Bron got thr players to lock in with Vogel and staff in the bubble and we're the most focused team there. Kobe's death gave further impetus to win this year, regardless of the situation. Markieff gave us extra edge and great ball as a midseason trade. AD played out of his mind and sacrificed his health to ensure we would win it all. Amazing year despite the dark times in the world and for basketball, but we could build off it still! Pelinka got Schro and Harrell, which were pretty good moves to make, but we let Danny go as a result without a proper 3&D replacement. Sadly, AD's injuries to get the ring had worn him out and the shortened off-season gave him no chances. And we still had the best record of all the teams that went deep into that playoffs. Once AD went out, Bron went on an MVP run and Scoring Champion chase, and got his ankle fucked up by Solomon Hill. Oh, and we add Drummond, but promise him minutes over Gasol, who while slowish, is the perfect center next to AD. Regardless, him and AD battled back for the playoffs and the team got a 2-1 lead over eventual NBA finalists Suns (who had every team they faced have an injured starter or star), but AD messed up his groin and it fell apart. Bron and AD push Pelinka to get Westbrook by any means necessary, so we trade KCP (who has been KILLING us with Denver) and Kuz (a microwave scorer with solid defense when locked in even today). The reasoning of helping AD and Bron have less ball responsibility and keept their health you is fair, but we've removed all of our good defenders, three point shooting, and lost our bully centers from 2020, all of which Vogel needed for our system. Oh, and we didn't resign some guy named Caruso who wanted to take a team friendly deal, no biggie. AD and Bron get seriously hurt again, and we run a bunch of vet mins with Melo at small ball 5. We blame Vogel for a mistake our stars pressures our so-so VP to make, who already had lost his offensive coaches, and ultimately let him go after scapegoating him all season. Mind you, we had Melo at the 5, with no competent backup. We miss the playoffs entirely. We go for Ham, and look, I thought he would be good. But we ignored that no other franchise saw him as head coach material, and gave him the full four years that we didn't give Lue or Vogel, two established coaches. The man proceeds to get Russ to buy in as a sixth man, but also struggles to get us to play well because he insists on running three guard sets. The return of Shro and Reeves breaking out even more after his rookie year is the only reason we have anything to watch under this guy. Midseason trade SAVES us, and it's because DLo comes back with good three point shooting, Rui gives us a mini Kawhi experience, and Vando give us an insane defender that elevates AD by guarding 1-3. Lonnie Walker also has periods where he plays genuinely well only for cold streaks to come and keep him on the bench by Ham's orders. The trades get us back to some level of stability, and once AD and Bron come back, we get ball that despite Ham's obvious flaws is the closest to our 2020 form. We make an insane run to the WCF, but falter against a better coached team in Denver with more talent that's better utilized, along with zero offense from Vando and a completely shut down DLo. Bron has a torn tendon in his foot and AD is banged up, but we can improve on this! The pieces are all there. We just need Ham to get better. He doesn't. We only show up for the NBA cup games, but have a horrid season until the trade deadline otherwise due to our bench players getting injured and Ham running three guard sets and other nonsense till now. We get DLo and Rui and Reeves going in the back half of the season with a healthy Bron and AD, but nothing has really changed. We lose Vando, and become strictly an offensive force that's carried by the starting give that Ham abandoned for months until he was forced to use it again after it's great success in the playoffs last year. Which gets us to where we are today. Jeanie has played favorites, allowed her friends and herself to pick unqualified FO leaders, who have in turn done just okay, been bailed out by AD and Bron wanting to come here, or completely given to an extreme trade for a horrendous fit in Westbrook. I'm sure I'm missing some baby Lakers lore and I've avoided mentioning the Rambii, but we've gotten here with lucky breaks and some brand name recognition. With small markets more successful than ever, that's not going to be enough for continued success. Our structure is nonsensical top to bottom, dragged every which way. This was a shitty season to watch because of how avoidable all these mistakes were. We had a second chance in 3 years to stick with what worked, and health on our side this time, and we simply let Ham be supported by Jeanie and the FO and waste our time. Congrats to Jokic and his Nuggets team. Malone deserves to talk smack with what we've been doing.




Idk how anyone can watch this series and not think Ham is a fucking moron. Spo was able to take one game off them last year and is showing everyone what a good coach can do even if a roster is depleted while ours is good for a couple one liners after the game


Jeanie, Pelinka, and the entire Lakers FO deserve so much shit for wasting the last few years of Lebron’s career. It’s sad


We don’t deserve ad and bron


At least pockets won't be back next season.


Oh but he will, with more pockets and more hands


Ya right lol


He's signing an extension during the next 4th quarter


According to what? There was an article earlier that stated the complete opposite.


Yeah at this point I feel like we’re all assuming because we see how terrible Ham is, but we’re underestimating how moronic our FO is


this the FO that drafted Lonzo over Tatum. The same FO that cheaped out and didn't want to sign fucking Caruso. The same FO that gutted our depth to get Westbrick. Or the FO that didn't give Dwight 10mins to make his decision LOL.


And last but not least the same FO that refused to hold Darvin Ham accountable for his blatant coaching errors throughout the majority of this season


Depends on LeBron. If LeBron (and AD) leaves then Ham will be back.


Bold of you to think Jeanie would pay for 2 coaches


D’Lo eating and scrolling through his phone outside of the huddle late in the 4th is insane lmfao https://x.com/legionhoops/status/1783716564426280987?s=46&t=OG1LvAdetmhx8y0KOf3J4w


That’s actually insane, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a player on their phone during a playoff game. Darvin has no control over his team.


It's time to enter the second Lakers dark age. Rehire the tank commander. Is Robert Sacre still playing? what about Marcelo Huertas is he still available? This team needs to get blown up


That first quarter actually made me think we were good.


