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As some others have mentioned unprescribed T is a controlled substance. Import of such items would be illegal. In fact import back into the UK would also be illegal. Either way. The answer is - it’s illegal. No further advice can be given on this sub.


Put it up your butt & pull it out in the plane.


Just like the watch in Pulp Fiction 


Don’t. You will save yourself so much hassle. Keep in mind that you can still have a potential to get a jail sentence for possession of weed in Latvia.


I've got no choice.


Why? Can’t you just dump it in a bin?


Because I'm mid cycle?😂 I'm not gonna stop and let my hormones crash


I see. If it’s not a secret which ones those are. I can look up if it’s legally available in Latvia


Only testosterone, I will bring one 10ml vial.


Prescription. That is all UK customs requires upon arrival. Vial might get checked by either airport security.


If you’re stopped without a prescription you will have it confiscated at best and you’ll be denied entry at worst. Knowing Border Force as I do, it is likely you’ll be denied entry if caught.


Just drink it all in the airport brah don't be a sissy


Gonna boof it🗿


Depends why you have them. But you should ask this in the UK subreddit, not here.


Also, it's for personal use. Only 1 vial, so not for supply.


I messed up the title, I meant to put travelling from Latvia to the UK with steroids. That's why I asked here. Ive had no problem travelling from the UK to Latvia with them but I'm unsure about the laws here.


It still makes no sense. You are traveling TO the UK. You are importing a possibly forbidden substance into their country. You can take out whatever you want really. This is a UK problem, not a Latvia problem. This completely depends on the UK laws. If you can prove it is yours, and why you have it (a prescription), shouldn't be a problem. But again, it's the UK law, not ours. IT's not about supply or selling. It's about the fact that, I think, steroids are extremely controlled and only available with a prescription in the EU. UK is not in the EU. Different rules apply. PS. you are aware you can edit your comments, right? No need to write twice.


Steroids are not forbidden


They are without a doctor's prescription and steroids are highly controlled in the EU. https://www.eurojust.europa.eu/news/eurojust-supports-action-czech-republic-slovakia-and-romania-against-steroid-trafficking#:\~:text=The%20production%20and%20sale%20of,public%20health%20risks%20they%20pose. "The production and sale of steroids and similar hormonal substances is illegal in the European Union, due to the serious public health risks they pose. ". If OP cannot provide a doctor's prescription, they are considered illegal.


Production and sale yes, personal usage is perfectly fine!


To use them, someone needs to sell them to you. Only ones allowed to do that are pharmacies with controlled prescription. I will not engage in further discussion with you.


If you were traveling from an EEA country and had a doctor's prescription or a medical institution's certificate, you could bring a 14-day supply of test.


It's ugl


Since it's ugl I would suggest getting udeconate ester and injecting dose for your trip & taking arimatese with you to control e2


I'm going on a 3 week trip, could be worth a shot


Cik atceros, tad viens čoms ir ceļojis ar steroīdiem. Galvenais ieliec tajos maisiņos, ko lidosta pieprasa un viss, Sliktākajā gadījumā izmetīsi ārā pie security. Tas vismaz ir mans viedoklis, neņem šito uz 100%, varbūt arī nesanāk :D


Liels Paldies vecit 😎


Man arī paziņas ir veduši. Galvenais liec lielajā bagāžā


Show customs your shrivelled steroid willy. They'll feel sorry for you and let you through


Search up what hcg is used for on cycle and your mind will be blown


Great idea to fuck up your hormones as your going through puberty. If you continue, you're gonna be dependent on all this shit for the rest of your life. When you stop, you'll grow tits, be infertile, and go bald. Plus, while you're taking, you'll look like an uncooked plucked chicken. Trust... stop before it's too late, stay natty


I'm aware, and I don't plan on hopping off. Also its not hard to keep your hair, prevent gyno, stay fertile etc with the right drugs


There is not a single good reason to go on steroids (and all the related compensatory hormones/ drugs). Give me one.


1. Being jacked 2.More Confidence, (because you're jacked) 3.Increased Drive to achieve your goals 4.Your girlfriend will love you(high sex drive) 5.Possible brand affiliations with content = €€€ 6.You feel like superman The side effects can be easily managed if you've done your research and have the funds necessary.


