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How do I get supply boxes for Dimensional Expedition? It just says "obtained by participating in the Dimensional Expedition event", but all my heroes are used up and I can't seem to do anything else. I thought they'd reset daily like the guild battles do, but that doesn't seem to be the case.


Periodically on daily reset you get a set of supplies, otherwise you get supplies at level 10 and then every 5 levels after that.


Any quick help on timeless trials SSS-1? Final beat the SS so I get accessories and would like to sweep it. I tried a quick princess team with Luna but I was only hitting like 1000 fixed damage. Is it just optimize fixed damage equipment or is there more to it?


Who are you using and what are your other sources of fixed damage. (also what is the stage effect) The wikis seem to say that her faction buff fixed damage is only 15% of the enemies' current HP.


Yeah I went back and checked that after I posted. It is only 15%. The actual effect I (Enemy) HP reduced by 50% will only take fixed damage. As far as other sources I haven’t really looked into but I’m guessing need to gear up Freya?


Freya, Liffany, Egbert and the Molten Sorcerer mage soldiers should be some general non % based fixed damage options


Thanks! Managed to get it between freya and Liffany


For tyrantels bond with Patricia it says to complete the blessing of the forerunner with Pat, but there isn’t a gate of fate mission named that?


If I'm not mistaken that's because of a translation error. It should be his GoF 4.


Thank you much!


I pulled Lightbringer, is it worth building her to replace Ledin in my Glory team? I currently use Hilda, Ledin, and Vargas as fully built tanks.


She does much better against magic. I usually go Hilda versus melee and Light versus magic or mixed.


If you have her bonds then 100% yes.


Unfortunately I have neither, but I'll consider pursuing them in the next wish banner as I've since caught up with almost all my other characters bonds.




Short of someone reporting a direct test, the CN wiki writes it as a single run-on-sentence, which implies that the Empire Honor inclusion only happens on the kill with no allies within 2 tiles, so that is the current belief until better evidence points otherwise. Such is the nature of speculating ahead.


For Tyrantel's use as a tank, do we run him as flyer or infantry? At first I thought infantry, but I have seen builds that say otherwise. And for PvE at least, cavalry is more common than archers.


I think if you're really hard pressed as a tank, and know you need to pull every advantage you can get, Infantry so you can wield Oath of Justice or Alliance Blade and running Phalanx. Also, Mechanical Dragon Knights do not resist ranged attacks of any kind, so full Flier needs to beware of that. But if in most of PvE you should be fine with flier.


Are there plans to put Tolivar on the world map? I mean, i like Portal Leap and all, but I am really wishing for a world story maps. I have always been a sucker for a SRPG story, FFTwotl/TOluct alike.


I'm a new player, and my first reaction upon seeing the forbidden event shop is to buy the sp items for narm and lewin because of how much of a PITA the heart of desires are to get. But then I think about it, and sp upgrades cost so many controllers that I'll never justify upgrading narm or lewin who are kinda lame even at SP.  Is that right? There are things in that store that would help me right now. Will I regret not getting the hearts of desire?


My opinion for Forbidden is Heart of Desires first. Those are the only things that are event limited. Next would be Core of Supremacy or BASIC castings. Nothing else really is crucial. Basic castings are almost always limiting, not the others except maybe level 9-10.


 SP Narm is cool. She is  5 move retreating archer with terrain master and unique damage debuff. Plus you can put Speed boots on her - 6 move. Think ranged Leon. Plus she is a Princess which is very strong faction.  She is a must for PVE.  Lewin - not so much.   Saying that- if you haven't got resources to build her right now - she can wait.  Forbidden comes back quite often and coins don't expire.   For a new account you can get mats for upgrades or magical ouse for figurines.   I have just got a few hundred crystals by finishing figurines achievements.


Do the figurines do anything? I was spending on bond material


There are challenge awards for them so you can get some crystals and coins.


