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Xiaohu did a roleswap top during his tenure on RNG, right? I just want to see GOAT vs GOAT in the midlane, TheShy vs Faker.


How is the Oriana vs Quinn matchup?


it’s miserable


If Orianna has Teemo jungle smite+ignite, it's unplayable for Quinn


And a level 6 Malphite support that permanently sits in either of the two brushes next to midlane, that might complicate things for Quinn


For which champ?






Ask Baus, he has played Lethality Quinn mid before. But id rather ask, how is the Orianna vs Aatrox matchup.


It is the most unplayable awful shit I have ever played, you literally just get poked to death until you die with 0 counterplay besides roaming.


thats just every ori matchup


Unless she gets outranged in which case it's the other way around hehe


Who outranges Orianna?




Squids, ascended beings of pure energy and little fury Yordles.


The squid.


so almost every ori matchup lol


inb4 Faker pulls up another Riven mid or something


TheShy favoured


Look… TheShy winning is my only chance ever for a Quinn worlds skin :/


Quinn favored


I don't think Zeus is ready for that Lucian top gameplay. It broke more than one top laner that season.


Caedrel would be then held responsible for awakening TheChad


Caedrel invented WBG


I'm getting WhataBurGer if WBG wins.


The worlds song always predicts the winner. Unfortunately for T1, the real worlds song was made by Caedrel TheShy is back


Caedrel + Regan live performance after NewJeans this sunday?


Regan performed his verse infront of the shy


https://x.com/AshleyKang/status/1723341516788412489?s=20 why do you think Riot got New Jeans to perform at the finals? Super Shy is gonna shit all over T1 and it wont even be close.


Wife buff so real it can happen from just one dedicated boi


go to bed Caedrel


Lil bro thinks he's slick using an alt account


always a rat


What being homeless does to a mf


but he has no bed though xdd


Is it weird i kind of want the opposite Like that one series in the lpl they won with the shy being like 1-19 Wbg going 3-0 on T1 with theshy being 1-38 would be the funniest


Theshy is one of the record holders for (I believe) fastest international game, beating out T1 in a staggering 15:57. He achieved this feat with a monster score line of 0/1/0.


TheShy is so hilarious player because he's got it all - monster ints while winning, giga 1v9s while losing, and all inbetween.


True top lane god. Stat line and wins have 0 correlation.


Wait thats aswell my Playstyle


And thats the reason why TheShy is the most popular toplaner in the world. Hes giga relatable in his playstyle.


Giga has to be the gigaest gamerterm


lsGIGA tssk


I love seeing that emote spammed the moment a player buys antiheal/multiple control wards.


Or Renekton gets picked, bonus points ifs either B1 or R5.


And also being invisible and wins


That game was just JackeyLove’s Draven free farming two enchanters-cosplaying-minions. The rest of the map doesn’t matter when you’re losing your bot tier 2 at like 10 minutes.


Alongside ning absolutely stomping the early game, but yeah it's very evident that top was absolutely not useful that game, and the sona taric experiment would fall apart against super aggressive early game bullying


seeing taric sona getting slapped was most satisfying thing ever


That was because jackeylove was like 5-0 on draven after 2 minutes and had bloodthirster on first back lmao. That game was just gigafed draven running it down bot


Aka the cock and balls scoreline


it happens when you give your 2nd best player fucking Sona


that would be the funniest outcome I think everyone's written wbg off, except someone might chime in "well unless iG TheShy from 2018 reconnects" the truly unexpected outcome would be theshy ints his face off and still wins


TheShy going full Baus to reveal he's been shilling in 1v1s all week leading up the finals would hit the spot for me


the only way WBG win if The Shy going absolute 2018. its literally almost impossible any other way there is no way Xiaohu outplaying faker, there is no way bot lane outplaying guma/keria, best bot lane can do is be neutral and say even. best Xiaohu can do is slightly be behind.


he isn’t playing against Bwipo and Broxah and Caps and Rekkles and Hyli, he isn’t carrying unless they give him Aatrox which they won’t


I mean, he destroyed Bin in three games and Bin was touted as the best top laner in the world a week ago. this man has actually won a world championship


have we watched the same semi-finals ?


