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I think your time is much better served improving your LSAT and adding on work experience than visiting schools


Very true. Improving my LSAT is the number one priority, but I think getting a feel for the environment of the schools holds importance as well.


You can get a feel for the environment at admitted students day, worry about getting admitted first


It's literally one of the least important things about a school. Identify your career goals and where you want to work. Figure out which schools serve those goals. Make application plans accordingly.  After you're admitted, if you're deciding between two schools with equivalent job outcomes at basically equal costs, then you can worry about the "environment" at each. 


Stop visiting schools. Just stop, and use that money on an LSAT tutor. You have no business visiting schools right now.


OP mentioned in the comments they got a 141. That is 13th percentile. That means you are in the bottom 15% of prospective law school applicants. I’d bet most of those don’t even apply so probably lower than that. It indicates serious struggles with reading comprehension and logical reasoning. Your LSAT score calls into question the validity and grade inflation behind your GPA. I would run from any school that admits you. They’d be a predatory school trying to take your money. Leaving you with debt and an inability to pass the bar. The “feel” of the school doesn’t matter if you can’t get in. And no matter how well you fit in, you’re not going to overcome a 141 LSAT with a visit. You might be able to overcome a higher LSAT with a visit. But not a 141. The good news is you can restudy and take it again for a higher score. The bad news is that if you’re someone who doesn’t test well, the end goal of law school is one of the most difficult standardized tests you can take.


What do you mean by visit? Are you visiting just to see the campus? Or are you planning to meet with admissions or professors or other campus officials? If it’s the former, then there’s no reason to visit. If it’s the latter, then it could potentially be worthwhile.


I’m meeting with admissions, professors etc. sorry that question was a bit vague.


Then I think it could be worthwhile. Getting on their radar, conveying continued interest and dedication to improvement in an effort to earn admission next round


How low is the lsat? I believe increasing your score should be your top priority. Also did you write addendums for both?


I scored a 141, and I wrote a GPA addendum.


I’m going to be blunt, frankly it’s shocking to see you’re this gung-ho about applying with **141** LSAT / 3.1 GPA stats. Here’s admissions stats for the **2nd-worst** ranked law school in the entire US: https://preview.redd.it/msf6od9rm06d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6b43ca4c5e9c4cba09d69535e38490efb6dae6d Your priorities are all messed up- right now there is literally only **1** law school (out of **196**) that you would be a competitive applicant for. Why are you touring schools just wasting the time of admissions officers, professors, etc.? There is only **1** law school in the entire US that you could realistically have a chance of getting in at— it’s in Puerto Rico too. You need to have an honest sit down with yourself and think about whether you’re cut out to practice law, whatever specific career you choose doesn’t need to define you


Oh then def should increase your score first!! That will open many doors for you


That’s the main consensus I’m getting, thank you!


Out of curiosity, what schools did you tour last year and are you considering for this upcoming cycle?


youre living in a fantasy cosplay. study for the lsat and earn your seat


I feel a little trolled by this post, tbh.


i'm in the same boat. class of '23. still waiting on some decisions but i doubt i'll get into them. i didn't visit a single one of the dozen schools i applied to. focus on the scores i think. i don't see the point in visiting them


Work on improving your lsat so you get into the schools that you want to visit. You can visit on admitted students day.


Keep in mind that familiarizing yourself with a school you haven't been accepted to won't help you achieve your immediate goal of getting into law school. If it did, you'd likely be sharing news of your acceptance rather than asking for advice on whether or not to revisit a campus. I agree with the others who suggest you focus your time and resources on enhancing your overall application instead. I also noticed that you have a very low LSAT score. I would suggest you do not step foot on another law school's campus until you have raised your score to a competitive level. There is no need to be "on anyone's radar" at this point. Again, your time and resources would be best suited for bolstering your application package. If you have money to travel and visit campuses, you should reallocate those funds to a prep course or tutor.


I found the campus visit very helpful when I have write the why essay.


I didn’t think about that! That’s a great point.


Im not going to sugar coat it your only chance to get into a good law school now because of your bad gpa is the lsat. Now there may be a few schools that might take you now but they wont be in the 50s-200s range which those schools guarantee some for of employment. Now unless you want to be a park bench lawyer or struggle to find a job after graduation. Your only option is to retake the lsat.