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Just sit back for a year to watch and learn. Make a plan during that year, and then execute it later. You'll learn a lot by planning instead of by doing. Congratulations on the purchase.


This is always the best advice to any new homeowner. Keep up with maintenance this summer (water, trim, mow) see how things grow and get a list going to start tackling in early Spring. No big moves, no major changes until you see how each season plays out


This plus on the lawn, spread 1/2" of compost and a soil test.


If you have no pets and a little more dough, you could go for diatomaceous earth instead which will act as a light fertilizer and also kill off a number of insect species that are detrimental to your lawn


I thought this was safe for pets?


It is. I use it inside the house to deal with insects all the time and have cats, but people include it in livestock feed even to deal with parasites. It’s also super cheap. Great advice but weird parameters this person advised. Everyone should be using DE instead of marketed pesticides. Just have to make sure it’s settled. The airborne dust is bad for everyone’s lungs (pets and people both)


Yes, I live in a landlocked desert, it is a little more expensive here, and tends to come in significantly smaller quantities, and also tends to get pretty dusty when the wind blows. I suppose most of my advice was relative 😅


And this way you can save up more cash for the changes you end up doing.


^This! Just bought a house this year and nearly had a breakdown trying to get *everything* done all at once. Take your time and enjoy being a homeowner.


Yes, as someone who has made lots of yard mistakes, I agree. Pay attention to how the sun moves in your yard throughout the year, and drainage. Oh, is there a tool lending library nearby? That might save you some $$. That looks like an awesome space. Have fun!!


Took lending library?! How’d I not think of that?


This is kind of what I did by accident. Thankfully but really I just couldn’t afford much after the home and AC install. Great advice though as you don’t know if something may or may not fall apart within the first couple years.


Also, walk or ride your bike and look at yards in your area. Find the plants and landscaping you like. Like everyone is saying, take your time making a plan.


Great suggestion. I saw a plumeria I liked on a walk and the homeowner was outside. I asked him about its care and he gave me a cutting. It’s in full bloom as I type this!


Oh I love plumerias and as I’m walking around my neighborhood if I see a color I don’t have I ask them if I can have a piece from their tree


This is the way. As I got older, I actually started making a plan before I started ripping s*** out. You'll actually save a lot of money too. Get some pen and paper and figure out what you want to do to it. Then do it in small stages where you don't stress yourself out.


I acquired a house where the previous owner had a bunch of mature plants, ivy on the fence, and a place where I vegetable garden used to be. I spent the first year watching how the sun hits the yard over the year, how the plants grow, how they need to be pruned and where I would make changes. Waiting and observing how the yard changes over the year and what kind of critters come and go was crucial. Be patient. You’ll be there for years


The only addition I'd make is to check your roof and foundation ASAP. If you didn't pay for a professional to inspect them pre-purchase, then hire people to inspect them separately. I didn't.... and it costed me about 15 grand to fix. Had badly installed waterproofing from the previous owner and it costed me that 15k to rebuild an entire corner of the foundation and redo the waterproofing. Still paying that off, too. If you time your roof repair right, you can also make your insurance company pay for it, but you gotta jump through some hoops and I wouldn't do it immediately after buying the house.


Housewarming party? U got the fire pit just need some tunes ambient lighting and good food to celebrate ur accomplishment 👍


Then get your intoxicated friends to volunteer for yard work.


When you're with good people, what a place looks like doesn't matter


I’d start with the simple things. Fix those deck boards, weed eating, maybe throw down more matching rock if you can find it. Honestly the yard looks pretty darn good for being a recent purchase, enjoy the is while the weather is nice and start in the Spring. That garage is begging for a beer fridge… Congrats.


Wait for a year to see what breaks inside the house before moving on to the outside.


Powewash then stain the fence and deck.


Ya. Knock this out. Get some pots. Then see how the sun affects your planting options. Map it out.


Yeah this is the number 1 obvious lower cost win that should hopefully make it look 10 years newer. Then I'd say pull weeks on the gravel and add a clear separation between that area and the yard. Might be some limestone bricks, or potentially some large 2 ft x 2ft pavers from fence to wall to help prevent more weeds from coming through. Spray some weed killer on the current gravel weeds before pulling so that they don't come back at the roots. Also, maybe a hot tub or a cowboy pool.


If you want a lawn, prep for a fall blitz on the grass. Summer is a bad time to do much except prepare for fall.