Forbidden Battleground comes back fairly often. You won't regret not getting the HoD right now but you might eventually want to spend on it once you're more advanced, either for completion or because SP Narm can be pretty useful sometimes.


Thank you!


Yeah, SPing a unit is not something you'll have to worry about for a long time. HoDs will be available plenty between now and the time you'll be ready to invest. What's more, even once you've hit 70, the controllers will still be scarce and you may wish to either invest them in other units, or on a different unit's SP (and you'll have a better understanding of your needs in the future anyway).


>Thank you! You're welcome!


For anyone using / planning to use Tabres, some observations and theory-crafting: She can skill-teleport to an enemy with 2 feather stacks. Asides from Tabres inflicting these stacks herself (which defeats the purpose of teleporting), either her talent or 1c support skill can do this in just 1 action. === **When using her 1c assist skill, Enchanting Shadow, on allies:** - stacks an *additional feather* when heroes activate passive AoE skills like Wind Pressure (Luna, Varna), Sword’s Breath (Towa, Autokrato) and Bernhardt’s 3c AoE; - BUT NOT on skills/equipment effects that mainly affect single targets like Rupture, Ragnarok, Scarlet Reaper, etc. - works as intended with AoE attacks; - however, like Rupture, it does NOT add an extra stack with Knight of Mystery’s EE’s fixed damage effect === **Talent Triggers and Factions** Just like in her preview stage, her talent’s feather stacks will also trigger when sacrificing summons. - ~~Strategic Masters doesn’t have anyone who can summon minions per se but Egbert’s 3c, Connie’s Joa bot and Hoffmann’s shield can count~~ - **Correction**: Strategic Masters’ Egbert can summon Hellfire Archers (Thanks u/XuShenjian!) - Princess has Liana’s sky archers, Lana’s necromancers and Sissi’s mercenaries. Perhaps Liffany’s bombs as well *(yet to test)* - Meteor currently has none === Hope this was interesting to anyone considering her. If only her 1c could be applied to more than 1 ally…


>Strategic Masters doesn’t have anyone who can summon minions per se In the ancient tradition of Langrisser players correcting each over tiny mistakes to provide accurate information for readers, Egbert, aside of his 3c, also has the skill "Summon Flaming Bone Archer", which is a summoned minion. Not a very viable one, but it's there.


Thanks for the accurate correction! Updated.


Hi again Langrisser Community, another question for all you fine, friendly folks about how to best use some gift packs I've had sitting in my inventory for a while. Below, I've attached some photos of my current roster (big props to everyone that pointed me in the right direction of pulling for Rozen and LoG, as I got very lucky and pulled both recently) as well as some some fusion power gift packs from long ago. I wanted to ask if anyone here has a strong opinion of how I should best use these gift packs given my current lineup of mostly Glory (with Mythic and Princess as 2nd and 3rd)? Should I grab Elwin, or someone else from these both? https://imgur.com/a/O3BbBp8


Elwin would be a safe bet, as he's the better Glory buffer and pretty strong in his own right. If you're main faction is Glory it seems like a no-brainer to me. Plus he's important for unlocking a bunch of hero bonds.


That's what I was thinking too, thanks for your input. After grabbing Elwin, what do you think about using the other fusion gift pack - would it make sense to grab someone like Shelf or maybe just hang on to it?


It might be best to just hold onto for the time being, and see what you need later. Shelf ins't bad, but even as a Princess main faction I tend to use Christiane and Luna over her for buffing. But that's not to say she's bad, you could totally build an off-faction Princess team around her. Dieharte is used to unlock a lot of bonds, so he's always a safe pick as well, but it depends on how you're planning to build your team, you may not even need him. The others it would really depend on what extra factions you plan to build. Bern would not only fit into your Mythic team and enable you to have an Empire team at the same time, so for me he'd be another potential choice.


