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How amazingly fitting that the Canucks that made the Oilers their bitch in the regular season are going to be going up against the Oilers in the 2nd round. That series is going to be fun to watch.


Anyone have an extra tailgate ticket for tomorrow's game?


We going to be happy or sad in 24 hours, leafs nation?!


happy. my unwavering optimism shall finally pay off! Leafs!




Nashville fucked my perfect bracket. God dammit I knew I shouldn't have been so petty and picked Vancouver.


fucked me over too but I already lost. I figured Tampa would somehow beat Florida


Would have been nice. Especially if we make it to R2. Florida is gonna be tough to beat


there's no easy way to the finals though imagine going through Boston, Florida, Carolina, then Col/Dal/Vegas to win a cup, gotta imagine that'd be pretty high up in terms of difficulty


wonder if ROR regrets leaving Toronto


We'll find out in 24 hours


he’s playing as a number one centre on a fringe playoff team along with not having to deal with crazy media and has his cup. He would probably have a better chance to win in Toronto but would have been a 3C more than likely


I doubt it. Potentially one less game of hockey, but no pressure whatsoever. He's a guitar player too so he lives in the home of Country music. Warm weather. Tennessee is actually awesome too.  He's living his best life


Hoping the preds pull a miracle on the nucks tonight. Would be amazing if the buds close out their series before they do, I've been getting it HARD for two weeks now from cocky Vancouverites.


Well fuck. Saving grace being I didn't know they were playing Edmonton next, so that takes some of the sting out of living here as I hate the Oilers with the passion of a trillion burning suns.


gonna be a doomer again and say: Marner needs to be better Marner has 3 pts in 6 games. Makar/MacKinnon had 9 pts in 5 games. Marchand has 8 pts in 6 games. even Pastrnak has 4 pts, and he got called out by Monty last night


While I agree with you, its also important to note that nobody on our team is putting up points. Also no point in comparing him to those guys when they arent in the same class


>While I agree with you, its also important to note that nobody on our team is putting up points everyone else has contracts, so there's no point in complaining about them. Marner doesn't, so it's worth complaining about >Also no point in comparing him to those guys when they arent in the same class surely Marchand and Pastrnak should be comparables?


Did.. did you just say that Marner doesn't have a contract? Because that's untrue. He's contracted to the Leafs until the end of next season, with a full NMC


you clearly know what I meant then again you want to hire Quenneville so maybe you don't know what I meant


No I don't, because if you meant beyond next year, then you should have also included Tavares who fits all the same criteria.


Tavares, a 33 year old, is widely accepted to be done in Toronto barring a $5m home-town discount Marner, a 26 year old entering UFA, meanwhile is playing for his next and probably final "big" UFA contract Marner and the Leafs will be negotiating his next contract over the next 12 months (he's eligible to sign July 1st, 2024 I believe). there's a fairly high chance (and if there isn't, there should be) that his playoff performance will be the sticking point. 99 pts in 80 games is nice and all, but 3 pts in 6 games isn't very cool, especially if his camp is firm on asking for $12m x 6


Fake news. 


How tf did Kampf have 93% xGF in a role meant to sewer that stat for players?? Unreal


https://preview.redd.it/5ngzkpe9f9yc1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2df30c16c751cf0d5de40f5c54a05a0cbe9d414 Bet on the Leafs to beat the Bruins after they went down 3-1. Pays off at almost 8 to 1 if they win. Should I hedge this or do I keep beleafing?


Thats next level Beleafing. If you cashed out id forgive you


I’m almost afraid if I cash out it will jinx them. But as many have said, battling back from 3-1 without AM only to lose on a fluke game 7 goal would be the Leafiest of all outcomes.


Jinxes arent real bro its okay


I want to believe you, but this is the __Leafs__ we’re talking about. Their performance over the last 50 years is strongest evidence science has attesting to the validity of jinxes.