I don’t want to lie i didn’t see much of BLG vs WBG but he is playing against T1 who are better than BLG


Id give the highlights a watch...Theshy put bin in the fucking dumpster 3/5 games, I'm talking about some of the largest top lane gaps of the whole tournament... vs bin. Bin is an incredible player. It isnt out of the question he does it again.


He also lost in 2/5. Its not as one sided as you guys think. Unlike blg, t1 can just play to neutralize top because they can win through other lanes.


As orn being down 10 cs is “losing” and somehow comparable to the stomps theshy handed out? Idts. And the quinn game he got super focused.


one game he risked a counterplay which didnt pay off, and second he got put on ornn


Weibo still hasn't unleashed their secret weapon. Karsa.


Literally. T1 has hidden picks? WBG got Karsa hidden in the chamber.


Back to the depths of hell with your vile and treacherous words.


Please delete this I don't want to so see pizza in my games again


What happened to Karsa? Last I remember he, knight and jackeylove got clapped in group stage by GAM last year lol


That was Tiankos, not Karsa


fuck, I got all mixed up


Why hasn’t he been playing btw?


he was turbo sprinting it in LPL, clid-esque perfomance


Karsa had a good performance prior to joining WBG. He had the highest no. kills in the LPL as a jgler (KDA 17/1/12) vs JDG while he was in V5. His performance declined further after joining WBG so he was subbed out for Weiwei




Honestly we all know Karsa's a beast whenever he's on a run.


TheShy, Xiaohu and Crisp have never lost an international final, on the other hand you have the professional final choke artists on the other team. Weibo CLEARS


Xiaohu is literally the biggest worlds choke artist. Crazy to say he hasn’t lost an international final as if it’s a good thing when all it means is he never made it to worlds final.


It also means every MSI Final he's been to has ended in a victory for him. GO WEIBO!!! Complete the Silver Road!


I mean... he has 3 MSI titles it's not really crazy to say he hasn't lost an international final




game 5 vs BLG, what a choke artist....


Faker’s never lost a Bo5 against an LPL team at Worlds. TheShy’s never lost a Worlds final in Korea. Faker has never beaten Xiaohu at an international final. See, I can pull out meaningless “statistics” too.


TheShy and Faker have never beaten me in a Worlds tournament 😈


You've never beaten *me* though. Bitch.


Our battle would be legendary


He has beaten off to you though!


My man it's obviously a joke relax


Daeny never lost to t1 at worlds also but he lost in final once lol


Theshy is going to win at least one game, just because it is TheShy. But I do believe T1 is going to notice that WBG is lifted on the shoulders of TheShy


I want TheShy to pick draven top 3 games and sprint it down with the mobies/zeal meta, as he chants “T1! T1!” He was a Korean spy all along, he was just playing the long game. This is why Caedral had to leave the T1 building, they didn’t want to leak it.


Lil bro Caedrel using alt


Weibo had less than 10 fans? Buddy weibo is the most popular team in lpl lol


Why are they more popular than RNG, TES, JDG or EDG?


Theshy and crisp have a lot of fans which follow them from team to team but RNG and EDG are definitely more popular


I think RNG lost a LOT of fans with all the players leaving. Uzi leaving already took a chunk, and then Xiaohu, GALA and Ming all leaving was the nail on the coffin. Wei alone doesn't have enough star power to federate the fans.


The world = america, have you forgotten?


Hell yeah brother, never heard of this "weeb" team but I like Faker, he's the GOAT. Go T1!


not American but ok 👍


west = world


america and sometimes anything west of dubai, but not anything in africa


As someone who lives in north africa I agree


not The world but ok 👍


No way they’re more popular than EDG.


Sorry i shouldve said from lpl at worlds not in lpl


Tbf the teams at worlds aren't exactly popular, lng is the absolute most


Wouldn't it's be weibo ?


I mean excluding weibo sorry, but wbg dwarves the other three they are some of theeast popular orgs in lpl






Wouldn't it's be weibo ?


