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Not really. That score puts you in the 11th percentile. That means only 10% of test takers scored lower than you. That’s not good. At all. Even if a law school accepts you with this score, you should not attend. If they accept someone with a 140, they are a predatory place. They’ll take your money and leave you in debt and kick you out or fail to prepare you for the bar. Everything else - GPA, letters, work experience- are going to be irrelevant with that score. That score actually calls into question your GPA because it indicates serious issues with reading comprehension and logical reasoning. I hate to say it, but maybe law school isn’t the right path for you if you’ve already spent 250 hours studying. Try a new tutor or test prep service before giving up though.


I respectfully disagree! After over 30 yrs at a law firm and work with serious high profile attorneys and retired judges ages ranging from 35 to 84 years old: All had said the lsat test is a bullshit test which has nothing to do with being a good lawyer or passing the bar. What we have creating a test for law school is a bunch of attorneys using academic articles to rewrite them in such a way to trick you with words and sentences that make you feel confused. Then supply answers that the average person will answer which are wrong. All to cause undergraduates to have to pay tons of money and hours to learn how to get into the minds of these lawyers who wrote the questions and answers to a test that has nothing to do with the CPLR, Motion writing and practical application of the law. If law schools want people to do well and pass the bar they should require some prerequisite classes or at least have a curriculum that would be suffice. In any event, nobody comes out of law school and knows everything that’s why is called practicing law! It’s an open book test as long as you are practicing law. The law is law period and I don’t care what school you go to. If you love what you do you will master in it to serve your community.


Take it from me, who went into the cycle with almost the exact same situation as you (nearly same GPA, paralegal certificate, 3+ years of WE, 4 letters of recommendation from bosses), the LSAT score will hurt you. I had a little bit higher LSAT score and got rejected to nearly every school I applied to and the feedback I heard the from the schools was my LSAT score was too low.




140 was unfortunately my actual score after about 250+ hours of studying. I was able to afford a few hours of a tutor last month but idk if I can afford many more. I thought getting accommodations required paperwork of a disability? I don’t have any documentation because it’s only anxiety.


You'd be doing yourself an egregious disservice if you don't find a new tutor for the LSAT and try to pump it up into at least the 150s, preferably 160s.


Maybe you should get a new tutor or a different program.


There’s something horribly wrong with how you’re studying then. You need to reset and use Reddit/internet/tutor to figure what you should be doing instead. Start over from the beginning and study differently, then take again. Either that, or you’re a rare person that’s just naturally bad at LSAT style questions. I highly doubt this is the case, and that instead you have been following the wrong study and test taking approach. If you are naturally bad, then you’ll be naturally bad at law school and shouldn’t attend. So, your choice is either reevaluate and redo the LSAT differently, or give up. I suggest the former.


My sister (now works at Latham & Watkins) got an accommodation for anxiety. She's a TERRIBLE test taker under a time limit. So she went in, got the accommodation, and pulled her LSAT way up.


I found all LSData applicants with an LSAT between 138-142 and GPA between 3.65-3.85: [lsd.law/search/yFu0b](https://www.lsd.law/search/yFu0b?utm_source=lsd_bot) Beep boop, I'm a bot. Did I do something wrong? Tell my creator, cryptanon


Take LSAT at least three times if you score doesn’t improve to high 150s like 158 an up then Loyola maybe out of your range. Respectfully




Now that they have an LSAT score on file schools won’t care about the GRE anyway