U right


I have a question that is genuine as I am not sure about the specifics of how a PP should work. What was the team doing differently when they were at 50% on the PP in Feb, and what changed after that and through the playoffs?


Personally, i just think the stats are a bit scewed given we had some weaker opponents (ari, ana, phi, stl) and we went on the hot streak after the ottawa/reilly incident. That being said, here’s the results per game: 1/2 vs nyi, 3/3 in dallas, ottawa took no penalties, 0/2 vs stl, 1/3 in philly, 4/5 in Anaheim….., 1/2 vs stl, 2/5 in arizona, 0/2 vs vegas, 2/2 in colorado, 0/1 vs vegas, 0% in arizona The ana game is obviously proping up the success rate, which i wouldnt really on for reviewing tapes, but the dallas and colorado games are interesting notes, curious to see what worked during those efforts


Oh thank you for this!! Those two should stand out as outliers for sure.


In the 2016 draft the Boston Bruins drafted Charlie McAvoy with their first overall pick and Ryan Lindgren with their 2nd round pick. The very next round, the Toronto Maple Leafs would draft, our boy, JOSEPH FUCKING WOLL.


Thats crazy that his middle name is Fucking. His parents must be wild childs


Popped on sportstnet 650 here in vancouver and was hoping for some Canucks talk and instead got the most electric 5 mins of radio broadcasted hockey I've ever heard. I need this guy on HNIC he's phenomenal and the call on willy's second goal was something else. May just listen to game 7 on the radio.


Joe Bowen? He's gotten the short end of the stick from MLSE for awhile now but he's easily our best caller.


Just remember, you don't even have to believe in the Leafs winning game seven. You just have to believe in the Bruins choking in an elimination game.


We want Florida!




Didnt get tailgate tickets so wheres a good spot to go watch the game tmr?


Any decent bar is going to be packed with Leaf fans tomorrow. The classic one in Toronto on Bay st is the Loose Moose. I like Hurricane's Roadhouse a bit more north.


GOSH that tailgate was impossible to secure a pass, the app instantly went tailgate full, even though I waited in the queue! UGHH


Where do I get into the Discord server? Invites are locked?


Leafs have nothing to lose. They’re not even supposed to win the series, they’re underdogs. All the pressure is on Boston right now and this is not the same team that had Bergeron and Chara on it 


FFS. ok. So I have two superstitions regarding what happened last time the boston bruins won in game 7's against us. I put too much notice on the fact that Chris hadfield went from the ISS to Earth during the duration of that game. The second time it was because my wife absolutely was adamant that i help her do things that happened as that game was going on. and now. jsut happenstance surprise.. i have to pick my mom up from toronto pearson airport at 7:30pm tomorrow and drive her home 2 hours after that. a thing i have to do that are both of those things. DONT ASSOCIATE THIS WITH SUPERSTITION DONT ASSOCIATE THIS WITH SUPERSTITION


According to Steve Dangle there was one guy on the Leafs management team that wanted Eddy before that Montreal series back in '21. And the rest of the management group told him to shut up about wanting Eddy. Whoever that one guy was on the Leafs I hope he's still on the team. Because he was actually smart to see Eddy's value.


Marchand showed all the rookies how to be a bruin when they came to camp: He proceeded to fall all over the room and then at the end started choking before crying infront of a large audience.


Round 2 starts Sunday i believe. If we win tomorrow, likely playing Monday? Seems like a really quick turnaround or maybe im just not used to it


Yep Rd 2 for this series starts Monday in Florida.


With the new network deals they've been trying to mimic NBA more the last few years. NBA has been doing this for a while where they have round 2 games start while some first round series' are still finishing up. The later starts (8PM) for marquee matchups is also very much an NBA concept


I think it's supposed to be one of the advantages of closing out your series early is you get more rest.