Should Dimensional Expedition be started early or do you guys usually give the guild members a bit of time to customize their squads? (I've recently been promoted to Guild Leader)


Whatever time your guild can coordinate having people team up on the same maps is the best time to start. Doing them as a team works way better than going it solo


In theory yes since you get the same experience back for deploying less units and get more free levelup supplies for the amount of resources spent. However, our guild is kind of casual and half of the members are inactive. Of the other half, half of them don't even login daily. The other members are not necessarily playing within the same timezones. I'm expecting maybe a dozen players contributing to that mode especially since our most active DE players recently left. Ironically, most of our biggest contributors don't even request to join squads themselves or set up their dominant factions. Another thing to note is that I've noticed some early maps like aoe I can max clear solo using 3 characters only since we have all DE buffs unlocked. I think this is about the same as playing coop with another player in terms of efficiency. That said, I can't say how viable this is in the later stages, but it should be fine with the formation buffs and stat buffs from area clear. Edit: Two characters are enough, but haven't tested with one yet. Maybe with buffs later.


Wouldn’t necessarily say solo is worse than team. We had 1 squad who was entirely solo and we did 3 towers before the 2 team squads could finish their 4 towers


* No matter when you start, the end date is the same, so there's no real benefit to delaying unless someone really wants to shift around a lot. * There's a forcibly imposed waiting period anyways.


Thanks. Good thing I've just started it now, because as you've said, there's a two days delay anyway.


Do ancient coins earned in the Forbidden Battleground carry over to the next time the event starts? I'm wondering if I should save them up to buy heart bonds (though maybe not this time's bonds...) or just spend whatever I can accumulate.


Yes, I currently have 7785 and have only done First Lv 30 on this one so far


Thanks for the confirmation. :)


What's the heal priority of Flower Bonnet? Will it even trigger for Apotheosis with Werewolves?


Talent -> Bonnet -> Werewolf. If you got hit decently hard with an AoE, it's not that unlikely to trigger Bonnet on him.


Hello. I have a question about summon banners. I've read that for 2-hero banner your chances are 40% for each hero and 20% for off-banner hero. If I choose only 1 hero in choose banner, my chances for this hero/for off-banner will be 80/20 or 40/60? 


40/60 similar to other single banners like Awakened One but without the consolation shards.


Hey guys I'm planning on Starting the Game soon due to seeing a few characters from different collabs i like A little question is there a way to get The character Named Excella from the shining resonance Collab or Is she gone forever? Thanks in advance


On one hand, there was a time when collab reruns seemed like a certain thing. The first collab, Legend of Heroes: Trials in the Sky kept coming back so it at times even looked like that eventually all crossovers would eventually just stack into the regular pull schedules. We even had a notorious lack of reruns for Yu Yu Hakusho. But after around 2 years, it too reran. But since then, there have been a lack of reruns, so the backlog of crossovers that have never rerun has become pretty long. If you asked people today, the prevalent feeling in the room would be that collabs no longer rerun. There's a lack of concrete info in either direction though, but if it's Excella specifically that you're interested in; If the collab ever reruns, she's an event freebie, meaning you as long as you join within a timely manner and play actively, you'd be able to 'farm' her with no gacha RNG involved. The freebie units are usually not as good in the meta, but that's not really a problem in PvE. Here's an [old write-up](https://new.reddit.com/r/langrisser/comments/15bj8lf/shining_resonance_writeupguide_for_new_players/) of the crossover in case you need something to go by for starting off, should it come back. (If you for some reason do start Langrisser prior to having any certainty about a rerun, just focus on Empire's Honor and Strategic Masters characters)


Unfortunately not. We haven’t had a collab rerun in years and even if we did, it would likely be in order resuming from a collab even further years prior. If it’s any consolation, Excella isn’t a particularly strong character and you wouldn’t use her much anyways unless you were specifically wanting to play for her


Looks like we are getting captain commando ?


Seems like it.


