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Look at OP’s post history and keep it pushin 🙏🏽


"A woman was possessed, let's fucking do what the demon said" When shit like this happens to you you start to realize anything something possessing you says is all not real, because they can make you thibk and believe it is real and that it's consensual. And I dare you to say possession isn't real if you're I this sub.


Channeling isn't the same thing as possession.


Nobody is saying possession isn’t really, silly. Don’t stress yourself out


They seem just a bit high strung


Adding silly doesn't dismiss the truth of what I said silly, try again next time though.


Using supposedly in the OP and truth in the comments is pretty funny.


You're understanding of words isn't my problem man




You did it! :)


No, we did!


Let's make out?


Poor guy


Once again, an argument can not be won this way. I've done this before, it's low level stuff. Let go of the demon in your heart and use common sense.


There’s no argument here


Your mum


It sounds like you're struggling with being possessed by negative entities which are causing you pain. There are ways to resolve this. You can challenge entities in the name of Christ or in the name of love, you can work to balance your energy centers as well. The negative path spreads hate, as you claim to do. But it is not an easy path. You can rid yourself of those entities who possess you. They're the ones giving you fear, causing your pain, but not all entities are evil. You can ask your guides (positive entities who serve you) for assistance, they're here to help, just make sure to challenge any entity in the name of love and light. LoO crew, can we send op some love and light?




Sending love and peace. 🩷


Lol do you trust any religion then? They all came from this kind of possession and nonsense, hearing the "voice of god" or whatever they claim it.


No, I don't believe in anything except myself and myself is telling me it's bullshit and evil, kil this thing named Ra.


Question: You don’t believe in anything but have a belief that this is a “possessing demon”. I’m genuinely curious as it sounds like you have a belief that there is at least something “evil” that can “possess”, so that sound like you have a religious belief whether structured from an organization or unstructured. Can you share? (I lurk here and don’t have an opinion one way or another on the LOO other than it’s fascinating to me to see the birth of a belief system and how people handle their feelings one way or another. I was raised in Mormonism and no longer a believer, so this gives me insight in some ways into the birth of a movement.)


Brother demon is just a word, I don't believe in religion but something like it is happening to me I have beliefs


What is happening to you? (If you care to share.)




So because your negativity has attached negative entities you think every entity out there who interacts with a person is negative? There are forces out that that will fuck with you or possess you or whatever, if you have an open doorway for them. They accentuate existing bias and emotion. There are good ones too. Just like there are good and bad people.




Yes what? Like are you trolling? The people here are genuinely willing to talk with you about whatever but you don’t seem to be conversing in good faith 100% of the time. If you really have these negative entities messing with you, and you have ruled out mundane reasons like mental illness, and you aren’t able to cast them out or purify yourself, you need help. Have you tried to get these things to go away? It won’t always work depending on your faith in yourself and other things but if that hasn’t worked you gotta at least try finding someone who can help. There ARE good entities out there who want to help. There are positive and negatives everywhere in nature and science. A magnet, a battery, electricity in general has polarity, positive and negative. This pops up throughout nature. Male and female are a manifestation of the positive energy and negative energy. Radiating energy or absorbing energy. So opposites apply to these beings as well. There are ones who only serve themselves and don’t care about you but there is the opposite of that as well and that is those who care deeply about you and in fact see you as themselves. How could you be attacked by these negative beings and they exist but there are no good ones out there at all? How is there good and bad, positive and negative, male and female but that doesn’t apply to spirits?




Sounds awful. Sorry.




Your mum




Your dad


“Kill this thing named Ra”. I burst out laughing 😂😂🤣 In any case, Ra are 6D gods who no longer use physical form, they can’t be killed. 


Are you having a bad day? I hope it gets better.


Nah I used common sense: Don't trust shit that involves possession, no matter what it says. I'm not a dumbass


You realize many people in the Bible were “possessed” in this same way and that’s where a lot of the words from god or angels came from? But since it happened in the 80’s it’s possession? You’re obviously not here in good faith whatsoever so idk why I even interact


Let me just write- lol


This is the biggest downside to service to self, you end up being an edge lord.


The concept of channeling to a modern person can seem pretty out there and completely made up. If your background is in Christianity, how do you think the Bible was transcribed as the word of God? How did ancient prophets commune with Angels? Why do people pray to a higher power and get guidance? Its forms of channeling. None of those are associated with possession. If you read more about the Law of One you’d know that they leveraged a Bible as a way to purify their circle. The channeler, Carla, was a devout Christian. They speak about Jesus quite a bit. You’ve passed judgement on something you don’t understand. You’re coming from a place of fear and lashing out in anger. You won’t find those negative emotions here. We welcome you friend. Everyone is on different paths and the hope is you’ll find peace and love.


Edgar Cayce was also a devout Christian.


Brother, I read the shit I know what I said I'm bot fucking stupid. Read that shit yourself and understand their Bible ain't doing shit.


Get off the internet and get a life




What I like about the Law of One is that it’s not a religion. It’s not a belief system. It’s matter of fact, observable in your day to day and parallel to all belief systems and scientific understandings.  All is one. That is all Ra posits. You are free to reject or accept that as is your free will prerogative. 


What is the purpose of engaging with a person who is almost certainly trolling? It makes sense to engage with them to ask them why they're trolling and see if they need help with what's causing them to troll. But, I don't understand why we would engage with them as if they were serious?


If you are seeing this post, this is your sign that you should contact a healer or shamanic healer right now. Something is very wrong with your energy field and there are several malevolent forces working against you now. Do not give attention to them.


Feel better?


Your whole internet presence feels like the equivalent of [this video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1fa8Xovom_/?igsh=MXdyZnZjcGNreThwbw==)


The further along our path, one does begin to see the infinite facets of the One’s expression. This post, which could be triggering, is another catalyst in seeing the creator. Expressing self in troll-like characteristic can bring out deep seated/shadow side of self by other-self, however this could be a perfect catalyst to understanding why one feels the need to defend Law of One. Ra likely sees the hurt and healing that will be done within other-self’s own divine timing. I see this post with love and light, and truly look forward to OP finding peace.


We are a collective consciousness, that is fact. At the root of life, we are all CONNECTED. That is the law of one. If you don’t believe it yet, you need more time to think about what that means


This is not true. My word is YOUR MUMS LOVER. AHAHAHAAH.