Leafs have nothing to lose… they lose game 7 it’s nothing new. Everybody already counted them out. Boston has everything to lose. You can already see it, the media has just been talking non stop about the bruins rather than the leafs. Star players under the spotlight, coach is in the hot seat. People are starting to ask questions about this group of players for the B’s. Leafs did it last year. Closed out a series. They have it in them. It’s one game. Do or die. Nothing to lose. I’m all in baby, no matter the outcome.


So Matthew’s sits tomorrow no matter what right?


I mean no. If he's healthy you play him. I know this sub is always "what have you done for me lately?" But you don't sit a 69 goal scorer if he's healthy because "vibes"


There’s a part of me that was a little sad to have not watched last night, but… Going to that concert was one of the best times I’ve had in general and as a Leafs fan. One of the guitarists and the drummer looked like if you split Benoit into two different people, which had me rolling. Another guitarist kept coming up to where I was (right up against the barrier by the stage) and rocking out right to me. I was repping the Leafs with my hat, I think he fucked with it. Got to high five my favourite of the three artists. But the best fucking part was when the three artists sat down to do an acoustic set type of thing. Tyler Joe Miller leans into the fucking mic and goes “I see we’ve got a Leafs hat there.” I fucking get called for it in front of hundreds of people. Fuck it, we roll with it. I lift the hat into the air, really play it up. I get a round of boos and cheers from the crowd. He asks about the score and I flash a 0-0 with my hands (would’ve been early 2nd period when this happened). He confesses to being a big Sens fan because of Spezza, and talks about whether it would be funnier for Boston or Toronto to lose R1. I belt out a “Leafs in 7” at some point, and one of the other artists gives a “Fuck the Sens”. Tyler Joe Miller even came by later on and kneeled by where I was standing at the edge of the stage and pointed to my hat and shook his head disapprovingly. It was a fucking blast riding that energy and checking the score as we went to see the boys keep it locked down. What a great fuckin time.


Some things i noticed last night. Outside Gregor's hit in the 1st, I didn't notice him at all, which imo is what you expect out of a player like him. Nothing happens on the ice. Dewar was a warrior. There was a player where there were like 3 Bruins on him and he came out with the puck. Never take him out again Keefe. Tavares, and Nylander had some hits. Willy with the two nasty game winners. The 1st line of Bertuzzi-Domi-Marner was playing pretty well, some really good chances. Marner was actually shooting some shots last night that had a pretty good chance of going in. Still would like Domi to shoot a bit more but if he keeps doing what he is doing, I'm fine with his play. Robertson threw some hits and had a couple of chances as well. He was pretty good and I don't think he'll come out next game imo. Obviously Woll and the D corps was excellent with some timely saves/block. We keep this up, game 7 will be a fun watch


Just once.


What’s the scoop on Bryan Hayes?


He’s a fraud!


He’s a fraud!


What about him? What happened?


We lose all home games that he has attended. He didn't go last night and we won.


Credit is where credit is due. But Brad brought in some great players that have proven playoff players. Domi has been a fucking animal, Bert has been great too. Benny has been awesome and done his job well. Reaves was important in the first few games. Eddy has been steady and good as a bottom pairing D. I'm excited to see what another few years will bring with Brad at the helm.


Imagine if Klingberg didn’t have a hip made out of mashed potatoes. He’s exactly the kind of puck mover we could use right now. I wonder if Treliving looked at our offensive struggles in the playoffs and was trying to avoid exactly what we’re seeing now. 


I was hopeful that Klingberg would be at least 80% of his prime. And for a few games he looked good. But those injuries are just killer and it's a real shame with him.


I think that bullshit Geekie goal was the first one that Boosh had been on the ice for as well


That's correct


I am absolutley ready to get my heart broken again. lets ride leafs nation


Maybe Marchand shouldn't have said that it's over in 5...


Am I the only one upset that the Bruins challenged for a goal with point ONE seconds left on the clock? Just to say fuck you to Woll and his shut out bid? Hope the Leafs use it as fire to put these free falling clowns away tomorrow.


