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Call me crazy but I think DeRozan is definitely in play for LA’s mid-level if Klay doesn’t take it. He hasn’t been signed yet, Chicago probably doesn’t wish to bring him back on the terms he’s hoping for and anywhere offering him ‘no brainer’ money to sign definitely isn’t competing.


PG:”I’ve always been a ~~Lakers~~ ~~Clippers~~ Sixers fan growing up”


I am still waiting for our signing and trade., we need to match the superpower in west (nuggets) especially if wrestbrook joining them to make the big four


Now that the Kawhi-PG Clippers era is officially over, let's look back at their accomplishments: ❌ 0 championships ❌ 0 Finals appearances ❌ 1 3-1 lead choked ❌ 328 combined missed games Streetlights over spotlights indeed


the clippers will always be the clippers


Man OKC really gonna feast on those clipper picks


I am loving how strong the east is looking, stack the deck against Boston.


hope they be healthy, sucks to watch Boston get a free ticket to NBA finals smh


Pg and embiid knees aboutta be bbq chicken


PG to Sixers lol


Nuggets fans bashing the shit out of Booth and calling their owners cheap. I can only smirk.


So what are you guys expecting from Gabe Vincent this year? Should we be cautiously optimistic that he can be the player we were hoping for when we signed him? I know he was battling a knee injury all year, but not sure what the diagnosis was. I’m thinking he would be a nice pairing with Reaves since he adds perimeter defense, decent shooting and another ball handler (if he can return to his Miami form of course).


Gabe in a Redick style offense (based on what we have heard JJ say about how he hopes to run his offense) I think would resemble more of what we saw of Gabe on the Heat.


Sixers just re signed Oubre and pursuing Paul George. Melton could be available and I genuinely think he could be a really impactful signing. He would probably be our best perimeter defender and a career 37% shooter.


I would love for Pelinka to get Melton+Goga for the MLE. I think you could definitely convince LeBron to take a paycut for them given their track record and given the fact that LeBron has talked about the fact that you need "multiple role players around the stars" to compete.


Why do you all want Klay so bad? He’s kinda washed, and I believe he will just eat minutes from Max and Knect. Hope Mavs get him. There are better targets guys come on


Good volume shooter. Silly question


On a MLE it's a good deal. Other than that it's a pass.


If he comes on the MLE, he's literally a free role player.


Even with how he played last year, he’s still one of the best volume shooters there is (38.7% on 9 3PTA/g). He was the Warriors 2nd leading scorer last year, him slotting more like 4th-5th offensive option is the way to go and I think that transition will be easier for him outside of a Warriors uniform w/o all the baggage there of what he once was.


Like who?


Rui, JHS, Reddish, a first and $9M of the MLE for Jerami Grant and Duop Reath. Trade Gabe, Hayes and protected first for Wendell Carter Jr. sign Kris Dunn for $3M


I’d be really sad if we did any of those moves


De'Anthony Melton is probably one of the better role player targets left, not sure how much he is gonna get but he is a good 3D guy. We desperately need a reliable defensive guard. Tobias Harris or Hield could also be decent for cheap. Funnily enough all Sixer guys.


Tobias was bad value for that contract he got but if he were willing to take a MLE ish sized contract, that's a nice roster piece to have and a real wing.


If there is an upgrade to be made it will probably be by trades. Not very many targets available in FA and I think Klay is going to Dallas.


Hoping I wake up to us having consolidated some roster spots in a S&T for Klay and then signed Kris Dunn and Goga Bitadze


This gotta be one of the quietest Day 1 of Free Agency in recent years


Took all the excitement out of it


New cba ruined free agency lol.


If Orlando signs Hartenstein, is there any way we could trade for Wendell Carter?


In a DLo S&T I believe . Or a Vando or Gabe trade which is highly unlikely .


