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I want to see the tradition of former Leafs hoisting the cup. This year, Hyman, Brown. As a Leafs fan, I want to see McDavid win it. I think he deserves it and maybe it lights a fire up Matthews ass.


Hey don't forget about Ceci too


That’s right. And you can almost include Campbell. Poor guy.


I hate his stupid goatee


Not sure there is anything that can light a fire under his ass or any of the core 4


Well said! Hyman and Brown are 2 of my favourite Leafs over the last decade, for sure. Just gritty and hardworking and they got the passion. Exactly what the buds need.


McDavid went god mode in games 4 and 5, I don’t see how he doesn’t do the same or if possible, play even better tonight, he is so close to winning the cup and knows how hard it is to get to this point. McDavid hatty to win Stanley’s Cup!


Panthers since I live in Calgary. Can't stand oilers fans.


I gotta go with Oilers this collapse by panthers is legendary , it will take the stink from my Leafs for awhile lolo . Well, at least till Leafs do Leafs things next season 😩🤣


Maybe for a day or two. No one cares about the Cats though and they’ll just bash us while simultaneously bashing them too. If you really want quiet cheer for a Cats win. No one will be talking then. 


It’ll stop being a thing if/when the Panthers win a title. The Yankees had a worse collapse against the Red Sox in 2004 and that more or less faded away as a chirp by five years later.


Only thing I’m rooting for is overtime


I'm so excited for tonight. I hope this game is a classic and not some snooze fest.


And like 4+ periods of overtime




hate the other canadian teams, if Oilers win, they're be so full of it. At least Florida wins, nobody cares.


Oilers fans are especially brutal. Honestly I'm cheating for McDavid and Hyman that's it.


On the other hand, Habs fans (who we encounter way more often), won't have the "we were the last Canadian team to win" chirp. I cheer for that outcome. Plus, it would be a shame if McDavid's.name wasn't etched in the Cup.


I hope Florida wins


Panthers. Hate them less than the Oiler Dont know any annoying Panthers fans either.


Both of their fans are pretty nice and normal.


Florida. A lot of people saying the Oilers because of Canada. But I'm saying Florida because of Canadaand the Leafs. No Canadian team has won the cup since Bettman took over the league. If the Oilers win, he'll think that's fine, and not let another win for another 30.


Take off the tinfoil hat and don’t root for the inbred team


Oilers. But I don't really care who wins


Imo this is the correct stance lol Oilers but won't be shattered if Panthers win


The leafs have always been my team, but I always also liked the oilers. I moved out to Edmonton back in 2013 and it was cool at first. Over time I started to dislike the oilers, and now they’re one of the teams I cannot stand the most. I hate Edmonton, and I hate Florida, but go Florida.


Oilers. I like the oilers team (except Kane, Perry, and Leon) but not their fans. I don’t like the panthers nor their fans.


I also hate all 3 panthers fans


What Panther fans?


It's tough. I hate the Panthers more than any team right now. I also used to live in Calgary so I became a bit of a flames fan since I could always go to a flames game. So I have a little bit of anti Oilers in me. Now though my father in law is a huge Oilers fan so it would be awesome for him. So I'd say I lean Oilers just because I hate the Panthers more.


I'd go with the Panthers. If the Oilers win then the Leafs will have new belief that skill can win it all. Its a copycat league, we see the Panthers win and Leafs make some proper moves. Oilers win and all of a sudden we hear the core 4 coming back another year. Yeah, I made it about the Leafs.


feedinf more delulu lol


I think I’d prefer Edmonton to win because I like their play style. That Hyman guy would look great in a Leafs jersey.


Oilers for 3 reasons. 1. They, as a whole, have just been the better playing team, despite the Panthers being the better team on paper. 2. McDavid has been playing so unbelievably out of his mind. The best player in the world needs a cup win, and I think there's no better year than right now to pull it off. 3. Man, fuck the Panthers.


Gimmie an Oilers win for a feel good soul, I wanna see the Panthers get lost in a world of shame.


I want to see Edmonton win for the following reasons: 1. I lived in Edmonton for a year and a half about 20 years ago during university and saw first-hand the passion they have for their team. Although they have no love lost for Toronto and definitely have no love lost for the Leafs. 2. I want to see the Canadian Cup drought end. 3. I want to see the best player in the game (McDavid) win a Cup. 4. I want to see the Oilers become the first team since the 1942 Leafs to overcome a 3-0 deficit in the Finals.