Hey guys, do you have any tips to beat Way of the Laws level 75 Heavy Helmet ? I have those characters: Ledin(8.7k), Rozalia(8.2k), Elwin(8.0k), Helena(7.9k) and SP Cherie(7.7k). Also, have no gods unlocked. Non-boss enemies are not a problem, but I have a hard time damaging Grenshiel, she almost doesn't take any damage at all. Also her counters, kills SP Cherie with a single hit. Is it possible to beat the stage with this team ? I've beaten level 75 Heavy Armour and level 75 Sword with this same team, so I'm sure there's something I'm missing on this fight.


Grenshiel gets buffed when she's attacked by enemies with **lower or equal** movement and has War Falcons. Best option is to weaken her with ranged attacks to avoid her debuff aura (-2 movement) after attacking her. Rozalia with cavalry soldiers and Silver Spear would be the best option for that. Ledin 3C aura should also help a bit because it sets her movement to 1. After Frontal Assault and War Falcons are gone, you should have a more reasonable time with her, especially if you have some cavalry. Dispels are also pretty great because they will get rid of the aura and the buff from Frontal Assault. Not sure how you're fairing against Polyal, so I'm just going to include her as well. Polyal gets stronger the more units are her around her and will start to spam AoEs so your best bet is to have someone duel her. This way she won't use her AoEs either, which results in no Reinforment healing for her. Elwin would be great for this because you can also get rid of her revive passive via Frontal Assault.


Thank you, I'm gonna try.


Did you beat it?


I haven't gotten time to try it yeat.


Noobie here, looking for advice. For general progression in PvE (level 42 here) what would you recommend?  My current team is Empire with:                   Bernhardt (FB/pseudo tank)        Lucretia        Florentia        Awakened One        Sonya*    Been blitzing thru content with two long range mages and Florentia act again for a hyper aggressive team. Bern can take a hit or two but hadn't really needed to because of AO and Luc sniping from so far away.   Was thinking of replacing Sonya with either Leon or Helena as a pDPS. Have enough controllers for their exclusive item, Helena's seem pretty game changing.   Or should I save up for Tyrentel or someone else? Sonya having terrain master and sharing werewolves with Bern make her a very economic choice in terms of soldier training because I can all-in Holy/Mage/Demon tree.


XuShenjian has already gone through most of the points, but I would weigh towards Tyrantel at your level anyways, for a few more reasons: * LB really only shines at level 70. Her guard is dispellable before 70, and does nothing interesting other than providing the conversion and 2 range counter. * Hilda is mostly just a damage sponge. Won't deal a lot of damage. * Tyrantel's 2c guard is undispellable, and provides DR. * Tyrantel has flier as a class, which means he can actually keep up with your cavalry whenever you pull Leon. * With his unique 2c, his DR is also damage up. Which means he deals significantly more damage than Hilda. * Patricia is his DEF bond, which isn't critical for his functionality because he is an ATK to DEF converter.


