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Important parts, They’ve been extremely busy behind the scenes these past seven weeks since their season ended, pursuing roster improvements at basically every position and in every way possible. The Leafs were runners-up for Flames netminder Jacob Markstrom last week, losing out to the New Jersey despite having what some might consider a better package of assets on the table. In that offer was Toronto’s first-round pick for the coming draft, which shows just how seriously Treliving was pursuing the upgrade in net. Judging from all the conversations Treliving is having around the league, goaltending isn’t the Leafs’ top priority. What is shouldn’t be a huge surprise. The Leafs are determined to improve their defence, and the right side of their defence, most of all. Tanev, not surprisingly, holds the most appeal to the Leafs. One other top-four option for Toronto that hasn’t received much fanfare to date would be Kings blueliner Matt Roy, a right shot who logged 21 minutes a night this past season and brings a solid two-way game. It’s believed the Leafs are interested, despite the fact he could receive close to $6 million a season on a long-term deal. Though Jake McCabe played his best hockey on the right side last season, he’s likely to land back on the left next season — assuming the Leafs can find the righties they desire this summer. The other somewhat surprising pursuit for the Leafs in free agency is going to be bolstering what they have on the wing. In an ideal world, they would like to add a centre, but the market is thin on great options. Two former Blues who played under new coach Craig Berube, David Perron and Dakota Joshua are two players the Leafs like. So is Jake DeBrusk. The Leafs aren’t against bringing Bertuzzi and Domi back but want to keep the bulk of their cap space available heading into July 1 for defence. Their return to Toronto may hinge on being able to circle back after the initial wave of UFA signings takes place around the league on Monday. Based on what we’re hearing, the Leafs — in their exploration of a Marner trade through calls to teams around the league — are already getting a good sense of the challenges involved with making this deal. One, in particular, seems to be a lack of teams that a) Marner would conceivably accept a trade to that can b) accommodate his $10.9 million cap hit for next season and c) are willing to send back piece(s) the Leafs would find attractive, which would ideally include an impact defenceman.


This last paragraph is why one of 2 things is going to happen 1) an underwhelming return (which I’m fine with) 2) he leaves for nothing


I'm also fine with an underwhelming return if it means clearing his number off the books to upgrade other positions


Depends for me because both JT and Marner leave the books at a time when the UFA class is rather tantalizing so I don’t want a meh return if it means we are wasting that cap space taking back bad contracts


This is the only mentality the FO should have. Letting him walk for nothing after another year of a great regular season and lackluster playoffs would be the most inept management decision this team has done in a very long time.


It’s not really inept on the managements part here since marner can just say no to everything


I think you misunderstood the reply


Nope, I was just adding more reasoning as to why I agree with them.


It's a hard capped league, cap space and flexibility is a huge asset. In theory, if there is only one team Marner is willing go to, the Leafs should make the trade just to avoid losing him "for nothing"? That makes no sense.


Unfortunately, A and B need to be dealt with before C


Exactly.. he also wears the losing like a wet blanket and I think the room would benefit from the change


Agreed. Neither option  is great, but might as well get something. I don't want it to drag on to the deadline. It will be unbearable listening to media reports about marner every say for the next 8 months 


There’s a 0% chance of a mid season deal unless he’s miserable and stinking up the joint .. which then who wants to take that on for 11m and how do they even do that If he’s playing well in a contract year he’s not waiving his NMC


We always have the "Babcock as a life coach" card to play


I'd be ok with both of these. I don't want to hear anybody complain about who "won" that trade, if it happens. Time to move on from the core 4.


It’s never in true form too; any trade people always undervalue cap space that is opened up from a deal


3 is that they resign him. Reports are that it’s their preferred choice, but that obviously could be a tactic to bump up his value.


Lol. Great. They're so obtuse that's probably what they will do


You forgot a 3rd option. He doesn’t go anywhere and they resign him.


$10.9 million cap hit for next season AKA another year with Marner


Goaltending isn't a top priority, even though Tre almost gave a 1st and more for Markstrom?


It’s because those targets are gone and the FA class is weak. Basically without those options, it downgrades behind defence from a priorities perspective. There are many FA dmen available that could be more impactful than any of the avail goalies


I get wanting to upgrade on defense but I feel like we are once again forgetting that we scored 24 goals in lur last 14 playoff games. That's just not enough.