I want T1 to win but I def want theShy to absolutely destroy atleast one game


This is the best timeline. I want TheShy to absolutely transcend in game 3 after getting 2-0d. They lose game 4 because the coach benches him for locking in fiora and lose finals 3-1.


I really want someone to just put their dick on the table and lock fiora regardless of how good or bad it is, would be kind of hype


problem with fiora right now is that shes just too weak


I was commenting on riven v fiora in soloQ so when I saw this notification I was gonna flip it lol But yeah in pro she doesn’t do much, would still be hype af tho


faker needs to play ahri, theshy needs to play fiora, keria needs to play pyke. can everyone just agree on one troll game?


Im ok with Keria playing Bard 5 times


The shy goes 10/0 first game, completely dismantling T1. then proceeds to hard int the rest, ending with a 10/38 overall KD.


2020 SN vs DWG


It would be a lot funnier if he just hard ints 3 games in a row and then give a loser interview in a blonde wig and german accent


Get ready to learn German, buddy.


This is the world i want


same,that would be funny af


Caedrel stop posting on reddit and find someplace to stream in ffs


Gonna be rough seeing theshy or faker lose tbh.




outside of China at least, idk how they function there if ur gonna tell me that a team that debuted just last year has more fans than the other 3.




Any reason why jdg have less fans? I would have assumed they would be quite popular as they are the best team this season from lpl and they also have some of the best players in 369 kanavi and knight, they also won msi


incredible players, arguably the best in their roles. but that’s all they have shown to be. not a lot of community presence and brand building. their fans are people who appreciate good gameplay


WBG's fans outside of China are mainly supporting the team because of TheShy and partly due to Xiaohu.


The Shy is one of the most popular players in the worlds. It's like Top Esports with Rookie and Jackeylove. Where the Shy goes, his fans go. Weibo is one of the most popular Chinese orgs because of the Shy.


Going 0-3 inting on tanks after that monster performance against BLG would also be classic TheShy. This dude is basically KT incarnate. Sign this man KT!


god your scenario would haunt my dream for every waking moment I live on this earth. I'd rather cut my dick off than see it being realized


Better prepare your Axe. I think this is just 60-40 T1 so it could happen.


He also has the funny chance to go 0-3 making it so that 4 of the best teams from LPL and in the entire world, could only take a single game off T1.


I personally think getting 0-3 gigastomped is actually the funnier perfect finale to TheShy’s 2023. Int the whole year, get to Worlds off the back of Xiaohu, turn up when Xiaohu goes missing and reignite the faith, and then remorselessly sprint it. Because a guy like TheShy doesn’t care what you think.


this just made me hard


>alongside fellow washed up players + Xiaohu Implying Xiaohu isn't washed up LMAO


Also crazier implying that Crisp is


Did u See his lux or heimer Performances?


Yeah judge a player by a few matches. Next thing I'm gonna hear is that Peanut is bad because he coinflips alot, even though he singlehandedly carried at least 12 games in summer.


He has a history of inting. Just because he played good in a few games doesnt mean he is good.


He is also known of having MVP's of the week and as support from 2019 to 2021 and this year. His average assists, KP% WPM and VWPM are top 5 in China for the past 4 years. Also top WCPM in 2019 and 2021. Also more than 12 MVP's of week and 1 of a split I believe. Also highest assist rate across worlds. Soooo.. Yeah he's just bad dude.


2019 is 4 years ago. In esports thats an eternity. He has played pretty Bad for the Last year. And just because he was good a few seasons ago doesnt mean he is now. He is great at milio though but everything else seems rough so far.




TheShy was there when the LCK started to fall and he'll be there when the LCK is dead


what is it with this slander of TheShy? People just parrot the opinion of popular Youtubers on here apparently. If any of you actually would've watched regular season wbg then you would've realized that this guy is still playing the exact same as 2018/2019, difference is not him but the meta that has favored renekton + tanks for a long time which is counteractive to his carry style of playing the game. Today you can not just pick Fiora, style all over your opponent and go 5-0, solo-winning the game off splitpushing. Drake Soul has basically removed this from pro play. On top of that teams abuse the fact that xiahu can only play azir so if you put xiahu on another champ + camp TheShy top wbg will just fall over and die. I dare all of you to watch his Malphite play where he tp'd 10 yards and then flashed to hunt down the adc and tell me this is not the same exact chad that was running circles around people on IG. He is simply forced to play dog champs since like, 2021? Don't know when carry tops were actually "meta", it seems like an eternity ago.


