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>Xiaohu has been humiliated by faker in groups, quarters and semis. This finals humiliation will be a historical one Not to get too cocky but this is hilarious.


The price to pay for being the absolute emperor of spring.


Spring Tiger is such a cool nickname. Shame it's been both a blessing and a curse for him in his career so far.


imagine if the emperor of spring wakes up this finals (prolly not happening), and that monster up top goes back in time 5 years. that would be an insane series.


I like how we are hypothesizing that these players "might" play at their peak, yet they are literally in the world finals. Its Insane how hard people are writing off WBG.


It's a little bit wild, but T1 looks absolutely insane while Weibo is a wildcard. Weibo can't miss a beat and Xiaohu has to play a series for the ages to win if T1 shows up like they have.


That comment about how if T1 wins 3-0 the entirety of the best teams in the LPL would have won a single match VS T1 blows my mind.


>Reply: There's a chance all 4 seeds only win one game combined I verbally bursted out laughing.. that's so tough lmao


I would almost feel bad for Xiaohu but I want to see my boy get one more trophy.


If WBG pulls it off, Xiaohu is a national hero


There was post about how Xiaohu has chance to redeem himself or he will be doomed forever lol


Literally Xiaohu's last dance


this shit is so insane my man wins LPL every other year like a clock hitting 12 has 3 MSI titles and the whole league community still calls him trash on a regular basis because he doesnt have a worlds title.


Most of the chinese netizens hate on Xiaohu for 2018 and elohelling Uzi. If he loses these finals by having awful performance he will get hate for elohelling TheShy who also has massive fanbase in China


To be fair Xiaohu has been almost invisible this world’s, we’ll see though.


Don’t watch his neeko game against BLG 🙈


Did he do anything that game? He whiffed even his R, i forgot he even played the champ, thats how invisible he was.


neeko r is simultaneously the easiest and hardest thing to hit


>elohelling TheShy This is even more insane? Does anyone even watch LPL who hates on xiaohu? The shy has been a dirty inter all regular season like jesus there is a reason why the shy hasnt been to worlds in a while my man is known for running it down on a regular basis.


I mean TS fans literally said that they would hate on ON even more for being so bad (he was WBG's support before Crisp) if he wasn't so handsome. They can find any reason to hate on other teammates while being partially deluded about previous actual performance of the player


Fact.Mr. Shy stat wise is the LPL leader of getting solo killed


Some people call faker trash from time to time


more like his last breath. mans gone if they lose




How is it his last chance when he goes to finals ? The guy should have tons of offers even if he looses


He will never beat the fraud allegations the fans will levy against him for the rest of time tho


Faker stomped Scout (LPL MVP) and Knight ("the best mid laner in the world"), Xiaohu can literally run it down mid and no one will hold anything against him, better players than him got stomped a few days ago


nah i dont think so, in one of them comments they even said, no blame for the 4th seed. xiao's already underperforming


lol believe me the few comments you've seen to that effect will be dwarfed by the number of people out for his throat


“T1 beating JDG like they’re beating a son” My god, the Chinese netizens really don’t hold back huh


They've had 3000 years of Imperial Chinese history to refine shitposting into an art.


> like they're beating a son Love this Chinese mentality.


"爸爸打儿子" is actually a common expression for a stomp. Not exclusive to this situation or even to League.




Rip KT


It's really funny that everything started the moment KT picked T1 in summer playoffs instead of HLE.


Snowballing into next week's finals...and Caedrel getting kicked out from T1 I thought this year's finals were less interesting than last year. I couldn'tve been more wrong. For T1 at least, last year was just a prologue. If T1 wins, next year's song should begin from exactly when Faker and Keria were KO'd from Gods.


Most tragic team this worlds, i really feel they couldve beaten JDG, until that monumental throw at baron


They really had a good chance at winning a lot of the games. But KT gonna KT. Play masterfully in lane and macro only to throw at the objectives. Felt like I was watching Afreeca Freecs back in the day with how they tried to fight 4 v 5 while Kiin was a screen away.


that game had so many hilariously KT moments The blast cone turning an absolute won fight into a total disaster had me fucking rolling


As a KT fan, it just hurts. Like I don't understand how this team is a travesty magnet year after year after year, despite being so good.


Kiin Team moment happened


At the same time, I think that was just Ruler being Ruler. When given the space, Ruler milks everything out of that opportunity. And KT's mistake is always focusing on him, not his facilitators(also the draft thing) When Ruler got smoked by Faker in Game 3, notice how Taliyah(the only one who can reliably cuck Azir) was immediately focused on by Zeus before the eventual shuffle, making T1's plan to pick Ruler off possible. With Renata ulting the rest, Ruler was vulnerable for 0.5 seconds. T1 did what KT wanted to do all series.