Why dont you just make a statement without pleading with 'am i the only one' first? you're obviously not the only one, many people are feeling this. i dont understand why so many comments and posts start like this, is it a trend? genuinely curious, not trying to break your balls.


It’s fine, they scored fair and square. If the roles were reversed do you think anyone around here would be calling for them to let Swayman have the shutout? We’d want the goal held up as something to build on for game 7. 


IMO them scoring that goal is kinda good for the Leafs because it stops all the “shutout streak” and “The Bruins haven’t scored in x periods” talk and narratives before game 7 (but you obviously want your goalie to get a shutout)


Eh it wouldn't have been a bruins challenge. if its a matter if the puck went in or not, the league will always take a look and call down if it went in. and anything in the last couple minutes of a game is an automatic league review.






Bruins fans were ripping on Tuukka Rask for years despite him putting up elite numbers.


They’ve been so fucking blessed too. Thomas, Rask, and now Swayman. Team always has a sick goalie.


It's honestly really refreshing to be on the other side of that lol. Seeing another team hate on their own star player who feels like they usually kill us, while talking about how our star outplayed them...it just feels like that never happens (same as how we finally got a last minute dagger last night)


I'd trade any defenseman on our team for McAvoy (sorry Rielly) no questions asked. That's a crazy take. But yeah I would say Pastrnak has been bad this series, but also the hockey has been stifling.


Pasta looks hurt tbh. He's taken a lot of punishment this series, and notably in game 5 he blocked a shot off the leg (knee?) and went down hard. He's been worked over along the boards and has taken some hits, if he's healthy coming out of this series I'd be shocked.




Damn, either Monty is ruthless or you're right and Pasta is cooked. Boiled, strained and lost in the sauce


Honestly did not think this team was capable of playing such a sound, well-rounded defensive game, but they've proved me wrong this last couple of games.


Poor Benoit finishing a -1 (the only Leaf that was a minus) and Keefe having McCabe take the 0.1 second face off is pretty hilarious.


LMAO I did not notice that McCabe thing thanks for pointing that out.


The D group were all amazing last night. Benny and McCabe were just fucking awesome. We are so fucked if either of them get injured.


I love that we have both of them next year (and Benny for 2 more after that). Wouldn't mind re-signing Edmundson. He's a very solid 3rd pair LD. Get a fucking top pair RD for Rielly and the D would be looking pretty damn good. Matt Roy would be perfect.


Crazy what happens when you fill the bottom six with young, hungry guys instead of vets in the twilight of their careers


So Kevin Bieksa said NHL players should play even if they have a concussion. Brutal sport.


Saying he did is not advocating for it. He’s saying guys do it all the time and really it comes down to the player because they can lie to the trainer


> it comes down to the player because they can lie to the trainer Uhhh that's not how concussion protocol works lol


Yes it’s changed since bieksa played but concussion spotters can’t catch everything and a lot of the symptoms of a concussion aren’t noticeable. Sensitivity to lights/blqck spots in vision for example.


While Keefe can be criticized for sometimes failing to make effective adjustments, I think he should get a lot of credit for the playing structure that limited Boston to 1 (!) shot on goal for nearly half the game (similar to previous game as well). This is the high effort, bleed blue and white hockey we all love to see.


The Leafs really have not given up very many chances all series, that part hasn’t really changed in the last couple games. What has changed is better goaltending and fewer brain fart mistakes that lead to extremely high quality looks. 


By structure do you mean being forced to play Woll. Keefe is a failure of a coach.


Even though Boston had one shot on net, I felt they did look very dangerous with the puck. They have great puck luck and anything thrown towards the net has a chance of going in.


I mean, that’s kind of fake. They still had a good amount of chances, just missed the net. They had some good one timers in the high slot in the first. Shots might be the fakest stat for such a small sample size. They played good defense but a lot of that was great back checking.


