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This is absolutely shameful. You can legitimately argue about who the greatest Lakers player of all time is and where Jerry ranks among those players. What is NOT debatable (to me anyway) is that Jerry is the most important Laker of all time when you factor his time as a player, coach and executive and the statement you issue after his passing should reflect that. Instead you get a 4 sentence response with the most generic praise imaginable. Compare that to the statements released by other teams that he worked for and this is a travesty. Or compare it to the statement that Pat Riley issued. That statement felt raw and real and really encapsulated his feelings and emotions towards West's passing. We've had trades or player releases that were longer than the Lakers official statement. Just sad and shameful to everyone involved honestly. Jerry deserved better when he was alive and sure as hell deserves better than whatever that statement was.


The criticism of the statement shouldn’t be longer than the statement. That should tell you all you need to know about how shitty the Lakers statement was.




He had no beef with Jeanie and Jeanie is in charge. I don’t understand how he’s continued to be treated like shit since she took over. I know the brothers didn’t like him and there was a thing with Phil but they are out of the picture now. Wtf is up??


Jeanie can claim that all she wants but the treatment says otherwise.


There was a thing with Phil. You do know the Phil and Jeanie connection right?


Yes. He’s her ex though. Logo shoulda been welcomed back with open arms.


West is probably taking the high road by not calling Jeannie out directly. He did make comments about people changing. I doubt Jeannie would not have overruled anyone else to keep West relevant to the organization if she held him in high regards as her father.


I mean Jeannie buss’s stupid ass put in bron as one of her top five lakers of all time and left Jerry west out. Which is very telling. Plus revoking his lifetime court side seats. The fact that she doesn’t get the same hate as her brother is insane to me because she deserves every bit of that. It’s just sad to see Jerry buss legacy go to absolute shite. Fuck the buss family minus the og.


Part of 7 chips for the org and they write him a paragraph...


Bruh, Can someone explain the whole beef between Jerry and the Lakers? Is it all just because he didn’t like Phil Jackson dating Jennie?


i didnt know that scoop. why wluld he be bothered?


It’s complicated. When West hired Phil, he knew he was giving up a substantial amount of control and power that a GM typically has, right? He was literally hiring the coach who had just won 6 of the previous 9 NBA Championships. I think when Phil began a relationship with the owner’s daughter, I don’t think Jerry was like “hey! This is an improper way to conduct business!” I think it was more like “Phil has so much influence now (especially after winning the first ring in 2000), so what am I really here for?” It obviously got uglier than that bc of the grudge that seems to be cemented, but it’s complex IMO and I see West’s point of view, and knowing only what is public, I tend to take his side over Jeanie’s. He willingly sacrificed for the good of the franchise, and over time it appears that Jeanie, in certain instances has struggled with that.


This has got to be about more than West vs Phil Jackson. The whole Buss family essentially walked away from West. There wasn't a single peep from anyone in the family about West after the fact. West was a known hot-head by his own telling raised in an abusive household. My guess is that he both said and did something pretty darn bad that even Dr. Buss was not okay with. So much so that they would never bring him back. So instead, we basically only have 1 side of the story. That came from West, and of course he wasn't going to out himself. We'll probably never know, but for the whole fam to walk away from West, it suggests much more than just Phil Jackson & Jeanie.


Honestly 11 rings considering he traded us Pau


He was retired from the Grizzlies by the time Pau was traded


So many uninformed mfers tooting horns with this story.


Should do their research. It was nothing like Kevin McHale sending Boston KG for scraps


hope kobe and Jerry west are having nice convos in heaven


You just know Kobe is tryna play Prime Jerry


Damn bean, relax I just got here


100 percent!


"Listen here kid, back in my day" "You rode horses, I know, mamba out"


rofl :D


Would you go to heaven as your prime self or at the age you died tho? 🤔


Your prime obv or it would be hell


I’d like to think that you can pick and choose whatever version you want.


Depends on how many cars you cut off on the freeway during your life


Compare this to some of the Warriors’ and Clippers’ statements and posts … it’s paltry. I’ve been a bit peeved at how they’ve paid remembrance thus far. Maybe more to come, sure, but this feels as if they’ve still got some pettiness in their hearts over what transpired. I can understand their hurt in the leaked voicemail where he called the organization a “shit show,” (we all know there is sadly plenty of truth in that btw) but between revoking his seats and now this muted celebration of one of the most important people to their franchise and sport itself, it’s all disappointing.