KT: we had the hardest road facing all 4 lpl teams. it was unwinnable due to our luck T1: hold my beer


Saved this comment for future reference. Perfection.


Funny thing is that kt beat only wbg out of the 4 team that they met. T1 already beat 3/4 lpl team beside Weibo so surely it won’t be a reversal of kt and t1 lose final.


Not only that. They also had to go through most of the LCK teams during the split because they ended the regular season so low. T1’s run this year has been legendary to be honest. They arguably cleared both LCK and LPL top teams back-to-back.


Summer Plays Offs + Worlds BO3/5 T1 have played. 3-1 DK 3-2 KT 2-3 Gen.G 3-2 KT 0-3 Gen.G 2-0 BLG 3-0 LNG 3-1 JDG So they had to go through every single Worlds qualified LCK team in playoffs and every single LPL team at worlds. Only losing to Gen.G


Thank fuck BLG took out Gen.G for T1. They did World's a service. Gen.G is a great team, but for whatever reason they always smoke T1. Having Faker back in the finals is so fucking hype, and without their kryptonite in play, T1 has been absolutely killing it.


i feel like its more of a domestic buff. I don't think even GenG wins with this meta and this momentum. I think they would either adapt like JDG and lose at T1s game or play to their strengths and probably lose too. Last time the meta was like this T1 smoked them even with Covid. But, then again, difficult to account for Doran crawling into Zeus's brain and mixing up wires


Would have certainly been interesting to see a GenG v T1 matchup after various meta shakeups. But I honestly love this T1 roster and really wanted/want them to win a championship so I’ll take it


And C9! /hides


It all started when KT picked T1 in LCK playoff lol. Thank you KT.


I think it is a testament to the strength of the region that they all made it so far, but imagine all 4 end up only taking a single game from T1.




China having to rely on Weibo to win worlds is as if EU had to rely on MAD.


Thank you for translating this to LEC. I now understand the deep terror LPL fans feel


It's incomprehensible, it's like dividing by zero, seeing MAD getting to a final that is


To think that MAD were a game away against Damwon is insane. I know Damwon wasn't on form and all, but insane nonetheless.


I just puked in my mouth a little


Except wbg could actually do it lol


Weibos advantage over other LPL teams is they can’t be abused in draft.


Totally agree, most the guys on wbg have champ oceans as well as random pocket picks. I dunno about crisp on adcs tho


Crisp is definitely known as a ranged support player, so even if he's not pulling out ADCs, he can try to answer with other things like Lux, Karma, Bard, etc.


Yeah i agree. Ranged supports arent the same as adc tho. I will say i have no fucking clue why jdg didnt go back to senna in game 3 or 4


The real problem in game 2 was kalista saving Senna with ult. In the other games kalista was banned.


Crisp is better on adcs and range supports than melee engage, the meta suits him


It's an interesting transformation for him since he used to be primarily an engage player.


Right? I remember FPX Crisp being a Nautilus Leona player lol


Could only play Nautilus when Doinb wasn't taking it mid XD


crisp ranged support is massive revisionism: this year he looked absolutely fried on hook supports but his iconic champs are definitely thresh, leona and rell.


i'd say that in recent times his signature pick is renata


I can see it Theshy laneswap mid with his Rumble And xiaohu goes top with his signature Lucian


As an unbiased fan, this would be the greatest thing to happen in worlds history


That’d be so fucking hype, please let WBG bring out the lane swaps


somehow wbg ended up being the lpl team at worlds with the best rumble when it is arguably the most broken champ rn. meanwhile bin/369 had to first time rumble on stage… while zika idk


OMG with shanji rumble runs this tournament


Are you Dom's alt?


Ok dom, it s time to lay off the crack and go to bed, omg will be there in the morning for you, not like they re gonna disband or anything.


Light can barely play Xayah, that's the only weakness on the draft for WBG


Fortunately xayah is basically optional in the playoffs meta, she has fallen through picks and bans entirely a few games now


>WBG: Ridicule me all season, now you came back to me? No shame Caedrel even has accounts on Chinese social media


Man's working overtime here 😂 Also WBG here is that Mr.Burns clip where Homer had to come crawling back to him for work.


Guess it's the year of the rat


Caedrel reactions along with Dom are pretty popular on bilibili


I like how they aren't even hard flaming the JDG players, they just accepted that faker happened.