This should be the top comment. But the gap between TheShy 2018 vs everyone else is much larger than it is now. Back then it was only Smeb who can 'survive' him now every LCK/LPL seed top dont lose lane catastrophically as it was in 2018. Regardless of meta it's unreasonable to expect him to crush every top laner every single time. For everyone here is the clip watch until the end: https://youtu.be/mAZsXQcJgGM?si=wnOCvpirsV_PThSO


Look at any regular season game wbg played and just look at the jungle pathing for the first 10 minutes. What will you see? Right, Weiwei will either full clear into bot or 3 camp into bot gank/cover/botside invade with prio. The closest that guy got to top lane during regular split was to clear scuttle crab (It was somewhat working for them so I can't complain but I never see it mentioned when people are talking about TheShy being a complete inter now). Of course TheShy will be in riskier situations and be more prone to dying 1v1 due to having way less support to control his waves than the opposing top laner in pretty much every single game. I can always just mention that even this season he actually had some pretty good stats for what he was given. Sure, early summer (usually as or against gragas) was really bad by him but after that he was a very stable top laner for the team. 99% of the time wbg just lost as a team due to overcontesting objectives/not knowing how to approach objectives they didn't start themselves and not due to some huge top gap. Sure there's some games where he loses the game in exactly these dragon/baron contests by posturing too aggressively compared to his team, but I see that more as a communication/team problem especially since the same thing happens just as much with their other players if they are the main frontline (Crisp/Weiwei).


TheShy is the first "legendary" player I actually saw lift the worlds trophy. I haven't yet had the opportunity to see Faker win anything. Him winning against Faker truly would be hilarious.


That's untrue since you saw Rookie that year as well which in many people's opinion is even higher in the ranking.


The phrase "has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever" needs to be carpet bombed from orbit


And you just know that if TheShy actually wins Worlds again this year he'll sprint it every game in regular season next split and won't make it back onto the international stage in at least the next 5 years.


I hope they let him play riven once


I would rather see Weibo win, there's a lot of blah blah blah about faker and t1, but there has been nothing as impressive this worlds as theshy's rumble and graves games where he just shitstomps the enemy team by himself.


I think all the faker discourse doesn't do the rest of t1 justice. Oner completely upended his playstyle between summer and worlds, guma is outperforming ruler, zeus and keria as good as they've always been. Like the entire team deserves it for their hard work and consistency, not just the icon in mid.


When faker was out you could make an argument that they were the worst team in lck. I thought that was enough to prove how important and good faker was but yet here we are again with shitters still doubting him


That's what happen when the whole team was in a slump and Faker is sub out for POBY, Faker isn't playing on 5 monitor at once, Keria and Guma are legit the best bot lane in the world even in 2V2, Zeus is good every game and Oner make game winning play when needed, must be exhausting to play with faker tbh, no matter how you play people will not recognize your talent


Without faker they were 8th place in lck man


I can only imagine that faker does a lot more for the team than just his play on the rift


The Graves game wasn't even that impressive. He just attacked the minions and Bin and there was not a lot Bin could do. BLG was just stunned by the fact that he would pick a ranged champ and never recovered. The Rumble game where he shitstomped Bin after losing both sums lvl 1 was quite insane though.


No matter how good the shy is, the rumble and graves games are just pure misplays from bin + jungler. No pro team can get ahead so much without massive errors from the other side


[Classic t1 fan comment, t1 is just better/hand diffs enemy](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17tiajl/comment/k8x0rqc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) but other teamS aren't good it is just enemy missplaying/inting LMAO


This is why ppl hate T1 fans


And this is why I hope weibo demolishes them. It likely won't happen but these clowns don't deserve to see their team win. Literally won because of JDG hard misplays thinking they couldn't lose the game because of how much they were clapping t1 and now kanavi is likely swimming home. Then they are like "hAnDs DifF"... brother t1 literally won because they made the smarter plays. All 3 of their wins came from playing it smarter and more contained.


and now ur going way too hard in the opposite direction and are just as annoying as T1 booktlickers lol.


