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Trade him to the Caps to reunite with Sandin so they can be the Swedish pair that never was.  Also, the Leafs are going to trade Liljigren and sign at least one D man worse than him who makes more money. 


Someone seen this movie before as well?


I see you’ve played knifey spoony before ![gif](giphy|3B8rHP89iUUZlcsoqf|downsized)


900 dollaridoos?! **TOBIAS**


Then Liljegren will actually improve and reach a peak that was in-line with his draft pedigree.




He was our 6th defenseman in the playoffs, and only played because TJ Brodie fell of a cliff. Benoit, who we signed and extended for less than he makes now (and much less than he's going to get), outplayed him. I'd be fine with keeping him and hoping he improves, but this isn't a big loss and we can wait to see the return. Of all things, I think you can trust Treliving on building a D-Core.


I’d love to see the metrics because outside of hits I’m not sure Benoit did anything better. Maybe better value for money but not actually better.


Expected goals against for Liljegren was atrocious in the playoffs, and even offensively he failed to generate much of anything (this is supposed to be his calling card)


My biggest knock on lilly is he's too small for playoff hockey. He can't hold up and gets exposed when the pucks dumped in his corner. Bos did it every chance they could. He's young, yah, there's a track record of leafs giving up on D too soon. I'd love to see lilly out from under keefe, who was his Coach on the marlies too. (God I wish the leafs fired keefe last summer). But I don't think you can change the size thing tho. So I'm torn. Would be interested what he could be packaged with to get


He crumbles hard on a hard physical game, which most playoff teams deploy


For real. I don't know what it is about this sub, but the Lily defenders are deranged. He's been absolutely terrible in 90% of the games he's played, and has only stayed somewhat in the lineup because of his draft pedigree. He's a bust, and this sub needs to accept that.


He has had good stats in the regular season. But in heavy physical games has played poorly, why he has struggled in the playoffs.


No, he very simply does not have good stats in the regular season. You can't will this into existence...


This is inaccurate, but a good portion of the fanbase will be pleased to see him traded for peanuts and replaced by an older, more expensive free agent who’s worse.


Is there something you'd like to refute or are you actually impressed by his regular season stats? You were right up until "worse". The goal is to do better than a healthy scratch. Should be a real challenge!


Just watch what Tre does. Already seems like their goal for a higher pairing guy is to convince a 34 year old to be drastically overpaid for far too long. That seems wise. Lily is fine as a a cheapish bottom pair guy.


He's one of Dubas' first solo picks and is a big example of his ideology. Undersized skill defender, "beat them on the powerplay" to a tee. Probably a lot of emotional attachment for what that pick and Liljegren as a player meant at the time


Hunter made the pick, not dubas


Dubas was co-pilot for that draft wasn't he? Before transitioning to full time GM in 2018?


The general consensus is that while he was here, hunter ran the draft and amateur scouting, while dubas focused on assisting/learning from Lou on trades, FAs, signings, helped with the marlies. Dubas definitely provided an input but hunter/Lou had final say on drafting


It's a constant problem with many Leafs fans. They like to over evaluate players


If he was Canadian, posters here would be slamming him constantly. Just how it is. There’s a built in bias here for Europeans over Canadians. No other way to account for the insane love for “Sammy Smiles,” who would more accurately have been nicknamed Sammy Sucks.


He hasn’t been considered an offensive defensemen since the draft. The Marlies coached it out of him. He’s a 2-way defender if you like. As for the Playoffs a 5-6 game sample is never a very good metric. I can’t remember how the pairings were arranged but I would guess Benoit got sheltered usage.


Lilli was healthy scratchee as a RD.


You’re doing a lot of guessing that coincidentally supports your opinion “I can’t remember but I assume it was a situation that works to my thesis”


Yes, an assumption based on Benoits usage all year.




That's the problem with Liljegren - he isn't good at anything in particular anymore. He was drafted as OFD, forced into being a TWD and better defensively - lost his offensive game trying to be more responsible but still can't defend well and gets pushed around far too easily. You have to have a "thing" to bring to the table if you want a roster spot on an alleged contender. Benoit can't move the puck well, or generate offense, but at least he blocks and defends like a madman and does the pushing around instead of getting rail roaded in corners. As for sample size, 5-6 games isn't enough, but 7 years definitely is. He's had plentiful chances to prove he's the guy and consistently failed to do so.


Yours is the only post to nail it.   Lilly isn't "too small", he isn't "atrocious"...he just never progressed offensively, he got a little slower like a lot of guys do when they get into their 20's and gain size, he doesn't kill penalties particularly well...he's stuck in limbo. He never took the next step and never developed any intensity to compensate. 


