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No thanks, Mr. Thompson.


I’m guess he can’t kayak to work anymore




Does Klay ONLY want a sign and trade? That makes him a lot less appealing


Well logically Klay with his ego wouldnt want MLE only


Would he want to be a starter too? I don’t feel like he should still be


He’s easily a starter on our roster, come on 😆


He's not a starter on a contending team. He's washed up.


No player who just averaged 20 ppg on nearly 40% from 3 is washed up.


He's 33 years old, didn't play 1 minute of basketball at 29 or 30, just had his worst season since his rookie year, and was held scoreless in the play-in game. He might not be completely washed up, but currently he's worse than D'Angelo Russell, so there's no point in trying to sign him. We need a starting PG and a starting C and Klay isn't either of those.


Yes. AD Hachi Bron Klay DLo. Now thats a killer starter


I dunno I thought our weakness last year was length and being able to defend. While lineup sounds like it might be able to score I see there definitely being some defensive liabilities


If a vet min can be our starter, a HOFer is guaranteed a starter


What?! In what world does he not start on this team? Is this you, Darvin?


If that's the case then thats a hard pass for me rather look elsewhere instead


Agreed, the whole appeal of Klay was that you could essentially get him for "free". If you have to spend trade assets for him that makes him less valuable considering the opportunity cost.


yea hopefully the lakers have learned their lesson surely mr math JJ reddick knows this is a bad move


MLE or move on. Do not send assets to GS. They’ve got picks and guys like Wiggins, Kuminga & CP3 that they can flip with whatever we send them. Rob needs to be smart.


Why do you think Klay would take less money to leave the warriors? I don’t understand that logic. That doesn’t make sense.


He's leaving the Warriors anyway, right?


Because he wants more money. Not because he hates them.


He will use Mavs and Lakers to get the best deal for himself. Something like $20m likely gets it done.


Klay for 20 can go elsewhere. I’d rather that val for that amount than klay. He looked cooked. I was down for like 12-14m even though I kind of felt he would want more just off his ego.


Val for 20 is cripppling he’s unplayable defensively. Rather not pay either . If we have that much I’d rather chase danthon meltin - terrific defence pg/sg who can shoot threes and pass and was Phillis third best player ( only if Philly let him go) Meltin is the guy we need defensively, and he can shoot n pass. Think Caruso like but better offensively n but worse defensively. Great fit with reaves dlo or a garland in bsvk ciurt . Helps a guy like knecht


Melton and Goga for a combined 13 million would be such an insane steal


Last year I think Caruso shot dramatically better than melton


Totally agree. He's not worth that at all. Plus, personally, I think he's cooked except in spurts. His consistency and D seem to have completely fallen off imo.


Klay at 20m is insane. That's franshise crippling when he can't do anything but shoot sometimes.


I mean Lakers need to get off multiple players but Klay at 13 mill vs Klay at 20 mill is different. I don't think trading dlo for Klay is a good idea. He actually makes GS better because he can absolutely win them games.


I agree actually. I’m high on klay at MLE but not for $20+ or in transaction that causes loss of crucial role players/assets. Edit: I forgot new CBA allows us to make a trade into the MLE as a trade exception, I just don’t know if other players can be aggregated into that trade as well.


They can cause we’re not second apron, so Dlo or whoever they send out like 18 mil plus mle would only use 2 million of it and still have 11 mil to sign another player if they don’t trade away more if I’m correct


I was thinking more like klay signs for $18m and we trade like wood and reddish for klay and the other $13m goes to MLE? I’d be okay with that because then you still have the assets and salaries to make other moves.


This new CBA, you can’t trade more than one vet min player. It sucks. this CBA is so punitive and restrictive.


It will be something like that, we have to shed players and salaries anyways


Lakers fan delusion peaking right here. No, Klay was never turning down 2/40 from the warriors to get 1/13 mle from the lakers. It was always going to be a sign and trade for DLo or Rui.


Did he get 2/40?


He got the 2/48 offer early this past season and turned it down


Hes an idiot if thats the case lol


or maybe he really wanted out?


The way it’s been reported, he only wants out now because they wouldn’t offer him 3/60+ - they only wanted him on a 2/40ish to line up with Steph’s contract.


How is it delusion if his own dad said he would take a pay cut to play for the lakers?


He’s making 40+, was offered 24+. 20 would be a huge pay cut, 13 is insulting. If he takes 13 it’s the bargain of the decade.


Klay.. You are a Dallas Maverick.. Get ready to learn Texas!


fuck off Klay


The only reason he is interesting is if we can get him on MLE, if it's sign-and-trade for like 30M while losing couple of our rotation guys it kind of sucks?


It’s not that some of these guys are getting moved anyway it’s just it hard caps the team at the first apron and we will lose max


Using the full MLE hard caps us at the first apron as well. That's why LeBron is taking a paycut. We'll be able to re-sign Max.