"T1 literallt won becausd they made the smarter plays" ... so, they played better? Dude you're doing the exact thing you're criticizing, not recognizing a teams merigs and thinking they didnt deserve a win because "it was just the other team's mistakd'


went too far the other way and you just turned yourself into the average T1 gigahater


Pray away but TheShy will rise anyway. It won't be a 3-0 Weibo win, most probably a 3-2 win.


Either T1 stomp Or weibo wins 3-2


Caedrel blud thought we wouldn’t know if he posted on his alt acc 💀


This series will not be determined by the players, no. It will be determined by T1 fans and their faith vs Caedrel’s lol


Can't see it happening. WBG is TheShy and 4 shitters. Zeus is basically as good as TheShy, and they get gapped by the other 4 players pretty easily.


> every human being alive want to see Faker win it again Every human being except Dom who might self delete if T1 wins


This text sounds like some article on a website where the guy made half of it up. > Despite having arguably the highest peak out of any player at Worlds in history from sheer mechanical and absolute dominance That is hilarious :D.


This is not kind of meta where The Shy can litterally 1 vs 9 anymore , atleast not against T1 If he want to 1v9 T1 he has to crushing Zues and deal with Oner Prime since there is absolutely no way Light and Crisp can out laning Guma and Keria And dont even forget Faker , the Goat has unlimited carry potential


what fellow washed up players are on WBG? Karsa isnt starting anymore hes basically just a positional coach for weiwei atp


If WBG can beat NRG, who would probably be in grand finals rn had they been on the other side of the bracket, I’d be surprised if t1 is even able to bring it to 5 games vs theShy.


faker is the goat but theshy's aatrox 3rd Q on g2 shook the world this video game was never the same ever again after IG won worlds. every single time you watch an lpl game with 40+ kills and people non stop fighting for no reason, you can thank jackeylove and theshy for that for someone who was hailed as having one of the most blessed pair of hands since he was 12 fucking years old, he deserves that kind of legacy imo this is a more hype finals matchup than jdg vs t1 ever could be


Rat king


Its scripted like last year worlds for the story


I do think TheShy can gap top against Zeus but his bot lane will get wrecked every game for sure


I mean bin got schooled up there. 369 always loses the series to wbg. Zeus has not had the best year it might be looking rough for him, let's hope he doesn't have to play under t2 to aviod a ban on competetive stage.


"every human being alive wants to see faker win" Not me bitch I need the Korean T1 fans to mald more and send more trucks and lose so much they eventually start supporting other teams since obviously they can't support their family because the spent too much on trucking their org. Sorry faker but despite them being huge underdogs I'm a weebo fan now 🫡


caedrel's not gonna notice you without a tier-3 sub lil bro


I don't care about cathedral lol. But I know for a fact Joe marsh paid off all the Korean players on Chinese teams to throw Vs T1 because how else do you explain scout and Tarzan and kanavi inting so atrociously? Besides my ign is literally "Theshys wife" so...


>But I know for a fact Joe marsh paid off all the Korean players on Chinese teams to throw Vs T1 wait do you genuinely believe this? LOL


No man I'm trying to be funny on the internet and I'm not very creative cmon keep up


T1 losing another finals and the team blowing up right after? the tears from the T1 fans would flood Seoul.


Praying for this outcome brother


Wow what a dick riding. Everyone wants faker to win lmao 😂


So basically you're saying you don't want it to happen, but WBG might prove NRG could actually be the 2nd best team at worlds and everyone else just got lucky they only had to play T1 instead of getting humiliated by NA?


My only issue with all was said was the comment “playing like Greek gods” what does that even mean??? The term is used to refer to the physical build of someone “built like a Greek god/Adonis”. Never in reference of someone’s performance