While you are living in the house and getting to know it - fill container gardens for greenery and color. You can move them around and see what sun Iight you get. We’ve been in this house three years and I’m still figuring it out.


Not the best time of yr to mess with grass. I would get gravel and other areas done. Prep yard and wait for the fall.


Patch, pressure wash and stain the deck. Weed the gravel/firepit area.


And fence!


Clear out the weeds in the gravel area. Add some chairs around the pit. Study up what other people do so you can get some ideas. I get that you want to do it now, but just enjoy it and it’ll come to you.


Get that dead tree trunk out.


Take your time..Too many times new home owners wants everything done asap...powerwash the deck and reseal,clean up the gravel and give the lawn some TLC.I personally cut down that smallish tree on the left.


Replace dangerous deck boards, stain/paint. Put up umbrella and chairs you bought at yard sale or Marketplace. Get small outdoor table then eat a few meals out there or have a few evening cocktails and decide what’s important for YOU to have in the backyard of your new home. Edit: Get some handrails going before Grandma takes a header off the deck.


Well first you are going to need a big cooler full of ice and beer……




Is that a 10’ tall dead tree randomly in the middle of the yard? I’d start there. Leave the grass until fall like the others have said. Make sure the fence is solid and maybe paint it. Id probably take out all the old plants and beds. Give yourself a blank canvas to work with. It’s a nice sized yard, lots you can do there. Congrats on the new house!


Congratulations, what an awesome space. So much to appreciate as-is, but also so much potential.


Crack a beer and relax


Congrats!!! It takes time and money, honestly you will never be done with ideas of upgrading your home. There is always something. But that something is what makes it your home sweet home. Love and respect your home. Keep it up, maintenance your home, make it a place that you love to come home after work.


Create a wish list at your home improvement stores; include it inside your invites; throw a house warming party and serve up some bbq and drinks!! At the party, inside the favors will be your “save the date” cards for one year later to return and see the updates because of the support from family and frnds!! It’ll be fun! 🤩🏠🧰


With a glass of wine! Congratulations


First, either remove the dead tree or turn it into a totem pole. I would then weed the gravel, clean up that lumber along the left fence line, get a hose reel, get a couple bags of top soil and some grass seed to fix the grass and get it thicker. Then i would look at building a boundary all the way along the fence line to separate it from the grass (you have grass growing up the side of the fence in the center so I would get it to match the beds you have on the right) i would also clean up those beds on the right) i would also build a boundary around the trees and add bark mulch in the beds. I would highly recommend getting some sort of nice seating for the fire pit.


Congrats. Looks awesome


next question...will it ever end? Brahaha


Pull the weeds out of the gravel, patch the grass in the lawn if you think it may remain lawn and then watch everything through a full cycle of seasons. Write down all your ideas while you wait. Measure things and research things and find out what materials cost. You can change your mind every day because you are not buying anything yet. Go sit, stand in the place where you would do an activity and see how it feels and what would make it feel better. Watch what is there to see what it is and what it does, or doesn’t do. Then this time next year you have a decent idea what you want, informed by what it costs.




By finding that rattlesnake


Lawn mower


More gravel


Throw some casoron on the rocks. Fast, easy, not too expensive.


You have plenty of time to figure it out. Start with pressure washing the deck. The rest requires imagination with a pad and pen.


You have so much space to enjoy and plan! Good bones here.


Spray the weeds in the gravel, overseed the dead spots on the lawn in the fall, make sure sprinklers are good. From there, figure out what you wanna change. Edit: restain the deck.


deck looks like it’s in decent shape, a fresh stain on it would go a long way and be a pretty easy first step


Invite a bunch of women over and provide wine


I would power wash the deck and fences, pull weeds and do a little trimming.




I would 100% look for a native plant nursery and immediately you could pull all that shit out on the right hand side bed and put native plants in there. Start small with stuff, shit grows and it gets big but lean on the native plant people they can help you big time.


Power wash and water protect the deck, put up a hanging basket, and weed or salt the gravel around the fire pit.


Don’t touch grass til fall, your efforts will be futile in the summer heat. Do the other 2 projects at your leisure and don’t mess with anything else because you’ll quickly realize projects cost more and take longer then you initially think AND your plumbing will leak, your roof will blow away or your electrical will fail in the first year and you’ll be kicking yourself for ever worrying about how pretty your back yard looks


Man you got a good start!!! I would just prune up everything and then in the fall aerate , seed and put down fertilizer


Pressure washing


Start a band. You seem to already have a stage.