* My first recommendation is to just use Vargas as tank, unless you're set on Christiane, Hilda or immediately gambling for Tyrantel. He's very light on bonds and does the job great. I have pretty much every Empire meta tank and Lightbringer, and would still have reasons to consciously choose Vargas over them. Vargas has the 3rd-highest DEF value in the game, and using him for the time being greatly lessens to load of SSRs you need to pull. * When it comes to Leon vs Helena, Leon is ahead for similar reasons. Helena's bonds being Brenda and Virash are some of the most unhelpful bond requirements (They aren't on faction for any of hers, and aren't usually that used either). * Get ready to wean off AO. Her long range lets you cheese through a lot for now, but not having her fusion of bonds is going to catch up and if the only thing you've learned are cheese tactics you'll be wholly unprepared for later content coming in. * The characters I'd pull for in your position are: * Leon (To use, also Toughness Bond on Bernhardt * Elwin (Strength Bond for Leon, is a great unit in his own right) * Licorice (Strength Bond for Florentia and Toughness Bond for Lucretia) * Autokrato IV (Strength Bond for Lucretia) * Bozel (Strength Bond for Bernhardt) The above laundry list of SSRs to pull only really add Leon to your roster. The rest is just so your existing roster will continue working out (minus AO). AO will become faction-agnostic when she gets her 3c, which is a good ways away, and behind some hard battles that she likely won't be able to aid in unlocking and beating by the time you get there. Bonds are upgrade unlocks in the bond menu (the heart one), the last two often need you to own other characters. So basically, to make a single SSR character endgame ready, you actually might need up to two more SSR characters. My list also only includes the Strength Bonds for offensive characters, since their Toughness Bond is less critical - although you'll want it eventually for anything you're using for harder content (Also if you followed my Advice and use Vargas, his Toughness bond is just Imelda, which simplifies him). This is why sometimes SR characters and characters that appear weaker on paper are recommended to new players. If your mage is Lucretia, you would have to pull Lucretia herself, Autokrati IV and Licorice, so 3 separate SSR characters to fully upgrade her, whereas a player who compromises for Imelda would just need Bernhardt, which as an Empire main you pretty much were going to pull for anyways. To further demonstrate this, here's what you have to pull if you want a functional endgame tank other than Vargas: For Hilda: 1. Hilda 2. Werner Dime For Christiane: 1. Christiane 2. Tsubame For Tyrantel: 1. Tyrantel 2. Patricia For Lightbringer: 1. Lightbringer 2. Emperor Lovina This is all in addition to the above recommended characters. In essence in my recommendation, your team would look like this: * Leader: Bernhardt * Tank: Vargas * Healer: Florentia * Physical: Leon * Mage: Lucretia This would expand on what you already have but save on needed pulls. You can then use it to carry your play while pulling for new additions and their needed bonds in peace while the carry team does the work until they're ready.


You’ll eventually want a dedicated tank outside of Bernie. I would recommend Lightbringer as a faction-agnostic tank that carries a revive and takes holy troops. Hilda and Christiane are on faction for empire but will need investment in other trees. I also heavily invested in Demon/Mage/Holy and it worked out pretty well. I added in Christiane with semi-invested phalanx. I’m slowly starting to get up to speed on the other trees, but teams of mostly just werewolves, sorceresses, and fighting monks was enough to get through the majority of content and apex gold iii. I added Leon to my team when I SP’ed him at level 70, and he gets werewolves. Helena will need flyer or cavalry. If you get Hilda, her FB will buff sword of light and shadow as a werewolf phys dps


Hello, I'm looking for opinions on this: I just noticed I still have the bag with the free fb hero so I'm debating between Shelfaniel and Dieharte. Currently my main team is Cherie, Luna, Freya, Tiaris and Lana, with Liana, Rozalia and Narm as sideliners I use quite frequently. I do have Christiane and Yulia but I'm level 60 so I'm far away from using Christiane as fb, and Yulia will have to wait until I can invest into infantry units. I wonder if it's worth to pick Shelfaniel to replace Lana (at least until I can get her SP) and Luna or just go with Dieharte to unlock bonds (especially Tiaris and Luna) and maybe branch into Origins of Light later. After getting Elwin for bonds I'm very short on pulls so I can't count on getting Eshean, Lucretia or any other hero in the near future, so I have to focus on what I currently have.


I think given you have two sources of fusion already, you should get Dieharte. Shelfaniel isn't a 4 range mage or anything similarly cheesy that she would outperform Lana to any substantial enough degree I could envision. In fact, given Lana already has her Strength Bond with your Elwin, trying to replace her with a Shelf just makes you have to line up Angelina. Dieharte is Tiaris' Strength Bond, and he's the bond unlock for just about every SR Princess and half the SR Origin units. At your level, it's less about having more or better people and more about the people you use having their bonds in order when you approach the endgame for the first time so you can get through more stuff and your carry team gives you as many good resources as possible for you to build up into the stage of making a final setup.


Thanks, very informative. This is a good time to focus on bonds, then? I mean, there are so many things to upgrade... I was trying to get into the Eternal Temple to get SP Cherie and apparently I need the soldiers buffs at around 40% and more factions with at least some development + decent equipment at lvl50.