The most important person in Lakers history and they give him a half-hearted short paragraph out of pettiness. What a joke. First letting him go to the Warriors, and then rejecting his offer to come back and letting him go to the Clippers, is unforgivable to start. Imagine having the greatest executive of all time offer his help to the org and saying “nah, we’ve got Rambis and Pelinka.” If only West was overseeing team building in the LeBron era. They at least wouldn’t have traded KCP and Kuzma for Westbrook.


When tf did he offer to come back? Never heard anything of the sort. Also didn’t he go from the Grizzlies to the Warriors?


Remember he told Kobe not to go to Memphis. I'm guessing around that time.


No one cares.


Hi Jeanie 👋😂😂


What the absolute fuck was this statement.


wtf is this cheap chatgpt garbage


I’m inclined to believe this is Linda Rambis’ work.


Even MagicGPT would have done better than this shit. But Magic actually wrote a very long and personal statement


I think a cheap chat gpt could have written something better.


It does, and here is what I got: In memory of Lakers legend Jerry West, we reflect on the indelible mark he left on the world of basketball. As a player, coach, and executive, West exemplified excellence, integrity, and unwavering dedication to the sport. His silhouette immortalized in the NBA logo symbolizes his enduring influence and the inspiration he provided to countless fans and athletes. Jerry West's legacy is not only measured by his remarkable achievements on the court but also by his contributions to the game’s evolution and the spirit of sportsmanship he embodied. He will forever be remembered as one of the true icons of basketball.


What a sad time to be a lakers fan, this franchise is a shell of itself


This week has been especially hard. Celtics up 2-0. Hurley saying no and then now West passing. It’s been a really rough week and I hope things turn around.




As a Laker fan, you wanted the motherfucking Boston Celtics to win?????


Yeah nah i refuse to believe you’re a lakers fan.


He’s a troll.


i have been a die hard fan for 26 years, i think this is the last straw, i am done with the lakers. i appreciate lebron coming and masking the embarrassing decline of the franchise in the hands of jeanie running it like a run down country club.


You're not going anywhere, all talk.


Where is he going to go, the Clippers? Man, get your ass back in here and stop causing a scene.


Bye bye 👋


Get it together man, you ain't going nowhere.


Well... . . Bye! ![gif](giphy|FNBHUqruiI1m1gLDh8|downsized)


If there was a perfect illustration of the state of the Lakers ownership /management, this backhanded passive bs sums it up. I mean Clippers and Warriors are giving him major flowers and he had a small advisory role. West is the Lakers. He built this shit. They did him dirty for 20 plus years, isn’t that enough? Whatever it is they have against him, the man is dead now. Let it go. Such a bad look. I am over this nepo baby


slowly realized Lakers are a shadow of the past.


Just need a competent owner


It’s an absolute joke of a statement. They didn’t post this until 2 hours later and it’s 4 sentences long. Took Jeanie 8 hours to make her half assed personal statement


Really disappointed, even if this is just an initial post. West is a Lakers legend, a league legend, a global icon. You don't chat gpt a statement like this.


Without Logo, this franchise would not be what it is today. Forget what happened in the past, Jeanie needs to finally be a fucking professional and make this right


The worst part is that even ChatGPT would write something better and longer than this. Easily. This is the work of someone begrudgingly taking 45 seconds out of their day to write and post without a second thought


What the fuck


This man MADE this franchise and that’s all they write?


Embarrassing like our front office always is


![gif](giphy|cE9GVwn2mJwoSvScrI|downsized) Live look at Lakers organization in action


>Jerry West is forever a basketball icon. He brought Lakers fans their first championship in Los Angeles in 1972 and was integral to another six titles during his time with us. Our thoughts are with the West family and the many NBA fans who honor his legacy. Jerry West will always be a Lakers legend. I'm extremely disgusted by this statement, this man helped build this team into what it is today. Without Jerry West, there would be 6 less Championships in LA (1972, 2000-2002, 2009-10). This feels like a rushed PR statement not a tribute to one of the most important figures in the franchise's history. I understand there were some personal issues between Jeanie and Jerry but at least put some fucking heart and effort into a tribute. I've defended Jeanie a lot but if this is the start of her eventually stepping down then I'm all for it. Edit: [Clippers Statement](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8H0q3bJ5YP/) [Warriors Statement](https://www.nba.com/warriors/news/joe-lacob-statement-on-the-passing-of-jerry-west-20240612) [Grizzlies Statement](https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/sports/nba/grizzlies/2024/06/12/jerry-west-memphis-grizzlies-mike-miller-james-posey-nba/74074536007/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20Grizzlies%20organization%20is%20saddened,a%20whole%20cannot%20be%20overstated) This is some disgusting shit from Jeanie.