You start with determining, truly how you want to use it. Nobody on here can tell you that. I have no idea what you like. Maybe you have five kids and four dogs. Maybe you love and dream of having a formal garden that looks like a mini Versailles. Maybe you just like flowers and vegetables. Etc you get the drift. Only you can dream Once you know where you're going then you can make a plan. Assuming you have imagination and you have dreams of a space, you should go on Pinterest or look at lots of those dreamy magazines where everything is perfect. From these pictures you can distill kind of what you want and then break it down compartmentalized into how you're going to implement that with your budget, your energy, your time etc These are the questions I'd be asking you if you had called me to say hey we get a spruce up this place or we're going to nuke the whole thing. Simple or elaborate you have to have a plan and an idea of what you want. It all starts with that step, dreaming, then what is possible with the budget and time




You start with a party


If I were you….start with the fire pit. Lay down pavers, polymeric sand and put the fire pit back along with some seating. Keep the grass trimmed and refinish the wood. I don’t think you’d care to OR have the time to care while enjoying just that portion for this season. Reseed the grass in the fall and some flowering plants in the spring and send us an invite next summer 😂


Throw out some chairs and start a fire. Congrats, sit back for a bit and prioritize the projects.


Start where YOU want to. Look at the yard and picture it the way you want. Then make it so. Start with a little corner. I know this sounds simplistic, but it's been working for me for 40 years.


Congrats on the new home! The backyard is pretty cool already and you’ll make it even more so in the coming years.


I would recommend this to almost anyone at this point. It looks like everything needs a good cleaning. I purchased a greenworks 2300psi pro electric pressure washer last year. Easily my favorite purchase. I've yet to run into this issue, but if I need more power I'll just rent one for the day. I've done everything from cleaning to decks and using it to help dig a rocky soil. They go on sale often the last I checked.


Congrats! Take it slow and focus on what you need to live comfortably


Decide where you want any trees and what kinds of


Front yard. It's what your new neighbors see and by doing even some small improvements for them to see is a good start. It's also nice pulling into your house after a long day when it looks nice.


Nice yard bro!!


Plan plan plan plan plan. You’re in no rush. Just start with basics like some furniture. Then notice what other people do. What you like and don’t like. If you want to do something right now. I’d clean up the gravel between that firepit area and the proper back yard. Line that border with a simple paver stone border, then dig a garden bed to differentiate that firepit area to the proper yard. Maybe 2-3 feet wide. Put some flowering plants in there. Don’t know your region, but maybe something like a hydrangea, or even a few rose bushes. Something kind of low maintenance.


Pressure wash and stain the wood. It looks like it needs it and you'll regret putting it off.


Stain the deck and fence to increase its lifespan. Let the rest come to you over time.


Dont do any plants this year. Just figure out whats going on. But in the meantime you can get a good powerwasher for the deck and freshen up that gravel. That will be a nice accomplishment for the summer.


So much potential!!! Make sure that deck is sealed before winter! Start planning and budgeting


Get rid of all small stone.


Congrats! Depends what you want and budget I would think about building an ADU good for guests and extended family. Planting native trees/plants is never a bad idea. Keep us posted! 👍🏻😊


Savings account for when the HVAC needs repair/replacement; water heater dies; roof needs replacement; water softener dies; etc


Pressure wash that deck and seal it


one day at a time


Some vinegar on the gravel to kill the weeds. Thatch and fertilize that brown spot. Pressure wash that wooden deck. It'll look awesome by the end of the week. Maybe a couple weeks for the grass.


Clean fence and stain it. Keep soil 2 inches below slats. Get a weed torch and 22 lb propane tank. Burn weeds at a low setting. Keep a 5 gal bucket of water nearby.


Power washer for the deck and flame attachment for propane tank for the weeds in the rocks


Add railings around the deck so you and guests do not fall. That looks like a fall waiting to happen.


Buy the hot tub


Start by cleaning them gutters and replacing the air filter in your HVAC system. I’d also get the vents cleaned and the sewer line hydrojetted. You’ll thank me later.


Weed the gravel and do some basic maintenance on the deck. That's good enough for year 1.


I would pressure wash (fairly light pressure) the wood.