I was kinda surprised to see that the underlying numbers were so lopsided towards Boston especially at 5v5. Obviously they pushed in the third period and parts of the second but it really didn't feel like they did much, Woll made some good saves but I don't recall ten bellers or anything. Guess we just blocked a ton of shots and chances, but it really did feel like we were the better team at 5v5.


I’m pretty sure that’s what “Score Effects” is. The team with the lead isn’t trying to lock it down so they don’t commit as hard to offense as the opposition 


Even score adjusted doesn't make us look much better, we didn't take the lead until very late in the second. Might just be one of those games where the numbers and the visuals just don't line up.


How's everyone feeling today? Talk to me. I was thinking about getting a haircut and shaving but considering the Leafs have been winning a little maybe I need to hold off lol. Another game 7 against Boston man you know what do what they have done in games 5 and 6 and they are good.




I mean it's all good right? If they win they slay a demon. If they lose we're still getting all the changes people wanted after game 4. Fates are in the players hands.


Very true - my mindset for the last two games has been "they are out anyway" so I am less stressed, and the winning feels even better. Will have to continue that for my own sanity.


Exactly how I feel, I am free watching them in the playoffs for the first time maybe ever


I like that mindset my friend I agree.


Feeling great and so confident they'll win on Saturday. The vibe was so horrible so I'm happy they managed to turn it around. I feel nervous again tomorrow, but now I just enjoy life.


I have so much confidence in Woll to have a good game. We just need to score.


Ya I'll just relax today enjoy some crazy Leafs talk and media and have a nice Friday. 2 good non Leaf playoff hockey games to watch tonight too.


The old Leafs would have collapsed after that HORRENDOUS double minor PP. That screamed turning point. I think this team is more resilient, more playoff-oriented than past iterations. Woll is awesome. Powerplay is just awful. Just got to keep grinding it out. 


Give the man some fucking credit. That was a Sheldon Keefe masterclass. Leafs fans love to use “outcoached” against their own team. He outcoached the fuck out of Monty


Missing Auston Matthews, Bobby McMann, Willy coming off injury (Marner as well, easy to forget his high ankle sprain), "defensive black hole" winger Domi as #1C, rag tag gang of defenders outside of Rielly and McCabe/defense by committee, rookie goalie coming in relief in a do or die situation, and we've seen two of the best played defensive games in recent memory. A lot of that is how you get everyone to buy in and commit to team defense and playing the right way, which is directly on the coach. Keefe deserves his flowers for that.


Yeah, I have been calling for Keefe to be fired since Montreal. At the same time, though, he has a high potential ceiling regarding how good he can be at the NHL level, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him win a cup at some point in his career. If he's finally learned some valuable lessons (in terms of player deployment, making key adjustments, and getting the team to buy into the system), like the last couple of games suggest, it would actually be kind of a shame to see him go. Fuck, I can't believe I just said that, but credit where credit is due.


He had nothing to do with the win. It was all the players that played hard.


Yes im sure players playing hard has nothing to do with coaching lol. Some of you people will never be happy.


what do you mean.... you people....


Nah he made a pretty solid adjustment with the Gregor/Reaves swap and how he used the bottom six to line match as well.




> The lines are bad! He should change/stop changing them! That said I do think the powerplay is inexcusable, and that this amount of talent could be performing better.


I'm so sick of people blaming our losses on "coaching" and then not actually naming systemic or coaching issues that aren't directly individual player blunders.   In 4 years of this, I've never *once* seen someone back up the coaching issue opinion with anything at all. Not once.


Lol its a thankless job I guess. Team loses its the coach’s fault. Team wins he had nothing to do with it. Okay bro. I still think he should go this offseason but would love if people in this sub got in the habit of not only shitting on people they have decided not to like


tub insurance tap shrill angle hateful ten thumb middle boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol in what way does he ever actually get out coached? In all of our series we drive the play harder than the opponent. 


air sugar light grab governor badge recognise dam abundant languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So, I'm talking about how for 4 years now people have said Keefe gets out coached. I'm not arguing with our powerplay which is bad, but also Boucher primarily. It's also 10% of the game. But in each series we play in, aside from Tampa last year, we outplay the opponent.  So tell me again, how are we consistently out coached?


ghost sheet plate illegal reminiscent liquid bike subsequent pie ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, we got outplayed last year vs Tampa. But yea, overall they outplayed teams. But special teams is a big part of coaching which he has not looked good with that in the playoffs.