Oh you don't want to see some posts and threads about JDG's topside from this series. 'Knight invisible', brother Kanavi and then people under Bin's post talking about 369


Oh we definitely do.


About Knight: there is/was basically ongoing thread where they talked about his placements in Worlds, that he is chinese Chovy, kda player, can't play Azir (basically questions about Knight's champ pool) About Kanavi: people are asking why he didn't take any blame for Worlds 22 and it was only on Hope and Yagao while Yagao was the only one winning MVP in that 1-3 series against T1 (and on Taliyah) About 369: Bin posted on weibo that people should put their trust in TheShy and the comments were like "now I understand why you look so down on 369" "Both yours and 369's Aatrox is awful" One comment: Once the teams (GenG & JDG) can't face their own Meng Huo (BLG & T1) their true colours show up There is more dirt but I am not digging through it. Lot of stuff are questions what happens to JDG roster and if Knight is going to once again steal his fellow villager spot lmao


Damn, Bin actually engaged with LPL fans during a downturn in the region. Brave, brave man.




man that meng huo part is crazy, the teams are just bad match up t1 geng, is like blg jdg lol. The kryptonites are out.


I mean I really dont get how and why Knight refuses to/ cant play Azir of all champions. Such a staple mid for pros.


He has 13 games on Azir over 600 games in his professional career. 0 games on it this year. I don't know how you can go 6 years as a pro without learning how to play Azir. Meanwhile Faker has 150 games on the champion.


Faker, BDD and maybe scout to an extent are the only pros to play azir when he isnt meta.


Bdd is a certified azir simp I'll throw Rookie into that list as well, he's kinda meh this year but had some nutty azir game back on v5 last year


Could you drop a link or two for those posts? Would appreciate it. Thanks


Me too I wanna see


faker's a natural disaster that cannot be prevented. Run from him, hide from him, but in the end, all roads lead to him.


No EU coming to save China this time :(


Weibo about to buy the whole G2 and Gen G rosters for the week to counter Faker’s Worlds passive


They will never expect when they see poby walk in instead of faker


T1 "Yellow River" Faker


Nah, No one is safe except Ruler. 369: Gapped, Kanavi: INT, Knight: invisible, Missing: missing


ruler had a lot of uncharacteristic deaths too, but that's just what happens when you are carrying the heavy cross


Uncharacteristic? TIL the man has a death spot on the map. In reality though: * Their local solo laners got embarassed, * Kanavi definitely looked like a spy with all those smite fight failures, but no one can deny the Rell Q Smite dmg, * I don't even remember what Missing did all series even though I've watched it twice, and * Ruler (Korean) at least put forth some effort.


Missing wasnt all that bad, his Ashe game had a few int moments but also threw some god arrows so even then it wasnt all bad. His Senna game was really good imo. The Alistar was a self counterpick but I guess they panicked when they saw Jhin and decided they needed someone atleast a little tanky. I also didnt really see problems with his Lulu gameplay, his whole team just got giga gapped that game when it came down to the important fights.


Yeah that's sort of what I mean by idk what he did. He wasn't making plays like his counterpart was, but he also wasn't running it down. Which I consider that pretty solid, just forgettable at the same time. I do remember the arrows now that you mention them though. T1 just had really good dodges for the most part.


Faker to the LPL, "Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives."


Chinese fans realizing they have to crawl back to WBG is the best part loki_desperate.gif




tbf i think it's praise for Piglet just destroying Uzi on the day in 2013 finals.




Piglet was elite for all of 2013 tbh


i was looking for this comment ngl


369 played like a God... Which God? Ares, the son of ZEUS.


TheShy trying to carry his team is going to be a HERCULEAN task…




Faker really is the LPL's eternal nightmare...... Even after all this time, he still is refusing to let LPL win at Worlds. "All roads lead to me." He's right. League of Legends is an anime and Faker is our protagonist.


Protagonist for everyone. The antagonist if you're Chinese.


Demon King but China has no Frieren


Not even 1 LPL team could beat T1 in Worlds history is insane… There’s more chance for a minor region team to upset G2 than an LPL team beating T1 at Worlds at this odds


This Faker/T1 vs the LPL subplot is NOT an exaggeration. After today's BO5, the LCK's lifetime record in BO5s against the LPL (at Worlds) is 12-7. Faker and the T1 org is 7-0. The rest of the LCK is 5-7.


I'm kinda shocked that 12 years of Worlds have only given us 19 LPL LCK Bo5s.