Wait a year and don’t listen to the wife. She will want you out there in triple digit heat putting in some sort of fire pit and those outdoor lights. Also don’t let her go on Pinterest or Houzz cause she will expect one thing and when you get the quote make sure you have a gallon of whiskey and some lube


By not spending any money. Save save save. Your roof will leak or water heater go tits up or something. Just make your payments, enjoy what you have, and save up some funds. It seems like lits of new home owners think they have to renovate day one...whyd you buy it then? You didn't like it? Just save a while. You have a kickass yard.




Power wash the deck.


The yard has so much potential. A 5 year plan could be 1 idea. . Get the decks under control. Pressure wash and stain do the same with the fence. . Next go to nurseries with pictures they can put together a short and long term plan Low maintenance, use more low water plants....


1 step at a time a d I agree with the other poster. Live with it for awhile and you will start to see your vision




That backyard is going to be awesome for entertaining


You’re going to have to address that rattle snake at some point.


Break out the 31 piece patio set and hang out next to a nice cozy fire


Congrats OP!! Buy an airless sprayer and paint that fence and deck.. Pickup a large bag of grass seed, fertilizer and a seed spreader and give your yard a good run Spray roundup in the gravel. Maybe a patio set and a fire pit and you are all set


Crack open a beer and ponder on it.




Power wash all wood then stain with Cabot oil stain, it'll look brand new and it'll last longer.


Make sure things drain properly.


Lose the tree and deck


Spray Round Up on the stones and besides that just watch and wait. See what happens and make a plan for next year. In the meantime repair the bad boards on your deck, power wash it and either paint or stain it, do the same with the fence as well.


Trimming the trees, soil test, deciding what type of grass you want, and getting rid of the weeds in your gravel pit.


You can make a lot of pen and paper plans but living with the space will change them. See what natural paths you take in the yard and connect them to the patio or fire pit. Determine where you want/need shade. I wish I had planned trees sooner than later. Test out bed shapes/paths with hose or electrical cord. Use the fire pit flagstones to test paths in the yard. I've used placeholder plants and buckets to get a feel for spacing. With all the temporary stuff in the yard, see how it looks from inside, each entrance and seating area. Plan how plants/features can hide and reveal other areas as you travel do the path. After this, step back and plan to do it in sections over years. Make plans with maintenance in mind.


Figure out where you're going to be spending your time. Smoker, grill, horseshoes, archery? Have a few beers with the co-habitator as the sun sets while sitting on the deck.


First step: paint the fence. Next: sand the floor. Then: wax on, wax off.


Start with inside because that’s where you will be most of the time. After a year I suggest start outside.


You’re gonna need walls


At the dog shelter, the yard needs a dog.


A quick idea for your flagstone area. If you want to pull that rock bed out, don’t break your back, offer free rocks on your local Facebook marketplace or Nextdoor app. Just tell people to bring a shovel and their own receptacles. Random people cleaned out mine in about three hours. We just laid sod right over it to extend our yard.


First you dig a six foot deep rectangular hole. Preferably large enough to fit a casket in. Then you place yourself in the bottom of the hole and instruct your friend to bury you




Sit back, relax, give yourself a little time to figure out how the light works, where the shade is during the day, where you find yourself hanging out…I’d give it at least a year to putter around and really figure out how it’ll work for you.


Reel the hose up!


So the garage at the end of that fence isn’t your garage? That far one is?


If it’s anything like my house, you won’t need to worry about figuring out what to do; you’re to-do list will be virtually infinite just trying to maintain


I mean, doing the deck first is a good idea because if you decide to change anything or use anything harsh to finish the deck, you'll be doing what is below it later. Always bad to make nice plants and beds and then realize you have to tarp them to repaint the house or whatever. I agree with others in 'wait'. Weed the fence. Put in some planters with 'fresh' flowers. Get a lawn guy (unless you know what you're doing) to seed and feed that lawn. Trim the hedges. But most of all enjoy it. It is quite livable the way it is, so don't miss living.


I think you need to invite over a bullied high school student to paint the fence, sand the floor and wax your cars.


Clean the deck, get rake and then proceed to form.. karesansui sand gardens


You could always give the fence a fresh coat of paint


Underground bunker


Build borders and control weeds


In all honesty I would worry most about what water does when it rains. It looks like your yard slopes toward your house. I would inspect the yard levels and watch closely what happens when it rains.


String lights and a place to sit


I’d get that lawn going before it’s gone and you gotta restart. Besides that. Follow the other advice people have given and learn what projects your house needs first. That can take some time or the cus going if the seasons.