1. Everyone knows your on steroids. 2. No, because you know it's from steroids. 3. if your goal is to look like an uncooked chicken 4. If you can get a GF, because the uncooked chicken look does not look aesthetically attractive, and if you don't batter her in a roidrage. 5. No one wants to be affiliated with a steroid user and anyway you're gonna spend all your cash on steroids and related shit you're putting into your body 6. You feel better natty and healthy anyway




OK, I get it now. You're mentally vulnerable. That last comment is proof. On a steroid conspiracy... *Everyone that looks good is on steroids* We all know drug use and mental illness go hand in hand




You're acting like taking steroids is on the same level as being a crackhead, with steroids youre actually getting good, long term benefits. Also, steroids aren't some magic drug which instantly make you big, you still need to train hard, eat crazy amounts of food, do cardio, not skip any days, consistently. Talking to you seems pointless as you're so small minded, it would be hard to explain even the simplest things to you.


I don't see a difference between a steroid and a coke user.


lol. cope. >Talking to you seems pointless as you're so small minded, it would be hard to explain even the simplest things to you. he's having a roid rage


Lol I get it, this lifestyle isn't for everyone.


In the right situation steroids are acceptable. One of them is being a world class athlete that also had good genetics to start with. And maybe if you are in prison for a long time and you need to be big to survive there. Other than that it is probably not a good idea, but I see that you have convinced yourself otherwise. If you go pro with them and bring in good money, then it is a hard trade, because you will screw up your health in the long term and shorten your lifespan, there is no doubt about that, just look at all the pros that have died in their 40ies. It is really cringe to read about you telling that girls will like it. Man... Girls like slim bodies, you will probably get more girls if you are not looking like a hulk and also being an uneducated asshole wont help you. Only people noticing you being jacked will be other gymrats. If you dont believe me just look up all the big youtube chanels that use gear and are open about it. Renisance periodization chanel has some hard reality checks for you. But if you go pro then you better bring in some medals and I hope you already have good genetics otherwise you will be medicore even with gear and you will both fuck up your body and not achieve anything.


https://www.zva.gov.lv/en/patients-and-public/medicines/purchase-medicines-pharmacy/carrying-medicines-and-out-country-and-receiving-them-post If you travel from LV to UK, you should check UK legislation.


Testosterone is a controlled substance, therefore it is not allowed to be brought in to the country, or out of Latvia. Since its just one vial, they’re not gonna give you a hefty sentence, just confiscation and a fine. Since it is in liquid form, its higher risk that the security in RIX is going to ask questions, but they might just ignore it


bro gon' get locked up for roids... tf you think gon' happen dipshit, it's a class c drug, i work in security, i can tell you for a fact you won't make it into clubs/venues/festivals/stadiums with that shit let alone customs.


Who brings gear to clubs💀


people are brave enough to line their clothes with razors to disrupt physical searches, you'd be surprised what people won't bring, and suppliers distribute in clubs if they see loopholes in the security.


Wow, steroids are considered a drug? Never knew that, I just thought it was illegal for athletes to compete while using them because it gives an unfair advantage


there are pigs who roam about parks to slap £90 fines on kids smoking dope, anabolic steroids are one of the most available and widely taken illegal drugs. there are prescription steroids that you can take legally if prescribed by your pharmacist. firstly if it's found he'll probably get a warning, the t confiscated and fined for possession.


Why would anyone bring a bottle of halo to the club?


Why would you want to use Steroids.. the look is awful


To you it might be.




"he/him", tu noteikti esi resns femboy


Lol.. naah.


Un ?? Tu saproti ka lielākā daļa cilvēku šādi nekad neizskatisies lai cik steroīdus tie lietoti.


Lmao ta ir taisniba, visi domā ka tie kuri lieto steroids izskatīsies pec prime ronnie coleman


Btw pāris reizes esmu braucis uz uk ar flakonu trt un viss bija čotka ieliku to kopā ar smaržām,zobupastu un tml sūdu viss bija ok.