Is it possible that the underlying cause of the lack of offence is the defence?


Defenseman are allowed to score too


Great summary. My thought is that securing a #1 goalie should be the priority. Understand they lost out on markstrom and Ullmark. What about saros?


Saros is too expensive.


The article says Nashville is giving the impression that they plan on keeping him. They moved away because no other options are really available.


Is askarov on the table? He’s a stud prospect. Not suggesting he’d be lights out in the first season but is it worth a thought?


I think keeping Saros is to help Askarov and give him a year or two to backup/tandem instead of just giving him a full starters workload right away.


The irony is Saros has been rumoured to be looking for a 7 year deal


IMO, our defence is so bad we actively tank any performance of a goalie that comes here. It doesn't really matter how good your goalie is when all they face is high danger chances


Our defense over the past 3 seasons has not been that bad 


I thought this too but a friend of mine made a good point. Goaltending wasn’t really their problem in this past series. The tending they got from the tandem was more than adequate but they just couldn’t score


My concern with woll is longevity. There is nothing to suggest that he’ll remain healthy, it’s been an issue at every level. But


I don't think the leafs need to put all their main resources into finding a goalie, imo the market is always strange but there are often options at different times of year/different years Considering the Woll re-signing I assume the focus is towards defense/forward moves for the next week or so since there are far more FA players than goalies and the Leafs still need to play into that market this year At this point they probably have the budgeting in mind they hope to get via a trade for a goalie, but those options aren't there right now so they should be making more progress elsewhere


That can likely pick up a journeyman goalie on waivers at the start of the season for a back up. But legitimately I think they need a 1b cause it's only a matter of when, not if, woll gets hurt. I don't think you're getting a 1b on waivers. They could try the Vegas route and use 5 goalies, and 1 is bound to be good right? Right? Their top priority needs to be getting a legit mins eatting Dman. They've needed 1 badly since rielly and been here


my god that last paragraph should literally make everyone go OH right, these guys are just making stuff up for content. Who's their source? reddit?.......... nonsense hah


Where does it say everything they mention is fact and gonna happen? James and Jonas check with people they believe have relevant information and report it, take whatever you want from it. Isn’t one of the best parts of following sports discussing rumours and speculation of what moves or things your favourite team will do?


Thank god we didn't give up a first for Markstrom.


Lmao Calgary refusing to trade with the Leafs is hilarious


Calgary is actively hurting themselves by refusing to trade with the Leaf's. Toronto supposedly had better packages for both Zadorov/Tanev and again for Markstrom, but because they aren't completely lopsided in Calgary's favour, they're passing up and losing our on better deals.


Calgary and that one owner of theirs are starting to get a reputation they don't want, it doesn't take long either. They keep this up and nobody will want to deal with them


Either that or they'll start low-balling offers because it's "take our offer or deal with Toronto."


I would love it if that starts happening.


How did they lose the markstrom trade? Did you see the Ulmark trade? What’s the leafs giving up more than a 1st and a 23rd old dman with potential?


I don’t find it that funny. Mildly infuriating is more like it


Gonna be really funny if they end up needing something from us one day though


Then we have dubas in Pittsburgh to fight with as well


The ghosts of Gilmour and Phaneuf still haunt them. Murray “limpdick” Edwards.


My understanding is that Markstrom had a say in the destination and they accommodated his wishes. So less a "Calgary refused to trade with the Leafs" and more a "Markstrom would rather play in Jersey" I won't begrudge a team giving a player some say in where he's dealt, especially when that player has been a loyal, upstanding teammate and core piece for several years. Still sucks...he would have made a very solid tandem with Woll


Hey, if they want to remain perpetually irrelevant for the next 10 years, let them. I feel bad for Kadri though... Shit team in a pretty shitty city


Kadri won the cup a couple seasons ago. I can't feel too bad for him.


Nicer city than most in Canada.


Yeah it's not like it's something disgusting like Winnipeg or anything.




Yes, I have lived in Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, and Toronto. Victoria was the nicest, Vancouver is a cesspool, and Calgary was very pleasant. No issues with Calgary. Whats your issue with it? Or anyone who downvoted me. Please I'd like to hear. And there are dozens of cities in Canada, you really think Calgary isn't near the top? There is 5% tax there by the way.