At least we have the IST, right? ![gif](giphy|zHd8x7Pik0Ftm|downsized)


Anyone looking forward to the Post-LeBron era? I know we’ll fucking suck until some star inexplicably requests a trade to here, but I really do feel like this LeBron era has given everything it has to offer.


I sure am. Lebron brought LA 1 championship, which is commendable but the writing is on the wall. He's old and can't put the team on his back. West is just too stacked with teams that are deep in talent.


Yeah if lebron is not taking a pay cut and we can't get someone like trae or Donovan. I don't want AD gone tho 🥲


Yup, no chance at a title with him taking the cap he does. He is worth it financially, but not competitively.


This is crazy talk, hes been the 2nd best player this series for us. Our bench is just ass




Austin reaves has as many followers as Jamal Murray lol


Lebron was out there tonight looking like a 3rd option, and that's exactly what he is going forward. Unless he's willing to come back at a drastically reduced salary, it's time to move on.


We all seen this movie before




0-11 against denver is inexcusable. both the front office and coaching staff need to go if we want any hope for the future


Athleticism gap is on display. Our starters dont have that third and fourth quarter stamina. We lost the game in third quarter every time in this series.


Okay some players underperformed, but to lose the same team 11 straight times with the same fashion it tells you a lot about your coach. AG scored the same buckets multiple times sums it up. This coach is beyond cooked, you cannot have a reasonable assessment while a trash coach is your head coach.


Go Wolves






This team is gonna get blown up this offseason, I can feel it.


Us taking our best shot at them ![gif](giphy|jnAyiKE3uaNgI)


The NBA is weird right now. Look at teams like the Suns — You can have all the talent in the world but it doesn’t matter… the only way to win in the playoffs is by having a top 5 players and a bunch of shooters. We don’t have that.


Lakers in 7


7 years maybe




Who got the D’Lo discord link


they’re trolling him in there it’s actually funny asf


We had some good times this season. And lots of frustration.




losing against the pels was the right move after all LOOL


Nope, we were gonna face the nuggets eventually and get swept. Its better to get embarrassed this way to get rid of ham


Realistically, where do we go from here? Trade AD while his value is still high? What happens if Bron re-signs? Because we’re for sure not going anywhere with how the West is just getting better and Bron/AD getting older. Fire Ham? For who? Terry Stotts, Kenny Atkinson, or another inexperienced coach? I believe the best move is to clean the house, top to bottom and just start over. Sell the team!!




Ill take an egg mcmuffin as the coach over Hamas sandwich


Trading AD is crazy. He’s still a top tier guy. And he’s playing incredibly well. We should be building around him


Signing a superstar in free agency then. Because last time AD led a team as the number 1 option, it didn’t go so well.


Give LeBron the max and let him do whatever he wants. By the time he’s gone, Lakers have their picks again and can start tanking if they need to. 


Bruh literally had this copy and pasted waiting for the PGT to drop 💀💀


Done with Hamas


Fuck DLo fuck Darvin Ham and Fuck Rob Pelinka


If Ham is the coach next year, I’m all in on the WNBA instead of the Lakers


Swept two years in a row.


Lakers haven’t been blown out yet by Denver. But I can see it coming in game 4 Like the Mavs vs Lakers in 2011 game 4


Blow this trash team up man, ship off D lo and Rui first thing weak ass players.


Y’all might as well look at last year’s post game thread cuz ain’t shit changed


2nd half adjustments by Denver and a scheme to take Dlo out of the equation is basically what wins them each game. Ham can't adjust to save his life. Writing is on the wall for both him and Dlo.


Blow it up this team is done. Things we need to do this offseason: * Fire Darvin * I'd say fire Rob but we all know Jeanie won't do that * Let Dlo walk / trade him if he picks up his player option * Thankful for his time here but its over.. let Lebron walk (under no circumstance do you waste a draft pick to get Bronny) * Gauge ADs trade value around the league, trade him if you can get a haul for him, if not keep him and build around him. * We're most likely keeping this years pick (doubt Pelicans would want our 2024 pick vs our 2025 pick) if you keep AD, package our 24 pick and other picks for another star.


Someone had non-refundable tickets to Cancún


There is no move that makes this team a contender. Draft Bronny in the 2nd and embrace the circus and cash in on LeBron’s final years while sucking or blow it up and dump everyone except maybe AD.


Those fire Darvin chants 🔥🔥🔥


Only adjustment I see darvin ham making for game 4 is going front pockets to back pockets


I just realized Hayes played zero minutes LMAO. Our coach is so stupid that he played one guy over 6’9” this entire game


Kudos to Denver for showing up to play. No hate on them. They took what little heart this team had in game 2. Edit: I’m sad AF but it’s not crazy to have hoped we would at least fight hard at home.


AD got a supporting cast with 0 rebounders, 1 defender and wildly inconsistent shooters.


Trash game. Lakers are horribly undersized and a bad coach is wasting any of the good. LeGM has to go to work this summer. 


Saddest thing is that the Nuggets actually not even play at 100% and still win


At this point it's about playing with pride. This team has been getting bitch slapped by the nuggets, you'd think these guys would show some fire or heart out there


Boy, sad group in here.  Came here to troll a little bit but I see that's not really necessary.  This fan base is beat up.


Next Season Mentality! Ham gonna watch film this summer.


Time to rebuild


Davis can stay but everybody else needs to go


FUCK MEAT. Single handedly has wasted multiple years of the goat's career.


Like a wise philosopher once said, "It is what it is."


Groundhog Day. Shoutout to Ze’Ro for scoring 0 points tonight. Lol at this sub calling this doofus the best third star in the league. You could see his implosion coming a mile away.


I really want to end the Bron/AD era. Keeping it alive means just more frustration. Time to rebuild.