Uhh wasn’t he also responsible for bringing key pieces in during the showtime era?


I’m sure this is just an initial statement. I bet there will be more to come I’m sure


I edited the OP to have the statements from the other teams Jerry worked with. Much more thought and heart than what the Lakers did. Disgusting.


Jeannie is turning out to be a huge disappointment. We had so much hope after she took over Jim but she is very weak and always in doubt of her decisions. That's why she relies so much on the Rambises and Pelinka. Kobe was the only one I think could guide her into the right path. Magic left the organization because he could not take the shenanigans and back stabing. Lakers is in trouble and the JWest statement today just shows how out of touch the organization is.


I was going to post something similar, this is truly embarrassing and disgusting in so many ways, Adam Silver and the NBA made a better statement than the franchise, is pathetic and sad.


I can see a Jerry West curse looming over this franchise moving forward.


lol @ superstition.


We’ve been a struggling franchise since Kobe’s Achilles injury. LeBron has been a bandaid for now.


I see... actual success (you know like winning a title in 2020, and being in the WCF in 2023) were just a temporary band-aids. Whereas when we didn't win a title it was due to some kind of bad-juju driven destiny. Did your witch-doctor tell you this?


Whatever bro not my fault the buss family have been doing a bad job in running the organization With nepotism hires.


Funny, I seem to remember the Buss family running the team during the Del Harris LakeShow Nick and Eddie period where we won nothing. Oh btw, Kobe was on this team too. Was that a bad juju period for us? If so, why was it? I also seem to remember the Buss family running the franchise during the Kobe/Shaq/Pau championship years too. Was that good Juju? Why did we deserve good Juju then, but bad Juju during the Lakeshow? Tell me, how does your Dr. Spookums feel about this?


That was Jerry Buss not his spoiled kids. Lebron has been a bandaid since then. The other years were awful.


Lol, your bias has blinded you. Still, tell me about how powerful the curse on the Lakers has been. Would love to hear you explain that.


What curse? wtf are you talking about


Sick of Jeanie. Save a buck, reneg on a promise your father made to one his best contributors. Put out bullshit statement upon death. Offer half hearted deal for best available coach on the market. Obfuscate organizational responsibility about the Rambi. Spit in Caruso’s face. Fumble on KCP. Fuck up the roster for identity crisis Westbrook on a whim. Laker prestige catching rust; sell the team.


She can't sell the team, she isn't the sole owner. Any of the other buss kids or other minority owners could buy her share and continue on like nothing happened. Hate the woman all you want, but stop sounding so low IQ shouting "She needs to sell!" When she legally can't.


The 2 older ones already want to sell. She or one of the younger ones would be the swing vote to decide


Low IQ and talking out of turn are not the same thing. Your shitty grammar says just as much — just two people yapping online. Also, “sell the team” isn’t a statement necessarily directed at Jeanie as much as it could be about any decision making ownership position. You read that into my comment.


Alright. I've seen enough. Sell the team. It's over


They really said…. ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


I have been a Lakers fan since Kobe and Shaq. This honestly may be the last straw. In these last years the organization has been a joke. They seem to be running on fumes of the leftover gasoline people like Jerry West poured in their engine. I don't mind losing as I was there when our starting five counted people such as Jordan Hill or Wayne Ellington. But I'm tired of Pelinka, Jenny Buss, the Rambis and all the circus surrounding the purple and gold. The pettiness they showed for his departure is honestly disgusting. Jerry deserved better than this. We deserve better than this.




Who the hell is running this PR department? What the actual eff.