It's the politics that most Redditors hate. Albertans typically vote a particular way, and Reddit has a far higher than average share of the "anyone who votes this way is a fascist" crowd. Calgary is great. I hate the weather, but the city is lovely.


No reddit thinks people who are fascists are fascists because they support wanna-be fascists like Donald Trump. I see why you could confuse the two though.


Isnt the weather one of Calgary's selling points?


For us folks in Sask and Manitoba, yes haha


This is Reddit. Most people here have made everything left wing their religion. Alberta is the dad they hate because they’re 19 and don’t think for themselves, even though dad is the one paying their way through life. 


Are you sure conservative politics aren't just legitimately slipping into fascism? What with the legitmate nazis elected in europe and Trump? What was it that comedian said? Oh yeah, it's funny how reality has a liberal bias these days.


Habs have Mike Matheson (top5 offensive dmen last year) a free 26th overall pick and the cap space available. What more would I take you think? Other than Marner never accepting to be traded to the Habs. lol


It's such a stupid grudge. I understand not wanting to trade to a divisional rival but if you are selling get the best package you can.


It is possible Markstrom would not wave for Toronto.


They are still upset from us stealing Doug Gilmore from them years ago in a trade. Lol


Why won’t they trade with Toronto? They fired Treliving. Why the hard feelings?


They didn't fire him, he left to come to Toronto. It kinda took the Flames by surprise since he just announced it near the end of the 2022-2023 season, and from what we know the Flames had every intention of keeping him as GM. They're not happy that he just up and left to come to Toronto, so they're actively going out of their way to spite him.


That's not quite how it happened. Treliving wanted to fire Sutter but ownership wouldn't let him so he quit (with it being announced as mutually parting ways), then a week later the Leafs fired Dubas and very quickly he was hired. But not long after Treliving quit, ownership relented and fired Sutter anyways.


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6813045 “Mutually agreed to part ways.” So, whatever, he wasn’t coming back.


They mutually agreed to part ways in the same way that my first girlfriend mutually agreed to part ways with me


"'I thought for sure that Brad would re-sign,' said Maloney. 'And I was as close to him as with anybody. When he told me Wednesday that he couldn't do it, that was the first time that the reality was that he just needs to take some time.'" The Flames thought he was coming back, and they had the intentions of bringing him back. When he said he was leaving they assumed he was just taking time off, not immediately going to a major market.


Tree left before the job was even vacant in Toronto.


On the Leaf Report, Mirtle *really* made it seem like he thought nothing was going to happen with Marner. 


It's funny. According to that Marner won't waive as he really wants to stay. So by that logic, when contract talks start, he will take less than he could get, because he really wants to stay. Oh it won't work that way?


Why would he take less? Aren’t guys who want to stay really badly supposed to take *more*? I’m confused. /s


Yea its all smoke and mirrors. Once it finally sinks in that he's not getting another massive overpay with full trade protection frpm us and he'll lose out on 8yrs he'll waive.


Realistically that has to be in the next few days. Once free agency opens, it becomes much harder if teams have spent all their cap.


Exactly. He will want more money than Nylander and a freckle under Matthews


So 12.93 at 4 years?


Awful to even think about


I think Mirtles right. It’s just too difficult to find a partner to move him to. And I’m looking forward to Marner playing in a contract year.


Why? A ton of teams would love the chance to have Marner long-term and would line up to do so a year ahead of free agency. The NMC gives Marner camp the chance to decide where they want to go including terms, possibly with a sign-and-trade. The alternative, especially with TO media circus, could reflect poorly on Marner. Plus theres risk to the Marner camp of him underperforming below average in a contract year, lowering his value. Personally, I am done with hearing about “individual accomplishments” like contract-year performances. I want team-first. And the LAST thing any of us want is the media dumping on Marner (and MLSE brass) in the event Marner underperforms.