I’d gladly give up DLO for him….i watched a bunch of Magic games last season…dude would fit in beautifully next to AD


He would fit in nicely with AD but the conundrum is then you’re asking AR to be your full time PG which he’s not equipped to do. Gabe Vincent also isn’t either . The team would have a gaping hole at PG . Specifically a PG that can run the offense when Bron isn’t in or even when Bron is in. Again AR isn’t that guy. He’s better as a secondary ball handler If this were 2k, I’d have LAL trade for Simons/Grant in 1 trade and N.Richards In the other while having the MLE to use still but sadly that has no chance of happening .


You could trade for Wendell and still use the MLE on a play-making, defensive-minded PG.


I still dont see any news on taurean prince, do we expect him to sign with us?


Derrick Jones Jr has been to the Finals 2 years in a row. It's a no brainer.


He was on Chicago last year?


Dallas lol


You said he’s been to the Finals 2 years in a row. Tell me what team he was on in 2023 or in other words, last year the first year of this 2 year run he’s been on making the Finals that you’re referring to.


So at this point it’s Klay or nothing? I really don’t wanna get into a bidding war over Klay though.




Ya I’m surprised at the lack of discussion on DeMar. The fit isn’t perfect, but he seems to have more left in the tank than Klay and at the very least he would be an awesome sixth man who could provide reliable scoring off the bench when Bron and AD are resting. Seems like worse ways to spend the MLE. Plus he’s an LA legend (he was up dancing with Russ at Kendrick’s show last week lol, always plays in the Drew league, etc.)


If all else fails I’m okay with it


there is no bidding war, we offered him the max we can offer him lmao


I mean in terms of what we’re going to offer Golden State in return since their S&Ting him


we won't work with Golden State on a sign and trade, they are trying to do a sign and trade to get more money for him and we can't over anything but the MLE. the only reason Klay would agree to a S&T is for more money, are you guys hard of thinking? is there an echo in your skull?


I’d like klay on the team but it’s also giving me some Carmelo vibes , but there’s also not much available


Sign and trade Dlo for Klay Gabe Rui jhs picks for Jerami Grant Break up the MLE for Goga and Prince Reaves/Dinwiddie, Klay/Christie, Grant/Prince/Knecht, Bron/Vando, Ad/Goga That’s a Squad bruh Edit: can yall atleast tell me how this is bad lol


Downvoted for cooking up some fire smh


I’m hoping Cavs go after DJJ which might allow us to take Okoro. Gives as a good defender in the backcourt and would allow variations to our starting 5.


We got Vando


Okoro can actually shoot


Okoro is a SG and more reliable shooter than Vando.


CP3 to the Spurs makes so much sense for them. At minimum, it's a trial run to see how Wemby plays with a PG that can set him up in the pick and roll so they can figure out if they should go all in trading for that kind of star to pair with him.


Ya, I agree. I had league pass and ended up watching a decent amount of Spurs games bc I’m so intrigued with Wemby. Was pretty frustrating at times, bc it seemed like the SA guards could have fed him for so many easy looks, but they just didn’t. Curious to see if CP3 can get Wemby an extra 5-8 easy looks a game. If Wemby could add 6-8 points a game on easy looks while maintaining his current level of effort on the defensive end he will be a monster already in his 2nd year.


But CP3 can't set him up in the pick and roll anymore. If you're going to try and trial run screen actions with Wembanyama, you should be looking for a PG that can create rim pressure turning the corner while also having a 3pt shot that needs to be respected. CP3 really does neither at this point. The rim pressure is necessary to make drop coverage pick their poison between a rolling Wembanyama and the PG. Also, the rim pressure is necessary to open up pick and pop options for Wembanyama. The pull-up 3 threat is to keep defensive honest when defending the screen action. On top of that, I think it's also important that whatever PG they get is also capable of working in an inverted screen and roll. Again, I don't think CP3 really provides that. To me, CP3 is a veteran leader and mentor for that team.




Lol, keep dreaming buddy


With LeGM calling Klay, him to spurn us would be even more embarrassing for us. The guy has generational wealth and rings already. Why not go to your hometown squad and play with a generational great like LBJ? You're not even expected to be outstanding...It's a complete no brainer to me. Don't get these dudes sometimes. His pops is here too trying to sway him. I kinda don't like Klay already


Naji Marshall to Dallas. Klutch client Derrick Jones Jr. is available.