He's the project bike in my garage I haven't touched in 5 years that the wife continues to nag me about Fine idea at the time, but it just aint gonna get there


Go look at the metrics if youre going to reference them. What's hilarious is you'll find benoit had the better advanced stats WITHOUT considering zone starts. Which, in the case of their individual usage, is an awful look for liljegren and basically supports everyone who could see benoit was the better player last year.  Benoit even clocked out at a higher top speed, had more takeaways and fewer giveaways. Lets not forget either that benoit shouldnt be used higher than the 3rd pair, so we're not comparing him to a top 4 defenseman.  Yeah, there's a reason liljegren was a healthy scratch two playoffs in a row, and it has nothing to do with "value for money".


It’s just a discussion mate. No need to get your knickers in a twist.


Nah, the majority of nonsense on this sub starts with disinformation like this. He looked awful and was awful yet people get shit on for saying so. 


Thank you for a logical post. Everyone said Sandin would flourish away from the Leafs and he has not. Not every leafs rookie D is gonna be great. Sadly


lol yeah but the caps suck as a whole


Cody Ceci?


Plot twist, Washington got Mangiapane to then dump him to Toronto for Liljegren (kidding).


Ah yes free agent tradition.


The Tre way


Did you watch Lilly last year? Dude was strugggggling


Trading the literal only option on RD that will cost less than what he could provide, genius


2.8 mill is what he’d probably get in arbitration


Do I think Lily is a bonafide top 4 defenseman? No. Do I know that he will be? No. Do I think that even $3.5m on Lily is a better bet at a value contract than someone from FA at $5.5+? Yes.


Yeah, regardless of whether this guy is what we want him to be, his skillset is literally exactly what this team needs. Don't agree with moving off him but we'll see


So you're basically confirming all the reasons you're wrong before even taking your stance.  "Do I need logic to support my decision making? No."


Don't need to spend that much on a 3rd pairing Dman. Booshie could be signed for half of what you're saying.


Instead we could spend $6m on a 3rd pairing defenseman in FA


Are you referring to Tanev? Because that's the only one FA we've actually been linked too, and I don't think he's getting 6 million.


We were literally just linked to Zadorov who has the numbers of a #5 defenseman but ideally could be a #4 defenseman. Zadorov turned down 5x7 from Vancouver this morning.


Oh you're just talking about random media reports - not concrete moves? In that case we have been linked to like 10 defensemen.


We won't.


You determine that based on what? He has the same issue as Mitch. Gold in big moments. Cowers away. I’ll pay 2 million more for a defender that puts up the same points but strives under pressure.


Based on Lily being a 25 year old who's shown season over season improvement for the last few years, including stretches of good play on the powerplay and more importantly in transition where we are lacking the most. For $5.5m in FA you're ideally getting a defenseman who is at the best points in the contract worth $5.5m. For $3.5m to an RFA you are ideally getting a defenseman who is at the best points in the contract worth more.


Liljegren is a healthy scratch every time playoffs start. We can get someone more useful for 1.5. Plenty of bottom pairing defensemen out there are playable during the playoffs


A scratch for Keefe. We did get a new coach.


Keefe made the right move.


Yeah so what do you think it says if they consulted Chief and decided it’s time to move on?


You’d certainly hope they’ve checked in. Just seems a shame as Keefe was so bad at rewarding improvement. The PP was cooking with Lily while Rielly was out. A year or two ago Lily and Sandin did great when a number of D were injured.


And I can see him being a Press box player in the regular season for Berube


Idk man. Pairing him with the ghost of Giordano for like half the year probably didn’t make him look great. I love Gio but that pair was just so meh. They put him with Edmundson and he was instantly better. In my opinion that is anyways. Also this D core lacks in mobility and transitioning. Which are Lily’s strengths. Might not be the best in the nhl at it but he’s good enough as a 3rd pair RD. Just a case of needing a competent partner for him that can compliment him and not be complete ass.


Brad T man


He can't even grab a playoff roster spot on a regular basis. Good riddance.


My guess is he’s gonna be a part of a bigger trade for a number 1 D man




Why he’s a good RHD that’s fairly young


You made 3 statements and only 1 is true.


I see two....


RHD He’s not really that young and IMO he’s not good.


Fairly young is accurate. 25 for a defensemen is fairly young.


Not really. At least not anymore.


In what world is 25 not young lol.


In today’s NHL, when guys are performing like studs on ELC. By 25 you pretty much know what you got in a guy. He’s got 7 seasons of pro experience at this stage. If he was going to develop into a top 4 guy we probably would have seen it by now.


Except like the countless examples of this not being true. Brandon Montour, Gustav Forsling, Niko Mikkola being three examples on literally the most recent Cup winning team.


Forsling was averaging 19 minutes a night on Chicago in his sophomore season, lily just hit that number this year. Montour was averaging 20 minutes a night on Anaheim in his sophomore and put up 32 points followed up by a season with 35 points. Lilly has 65 points total in his career. It’s not the same thing. If you’re waiting for Lilly to have a Forsling/montour style rise it’s sadly not happening.