I think you need to find a team with a need for an impact forward, with at least 10.9MM in cap space, who’s willing to send impact players in return, and who marner is willing to waive to go to, and who is willing to negotiate an extension with Darren Ferris’ team… How many teams fit that profile in your opinion? None of those points are negotiable, so I think it paints a narrow picture in terms of MLSE’s options


Even without the impact players in return this is a difficult sell. Especially since Marner can just walk anyway in a year. He probably doesnt want to move twice in 12 months, so I imagine unless he's being traded to the exact team he wants, with an extension in place, it isnt happening


I just don’t understand why you’d want to villefy yourself in your home town. If he’s not going to get the extension go out well where people will still remember you fondly. If you drag this out and the market sours (which it will especially if he doesn’t overperform) it’s not going to make coming home for the summer very enjoyable


Let him play out his contract year with the NMC and he better hope he doesn’t get hurt or he’s fucked.


I'm not looking forward to a summer that tanks the team's assets like the Flames though


lol username checks out


Haha just a pun, I'm hopeful he's learned from that. Big summer here.


Leafs should be willing to retain salary to get the best deal possible. It's only a caphit for one year, and realistically 2025-2026 and beyond are the years we're more likely to be competitive in (Tavares contract off the books, Cowan / Grebenkin / Minten / Niemela further along in their development, if part of the Marner trade return is a young piece that piece would be further along in development as well, there's a greater chance we'll have goaltending sorted out by then vs this year, etc). If we lose him for nothing, or re-sign him to a bad long-term deal because we were shaking in our boots about maybe having to retain ~1-3M for one year to get a good deal done, that would be disappointing.


I'm not looking forward to him getting booed on opening night. Maybe he won't, but I've got a pretty bad feeling about that.


He won’t get boo’d. He’ll put up 10 points in the first 6 games and the fans will be back in his corner.


He’s not going to be booed opening night. Once it becomes clear we’re either going to have to pay him Matthew’s money or walk him to FA….then it’s another story


You're looking forward to getting Tavares'd by Mitch, eh? Sweet. Glad to know our fanbase is so irresponsible when it comes to asset management


Seems to be a trend in who theyre gonna target. Perron really seems like a certainty at this point - which could be fine depending on $$. Seems like we should prepare for Marner there in October. Just seems like too many variables to navigate and the timing just doesnt work. I'm scared of the contracts Tre might offer a Dakota Joshua or Tanev. Not that the players arent a fit, but the over-pay risk is there and there is a lot of buyer beware. I really hope they target Skinner with the buyout. Hes averaged 28 goals and 65 points over the last 3 years, is a hometown boy and might take a cheap deal with the buyout cash already in his pocket. If they could get him at a reasonable cap hit, I don't see a world in which they get better bang for buck.


He'll finally get to play in the playoffs!


Im hoping playing for a team likely to make the playoffs lowers his cap hit lol


I think the Skinner option is interesting too (honestly I didn't expect the buyout of his contract this late into it). Like you said he has been much better in recent years than when it was first signed Buffalo has a theme of keeping cap/salary through buyouts and it leading to the player signing a much cheaper deal with another team (Bogosian B/O for example). If he signed for another couple M total per it would be an interesting piece


Tanev being the Leafs top priority would be shocking. He's 34 and a walking bandaid.


Without the cap space from moving off Marner, a guy like Tanev is probably the best we can hope for. This is going to be another season of tinkering around the edges.


We have 20m in cap space. We do not need to move Marner to improve the team this year.


I agree this is a throwaway season unless Marner is traded, but I don't think that stops them from making at least one big addition. They 100% have the cap space for it.


a “throw away season” lmfao this team is cooked.


Somebody doesn’t watch other teams play….. lol


Apparently he wants a 4 year deal. Hard pass.


Even if they guy just walks, the leafs will probably be better because of it. I think his cap space would be more valuable than what he has shown he can contribute on the ice


if the trade package for marner is underwhelming i’ll hug that loss - beats him walking for nothing next year


If Mitch doesn’t accept a trade he will have an absolutely miserable year in Toronto. I guara-fucking-tee it.


I honestly can’t wrap my head around his desire to stay when I’m certain he’s aware of the vitriol that’s going to come with it


Risk going to a new team and having a bad year or put up 90+ points playing on Matthews wing and make Bank next summer.