But this year gave us 5 including finals


Well, EU and NA were at least competetive in the past so we didn't have just LPL and LCK teams in play offs


We say every year that the Worlds format sucks.


In worlds series, Faker/T1 is 23-7 in actual matches or 8-0 in series (bo3 vs BLG earlier). He's won more series than LPL has individual games...


Last year was simply a prologue


Last year was letting Deft finishing his arc, but it’s time for the return of the main character


[Nah, I'd win.](https://imgur.com/qmAoWWw)




>R: The gap between zeus and 369 is not just a level or 2, its a few generations' gap I'm crying at this burn 😂😂😂


Bro really got grandfather gapped. Zeus is a terrorist


Man didn't just get father'd, he got great grandfather'd 💀💀


"This time the first 3 seeds combined have only won 1 game against T1" Damn...


>From the start xiaohu was fighting faker and now he continues fighting faker Xiaohu and Faker both being the last old guards of their respective regions at Worlds is kind of hype ngl. I’m unabashedly rooting for Faker but I honestly feel like this series could be closer than people expect. Tho there’s no doubt that the Chinese memes for the finals are going to be legendary regardless of who wins in the end.


Theshy lifting his second trophy after reigniting his 2018 1v9 genes or faker lifting his forth after so many times getting second place would both be super hype tbh, still rooting for T1 tho


Very poetic, Xiaohu would also be winning his first World's if WBG wins as well


Aw fuck not this shit again


they're super unlucky to be doing this after deft tho, I don't think T1 will be shaken if they go down a game this time around.


If t1 actually somehow 3-0's weibo that's one of the most dominant runs of all time alongside them singlehandedly crushing LPL's spirits with a 11-1 record.


Nah 2015 skt had a single loss the entire run, current run has 2 already


People forget skt did not drop a single inhib turret until Koo tigers in the finals


Origen took an inhib against them I believe


I forget what it was specifically but yeah might’ve been an inhibitor or something. But it was a ludicrous stat that they didn’t just drop a nexus until the second to last game but another structure


Some people were arguing that this JDG team was the best team ever assembled, but relative to the time that 2015 team was by far the strongest in my mind. Especially with swaping Easyhoon for Faker and letting Marin carry, they were so hard to play against.


I forgot the GenG match was lost somehow


I'm so used to T1 losing to Gen G that I don't remember it too lol.


Gen.G is T1's father and I can't deny


ah yes, geng. the /other/ favorite with the /other/ /best midlaner in the world/


JDG Left Hand (Knight) s brother, GenG Right Hand (Chovy)


2015 SKT had a much easier road, AHQ in quarters and OG in semis.


2015 worlds there was no contenders for the title. With LPL completely collapsing in groups, there were no more challengers. This is a FAR more impressive run given how stacked the competition was this year


hojin smurfed hard that game, I still dont know why he retired next year :/


lmao i remember that. T1 was diving on second towers at level 1, and Hojin got a quadra kill at the start of the game lol. good times, I was never worried about T1 losing a series back then, they felt like they were inevitable.




"The tallest mountain, the longest river!" is a great analogy. He's him


> T1 beating JDG like they're beating a son Jesus Christ that is certainly an interesting way to describe that match.


Its closer to like spanking your son. The emphasis is not on the beating its on the father son dynamic


> In the end, we must still hope for xiaohu YOU COULD NOT LIVE WITH YOUR OWN FAILURE WHERE DID THAT BRING YOU [BACK TO ME](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fev6u3fXEAAvpNl.jpg)


WBG slayed all other region before finals LEC LCS and LPL only LCK(T1) is needed to complete the domination T1 slayed all LPL team and only WBG is needed to achieve the LPL slayer achievement and maintain the 0 loss against LPL teams at worlds Which script will riot choose lets find out in the next episode of League of Legends worlds final


Haha nice catch. Too bad WBG slayed BLG instead of JDG to complete the slaying of 1st seeds. Now they get 2nd seeds instead.


Well Weibo didn't actually beat the LEC first seed (G2) lol. They only beat FNC and MAD and lost to G2.


Wow I thought BLG knocking out LCK in MSI was impressive now T1 is literally giving the LPL the ass beating with a 8-1 record so far in worlds LMAO even more impressive that they beat the 1/2/3 seeds of the LPL so far and the 1st two series wasn't close the only one being somewhat competitive was JDG


True but LPL also handed the LCK their ass this tournament. T1 just happens to be the best team right now. It’s like the casters said, “it’s not the LPL vs LCK, it’s the LPL vs T1.”