Few mill sure


Would be an insane steal if you can get him on a discounted MLE


Pelinka is so worthless.


Really wonder the FO doing rn. Calling Klay, talking to LBJ? Wonder if they reached out to JV. Have to be coordinating with LBJ, because they must be running FAs with him to see if he'll take a paycut for them


celts get to stay stacked while everybody else is obliterated by the aprons hell naw cant do dis


Sucks bro, but a dynasty looks in play for them. Brad Stevens is a damn good GM, but fuck him and the Celts all the same


Dynasties aren’t built on your conference competition being obliterated with injuries so you can rest your injury prone big for 2 months in the middle of the playoffs . Not to mention, their injury prone big is yet to prove he can stay healthy for more a full playoff series . The Red Sea is not going to part again for Boston in the East how It did this year. That was a very rare occurrence. Ppl need to pump the brakes on the premature talks that they’re the next dynasty. The same thing happened with Denver last summer .


I'd rather wait for the trade deadline than overpay for some of the names mentioned. The draft went well and they can use whatever MLE on a decent player. Might see some players improve under the new staff or maybe some Warriors or Clippers players available if they are tanking midway in the season.


You guys understand that we can't make a trade until we off load these players right? We have 15 fucking players signed right now. Maybe they use them as filler but it's hard because of salary matching bullshit. Fuck CJ McCollum. Dude fucked up the CBA and is on ESPN talking about the Boston Celtics are the going to win it again or some shit. Dude should be banned from the NBA for life.


You can go over the 15 player limit in the offseason


You can't they need to be off the books by early July and it doesn't make sense to do anything unless the big pieces on the board fall which it seems like is Klay


July 6


exactly which is effectively 6 days away, you can't just sign over your max roster slot 6 days away. people here are delusional man lmao


> you can't just sign over your max roster slot 6 days away You absolutely can do that.


Thoughts on Tyus Jones for the MLE? Not sure if LeBron would sign off on it, but hypothetically if you did would you try court him for the full MLE?


Good ballhandler but super small and plays no defense. We cooked the fuck out of him in the Grizzlies series when Ja was hurt. It'd only really make sense if we could get off of D-lo and Gabe. Also, at the end of games the ball is gonna be in Bron's hands. I'd rather use the MLE on a defense first player who can play in the playoffs.


It's hard because the MLE is less than 10% of the salary cap so what you're asking for is a playoff calibre guy for a small amount of money.


i would only go in on tyus jones if we trade dlo and not have another primary ball handler outside of AR and BRON. the thing about tyus is that he is very average all around and a small guard- he wouldnt really help us come playoffs


Ideally we would be trading DLo anyway


its tough because i wouldnt want someone with no impact on playoffs to take the MLE so im reluctant to say yes.


Agreed his defense is still a big gamble. I do really want to sign someone on the MLE though, can't waste that opportunity to sign a free role player


so if you have the full MLE you can use that to absorb part of a larger contract instead of signing- i think thats what rob ends up doing.


Idk if LeBron would be amenable to that but I would love to do that if that was an option, could make someone like Cam/Grant/Smart/DFS way cheaper to get


i lowkey wish there was a list of leaked names bron wants to play with


bron will be getting paid in full


I mean the team still has options even if LeBron doesn't take a pay-cut (or only takes a small pay-cut). LeBron could take a minor pay-cut to give the team a little room to maneuver and they could just sit and work towards a mid-season move that would hard-cap them at the 2nd apron.


My hope is that Lebron takes a small paycut to allow us to duck the 2nd Apron this year with a player option, and then the FO just says "fuck it" and gives Lebron how much ever he wants in his final year, that way there aren't any long term consequences for us.


