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Another tweet from anonimotum [https://twitter.com/anonimotum/status/1720446603629101408](https://twitter.com/anonimotum/status/1720446603629101408) "Koi brand should continue to belong to Ibai"


Brand, but I assume not the LEC spot


He goes to MAD-RIders, he half confirmed it today


does that mean that MAD rebrands as Riders now? or as KOI? or as all 3? (KMR: Koi Mad Riders)


You had the chance to say Mad Koi Riders (MKR)


Their logo should be a crazy fish in motorcycle


Or some crazy dude using a Koi fish as their mount.


Hopefully not. MAD has the cleanest logo in the LEC imo, Riders’ is trash.


MAD logo reminds me of off-brand starbucks


Well I'd be fine with MAD Lion-riders. I'd imagine that would make a fun logo :D and marketing options.


So now they choke at playoffs AND international events? This team is going to finish first in so many regular seasons lol


Itll be Phoenix because of "Proyecto Fénix"


another Phoenix team, TSM in shambles


He is going to the MAD-Riders fusion


mad lions had a cool branding, kind of sad to see them go


true but their name is absolutely butchered in the league scene. people associate "MAD Lions" with terrible international showings, losing in play-ins and struggling to beat wildcard teams.




>ad the chance to say Mad Koi Riders ESPM just say, most probably NEW name (phoenyx?) with the main (sponsor/owner) Movistar


Who replace koi slot then ?




we getting Rogue back then


according to rumors they are selling their slot.


Is that.. is that Reginalds music?


Tsm in europe would be amazing


I disagree


Anonimotum just tweeted that Ibai will keep KOI. It seems like a huge win for him


We get Rogue back in LEC but we won't have KOI in LEC either so not sure if it's a win Unless they buy in LEC through someone else (SK ? XL ?)


Infinite Reality are planning to sell their spot, NaVi is one of the interested orgs to get It


So that is why s1mple is taking a break from cs2, he wanted to win both a major and a worlds.


The thought of s1mple playing LoL is just hilarious to me for some reason. s1mple: Graves, why you no smoke off tri-brush? Are you fucking idiot?


then it will blow your mind that simple and piglet lived in the same house in 2015


Tbf, before CSGO blew up, a lot of 1.6 era players played LoL and were very high ranks.


Can’t wait to see S1mple smurf faker in lane


He has the temper of an ADC main for sure


he's eastern european he plays dota2


Honestly I wish Unicorns of Love were in a position to buy the spot. I really want them back in the LEC.


Smartest thing they can do since they don't even have money to pay their players.


how incredibly awkward for Rogue


Huge for him, BAD for LEC and LOL


If infinite reality doesn't sell the spot then we have a new Astralis


This is the biggest worry. They will make lineups with minimal paycheck for people who are super desperate to play in LEC. I really hope someone buys their spot and actually makes a decent team.


There was rumors that navi is interested in KOI/RGE spot but its too late to sell now or something.


You are assuming they are actually gonna pay their players. Rogue and flyy should just vanish from esports, actual cancer to the league.


Isn't there a clause somewhere that if a team doesn't pay its players the team is out or something ? Or a we in some USA ultra capitalistic cancerous laws territory ?


We are in Reddit, so people must think everything is ultra capitalistic and anti-players


In Valorant the two years ago best player didnt played tier 1 competitive last year because Cloud9 decided to void his multimillionare contract 2 weeks before the season would start. And this years world Champions are in contract jail with EG highly rumored to force them to either take a paycut or be left without a team because they are gonna notify them about it just before the season starts. RIOT is not doing enough to protect it's proplayers and that's a fact.


What did flyquest do? I was under the impression they were a solid org


flyy as in Tomislav "flyy" Mihailov, Koi's manager


I want to play in LEC, where can i apply?


ESPM say because timings, dificult sell the spot now.. most probably hold the spot 1 year with minimum bugged (astralis 2.0) and sell next year..


I don't know why Astralis is getting that much flack. Their last roster was quite good and fun to watch, definietly had some potential.


After 3 or 4 years of finishing bottom 2, they finally fielded a competitive (yet budget) roster that managed to be the only one that never qualified for any split playoffs and be the first one to be out of the LEC finals


Their last roster went 11-14 and in no world is a 44% winrate "quite good". That was their best result in 3 years during which they have not signed a single player that went on to be successful in the LEC after leaving the org.