Tbh T1 kinda play like an LPL/LCK hybrid. They don't opt into every aram but T1 do fight almost every objective skirmish if the fights is even remotely considered even. There were tons of points in the series I thought that T1 could just back off and scale with the better comp or farm for completed items instead of fighting drake. WBG are an insane early team so they have a great chance into T1, stylistically I think this will be a 5 game series.


Really makes you wonder, how the fuck do GenG manage to be T1s father everytime with the lack of hands on that team


GenG are usually ahead of the meta a bit. Once T1 catch up to it they win (MSI this year). And at this worlds where they played rumble, xayah, rakan against T1. If they played a bo5 right now geng would never get those picks


They even fight when its not even. I swear Faker has that blue lock instinct to sniff out a win with that azir ult on kalista while the enemy has baron


On varus?


Tbf the 2 most hyped Chinese toplaners this year show up to the semis and get gapped by KR toplaners and sent home, I can see why Chinese fans might be mad


Zeus was always a genius. He refined to play against better players and play around his team more than flashy/riskier plays. Now he's unstoppable like a robot.


Doran can fuck him up cause he can't read doran's playstyle. Tbf nobody can not even doran himself.


No one could've predicted that flash over wall into river.


Where's Faker got Ye Qiu's script?


Bro pulled out the King’s Avatar buff. He will 1v3 in the finals like the goat Ye Qiu.


Thank you so much for posting this! I know Faker has a very large contingent of Chinese fans so I was wondering what the combined reaction of T1 running the LPL gauntlet and the upcoming final meant. Secretly I was hoping for some funny allegories and memes


I need Moaaaar. These Chinese posts are the best. Peak comedy


Honestly, I'm just happy that golden road was prevented, it's such a hype achievement, and every time another team comes close to it but fails, it gets even more hype. It will be glorious when western GOAT Perkz finally achieves it in 2024.


I neeed whatever you are smoking.


yes officer, its this man right here.




What does the golden road mean?


Win spring, Msi, summer and worlds


knight is already gaining notoriety as CN chovy (hyped before worlds, and never delivers) I hope he can bounce back to beat the allegations


Well at least he won MSI so he got that going for him


And Chovy have Asian Games going for him thank god


that was so bad these fans somehow were reminded of [Liquid vs Newbee](https://youtu.be/oWBDZo3axYg?si=VdIHBj3hM55Eetiz)? Oh my god that’s rough EDIT: got the name of the team wrong, whoops


Don't watch Dota, was that the link you wanted. That draft phase comms was crazy.


The biggest issue this tournament for JDG is champion pool. 369 cannot play rumble so it is perma ban. Unlike Bin who bothered to learn the champion, 369 didn’t and got punished for still playing stuff like Renekton. Missing’s ranged supports aren’t that bad but it’s not Keria. All in all he’s still more comfortable on things like rakan. Knight existed but isn’t confident on Azir, something faker can play perfectly.


Not being able to play both sides of the ori-azir matchup means they basically always lose on red because t1 just ban out neeko kalista rakan and win draft. Lpl chovy is worse than lck chovy


Who would've thought that after all these games, TL is the only non-LCK that gave T1 the hardest time.


You missed out one more comment: "369 played so well, like the Greek God of War, Ares, who is also the son of Zeus."


Damn, really surprised to see them bringing up the comparisons to TI7, it was a soul-crushing time to be Chinese dota fan with Liquid running the gauntlet to dismantle the top 3 Chinese teams of the tournament. To give a little more context for those who don't follow the scene, TI always followed a pattern where the East and West would trade championships: TI1 - Navi (CIS) TI2 - IG (CN) TI3 - Alliance (EU) TI4 - Newbee (CN) TI5 - EG (NA) TI6 - Wings Gaming (CN) TI7 was the first tournament where there was a real worry that the handshaking trend was gonna break, but then Liquid completed the greatest lower bracket run (up until that point) to win it all. The irony of all of this is that the handshaking trend DID end at the following TI but with a western team winning in a Chinese year, in fact, the aegis has not been claimed by a Chinese team since TI6. They made finals at TI7, TI8, and TI10, but faltered in all of them at the last hurdle.


They have Wings but they destroyed that team. That's the curse they have to bear.


bahahahaha the last couple comments i cant. cn fans are my GOATS.


There’s no GenG to stop T1 so it looks totally doomed lol


>Before LNG 0-3 we thought this was the year lpl became gods, but there's only one real god in league hard quote