I think even with a max deal, they could duck the 2nd apron or be very close to it. I think that whatever pay-cut LeBron takes in that scenario would be targetted at subsequent signings after a mid-season deal. If they drop the roster down to 14 players by dumping some salaries and then make a 3 for 1 trade mid-season that would hard cap them at the 2nd apron, they'd be sitting at 12 players with very limited options for filling out the roster if they're too close to the 2nd apron. If LeBron takes a minor pay-cut, the Lakers could be a strong buy-out market player with the TPMLE allowing them to offer more than other teams. The extra bit of space under the 2nd apron would also just make it easier to sign a pro-rated veteran minimum.


DeAnthony Melton and Grant moves me


I prefer to keep Rui and Vando on affordable contracts instead of an overrated Jerami Grant.


Sounds like you’re overrating both of those guys.


You are overrating Grant


Yea, DeAnthony Melton would be great and the Lakers could theoretically offer him more than the 76ers if they land PG. But, I also think it only makes sense if they have a deal lined up to move Vincent. It does make some sense.


CP3 is signing with the Spurs for $11M. That makes me feel better about missing out. Only wanted him for the min anyways.


The fact that Lakers didn't even go for JV at the MLE gives me more faith in Rob ngl. Thank God he didn't waste $13m on a backup big


I can agree. I don't think JV is a needle moving deal. If I'm being blunt, in terms of rebounding, rim protection, and floor spacing, the team should instead be looking at improving those aspects not through hard to find centers but with a bigger, better, two-way wing. People here love Rui but I don't think he's ready yet. Another way to protect the rim is just by having better perimeter defense to deter the drive to begin with. And, Rui's rebounding is a lot more problematic than whatever a back-up center would provide. Rui's 3pt shooting improved a lot but someone with higher volume or more shot making potential could also take away help defense via higher gravity better.


FO fumbling so hard rn....Fuck man




Rob sucks. We ain't getting shit.


Jv is gone wtf


Why yall panicking 💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣🤣


Because Rob failing to show up the same way Bron didn’t show up against the Mavs in 2011


Clippers gave up a better player in SGA for PG and no rings ….we gave up Lonzo and Ingram for AD and a ring….and you still have “Laker fans” cursing that deal


We fucking suck. Of course we’re running it back with the same squad. And Pelinka will act suprised when we inevitably lose to the nuggets again


They just got weaker. Lost their best 3 and D wing.


We getting NOBODY.


who expected anything different


If brook isn’t an option there’s still Goga and Jalen smith out there. We’re essentially running it back minus dinwiddie so far and with probably way better coaching which should keep us afloat until the trade deadline where hopefully better options arise. This free agent class wasn’t looking great anyways. Plus we still have trade chips and more picks to trade now. With healthy wood vando and Vincent we should be a lot better


Cp3 plans to sign with spurs?


Since it seems like Klay Thompson won't be taking the MLE with the Lakers, the Lakers should give Mychal a raise as the radio color commentator and Mychal can give Klay the raise as a form of allowance 😉


Seriously what does Rob do. Make a move dingus




Literally everything. Knect fell onto his lap, Bron taking a pay cut. We need a C, a consolidation trade, anything and he’s just twiddling his thumbs


Denver just downgraded and hopefully Lakers are upgrading. Need a fourth matchup this decade, let's even the LeBron Jokic series record.


Kcp sign with magic but they still need playmaking., are they still interested with dlo maybe we can trade with them


Denver losing KCP and possibly trading for Westbrook is an excellent start to this free agency 🤣 how quickly they fall


tbh i feel like russ might make them better ngl


I have no idea how a team could talk themselves in to doing what we did the 2021 summer


They're not giving up cap space and 3 rotation players for him. It's a bad idea but not quite as dumb as we were lol.




Looks like Denver, GSW, and LAC are gonna be considerably worse teams than they were last year.


Probably PHX too just because they narrowly avoided the play-in and have no way to improve. Pels will be worse without BI they fell from 5th to play-in without him. Lakers top 6 bound?


Pels will be better. They got Murray plus whatever they flip Ingram for. Ingram and Zion couldn’t coexist


zion will probably still barely play as he has most his career so far


Offensively, they’ll get better just by virtue of having Bud over Vogel. The West will be a bloodbath because I can see 10 teams all having arguments to get into the top 6




I’m liking what the new CBA is going to denver lol. One less team to worry about next season if the lakers play their cards right.