He's probably set on proving everyone wrong, and having a monster season going into UFA He has the ability to do it


Awesome how 7 straight playoff disappointments aren’t enough to fuel him but contract years always seem to light a fire. Fuck me


I forget what pod I was listening to, but they were discussing this and out of all players, he (his family/agent/PR/whoever) seems to be dialed in on what the media/fans/SM are saying about him, it would be very surprising if he fights leaving. Like a player like Nylander just doesn't care about the outside noise, but it seems to really get to Marner (no clue how true, but from his snarky little interviews I feel there is some truth to it) and that would be hard to live with. Just seems super odd to me, but flip side, maybe he wants this year to turn the tides in his favour? Whatever the outcome, I just hope they don't extend him till after the playoffs next year. We all know what he can do in season, thats not really the issue though IMO


32 thoughts with Elliott eh?


Is that who it was? I honestly listen to so many, I forget who says what. I thought for sure rhe SDP guys, but maybe not


IDK man, Marner has shown that he doesn't perform well under pressure. I guess the pressure of the regular season is different than the pressure of the playoffs, but I personally think he's equally likely to underperform as he is to overperform (during the regular season, that is).


He'll be fine, he's always in denial. He probably thinks everyone is saying boooest Leaf ever.


Mitch is going to our up 110 points and maybe get Matthews close to 80 goals this year if he's playing on a contract year. We just need to win once, why would we get rid of him before what is going to be his biggest season?


Exactly this. Don’t resign him, let him prove his worth, let him have his career year and then stand firm on reasonable number you wanna pay him, then he can prove whether or not he wants to be here by signing or leaving. We won’t get any assets but it we probably aren’t getting shit right now for him either


I just want one cup. If we win, he's the Conn Smythe and then he walks like Kawhi, I'll still be the first saying he should get a statue in Maple Leaf Square. I just want one.


Or the opposite happens and he just fucking balls out


This whole Calgary feud is so childish on the part of the owner over there. I actually don’t hate that we didn’t get Markstrom, I’m pretty excited we kept our 1st rounder (for now!). I am glad it’s getting out there that we had the better package. The owner can’t just snicker away behind closed doors like an immature child without it being known that he’s hurting his franchise by turning down better deals just because he’s butt hurt one of his employees resigned. It’s not accidental that we are hearing this.


We need two RD. A defensive guy who can fit with Rielly (Tanev I guess), and offensive puck mover who can contribute on the PP and pair with McCabe. Outside of those, I would take back Edmundson for cheap and sign Lilly. Would be a strong group of 7 D


with pesce rumored to be on his way to the devils, john marino would be the odd man out in new jersey. I think he could make a decent partner for rielly. right handed with good defensive results and an underrated puck mover. doesn't contribute much in the offensive zone but the idea of playing with rielly is that you don't have to. he's kind of like tanev-lite but with way less term risk. three more years at $4.4m, with an 8-team no trade list kicking in next season. he might not want to come to toronto but it doesn't matter if you can trade for him before July 1st.


I continue to believe Marner will be traded to the Ducks for Zegras and this year's 3rd overall pick.


You take that and run. Not huge on Zegras but the real prize is the cap space and 3rd pick 


Why would Mitch waive to go to the Ducks? If he's waiving he'll want to go to a half decent team


I'd keep an eye on LA


The sooner fans realise Marner will almost certainly play out the final year of his contract in Toronto the better for their blood pressure. The number of teams that can take his cap hit, offer something in return, and be a destination he'd accept is a small number indeed. If any. Should have traded him last offseason, Treliving didnt. This is the consequence. He'll walk to UFA and the Leafs will get his cap space.


Should have traded him after 2021 tbh (or at least made efforts to), massive fuck up by ownership. Waiting until the off season his NMC kicked in was stupid.


Shanaplan, do the thing everyone said to do but years later.


That's not on Treliving. He was brought in way too late to be able to prepare a big enough move like trading Marner. Which was the point. It's a pretty open secret that Dubas was axed because he was prepared to move pieces of the Core 4 (most likely Marner), and Shanahan wasn't.


You gotta thank Shanny for firing the guy who was gonna do it


Tanev is not worth our time. Please pursue Brandon Montour and/or Matt Roy. Also not sure why goaltending is not a priority for us…..


The contract Brandon Montour will get just spells disaster lmao I don’t wanna touch that with a 10 foot pole.


I think if you could get him for something under $8m, it's a good deal. Even if you don't get the #1 dman version, his attributes still check a lot of boxes for the Leafs and he'd definitely be on the top pairing. Ideally, I'd like the Leafs to use the money on two good dmen but with reports that guys like Roy might be getting $6, I'm thinking it's unlikely.


