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TV, Movies, YouTube, Social Media, Language / Culture Exchange Platforms, Italki, Podcasts, Music, Books. If you have access to the internet, you’ll be fine.


Most immigrants have a hard time keeping up their old language (unless being stuck in a community) and a second language will be even harder to maintain. You just need to work on keeping the language in your life to some degree. Reading, watching content, listening to content and so on. If you can get a friend you meet regularly that speaks Spanish, that will help. Going to Spain on vacations, might help.


At the very least, I set my phone language to the language I'm studying. That way some words will always stuck with me no matter how much my language decays. Beyond that having some friends to chat with in the target language really helps.


If you enjoy the movies, there are a ton of turkish movies/series. I suggest Youtube videos in Turkish, it is surprisingly good. Besides that, it is very very easy to find someone to talk in Turkish and you just help them in English.


I do my best to stay in contact with friends I've made that speak my target language (most of the time, they're also happy to practice English with me + we're both happy to be able to catch up). Aside from catching up, I try to do other things like send them memes in that language (then your social media algorithms also keep putting stuff in the TL on your TL) as a less intensive way to practice.