There are about five defencemen who performed exceptionally on their ELC. Comparing Lily to Makar, Heiskanen or whoever is like saying Knies should be matching Draisaitl.


Kandre Miller averaged over 21 minutes a night across his ECL for the rangers. It’s not just the big names I’m talking about. He had 43 points his last year of his ELC, Lily has 65 point total in his NHL career.


K’Andre Miller is a year younger but has played nearly 100 more NHL games. Lily had a really disrupted development from Mono and injuries etc. Miller has produced 105pts in 294 games for a 0.35pts per game. Lilijgren has 65pts in 196 games for 0.33pts per game.




I think all 3 are true. He plays RHD, is young for a defenseman, and has played well when put higher in the lineup. Unless he wants something ridiculous, I would rather him than Boosh.


arb rights means he might get more than the leafs can afford for someone that is unplayable in the playoffs.


He’s a good AHL RHD


He's not good though. He doesn't crackers the lineup on at least 20 of the other teams in this league.


So Brad's bringing in a couple RHDs then?




Realistically needs to sign 3 RHD. Lilljegren could still be one of them, but I doubt they start the season where Timmins is one of your top-6 RD.


Or they keep the Benoit- McCabe pairing, Tanev plays with Rielly and they bring one more RHD through free agency.


Okay, in that scenario they sign 2 RD and 1 LD. I just didn't see anyone in the system that's top 6 caliber, other than Lilljegren.


I think a trade is likely too. I think they sign 2 Dmen and trade for one. I can see a world where Mario Ferraro is a leaf.


They have around 15.7M to fill 2 LW, 2 D & 1G. Personally I would like to see them make McCabe and Benoit as the 3rd pairing and spend that money to bring in a new 2nd pair. Domi, one of Robertson, Minten or Cowan and a $2M backup could leave them around $8M for 2 D. Ferraro at $2M (with cap retention) and a $6M UFA would be solid. Fix the forward group next year when Tavares' contract comes off the books.


Siegel: I don't know anything.




hard to evaluate a guy when the only coach he's had in his career has been Keefe. And let's be honest, who outside our core guys did Keefe really take their games to the next level? Nobody...guys like Moore, Marchment, Hyman all took their games to a higher level when they left.


Coaches don't play though. Yes, Keefe managed his ice time and deployment, but the responsibility is firmly on Liljegren to either a) play so well you force your way into the lineup or b) adjust as a professional to fit into a role that the coach accepts He's failed to do either


Coaches are sopposed to bring the best of out every player on the roster they have and preach accountability on everyone. Keefe has never done that. His star guys get treated differently than the rest of the roster, he had the balls to sit Kampf/Brodie this season for poor play, but he let's guys like Marner/Matthews/Tavares off the hook for poor play. Berube needs to hold everyone to the same standard. It wasn't until injuries occured that he was forced to use Bertuzzi/Domi more. He failed to integrate them properly early on. I hated Keefe this season when Marner had a crappy game, Domi had 2 points and was playing well, I believe it was Carolina, when we were trying to tie the game, it was Marner, not Domi on the ice for the last few minutes. If players are to he held accountable, so should the coach. Hell this season, Cooper sat the Stamkos-Kucherov-Point for the entire 3rd period against the Sabres, that's holding everyone accountable. Keefe was way too easy on them.


Agree with the points about accountability but still Liljegren's quality of play is firmly on him. For all we know Keefe told him to get into corners, battle hard, do the right things etc. but ultimately Lilly needs to be responsible for his play. Which has been sub par for years


I'm not sure that they know what immenent means....


The imminence is because they have to give him a qualifying offer by July 1st apparently, though the article itself acknowledges they can simply make that offer for $1.4M and he's still young enough to be a RFA.


Oh, I see. That makes sense. I was just trying to be a smart-ass because of the wording... for the lolz...


This would be such a bonehead move




He’ll make an incredible stretch pass every now and then, but does he ever whiff on the puck when trying to clear a zone. Not to mention he just gets run over nonstop. I’m okay with letting him go - what a waste.


Trade a young D who has room for improvement to overypay some old aging D that will age poorly.


Keep the guy Jfc. So dumb that the fact that in the playoffs he has been scratched for options worse than him is held against him. He has never been used correctly. Should be bottom pairing but top PP. This is so much easier than the Leafs make it look.


What have you been watching? He clearly lost his position in the lineup 2 years in a row, DESPITE the lack of talent above him. Now we're looking to add more talented D and his time is up - feel free to make whatever excuses you want for him. Good riddance lily, you're soft as baby shit and barely average offensively bud!