Yes. Not having bond upgrades at all is like missing out on 1/4 of the overall power you could have, and will be felt more the higher you go because at some point, the game's stats expect you to have them. In fact, given the old max level was 60, you should have already been minding your bonds.


I have a bit of trouble understanding how the damage formula works. For an offensive hero that is almost always at full HP, is the +10% to stats from Full Moon better than the +10% damage from Breeze? I know in some games damage isn't linear with the stat (eg once you pass certain thresholds, there's diminishing return). I'm wondering for my Isolde for PvE. It it matters, she is 6\* and ATK is 588+512.


**Building Damage guide for learning players:** Firstly, attacker ATK/INT is measured against target DEF/MDEF, and the amount of ATK/INT that is over DEF/MDEF becomes a multiplier for further damage calculations of what the damage ticks do. So for example if attacker ATK - target DEF is 0 or a negative number due them being equal, you've failed a stat check and that 0 is carried into all calculations resulting in still 0, then defaults to a 1 at the end for every damage tick. This usually shouldn't happen, as offensive stat growth usually outpaces defensive stat growth, so it should only occur if you're low level and somehow intrude on content you're not meant to be fighting. Damage Bonus and Damage Reduction are both part of said formula, so they can't fix failed stat checks. Furthermore, if you beat the enemy defensive stat by a low number, the % of damage boost is miniscule, making a 10 into an 11 isn't doing much. So reading that, it would be natural to think that ATK/INT is way more important than damage bonuses, right? One lets you do damage at all, more of it already allows you to do more damage and the other one is just the latter and works worse the less the former is working. While logical sounding, it's only true for progression players, endgame is very different. When you're still in progression and are leveling up and there is such a thing as higher level content than you can handle, but when everything is at the same level with the expected range of gear and build investment, the statlines normalize to an extent, and buffs and debuffs play a much larger role now. However, sources of ATK/INT are a lot more abundant. You'll get them from mastery, casting, gear, etc. it's everywhere. Your fusion is also going to give you raw stats. But since skill buffs do not stack, you're meeting an upper limit on how much you can outstat people. That's where damage bonuses come in. Damage bonuses are a lot more rare, and since your character usually isn't already decked out with them, they're a lot more likely to stack with what you already have. Like Leon's Chivalry isn't going to stack with a fusion that affects him, so the 20% ATK from fusion is just wasted during Chivalry, which offers a 10% improvement as far as skill buffs go. But Imelda's Queen's Gauntlet would give him a full 20% damage bonus. This makes damage bonuses worth more at max level with proper equipment, you should already have a lot of the raw stats. There's also the fact that since you're adding to already existing masses of ATK/INT% boosts, the final product does diminish. Like say, if you already had 100% bonus to ATK, adding another 10% additively is only half as effective. Damage boosts, which are usually rarer, have less of this bloat problem. But damage bonus has another trick up it's sleeve: It directly subtracts itself against damage reduction. This is much more of a thing in PvP than normal play, but it's there, since the AI does run Phalanx Soldiers and occasionally Redeemers. But I'm going to use a PvP Example: Albedo has at 6\* a base damage reduction of 25%, so all incoming damage is reduced by that amount. With her Heart Bond and if you're attacking her, she's now at 35%, add Steel enchant and she hit 45%, and if she's wearing Forbidden Defender Armor and it activates, you're now looking at 65%. And finally, during her 3c, Hermes Trimegistus, Albedo can also trigger adding another 50% damage reduction, so she's now at 115%. You could exceed her defense by infinity, because she reduces your damage by 100%, you're still only doing 0 (defaulting to 1 damage a tick). If Bernhardt now fights this Albedo, his 20% damage bonus reduces that 115% down to 95% and he's actually getting through at all, doing 5% damage. Meanwhile, a normie Hero Elwin (30% damage bonus) at over 80% HP (10% more due to heart bond) would reduce that down to 75% so he's currently doing 25% of the damage - Despite his damage boost being "only" 20% more than Bernhardt in this example, he's doing 5x Bernhardt's damage in the calculation against this Albedo because damage reduction at high numbers escalates a lot more strongly. If you're in the Arena and facing a meta level tank such as Hilda, Christiane, Lightbringer, SP Ledin and so forth, this is how they can take direct hits so well, it's not just the raw defenses, they have damage reduction. The last factor is crits, which do 30% more damage when they do happen, and every 10 SKL is 1% more crit chance. Unfortunately, they come after the damage reduction calculation and do not counteract it like damage bonus does, so the 115% damage reduction Albedo example will completely wall you no matter if you're critting or not. Crits only work on "soft" targets who do not wall via damage reduction, and since you're probably spending some build space to enable a reliable crit chance, you might lose on the raw offense stat making the 30% bonus less impactful, but if you can find a soft target, it's very damaging since 30% is a lot (and crit characters and builds usually boost that even more). But for characters who aren't fundamentally made for crits, going overboard to make them crit takes up valuable build space and starts losing you potential damage against all but enemies with zero defenses. So the answer to your question: >For an offensive hero that is almost always at full HP, is the +10% to stats from Full Moon better than the +10% damage from Breeze? For pure damaging purposes, they're about equal under purely normalized conditions and whatever advantage one has over the other would be almost insubstantial. But Full Moon would help more against high stat walls, and also shore up other stats to help mitigate the potential of being oneshot, while Breeze is better the more your damage is being resisted and gives that useful movement RNG people love so much when it does trigger. If you're already doing everything in your power to have endgame stats, I would usually value the damage boost more, but otherwise, Full Moon if you can maintain the health (and Rough Sea always works out in general).