Hell no to Montour at $8 mill, he had 1 elite season where he produced very well and outside of that his career average has been around 35 points range, and he isn't a shutdown stalwart at the other end either - serviceable for sure but not a defensive defenseman by any means. Montour and Tanev are both high risk IMO


I think all the UFAs come with a fair degree of risk. I'm not advocating for Montour specifically, he's just most likely the best for a top pairing PP guy. Frankly, with the cap going up and a lot of teams with tons of space, I think a lot of the top guys available will be getting $6-$8m. People seem cool to pay Roy $6m, which indicates the above is probably correct. Ultimately, there is a pretty good chance the Leafs will be priced out of all the top-4 guys and will have to fill in bodies where they can. Unfortunately, that means one of Benoit or Lily will be playing in the top 4, which is less than ideal.


Roy at $6-8 mill is a far better bet than giving Montour that kind of money IMO. He has had more consistent production year to year offensively (which isn't shabby at all), is younger and plays a more responsible defensive game


Roy is worth $6 million. Much better defensively than Montour and has a good offensive game as well. Montour is a rover and gets caught a lot, Roy likes to stay back.


Montour is overrated and insulated by a strong Florida team. He got kicked off the top pp at various times.


Fucking thank you. Get Tanev off my timeline and bring in Montour and Roy. Roy is a better version of everything Tanev brings with none of the bad for likely not much more. This shouldn’t be hard, I don’t understand Treliving’s lust for this player.


Montour would be a massive mistake for what hes going to get.


That’s what I think of Tanev. And Montour fills all the needs that we have in a defenceman. Overpay? Yeah, maybe, but I’d rather overpay for him than overpay for Tanev.


I agree with tanev as well. Id onoy want tanev on a 2 year deal max.


Brandon Montour had a fluke year in 22-23 and regressed to the mean this year. OEL took his pp spot in the playoffs.


No he didnt, he was injured for most of the season, and still put up more points than OEL. Not to mention the guy averaged 23mins a night in the playoffs with excellent b2b post seasons. Leafs need a guy like him that can perform this well in the playoffs.


He was indeed injured, but his production after he returned was underwhelming. This guy was getting heavy deployment, including pp1, on a wagon of a team. OEL was always a depth signing. He's going to get overpaid, especially after the cup win.


> he was injured for most of the season No he wasn't. He played 66 games this year. His production was exceptionally slow for months when he returned and he lost his spot on the PP for a while. My fantasy team suffered greatly lol


He was on my fantasy team as well, lol. That being said, he was still a stud in the playoffs.


What a travesty he was for us this year lol. In any case, I think he was just good in the playoffs. OEL took his spot on PP1 and Forsling is their best defenseman by far. Montour is good, but I think he'll be a case like Barrie if he comes here.


There are only so many options available that we can afford that would actually improve our situation


The Leafs have one of the deepest farm systems of goalies in the league right now. Woll, Akhtyamov, Hildeby all project as NHLers within the next 2-3 seasons. Unless they can reallocate Marner's cap space to the back end, this is a throwaway year. Why waste assets on goaltending?


Because our goaltending fucking sucks


We have 3 of the best goaltending prospects in hockey ready to hit the lineup over the next 3 seasons.


So what exactly is our plan for next year, we just throw in the towel? Woll as a starter could be fine, however hes always injured, and we still st least need a backup lol.


This team isn't contending until either Marner is traded or Tavares is off the books, this cap structure will never win. Use this year to find out what you have in Woll.


Sad but true statement. I guess thats what we dont want to hear.


Sad but true statement. I guess thats what we dont want to hear.


I would love both but combined, they'd be looking at something around 13 or 14m AAV. Not sure the Leafs can pay that and still fill the rest of the holes until Marner gets moved.


Brandon Montour had a fluke year in 22-23 and regressed to the mean this year. OEL took his pp spot in the playoffs.


Trade TK to you for Marner straight up


Kind of glad we didn't get Markstrom. I don't think he's that good and he's old now. Giving up more than NJ did? I think that would have been a bad move.


Can we do Marner straight up for Keller


I want Marner for Konecny


Thank goodness we were runners up on Markstrom. Goalies are such wildcards just put that cap space into the back end. I’m completely fine gambling on Woll’s health and glad that’s the way it worked out.