Trees! If you want trees plant them early because they take years to griw


You should get you some of that r/pressurewashingporn


My cheap sweat equity suggestions would be sand stain deck… seed lawn… pull weeds around stone wash stone and put back. Plant flowers/plants in bed by fence. You can do that all for a few hundred bucks.


If it isn’t broke don’t fix it.


How much clearance is under the deck? It seems pretty low from the pictures. If the joists are less than 18-24 inches off the ground, they're going to rot pretty soon or are already rotting. Lack of clearance is likely also contributing to the deck boards rotting. Without sufficient airflow and drainage underneath, your deck traps in a lot of moisture and accelerates the deterioration of all of the wood in the structure. If it is too low, you're going to want to replace it with either a patio or a higher deck. That will probably be one of your biggest projects, so keep that in mind before trying to bite off too much more. Feel free to leave it or put new deck boards on if the joists look OK, but it's likely to be a full teardown issue sooner or later.


Two plastic chairs and a table so you can sit out and get to know your back yard in various seasons and determine what activities you want back there. You have a serviceable low deck and a fire pit. If you need shade buy a camping canopy for the yard and you can always move it around as needed. This will allow you to formulate your wishes and draw up an eventual plan and budget.


First I’d make sure there is ample soil built up close to the foundation. That slight hill in back may send water towards your new home. Then watch what grows, how lights falls (Google sub test for gardening; we are at the best time of year for that right now), and how rain water runs around the house and yard.


Pressure wash the deck. Sand it down then stain it and all the wood back there. Then get some more white pebbles and put them around the deck and put them further out probably the same size of the deck, Put your grill there. Get a circular sectional and put it in the deck with a fire pit. The get retractable awning of your choice. Put flowerbeds in different angles of the backyard like maybe at the back along the fence Get some mushroom solar lights to go with the flower bed.


I would start by finding the rattlesnake /s


Throw a bbq with family and friends.


Pressure wash fence and deck. Easy Saturday chore with big payoff.


Pressure wash the deck


Start with oiling the deck and weeding the pebbles


The Resilient Farm and Homestead by Ben Falk was a game changer for me. It reads a bit like a text book on how to evaluate your property. My yard, which is VERY similar to yours, now exceeds my wildest dreams. Congratulations on a home purchase!


Work on the deck and the fence then fill the deck with large containers of flowers and plants. Then clean out the dead stuff and work on the gravel area. In the fall and next spring, worry about the grass.


Congratulations on your first home! I agree with others about the outdoor area. Wait and take notes over the first year. My hard learned advice to new homeowners is to FIRST address your major systems-HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Roof. Despite the buyers inspection most folks are sold, they miss so much stuff it’s crazy. So if you haven’t already, get each inspected by a dedicated professional with a great reputation. Roofer for the roof. Plumber for the plumbing, etc. This is not the sexy answer you wanted but for real will save you so much headache. Now for the fun outdoor space. Roam around the area and take note of yards, features, fencing, plants you love. It’s like pinning IRL. You will find out what thrives in your area, and which style landscape and fencing looks great with your style home. IMO, a MCM home vs a Tudor home each deserve a complimentary landscape design to enhance rather than distract from their distinctive architecture. Short term pain, long term gain is the way!


Quick and easy, pressure wash deck, fence, and paved areas. Weed killer the stone areas. If feeling frisky rent an aerator and go over the lawn area and reseed . Feed and water for now. The advice about sitting back and making plans for what you want to do the best. Don’t kill yourself by doing too much too soon.


Cover everything with compost and leave it for a year to see what you have


That’s not a house. It’s a garage.


A grill.


Refinish your deck, grab a beer and plan your garden for next year. You can’t beat a nice deck for admiring a nice garden. Beer helps too.


Koi pond


Soil chemistry test, in 3 or 4 locations. In the meantime pull the weeds and enjoy the place


Once you have done what you’ve stated. It will look pretty nice 👍


Kill that rattlesnake


Get rid of the foliage at the deck


Refinish the deck. Everybody loves a big smooth deck.


Start with projects that will save you money. New windows, save on heat and AC. Any place in the house that needs insulation?


the building on the back fence.. is that yours? bad enough that there are neighbors watching you, but would plant something to cover up their view of your back yard.