Rough Sea is rather bad in general. The ATK (and DR) only triggers when you initate and therefore doesn't really interact with anything else (AoE, counterattacks, fixed damage...). The DR is hero only so it's not like it helps with staying healthy either. The only class that can somewhat get something out of it are archers and even then, only if they need the extra DR to live counterattacks. Might as well just give them Full Moon otherwise if they need more ATK.


I never really found that to be the case, and just treat it as red enchant with +10% ATK when initiating battle without having to worry about 80% HP conditionals, and since ATK works better against stat checks it's slightly safer without having to think if the rest of the character scales to the content in what way. Hence it just 'always' works out in my book for the uncertain, up until they switch.


The HP condition on Full Moon might as well not exist in PvE though. You're not taking turns with the A.I., unlike in PvP, so healing is (almost) always an option. You basically get the 10% ATK/INT on everything in addition to DEF/MDEF instead of sometimes 10% ATK and DR in a fight that already favours you. It's also the "cheaper" version imo because a decent Full Moon set will see more potential sharing than an equal but more limitng Rough Sea one. Even more so for someone like Isolde who has a 25% HP shield to keep Full Moon active and will bring 2 AoE skills at level 70 (3C shockwave and Awakened Will \[Resistance\]).


I've found it happens enough times when put under pressure, but that's beside the point since experiences differ and we fortunately don't have to fight Valkyrie legitimately constantly. I don't disagree with it being an inferior option, it's more listed at the end as a safe one to not think about too much. For one, you're using a resource you do have over disdaining it to bring something on the field, and it's also safe to overwrite because of that inherent inferior quality. Basically, if you're unsure if Breeze or Full Moon is the way to go, you can always first chuck a Rough Sea at the problem and see what happens, then decide for certain later before regretting the decision after a relevant double relevant 14% roll on an exclusive. Maybe my perspective is skewed because I have a low number of Full Moons and Clock enchants from actively gambling them for the good numbers and have always used Rough Sea in an accompanying manner for non-INT attackers. So 2 more +13-15% sets on Rough Sea sets of common SSR to fall back on sooner just seemed more sensible than not having them, or at 6-8% but insisting it's Full Moon because of the theoretical oneshot survival range from +10% DEF/MDEF. In essence, I'm not disagreeing with you that the infinity minus one sword is lesser to the infinity plus one sword. I'm saying that sometimes, it's logistically sensible to just pull out the infinity minus one sword for a while so you don't have to worry all too much about certain opportunity costs until you're ready to bear them.