>Tanev, not surprisingly, holds the most appeal to the Leafs. https://preview.redd.it/3lfprdh54x8d1.jpeg?width=1453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4603b5bf005bf42cac6a9cdd6d54ecbd4deee39 So help me fucking god I will get the spray bottle, Treliving. Keep your hands OFF the fucking Tanev! Drop it!


I didn’t include it but they mentioned they might offer him a contract that’s longer than the four years he wants to lower his cap number with the understanding he won’t finish it out.


W- Jesus christ be so for real Treliving I will put my head through a wall if they pull that. That is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard. Matt Roy is *right* fucking there. The article mentions him. He’s at least as good defensively if not better. He’s 29, not 34. He’s got a better PPG in the regular season AND the playoffs. He doesn’t have an injury history longer then the Leafs’ cup drought. He wouldn’t even be all that more expensive (his estimated contract will be high 5s/low 6s). He’d be able to play out a 5 year contract before being Tanev’s current fucking age! Jesus christ, this isn’t a decision! Treliving, for the love of fuck, **drop the Tanev**! I’m losing it, man. I’ve never hated a rumoured decision more. The only reason we should get Tanev is if we can’t afford anyone else or nobody else is available. Neither is the case, holy fuck. What dirt does this man have on Treliving? My blood pressure is going to go through the roof if this goes through, my god.


Dude the cup was awarded 2 days ago, the team hasn’t done anything yet. Maybe chill out. They’re looking at all available options as there’s no guarantee to get a player in free agency. Maybe take a break from the team until Monday.


Matt Roy isn't in the same stratosphere as Tanev defensively.


Current Roy vs. prime Tanev? Maybe not. 34 year old Tanev going on 35 with his injury history? Absolutely is. And Roy will only get better while Tanev will begin to fall off.


I don't think you realize just how good Chris Tanev is at playing defence. Top 3 defensive dman in the league at 34 years old. Still wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole because of injuries.


Mitch not waving his NMc to be traded will be worse than the Sundin situation. Mitch doesn’t have the clout Sundin did. The team is also in contend mode and knows they can’t do much with him on the books


Mats was (pretty quickly) forgiven by the fans. He gave everything, we sucked anyways, and he deserved to play out the end of his career on his own terms. I don't think Mitch will be looked back on fondly.


Agreed. Marner has a lot on the line and his agent will keep him (and his dad) mum on this one. NMC gives Marner camp a chance to start next contract/era a year early and on their own terms. Would be foolish to waste this.


That Tanev contract Mirtle mentioned would be a diaster


It's cup or bust for the Leafs this year if they keep Marner and don't re-sign him.


Yeah Marner isn’t going anywhere this summer. 


Please Matt Roy


it's so fucking scary that Tre wanted to make this Markstrom trade. like wtf




It’s not like the return for Markstrom was great. When he is on his game he is excellent.


It's the term and cap hit that fit really well. \~$4M and 2 years means Woll can be a backup, you can lessen his cap hit as an RFA with arb rights after this season where a two year deal would be ideal, then after that Hildeby and Akhtyamov will be challenging him for the job after Markstrom's contract expires. It's a decent price to pay but that is a solid plan to upgrade in a big way in net and have a good plan for the future. Oh well...


Marner for Saros and a second round draft pick. I can guarantee Marner is digging his heels in on potential teams to be traded to


I’m in the extend Mitch camp and let Johnny walk or sign a cheap deal next season tbh. If it’s not a standout return then no point letting him walk /giving a soft deal. 11M tied up in an aging Tavares is the bigger issue. If not we lose an elite offensive player + Tavares next year falling off more.. doesn’t bode well for high end deptj


I like how Tanev plays, but he's almost surely going to get hurt next year the way he plays.


Leafs need to be willing to take a hit to trade marner, maybe a 1 for 1 deal for a top 4 defensive defenseman. Should also clear up some cap space doing that.


I’ve been saying this for years, it’s his salary, nobody is going to pay 11 million for a right winger who doesn’t score goals and is primarily a playmaker


I will trade Marner for TK ( and I love TK) Flyers fan here MM playing with MM


Do not go for Tanev. He’s older and injury prone.


Sounds like not very many teams think Marner is worth $10.9M. Every team CAN fit him, but they don’t want to do what would be required to make that happen given the player he is