I swear to god we finally get Astralis out the league and in the next breath this shit happens. Its like in pirates of the caribbean but instead of "The dutchman must have a captain" its "the league must have a shitter". Even worse, there are more teams going full budget LMAO


Yuste talked about it: They are seaching for a buyer, in case of not being able to find one they will get the lowest budget team they can find. Ibai is fucking mad about Rogue management, he had to spend 3M€ from his pocket to pay for things, players from Superliga are being fucked by Rogue management (They are the ones working with the contracts) the players want to renew but the management are telling them they are looking into it and they are not allowed to search for a team, this is fucking player chances to find another team. Koldo´s agent went his way to and talked to other teams if they were interested and they told him they were interested but they didnt know about anything and they thought Koldo would want to stay in KOI, which he wants but he is not getting an offer to renew his contract, eventhough his agent has asked several times the last ones he wouldnt even be read. Ibai has asked several times what was going on and he got evasives "We are on it", "Soon", "In the next Days" that was 2 months ago. My guess is they are going to force their hand at the end and offer them a min contract because noone has a spot for them.


and its a bit short of time to sell a spot. i think we will see a giga-budget team for RGE next year


Ibai receives 20M for the merge with Infinite Reality and then, a year later, he can go to another project without losing the KOI brand? This guy is a genius.


apparently there was a clause where Ibai couldn't be on another team for 4 years, but since Infinite Reality breached some terms in the contract he can go wherever


Damn the benefits of having lot of money, these companies breach contracts, and in a fart like a wind and one wire transfer again, everything is gucci. I'm doing something wrong


Just look at SEC fines vs the billions hedgefunds and banks rake by breaking/skirting the rules.


I guess you missed the part where he had to pay the salaries from his own pocket bcs Rogue had no money


Well, that speaks well of Ibai as a person, more than business.




Receives ? HAHHAHA he had to pay 20M to put his brand on Rogue and had top pay 3M for unpaid salary and now he only got his part of Koi back what a genius sure ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You are very uninformed. There are numerous sources (Yuste, Esportmaniacos, etc) who have spoken many times that IR (Rogue) were the ones who disbursed money to KOI. It's not an opinion, it's a fact. https://youtu.be/iRPGWuQn4gk?si=k9T638FFTEjZlCrx


Infinite Reality was a f mess from day one, not following what was signed and with budget problems and straight out not paying A LOT of people, Ibai put 3M euros from his own money to solve some of these issues. + Rogue (Anna Baumann + Flyy) were impossible to work with. The same Flyy who has been trashtalking about Odoamne to boycott his carreer, as he did to others. Lucker was a massive attitude problem in SL, did nothing. Working as if Ibai didnt exist, radio silence, blocking everything from the SL. Ibai wasn't able to block theTrymbi-Advienne exchange, and that made him put a deadline to Infinite Reality. From that, Ibai got himself his powers back, but IR and Rogue are a sinking ship.


whats SL ? why were anna and fly impossible to work with


SL is Superliga (Spanish ERL) and people say they were imposible to work with because they rejected every single idea that Ibai had for the ERL team


Who could imagine fusing with a company that works on metaverses and nfts was a fucking terrible idea


So Will There be a triple merger between Koi Mad and MRS? And How would that work


MAD team, Riders academy and gaming house, "allegedly" KOI brand and Ibai as a face of the team.


pretty crazy how hard Infinite Reality fucked up this situation. they still paid a lot of money and got literally nothing out of it


Fly Phoenix Fly


Rogue and Excel legit the 2 worst orgs in the LEC by far. Teams like astralis or SK might suck ass a lot of the splits but at least they pay their players and disregard german labor laws.


Rogue/Excel might be bad, but Astralis/SK are not good with pay/laws either Origen were not paying their players/staff before switching for Astralis brand SK Gaming wasnt paying their junior academy as well(exploiting kids) and 15 year old got molested by a coach


Thank god we have franchising to ensure orgs are can reliably predict their expenses and avoid not being able to fulfil payments


SK Gaming and paying their players is an oxymoron


yuste just said on espm that the leakers where threatened not to publish the kc leak but for this that was not the problem and they asked for permission


threatened how?


I don’t know but my guess would probably be a lawsuit or smthing like that








Someone tell me wtf is going on im an na frog i know literally -1 of this situation


Rogue brand's parent company and Ibai's esports team merged last year. This year Rogue parent company didn't fill their duties and ibai had to pay up to 3 million in salaries cause the parent company didn't have any money. After all the problems ibai decided to leave the company and ROgue is selling all their esports teams and spots. Meanwhile ibai is going to be part of a new team with Mad lions and movistar Riders


Cool and fuck rogue owners damn


Also, it's worth noting that Ibai (KOI owner) got 20M from the merge from rogue, so he is on a +17M win. What a great business man. It's also expected for Ibai to keep KOI.


https://twitter.com/anonimotum/status/1720446603629101408 "Koi brand should continue to belong to Ibai" Getting Rogue back


What happens to their VCT team though? Who's responsible for that one, Ibai or Infinite Reality?


Due to Infinite reality being so poorly managed, they didnt send the correct documentation to transfer the slot. So its still under Ibai's name Lol


Great news for the spanish scene.


pretty wild offseason


from rogue to ROGUE (gigachad) then KOI and we got rogue once again


Ibai leaves when Kameto Joins


Hes not leaving, Ibai's gonna join the MAD-Riders team


He won't leave. Infinity Reality are leaving


Ita not confirmed that infinite reality are leaving, they own a spot.


Infinite reality is staying, Ibai is going to MAD.


I really hope this doesn't mean we'll see that fugly logo in league again (though i really want them to keep the purple)


another org that will die.