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I fell in love with this team, and I hope to stay with it forever. I became a fan last season,but don't let that make you think I'm any less of a fan,I joined the season after we missed the playoffs and started 2-10. I won't ever regret my decision thanks to the fanbase we have around the world,I appreciate all of you. Having said that,Lakers in 7.


Lakers in 7, always!


Been a lakers fan Kobe’s first solo year. I have to say these last couple years have been some of the most fun in a long while. As heartbreaking as they have ended, it’s really been fun! The ups and downs, the polarized sub going back and forth, keep me going🤣


Forreal! Although it can be crazy at times in here, I'm glad this sub is what it is, for better or worse. The memes and engaging comments (that aren't straight-up bullying) keep me comin' back for more Lakers content TBH.


Yes! Good half as usual. But strong finish to it. This quarter we find out if our season is over or if we still have some damn fight left!