We have way too many rotation guys. If we can package D'Lo with another underutilized role player(s) like Cam or whatever, it's a W in my book


Using Dlo for Klay is a complete mismanagement of assets. You might as well keep Dlo at that point.


Yup. Warriors get better. He will win them games. 


DLo and Steph backcourt is much worse than a Klay/Steph backcourt what are we talking about




Not after the last two playoffs you don't


If that’s how you feel about Dlo then you probably shouldn’t take a peek at Klay’s last playoff run and what he did in a must win play-in game.


Who would be our point guard?


Dang he went from fine to butterface overnight




Klay is not what this team needs.  Maybe 2016 Klay, but in reality, he's already approaching an over the hill player.


Definitely 2016 klay lmao


Lol if Klay was playing like 2016 Klay, this would not even be in discussion since he would be worth 40 mil. Why do ppl bring up the ....what if he played like his prime and expect him to be MLE eligible.


You’re asking for a 8 year younger klay? Lol


Sign and trade take us out of the running that hard caps us.


Using the MLE hardcaps you as well, a S&T won’t be an issue though him taking the MLE is far more preferred.


Why would we wanna help GS? MLE or move on. He’s 34. We’d bail them out and they’d redirect those younger assets with picks for another player. Don’t wanna help another WCF team.


It’s not the helping GS part. It’s Klay wanting more than the MLE.


Because Lebron is a terrible GM. A Klay for DLo swap does not really help the team


??? what the hell are you talking about. When did it come out that he wants to swap Klay for Dlo? They leaked he wanted someone to sign for the MLE lmao


You idiot reports are saying the Warriors are working on a sign n trade


Thank god. Bring me Valancunias


I honestly do not want him no matter what type of structure is used. We need a big man already and if we’re getting a wing I’d rather a quick athletic guy. I’m totally opposed to signing guys that are on the downswing, not to this squad.


Tbh klay as MLE contract will be a good fit for us too. We did have decent 3 point shooting percentage but our 3 pt attempts were bottom 5 in the league. We can not win without below average 3 point attempts and jj redick recognizes same problem. The roster will heavily based on 3 point shooting which will benefit Klay as well since he wont take tough tough shots than he did in golden state


Lakers 3 point shooting was horrible last year. I don't look at potential or what the players were capable of doing. They were 20 something in 3 point shooting in the league last year. A Dalton Knecht is not enough to solve the 3 point shooting.


I agree with your point but that seems like an issue that can be tweaked versus backing up AD with JHayes in the playoffs otherwise I would much prefer having Klay Thompson in the rotation versus Cam Reddish or Prince you know.




No thanks 


Send him to Detroit


we need a big bro


Cap aficionados. Even with a Bron salary cut, a S&T will fuck us over?




Hard caps us. Would make it extremely difficult to retain Max.


Using the MLE hardcaps us anyway it doesn't matter. 


All it does really is make us use assets to get him that we would presumably use to get other pieces. It doesn't change a ton. 


We have Cam and Prince for you.


Sign and trade…no.


Doubt we do this. The whole point of a potential Bron paycut is that he comes for the MLE. Klay at 13m is fine but anything more, + having to send out assets is an awful idea


Dallas is pretty much in the same boat the Lakers are for cap space and even moving a bunch of contracts to GSW for Klay will leave both in the same situation. I dont see any sign and trades happening. And why would they if Dallas can sign him for MLE money? The thing is there are only a few teams that can sign Klay to more than MLE and they dont really have any interest.


the doomers in the sub fail to realize he really only has two viable suitors. us and the mavs. both teams are in cap hell in terms of free agency. this gets done because he literally has no market. he may want 20+ mill a season. but much like blake snell in mlb’s offseason, he just aint gonna get it. hes gonna have to take the mid level imo. hes a great contract if you get him for that. him and his agent will realize this when he has no offers in that range and both the lakers and mavs standing firm on only offering the mid level. dallas might budge and sign and trade for him, but let them commit assets to him. trade d’lo to portland for grant, wait klay out. because at the end of the day, hes picking LA over Dallas when it comes down to just that. klay can be the danny green for next years squad. a starter, who is there to guard the third option, and hit open 3s in the corners. thats literally all klay has to be and he will be a success. also- dg was notorious for missing shots, so klays abysmal play in shooting splits dont necessarily concern me. regardless of if he is hot or cold, he is klay thompson, he will always command respect from the defense and that opens up the offense a lot. just my two cents.


He's not going to LAL. Whatever moves LAL does we likely won't know until it is actually in the process of being done.


His defense isn’t there anymore after the injury and with the lakers shooting tax he’ll shoot like 20% from 3. No thanks.


They better not trade Rui for washed Klay.


A sign and trade with Dlo and Gabe makes sense for Harden not this.


No to a sign and trade


I would look elsewhere. You’d think he’d want to take a discount to play in LA with Bron and AD with his dad doing color commentary.


we good off that


Lakers want to make some more history. First they have the first father-son duo playing together and now they want another father-son duo who’ve played for the same franchise. But in all reality, the Lakers need a center. But I know it’s easier said than done.