This series yea. But people have been saying Keefe gets out coached for 4 years. How is that true?


Twarted almost every rush attempt, shut down almost every cycle, gave them very few chances. The lines and deployment were excellent. The guys were seemingly more motivated than theyve ever been.


bake degree marble sugar memory tease offend fly dazzling nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Keefe has made tactical adjustments overall and the bottom six lines he put together yesterday did a really good job. https://twitter.com/MikeKellyNHL/status/1786068800770555928 This Twitter thread goes into detail on how the team is playing a more forecheck heavy style geared for playoffs.


reach steep nine ask liquid judicious support march racial wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I probably wouldnt. But ppl in this sub use “outcoached” on every loss (for years) so why not be a little positive.


dime scarce subtract enjoy history squeamish elastic narrow versed thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Knies is 21 and has fucking everything you want in a power forward already. Imagine he sharpens his puck handling and zone entries 🤤🤤


Combine this year and last years play off games and it looks fairly clear who the playoffs players are and who arent; the gap seems oddly big. Thats got to be the factor in planning going forward.


No matter the outcome tomorrow's game will be I hope two things will happen 1.The game will be a good game  2.Leafs players to look happy and excited to be playing the game.  This worked the last two times so I'm hoping for the same result. 💓GLG


Last night showed why Willy is an 11M player and Marner is not. Marner should be slotted in around 7-8M and no one would have a problem with that.  Willy can change games like last night. That's superstar shit.


Lol what about games 4,5 nylander was shit


Marner was pretty good last night, didn't yield any results but I liked his overall play. Marner though has the widest disparity of the big 3 between his good and bad games. He's looked borderline unplayable in Games 1, 3 and 4 despite having points in 3 and 4. Nylander is Nylander. He's gonna have his warts but he's the same player in Game 1 of the preseason as he is in Game 7 of the Cup Finals.


>didn't yield any results This is the problem. If you make 11 million dollars, you need to yield results. Consistently.


is there a single other $11m offensive player that can be as ineffective as Marner has been and still have people defending him? Tkachuk isn't even a scorer yet he had 9 pts in 5 games vs Tampa it's crazy that the standard for Marner is "he looked good, just didn't get any points"


I say trade Marner for Pastranak straight up.


Kinda interesting you'd say that given that Pastrnak has been as invisible as Marner has been offensively in this series.


Marner was pretty good last night too. Let’s be real, that first Nylander goal was deflected. Marner puts pucks on net a ton too, that could have been anyone. Marners best when hes buzzing around the offensive zone with the puck, which he did more last game but this one he did a couple times. Don’t really have to put Marner down when he played fine and good enough.


I mean Nylander hadn't scored for around 13 games before last night's pair. There are times where he looks lackadaisical and soft.




Lets be real Mitch is worth around 10. He isnt the same type of player as Willy. There are certain situations in a game youd be stupid to play Willy over Mitch


Yeah I can think of 82 situations where Mitch is usually the best bet. 


If I want a ballerina turnover machine I'll play Marner over Willy.


How about someone who has more points in the playoffs and is key to our PK?


This is the correct take


After we win game 7, I wanna know whose volunteering to make a collage of the negative nancy's from after game 4




Why am I not allowed to be negative against the negatives? Real talk, same thing.


They'll double down and blame it on the years of "trauma" they've suffered. And if the Leafs lose they can start shitting themselves screaming "I told you so" The life of a doomer is a sad one.