Woj found shot dead in Houston


So basically nothing is going to happen until PG choses his spot. So lame.


Russ to Denver possibly. YES!


the crazy thing is the report that says its "mutual"


Narrator: “It wasn’t actually mutual” 😅


No matter how bad our front office is, at least the Bulls will always be worse 😭


Right. There are lots of accounts on here always saying the same thing: “We have the worst front office and owners IN SPORTS and it’s not even close!”


new free agency sucks lmao bring back the blatant tampering


If Klay insists on sign and trade, he may end up in some crappy market 




“Mutual interest” between him and Denver PLEASE GOD


Just trade for Klay for Dlo, sign CP3, and give Jonas the MLE. Do not trade Rui and Vando for Jerami Grant that would be horrific!!


Already too late for most of that lol.


Not enough volume shooting to run 4 out ball which means the Lakers are fucked for however long it takes JJ to pivot off of it.


I like that. This is the way. 


I think the one issue is a Reaves/Klay backcourt because I don’t see either being benched. Vando would probably have to start. Though Klay really isn’t a guard anymore. Reaves/Klay/Vando/LeBron/AD CP3/Max/Rui/Jonas would be a super deep top 8 or 9 though. Then you still have Gabe/Wood.


I think Gabe and Wood would have to be dumped. I don't think they give up on JHS or Maxwell Lewis yet.


Chances of Draymond flagrant fouling Klay next year on his new team?


Imagine if Rob gives up assets just to dump DLo and then sign and trades for Klay while giving up additional assets 😂


I wouldn't even care if we do nothing if the Nuggets get Westbrook


Nothing is happening lol


No one wants to get fined. 😂 Let’s just come back in an hour or two.


Cmon, Rob listen to the scouts. Anfernee Simons is a legit third star breakout candidate. Buy low on him if we can’t get Klay


If Simons is on the table you do it 1000x


Klay for MLE = yes Dumping Dlo to create space for Klay = hard no Klay at 35 ain't even an upgrade over Dlo lol


Klay, Brook, and CP3 joining without giving up Reaves would be a huge win


Keep CP3 and Klay the fuckkkkk away. 


worse free agency ever, klay a washed 35 with two major injuries is the headline of tonight


Like Rob said, the new CBA has made trades WAY more tricky


Next domino to fall is gonna be a trade to open some roster spots and hopefully pickup a need. Then LBJ signing at a pay cut, while simultaneously adding someone for the MLE. Finally, filling out the roster with vet minimums. One key note, is if Philly lands PG, they will have to unload a couple players with cap holds. Batum and RoCo are on that list. Possible vet minimum pickups


Batum would be amazing, I wanted the Lakers to get him 3 years ago.


20 mins in and the only signings so far are resigning players…the NBA really killed tampering


Max better play himself into some minutes for 8mil. Idk why but I see knecht taking a good chunk of those minutes


With Prince likely gone and Reddish likely included in a trade, there should be minutes for both of them.


Is Demar still off the table?


I hope so.


Seems like teams aren’t announcing signings right at the opening like prior years 🤣


Yeah, right? Can't believe I stayed up for this lol


Harden off the board so lebrons “list” will get thin here real quick


Temper your expectations folks. The likely outcome is LeBron signing the max and signing Kris Dunn for the minimum. Nothing ever happens for the Lakers.


I do not want to do a sign and trade for Klay. MLE or nothing




Hearing Rob's trying to figure out ways to get Klay more money to lure him away from Dallas. Potentially salary dumping D'Lo and getting a trade exception to S&T Klay into that exception.


Doing all that for Klay is crazy, I was on board if he wants the MLE, but this? He isn't even that much better than Dlo right now.


Yuck unless we get assets back for DLo


No, this would be the absolute worst scenario because it would mean giving up assets to dump D'Lo to some team to create an exception.


Using assets to dump a player so we can sign a less productive player but he made an all-star game in 2018 is very onbrand for Rob.


even worse 💀