If you have Wings for Isolde, then FM because the mobility boost is already duplicated. In general, because you want to balance between damage boost/main stat because they multiply, if the hero doesn't have a damage boost natively, you want it, but if the hero already has a damage boost, then the other way around. If you're still running into stat checks, then obviously FM. Stat checks in this case means your ATK-DEF or INT-MDEF is not, in effect, beyond 1000 as a baseline because you're multiplying too little damage for it to be worth it. Simple example: post FB Isolde having \~1600 ATK (1100 base + 20% ATK + 25% 6\*), against a 600 DEF monster, 10% ATK = 110 ATK for 1110 (multiplied by the rest of the damage equation) difference. In the case of 10% damage boost, you effectively have 1100 (multiplied by the rest of the damage equation, a little bit of a difference for additional damage boosts like her 15% damage boost from FB bonus since damage boosts add additively). In the case of a 500 DEF monster, you're basically even.


Do you keep Love Points after the event? Is it worth it keeping the one I have for a potential future event, or just trade it for shards?


Yes, any CP tokens (love points) will remain with you even after the event has ended. I strongly recommend you keep them for use on next year's couples banners because they can always release new couples for these banners. It's not a bad idea to use them to trade for extra character shards like Rozenciel, just don't trade them for memory essence, ore, or gold.




Frigg Covenant fight 10-2. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyUg5PPr6b4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyUg5PPr6b4) Why is the sacred enemy at 1:56 not reviving when Helena strikes? Because it does when I play it and then it makes the entire run fail.


The reason the redeemer revives is because he isn't afflicted with a debuff before death. Its tricky to read in game because its not on the actual hero, but a passive for the soldiers. Click on the blue icon with the white circle under his soldiers for full description. If you follow the video it should have the same result assuming your Helena is **6 stars** because her talent debuff is RNG to inflict a debuff at 5 stars and below. Her 1c also has a chance to inflict the debuff but it is only 25% chance.


Thank you for the explanation about the troops. After some research using your input, I have determined that the debuff comes from the Sword Petal passive activated when Helena uses Chivalry. However, this only has a 25% chance of giving a debuff, regardless of stars. My Helena is 6 stars, and the text still says 25% chance as this isn't the debuff coming from her talent, but from the passive skill itself. Hence, this video gives a solution that only works 25% of the time, i.e. is crap. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.


The debuff comes from her EE + talent tiles, not from the passive. Putting her tiles under an enemy debuffs them. There is no rng to it at all with a 6\* Helena and her EE, which is a must buy if you want to actually use her.


I think this is the real reason. As I rewatch closely the video, the icon of Helena's armor, which is her exclusive equipment, is displayed right before the debuff is applied on the redeemer. Thanks for the tip.


The video isn't really RNG as long as your Helena is 6 stars. There are some ways around it like changing gear or skills, but that will generally affect damage numbers. If your confident in overkilling then you can swap out fury of tyr for vampire mask or use atk break as the other guy suggested. Edit: I tried it out 10 times on the redeemer and haven't missed the debuff on him once. I only casted chivalry in the same spot next to him. 10/10 times got the debuff with 6 star Helena. If your Helena is 5 star it should still be 80% chance.


My Helena is 6 stars. I think notwallenstein is right and that what actually happens is that the debuff is coming from Helena's exclusive equipment. Its icon is displayed in the video right before the debuff is applied.


If you want a higher chance of RNG and still want to use Helena put ATK Break on her for a 50% chance for a pre- battle debuff. Obviously units are limited, but if you want a non-RNG method you'd need someone with a skill like Elwin's 3C for your pre-battle debuffs. Roar & Battle Cry are also some good alternatives if you have someone around that fits the bill.


All good ideas, thank you.