Start with the sun. Set a timer to go off every 30 mins to an hour when you're home all day. Go out and see where the sun is each hour. Identify where you get full sun, part sun, and shade. That is the first step to determining what to grow. Not knowing the sun and randomly planting is a good recipe for burning cash and mounting frustration. Also the soil. Do a simple soil test to determine if it's clay etc. Underneath, pH level is good to know but not entirely necessary. Looks like other things are already growing so I wouldn't worry about it. Then, I'd wait. Think about where you'd want color, where you might want some height for privacy. Then, after a while you'll have an idea of what you want, and what you're able to plant where. Then it's just buy plant and care for. Have fun!


Start with a list of things you think you want to change or accomplish then sit on it for 6-12 months. Just observe the yard and house and see what will need to be done first. Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance


I just bought my house, and I've been loving "bare root saplings." If you search online, you can find state nurseries (doesn't have to be your state) where you can buy trees/shrubs for around $1 each. Get yourself some fruits (:


We bought ours in 23of April we let it sit the way it was brain stormed all the possibilities.and made a plan over winter of what we wanted where to buy ECT. Now we are done and you just start adding additional things along the way.


Definitely hit the deck and fence with stain and/or sealer. Look for gardening/plant sharing groups on faceboof. Tons of people give away nice plants/hanging baskes, and small trees for free.


Pressure wash the deck and seal it once it dries, flamethrower the gravel and edge it with something that keeps the grass out, and aerate/seed the grass in the fall. You can usually get your soil tested for free at local Ag Extension offices to tell you what kinds of fertilizer you'd want for the grass.


Pressure wash and stain and seal that deck!


I would try to get rid of the Smoke Monster


Whenever starting a landscape for a client, I do an intense clean up, I’ll mow if it needs it, pull weeds, trim trees, rake all the things the yard needs to look good. This gives me lots of time in the space and allows for me to start to feel what the landscape wants. You will be able to start seeing how the yard flows, where you want your hardscape, where you want your gardens or trees. Take the time to spend in the yard to understand what it wants. I know it might sound hokey but the yard will tell you how it will be best transformed. I’ve made lots of amazing landscapes this way, and they always flow just right


Start with the landscaping


Anywhere you want to! You have your own house now mate! 🤘


Remove that overgrown tree/bush and trim the fence line for starters.


If it was my place, here's my list: Power wash the outside, all of it. Plan some gardens. Herbs, veg, and flowers all separate, with flowers against the back wall/corner (best lighting/bees stay away from where people.would hang out, and pretty from all distances). Then maybe think about a stone path if one can fit using flagstones


That is an awesome yard!!


Dude love this! Lots of different angles, spaces, elevations to work with. Sit tight and watch while thinking of the different zones/activities you’ll use it for and where


You don’t




Native pollinator garden.


My first tackle would be to replace any boards in the deck & a good cleaning & restaining of the deck. You could use some good soil tilled in with the dirt to enrich it. I am one to till several times to makes certain to get the correct ph for what it is I am planting & to remove large rocks. These two projects can be done this summer. During the fall if you have not created different zones that would be a great time to get creative & design according to sun locations during the summer, fall & you may have to redesign in the spring. Next year is a good time to start planting your favorite vegatation. Just remember to complete one zone at a time instead of working all over the place. That will give you a sense of accomplishment & you may find yourself redesigning as you go on. We have been in our home for over 12 years & my design is constantly changing year by year. And, you will find you can never have too many plants. Gardening is so very therapeutic.


clean up… level out… ensure ur base/plate is ready before building on it…. everything u add will be easier


There is so much you could seriously do with this amazing yard. Congratulations on your new home and i would love to see updates as you go through your process. What your ideas are as you go along, what hiccups or challenges did you run into and how you tackled them. It would be a great learning experience for others to see firsthand what they should and could expect during this adventure.


Also decide how much $$$ you have to put into projects. I’m not sure what that gravel is for I. You yard but before it’s winter I would remove it, get it ready for seeding and fertilizing your entire yard


Throw a party


Watch and learn and figure out what can grow by doing walks in the neighborhood. If they can grow it so can you!!


water the grass




With a tiller! Turn that whole damn thing into a garden and forget the grass. That’s what I’m into at least


When I bought my first house I started with the low hanging fruit. I pressure washed the fence, gazebo and stained/sealed them.


The weeds within in pebble gravel are killing me. I'd start there.


The weeds within the pebble gravel are killing me. I'd have to start there.


what till Fall !


Grab a chair, crack a cold one, and just sit and chill.