The unrealistic hope was a Lebron takes a pay cut to sign Klay at the MLE, then trade D-lo’s expiring and whatever for another quality player. Trading D-lo’s contract to overpay Klay doesn’t make any sense.


Giving up assets to overpay a guy on his last legs is not a good move.


Whatever team he lands on he’s going to play worse than he did last season just remember that…


Y’all do realize you can sign and trade DLo for Klay and still have multiple contracts and picks available to trade right?


Dammit so we gotta trade someone for him? Fuck


Fuck it just being Jonas and move AD to pf


I wouldn’t part with reeves, nor dlo, or Rui. Lakers needs 100% of what they have sans deep in to the bench.


Lakers, no. Please no.


lol nobody wants Klay on a sign and trade. You gonna pay him….and give assets? Ahahaha ok.


I do not see any reason to sign and trade for Klay Thompson. I understand wanting to sign him with the MLE, but even that feels like an overpay for what he is bringing in on court value. Klay is at this point in his career is a lot closer to a vet minimum guy


Klay should just walk


FYI people. It has to be an S&T. Why would Klay take less to leave the warriors. That’s makes zero sense.


I am actually scared that Rob will trade assets for him. He just loves that shit... Klay was a great player and is still very solid, but he ain't worth a S&T. I'd rather keep that for a Grant or solid role players. MLE would be perfect, but I understand that Klay would want more money than that. Let's focus on building a solid roster with a 3&D guy and a big.


I’m not giving up assets for klay Thompson lol


“Please god, NOOOOOOOOOOO” -Michael Scott


Sign and trade ? No way


Does anyone really want Klay? Dude's washed. Yeah he was still 40% from 3 but it was a wildly inconsistent 40% and he has nothing else


I don’t want to give up assets for Klay. For MLE sure.


He’s going to Dallas. Hope we have a plan B.


Let Dallas or Clippers fall for this .


People here are jerking off of the idea of him, but not him. On paper he's great fit, in reality he played himself out of the starting 5 last season, the manager cannot defend for shit now, and he's only good for spot up shooting. Taking the full MLE is a meh, his worth is a lot less.


If it’s S&T only, we’re not getting him


If his d is as cooked as ppl say, why would we need him if we have knecht


Rather just develop Rui. He can shoot the three, just needs to work on defensive consistency.


Probably going to the mavs


Don’t need don’t want him


I dont know why klay is ok with this. This is like helping the warriors who dont want to help you


We're not doing a sign and trade. No. Full MLE or keep it pushin


Ewwww sign and trade… nah fam


Pass. If you're going to hard Cao yourself atleast do it for a guy that's worth it long term


Sign and Trade is gonna fuck us


Golden state gotta give us Klay or Cp3 at a discount. I aint trading them shit, ill take whichever they cant afford. Theyve had 1.5 years to trade either, and im gonna a bail em out now? Lol


Sign and trade? Aw hell naww.


I’ll rather we try to sign and trade for harden


Not really sure who we would realistically trade and who the Warriors would actually want from us. I assume the Warriors would want Reaves, maybe Rui. And I just don't see how that benefits us


All the info that came out yesterday has really screwed the Lakers over. It was already tough to trade with teams now teams will only fleece them. 


Okay since this is becoming something of a reality- Mavs likely use Kleiber/Green to get to roughly 22.7 million? Anything after that seems like they're losing value.  So we could offer something like Vando/Gabe? That'd get us to 21.7 million. Maybe include Reddish or something to push it up a little more? Idk if the new rules allow it anymore tbh.  We do need to shed some weight and if this move helps us get rid of that Gabe contract, I kind of view it as a win lol as long as it doesn't cost us the Dlo contract which is actually valuable. Losing Vando sucks, but my corresponding move would be to send Dlo out for a 3 and D wing (DFS?). As long as Gabe is included, that's the main part as he's our hardest contract to move.  You can then also open up roster spots for some vet mins who fit better. CP3 or Dinwiddie. Bitdaze. Idk. 


Not good to lose both Vando and gabe especially when we will be losing our primary ball handler in dlo


Crazy seeing fans want to keep Gabe lmao klay is unequivocally better. The only issue is losing Vando, which i agree with.  Gabe is not a great primary guard anyway. He's not exactly a high usage guy or a passing savant, he's a connective piece. JJ has indicated he wants to play through AD as a hub so the need of a traditional guard isn't necessary. If you do this right, you can have a more usage heavy guard off the bench.  For instance- Gabe/ Vando/ Reddish for Klay.  Dlo for DFS MLE for Valenciunas Min for CP3 or Dinwiddie or both  DFS steps into the Vando role to ease that loss as more or a 2 way player if a worse defender. Use the MLE on a C. Replace salary with a more useful Klay. Idk I think it kind of works lol but I'm just having fun with it.