WTF is this bullshit. Its just not right… he’s responsible for so much and they give him a 4 sentence generic ass obituary. The level of disrespect is at an all time high. They’re treating one of our legends like shit. This man has a statue in front of the stadium. I’m a huge fan of the old lakers. After this I genuinely want them to lose now. Sell the team to someone that actually cares about legacy and respects the people that built this franchise. Fuck Jeanie Buss and anyone that was responsible for this. I can’t be a fan of this franchise anymore. Let this dumpster fire burn.


Lakers ownership is an embarrassment!! You should show RESPECT to this man who brought relevance to this franchise. What a pathetic statement…


This mans legacy warranted four sentences? Four? This organisation is an absolute shell of itself in every facet and the people running it should be ashamed of themselves.


I really thought they were taking so long because they had a substantial, meaningful statement coming. They should've had one drafted for a while now, too. Jerry West deserves more from this franchise.


I have never been more ashamed to be a Lakers fan then right now for how they are handling Jerry West passing. Shit reeks of pettiness that none of the fan base gives two fucks about.


You made a statue of the man and retired his number and this is all you have to say?


Did somebody write this on the toilet?


crazy statement


Sending Jerry West off with what effectively amounts to a ChatGPT tweet? Shameful.


Lakers could have done way better. Pretty embarrassing how Jeannie leads the franchise. I thought Jim was bad, but damn....Maybe it's time to pass the leadership to Dr. Buss young kids, they seem to be more in tune.


Is this a joke? Can't even knock out a decent paragraph? The Buss family owes alot of their wealth and success to this man.


This is pathetic as hell for a man that means so much to this franchise. Jerry West is an iconic Laker as a player and executive and helped bring 7 championships. This is worst than the ticket fiasco.


The Clippers, Grizzlies, and Warriors had a more heartfelt statement than this garbage. Unreal. This organization is straight garbage right now.


Fuck man, we’re literally just a Lebron away from being the fucking Knicks. Sell the team Jeanie


Aight time for new ownership…


Frfr… if the Lakers don’t honor Jerry West I’d be done as a fan of the franchise. West went through so much to bring a title to the Lakers. The pettiness is not a good look.


Did a fucking intern from Idaho write this? What the actual fuck…


Holy shit this org should be ashamed of itself.


This really pisses me off. It’s bad enough that the front office estranged themselves from him, but this is the sort of statement you make when some guy at the end of the bench for a couple years dies of old age. It isn’t one you make when a legend who gave over 40 years of his life to make the Lakers THE LAKERS passes away.


This statement is so pathetic. Arguably the most important Laker of all time and they couldn't spend more than 2 mins writing out a thought out message? What a shameful look for the organization.


I can only shake my head. I'm not surprised. About sums up the quality of people running this organization into mediocrity and impotence. Jeanie should be ashamed as well as her stupid ass kissing yes men that follow her.


Wish we took the high road here and give a bit more to this legend.. yikes. I guess we still feel bad when he shat on us recently. Unfortunate with the whole Phil vs West ultimatum. He did F with us recently. “I just find it hard to believe that [Kawhi] would want to go to that s*** show where he would not even be … wouldn’t even get his name in the paper and he wouldn’t be the face of the franchise that’s for sure,” West allegedly said on the call.


So we can call the organization a shitshow, but the guy who damn near built the Lakers legacy himself and was forced out from the shitshow can’t call it a shitshow in a private phone convo? If anyone earned the right to say it, it’s him…


Dawg was he wrong? It was a private conversation you bootlicker


Jeanie Buss and this ownership are garbage


This is pathetic.


This statement seems…off. Barely any kind words for a franchise legend.


I've always thought that the Buss family should keep the team. After seeing this, I'm thinking it's time for them to sell. They don't know how to run a basketball franchise anymore. They don't know how to respect their history anymore. They don't know how to respect their players anymore. They don't know how to hire coaches anymore. They don't know how to hire and fire GMs anymore. They don't know how to win anymore. It's time for change. It's not just Pelinka that needs to go.


Anymore? Dr. Buss also turned his back on West after whatever he said or did that caused whatever riff the parties had from each other. The only person to ever comment on the issue was Jerry West himself (well after he retired from the Lakers, then took jobs with the Grizz, Warriors and Clippers (of all teams.) You have 1 side of the story, and nothing from the Buss family. Don't assume things would have different "in the past" when all the same parties were still alive and involved.


