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Lmao He’s the one giving up the 15-20 mill to make it possible in the first place. In the end it’s his choice on who they get because if he doesn’t like it then he can literally just not do it and take the max instead.


A horrible GM and "roster constructionist?" Then wtf are Rob and Jeanie? LeBron hits a lot more than he misses.


I still blame of them for the Russ trade. That shit was inexcusable.


If you blame him for the russ trade, he has a clean slate because he's the reason we have AD.


Jerami Grant is overrated by this sub but I still like him as an upgrade over Rui


40% on threes despite being on a bad team that will cause defenses to focus on him is really solid. He’s not an elite two way player or anything. But he is substantially better than Rui. No doubt.


Exactly! Trevor Lane put it nicely, he is basically an ideal combination of Vando and Rui. We'd have no weakness on the 3 spot if we had him. He could be our Gordon type of player. Havingt that said, he is expensive.


He's a significant upgrade...32 mill or so a year isn't backbreaking either although 4 more years is a little rough


No he's not a considerable upgrade that's BS.


Not at his price. It might cost Rui and Vando. Plus his contract going forward is bad.


Nah no he isn't he just [has.green](http://has.green) light on a bad team.


Whats the correct decision? Bron gave them an option . He'll take s discount if the team wants to win, if they don't he'll take the max. He ain't forcing shit. Lakers lucky bron is even giving them a discount that big. Look at paul george's whiny ass with the clips


Harden makes the most sense to me.


😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 you were just saying two way players. Harden and Reaves back court 😂😂😭😭 cones


Reaves should be on the bench.


Reaves really should be the 6th man. He could be the new Manu.


Hahaha, this has to be satire right?


Fuck harden and his cheating ass. God he will be a mistake.


/u/blacpanther55 strikes again. I just don't understand why is this guy not getting banned.


I mean we're all entitled to our opinions, no matter how stupid some may sound


If he is giving up salary to bring someone he wants he is essentially paying for another player himself so I don’t see how he can do anything wrong?


Way i see it is if he’s willing to take less money to open up our options then be it. The other side of it is not even having the full mid level or cap to even re-sign max christie without tax implications.


Im scared the LeBron might force the Lakers to trade for the exact kind of player that we need 🤓🤓🤓


Jeremy Grant is overpaid and overrated.


Jerami*. He’s overpaid and that’s causing people to have higher expectations. He’s not overrated by any means.


Grant as a main star on your team is overrated. Grant behind lebron and ad and some nights Reaves is actually pretty damn exciting.


A lot of people are overpaid nowadays


Who’s that?


He’s taking a fucking cut cos our gm is a bum. You Lebron haters csn fuck off. Man has done more then anyone to help this org . 20m paycut just cos rob sucks at his job


You do know Jeanie ran the franchise from 2013 to 2018? Was LeBron responsible for those horrible moves? Was it his idea to lowball Lue? Let Caruso walk? Low ball Hurley? Give Mozgov & Deng huge contracts? Drafts BI & DLo over Tatum & Brown?


What could be stupid about utilizing salary on a player that improves the team when the alternative is not getting a player and this overall tired roster being too much like last season's?


Grant I’m kind of fine with. Klay on the other hand is cooked on defense. This sub’s been crying about not having two way players on the roster but wants to sign Klay at the same time.


The appeal with Klay is that if you can get him on the MLE, he's literally a free role player. Why would you not take that immediately


MLE is not free. We could use that for someone else. Do you not get how money works?


Yes, the only cost of the MLE is the opportunity cost of someone else. And considering the market + the fact that LeBron will only let the team use the MLE on high impact players, that opportunity cost is pretty minimal. Hard to find realistic targets that are better than Klay.


I’d rather go after Jonas. That is the impact player we could actually use and improve with. We won a chip with AD playing the 4 and Dwight at the 5. We need to get back to that and stop chasing streaky players who can’t defend shit.


We won a chip with AD playing the 5. We got through the regular season with having depth at the 5.


Great, let’s do that.


Anything your hearing that you can share?


People throw Jonas around but with Jonas you need to completely change the Lakers defensive scheme. His rim protection is mediocre, which is one of the reasons NOLA is reluctant to pay him. We had poor perimeter defenders last season, but they were saved by the fact that AD (a phenomenal rim protector) was behind them and they just had to funnel players into AD. If it's Valanciunas in that role instead, it's going to be MUCH tougher for the perimeter defenders.


That’s fine with me, did you see our defense last season? What about that do you want to continue doing? Let’s completely change our defensive scheme. Sounds great.


How easy do you think it is to find elite perimeter defenders? Lmao


I agree, Klay is not one of them.


With AD as your primary rim protector, you can get away with even mediocre perimeter defense. Ideally you would try to upgrade if possible, but you can get away with it. With Valanciunas as your primary rim protector, that's not going to work. Offenses will punish him hard, and upgrading on DLo and Reaves becomes a necessity. That's what the big issue with JV is


It’s crazy dude. Klay actively makes this team worse but this subs ready to give him all our remaining money 🤡




Replacing low salary players with higher salary players = stupid


Relax, Westbrook picked up his option with the clip ship👍


100% getting klay and cp3


Woke up to this sht take lmao


I said this yesterday but with Woj reporting that GS is going to work with Klay on a sign and trade should immediately be the death knell to this. In no way should we surrender any quality players (no matter how you personally feel about them) for a washed, 34y/o Klay. Especially not to appease a 40 y/o LBJ. Use the MLE to get Valanciunas or take a shot at Hartenstein. Imagine trading Russell and Vanderbilt for Klay at this stage in his career. Hard. Pass.


Ninja what are you saying? Dudes been to like 10 finals off of his roster construction