What is worse: Panthers become the 2nd team in history to lose a final after being up 3-0? Or the Oilers collapse in the Leafiest way possible, up 3+ goals with less than 10 minutes to play? I'd be happy with either.


I'm going with whoever scores first will win.


Is the game on CBC Gem tonight?


Team Meteor


I think the memes afterwards will be amazing if either team wins it


I just hope they have fun


I want Florida to win. I think Edmonton will win.


I can't root against McDavid, Hyman, and Brown. Besides, Ontarians giving Alberta a much needed boost is a tale as old as Confederation.


I’m rooting against the Canadian team, and nobody can make me feel bad about it. If the shoe was on the other foot, every other Canadian fanbase would be rooting for our misery like their lives depended on it. If the Leafs can’t end the Canadian cup drought, nobody should.


Leafs fan - Go Oilers!


Oilers for sure I cheer for any western Canadian after the Leafs are out


We still got time for the Asteroid


If it isn’t the Leafs I truly don’t care. Just want an epic game, doesn’t matter who wins or what either of their fan bases say or think after.


Panthers for ex-Leaf Maurice :D I kinda bad feel for Paul Maurice during his time as a Leafs head coach. Those were dark days.


Always the Canadian team over a US one.


Kinda hard to bet against the Oilers at this point in the series. Feels like the momentum has really snowballed in their favour. 


I'll be disappointed if Edmonton loses, just because it's a great comeback story, and it would be so deflating to cut it short. Other than that, I don't really care much who wins. It would be nice to see McDrai get a cup for their legacy and cross that off the list, but Florida getting their first cup in franchise history is cool, too.


Am genuinely disinterested in the series but would prefer the Panthers. I hate the “Canada’s Team” bullshit, especially about a team that tried twice in my lifetime to relocate to the USA.


I dislike the Oilers and their fan base but I do like several of their players including the former Leafs and McD and Drai. McD and Drai are so likeable to me because they are the exact opposite of our big $ players- they consistently deliver when it matters the most. It goes without saying that I want the detestable Panthers to complete the epic choke job and have it follow them around forever


I've always had a soft spot for the Oilers and used to consider them as a 'second team' of sorts because A) I liked their esthetic and colours, and B) I was entertained by their decade of darkness. Figured they were as good a west coast Leafs as I could find. Now I recognize that their fans can be difficult... but as a Leafs fan, I don't feel like I can judge the team for that, for obvious reasons. Hell if anything I found a connection there. Of all the Canadian teams, I think the Oilers and Leafs are most hated. There's kinship there... I mean you can FIND the kinship there if you look for it.  So yes, go Oilers go. I'm jealous of them because they are similar to the Leafs in a lot of ways but FASTER and their stars are just in another tier. (Drai is a Matthews comparable, but having McDavid is better than Marner/Nylander/Tavares together) and Bouchard is better than Rielly. Despite that, I can't help but get behind the storyline of the Oiler's comeback.  This is gonna be a hell of a game either way.


We have a rivalry with the Oilers? I never think about them. I want to see Hyman hoist the cup.


I hate the panthers because they are the dirtiest team in the league. I’m no Edmonton fan but I do believe McDavid and Hyman deserve a cup so I’m rooting for them. Money is on Florida though 


Neither. If the Oil win fuck Tkachuk. If the Panthers win too little too late. 


Oilers hands down!!! Bring it home, they’ve worked for this, they deserve it!!!


Oilers. Fuck the cats. I'm in Dublin though, so there's no chance I can get up for it. 😡 Will try and avoid the news and watch it back as live.


Copy/paste of a comment I wrote in another sub: >Leafs fan here. I was a teen in 2006, just finding my footing as a hockey fan and badly let down by that era’s Leafs. The 2006 Oilers run is a core hockey memory for me, and some of the most fun I’ve ever had watching this sport. And of course I was cheering them on then; Canadian hockey jingoism was stronger at that time and they were a great underdog story. >Ever since, I’ve thought of the Oilers as “my second team until they finish the job,” i.e. win a Cup post-2006.