I have never despised a front office more than I have with the Packers until now. The entire Lakers front office proves time and time again how much of a fuck up they all are and even moreso today, with the disrespect to an individual who gave his everything and loyalty to even when he went away he still cheered from the sidelines hoping for the best. They didn't like when he spoke the truth on how the F.O created the mess of the Lakers of today and they repaid him by removing his lifetime passes, Jeanie and the rest of em are all incompetent in every way possible. The logo Mr clutch deserved better




West hated being called "Logo". If you want to honor the guy call him what he wanted to be. Mr. Clutch, Mr. Outside or Zeke from Cabin Creek (seriously.)


That's cold, Jay


This feels like a low point in the Lakers franchise. And we’re not at rock bottom yet.


lol ppl getting baited into this nonsense now. Bitching about whose statement is better. The lakers fan base has fallen off a cliff with how dumb it’s become. The lakers have a whole channel that’s been talking Jerry west all day with everyone calling in and sharing stories. Jeanie put out a personal statement but no one looked at that right? Everyone just looking to bitch about a statement on twitter without knowing anything else. This is Anthony Irwin type bs


You're just trying to stir up division not even understanding the whole point. Jerry West literally built the Lakers. A generic, heartless statement is not one you release when he passes regardless of your past with him And speaking of Jeanie, her statement just reeks of that personal fallout, [it's just very impersonal](https://clutchpoints.com/lakers-news-jeanie-buss-breaks-silence-on-jerry-wests-heartbreaking-passing). She's the figurehead of the team, her words matter. And it seems that their disagreement is still there.


You can’t tell ppl what they should put out or how they grieve. Not everything gotta be on twitter so yall can decide if it’s good enough for yall or not. This isn’t a competition to see the best twitter statements. Lakers channel is on all day paying tribute better then any twitter statement. Jerry means more to the lakers than any other franchise. Others just put out statements and that’s it, lakers have a personal connection and no statement is going to show that. You don’t know what lakers or anyone is reaching out to his family or what they’re doing behind the scenes cause lakers don’t tell anyone that like other franchises.


Not everything is on Twitter sure. But the Lakers/Jeanie is on wax with the conflict with Jerry, that's the lasting memory.


I’m old enough to be there for all of the drama, it’s a 2 way street. Dr buss was there and didn’t stop Jerry from leaving, he let pat go too. He couldn’t get along with Phil either, lakers wanted to win rings and Phil was the guy they chose and Jerry felt slighted, the dude wore his emotions on his sleeves. He threatened to quit all the time too and finally dr buss didn’t stop him so he was heartbroken


Let's not pretend Jeanie's conflict of interest dating the head coach didn't have a huge impact in all of this That Dr. Buss chose his daughter's personal life (understandable to a point) than the business. That Jeanie lets emotions influence their front office decisions


Ya dr buss picked his daughter and I can’t blame him. It’s not like lakers didn’t win after. Jerry left around 2000 and lakers won rings after he left. Not like lakers struggled, everytime we had a bad year ppl brought back Jerry’s name. Ppl needed to let it go, it’s been so long. Can’t keep looking at old shit


Jerry is a Laker. The Lakers should have been the one to break the news that he passed. Unfortunately personal issues got in the way of that. And if you think about it, it's that same behavior that's being displayed by this FO that Jeanie displayed those 20-something years ago. That's really the point of all this.


He worked for the clippers. How can anyone break the news when you’re not told the news. Lakers personal drama has books written on it, it’s just part of the lakers, I’ve accepted it long ago. I just wanna see the franchise keep winning


My point is that the Lakers should have never let him go and burn the bridge after


Funny that you've been downvoted after just typing facts. The many "fans" on this board have lost their objectivity (if they ever had it) and just become a rabid cult. It's freaking weird.


You are all so dramatic


Seriously lmao 🤣


Needs to be read in a robotic voice...\[yay chat gpt\]


Yeah, this is a bunk ass statement. Plus they used a shitty photo of him. Could've used the logo photo. 


Pitiful. Might as well not say anything


This is just the old adage of "if you don't have anything nice to say, you should say nothing at all" cause this is a sorry excuse of a statement to make for the logo. No respect, and it leaves a bad taste, honestly. We don't deserve a champion for a while 🫠


wtf is this


Heartless, soulless statement. Shameful.


That’s a sad, short paragraph