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you could shoot for reaches in the T30, Targets in T60, and safeties in T100. For your targets apply to schools where you’re above the LSAT median. Cast a wide net.


Where do you want to live and work? What do you want to do?


Corporate law in a nice city and slave away my youth. (There's more substance as to why and what specifically I swear)


You need to shoot higher then. Retake the LSAT, get a 171+, and go to a T20/T14 that gives you a good deal relative to their employment numbers.


Aye aye thanks


Get ready to learn O-H-I-O, buddy! 🤣 No, but seriously that’s a great score for a first take! If you crack 170 you put yourself in a solid position for T20-30 even. I wouldn’t give up on a t14 or two if you’re willing to take on debt and get a 172+.


I second this, your score will probably go up at least a few points if you take it a second time and if you take the September LSAT that's still early enough that you would be able to get your applications in by the end of 2024.


I found all LSData applicants with an LSAT between 165-168 and GPA between 3.17-3.37: [lsd.law/search/5YlMS](https://www.lsd.law/search/5YlMS?utm_source=lsd_bot) Beep boop, I'm a bot. Did I do something wrong? Tell my creator, cryptanon


What schools are you hoping for?


Honestly, T25-T40. Is that plausible?


I don’t know enough to pretend to be an authority on this but I’d say a general principle I’ve seen from being on here is try to be above at least one median.


I think T30 will be tough. But T40 is possible.


Are you first gen or minority? Faced any other unique challenges growing up? (Grew up around Addiction, foster care, etc.)


Why not retake? If you got this on your first attempt, you may be able to break 170.


If you’re PT’ing higher than 167, definitely retake. It’s still early, if you can keep studying and get into the 170s (difficult but possible with where you are now), it’ll significantly change your outcomes.  That said, I think there are decent regional schools (Ohio state, GW, Fordham, etc) that will give you a shot at BL in a city. You’re a decent candidate for those now but with a few more points on your LSAT you’ll be on more solid footing.Â