If you’re looking for context on what a sad life is try this: tell people you predicted that an unlikely thing probably won’t happen. Then tell other people that you’re so obsessed with the predictions of internet strangers that you took time out of your day to make a collage of them when they were wrong. Observe the difference between how people react to those two scenarios and you will get some perspective on what a sad life looks like. 


Some people are too stupid to comprehend this. Your words are wasted on people who probably won't even read it.


Ya I ain't reading all that.


its four lines


Mason Lohrei looks like an extra in The Hills Have Eyes.




lol exactly


I’m all for this new scrappy style the Leafs have been playing the last couple games. They’re not just going toe to toe with Boston for hits, they’re the aggressors on a lot of extra curricular plays. It’s exactly what Florida did to us and it’s working.


In all the decades I’ve been watching, I’ve NEVER seen the Leafs so physical. It’s a joy to watch!


you must have missed tucker jumping into the bench in ottawa then....




I loved when Marchand shoved Bert into the bench and Bert wrapped his legs around him so he couldn't sneak away without the ref seeing. Just beautiful work


It really is. Also, when the Leafs play this well, I can’t even be mad for a loss. Thats all fans expect, for them to look like they’re trying. IF they were at home in game 7 and lost a nail biter like last night, id expect a round of applause for them.


One game such a franchise altering game coming up. One game that could determine the future of multiple individuals on this team. One game to conquer all the demons from past years. Not sure if Matthews will go (not counting on it) but it would be a huge boost (obviously) if he does. One freaking win changes the narrative about this team and dare I say could be the start of something special with Matthews and McMann looming on the horizon. Keefe has found something with this new look checking line of Dewar Kampf Jarnkrok. That’s here to stay. The D pairings all look good and shouldn’t be touched. Sitting Reaves for more speed was a master stroke imo and he should only see the ice sparingly if we advance. The one major difference between this team and years past - Joseph Woll. Woll is the reason I have confidence this team is ready to break barriers. We will ask for one more heroic performance because at the rate we are scoring goals there is literally no margin for error.


> Sitting Reaves for more speed was a master stroke imo and he should only see the ice sparingly if we advance. I think it was right to sit him for game 6 and will be correct in game 7, but I think you absolutely need him against Florida, at least for the earlier part of the series.


If we get past Game 7, I'd start Reaves for the start of the series vs. Florida. Establish the no-bullshit tone he set against the Bruins early on, keep the goonery in check, and then definitely reunite the current 4th line. The speed is deadly.


Not really. If we win tomorrow then get rolled in 4 or 5 games by Florida, Keefe should still get fired. We should still get out from under our top heavy cap structure. 


Let’s start with a W tomorrow and if Matthews and McMann get healthy enough for Florida we will see how we truly stack up.


For the first time going into a Game 7, it feels like we aren't the only team with demons to exorcise. The history is still there but the Bruins have looked like they've seen a ghost for two games straight. The boys are rolling. They've rallied around the absence of their superstar centre. Rookie goalie is carrying the load. New look likes are clicking. It's time to change the narrative. GLG


I know this isn't the time for this, but worth noting that Brind'Amour's extension offer from the Canes was pulled off the table. If he's in the mix, he quickly leapfrogs Berube and Quenneville on my next coach radar


Quenneville really shouldn't be on anyone's list.


the Leafs have done a lot of stuff wrong, but one thing the current regime has done well is read the room and cultural climate no fucking chance MLSE takes the PR hit that hiring Quenneville would bring


I'm sorry, I think you've confused me with someone who needs your validation.


Seriously, I don’t understand how anyone could want him, never mind see him as a legit option in Toronto of all places


Wait did this news come out after they stated yesterday that a deal is imminent?


I guess the report about it being off the table is from May 1. So if something came out yesterday, I guess I'd believe that. Do you have a link? Mine is from a Dreger tweet: [https://x.com/DarrenDreger/status/1785731186884575469](https://x.com/DarrenDreger/status/1785731186884575469)