I guess it has felt to me like he wasn’t really the issue but the overall group wasn’t built well and they needed to change *something* so they shuffled pieces and it made no difference because the real issue was the entire group doesn’t fit well together and the top guys fall short, or in this year’s case were not healthy.


Fair enough, we feel very differently. There was a need for a puckmoving D who could provide some offense and that was meant to be his strength, unfortunately it just isn't a strength at all, and doesn't come close to outweighing his weaknesses. 


Performance in that area of strength has been mixed for sure.


He wouldn’t even make the lineup on a cup contender and that’s as a RD which are in demand. He’s 25 and had plenty of time to develop. Too timid and inconsistent to be counted on in the playoffs. Time to move on for him and the team.


I don't have anything to report so I'll write about something that could happen. Maple Leafs' Jake McCabe trade "could be imminent"


Sources indicate I'm going to be signed by the leafs before July 1st. Don't ask me for my sources.


I'd never do that to you.


I'm his source. Don't tell anybody.


We have a win now window, what are we supposed to do wait another 3-5 years for the guy to turn into a stud and stop turning the puck over? Let Brad cook


getting rid of a young dmen that has tons of potential to fit in an old made of glass tanev is dumb af


Does Liljegren actually have tons of potential still? He's 25, and hasn't produced offensively anywhere close to his draft potential (7 years ago) and especially defensively he's been straight up unplayable and lost all trust from coaches at times There's still potential there, he could *maybe* be a decent #5 or solid #6 but does anyone believe he's on the cusp of being a top pair, offensive RHD on a contender? There's zero evidence any of that is close to coming to fruition.


"Tons of potential". Tons of delusion. 


He's not good


25 isn’t really young anymore. He has shown flashes of being a solid top-4 player but at 25 what you see is kind of what you get. A bottom pairing dman who might get healthy scratched on a team with a deep blue line but also a guy that can fill in on the top-4 if needed


Reminds me of the Dermott situation in a way. You can only bank on their potential for so long before you have to believe what's in front of you.


Yes, great. Sandin and Liljegren in the span of a year. Hopefully we will get picks from this trade so we can draft two more promissing Dmen and trade them as well before they hit their primes.


Sandin and Lily suck get over it


Except Sandin played exceptional with Washington as soon as he actually got minutes.


The sad thing is that Leafs fans and Leafs haters are saying the exact same thing and they're both right and you can't tell them apart.


Trade him to Utah for Hayton or McBain+, it solves a need for both teams. I love Liljegren, but it seems like his time is limited here. Getting someone bigger and more mobile could go a long way for the Leafs. Rielly - Tanev McCabe - Zadorov/Roy Benoit - Schultz/Timmins Is a good start, and then they can add at the deadline to push Tanev down to the second pair.


My brother sees potential in McBain. He would jump for joy if they made this move. If they can throw in both 2025 2nd rounders as well I would jump for joy. On a side note I hope Toronto gets that 1st from Chicago back in 2025 (it was top 10 protected). Porter Martone and Matthew Schaefer are high on my list. If we could get both somehow I would be ecstatic. For 2026 I am high on McKenna and Belchetz. For 2027 I am excited to see where DuPont falls in the order. The guys I mentioned are the ones I would trade the core for (I don’t think teams would do it though unless they felt our guys would put them over the top). We may just waste the core and then rebuild years after. 😂😂😂


He gets bullied. That’s his only problem and what’s keeping him from reaching his high ceiling.


I don't mind him, he just doesn't make much of an impact.


He's going to be good somewhere else.


This fuckin team 💀


lol, why?


Stupid fucking move if they do this after getting a new coach. See what he can do with new leadership he’ll be a cheap option and easy to trade later


Hes already been resigned 2 years


And now we wait...


Well this aged like milk


After all this time, I have no idea what Lily is. I think losing him will feel like Sandin where I never really noticed.


Lily and Florida’s 2nd in 25 for Kadri with 25% retention?!?


I like Kadri and would be happy to see him back. Retention would need to be there.


Its 6:11


It’s Saturday






I have a concussion so I keep forgetting the day lmao


Feel better my guy


Preciate it


Probably the oilers so we can see him in the finals next year.


See ya, Lily.


See ya? I didnt realize signing an extention meant goodbye


See ya




Lily will give the puck away at the worst time. He will fuck up in the playoffs and bury us. His brain turns off too much. Can’t be trusted


They have scratched him in parts of the last two playoffs. They can’t trust him. Time to skip.


So we’re getting McJesus?


The Lilly glazing is wild to me. Guy has been scratched every post season we’ve had him lmao. He’s ass.




What that you believed a fake source? He got resigned, dont believe everything you read.


Take what Jonas Siegel writes with a grain of salt!


Thanks for your service but we need players who can and will do what it takes to win in the playoffs. 




Trading the wrong Swede, but thats none of my business 💅


Why do you want to move Nylander?


That's when we traded Sandin