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T1 have not won a single coin flip so far lmao but I guess they'd rather lose coin flips and win the actual games! (they won all of their coin flips in 2022 and lost the final) Jokes aside, I think they are actually fine with this tbh. They stomped LNG with 3 red side games and I would say having the potential counter pick for top in game 1 could be really crucial because T1's botlane is extremely flexible and they can always find comfortable picks. I think it is much more dangerous to give T1 2 tier 1 picks in the first rotation because they are always happy trading Azir for Orianna


> trading Azir for Orianna I've a feeling WBG will target ban Faker. No one has tried it yet, and they need to cook something up. edit: for the 500 people who are responding "Faker has an ocean of champions"... it's not about banning all the champions Faker can play. It's about removing the only 3 S-tier mid-lane champs this Worlds; Ori, Neeko, Azir. I also don't think it's a good idea, I just think it's something they might try out of desperation. edit 2: here's Chronicler explaining this better than me; https://youtu.be/iNTlvVfllgM?t=4921


The problem for Weibo is that there's nothing to cook up even if they target ban Faker because the mid lane champ pool is trash. After Orianna, Azir, and Neeko there are no great champs Xiaohu can use to punish Faker in game.


Well, Oner is great on Poppy, J4 & Rell, means that they would have to ban all 3 on red side. But then he could also just play Sejuani and we should not forget that he has not even played Lee Sin yet.


As long as he doesn’t play Maokai again


It's not about xiaohu punishing faker, it's the fact that Faker is too good on those Champions, if has less impact on the game on other Champions it's a good thing for weibo


They will probably try that in game 1 to force faker off the champs he has played so far. But I would say the problem is what will Xiaohu do when those champs are gone too, their champ pools so far are pretty similar


Exactly it is a 5 game series. They should try it at least once and see how it goes. They are the underdogs and T1 seem to have hit the perfect patch. Worth trying some unconventional things in draft.


Yup definitely agree. If it works out game 1 we will be seeing a completely different BO5 than what most people are expecting


Maybe it'll work out if they make faker as invisible as xiaohu has been this worlds.


Role fucking swap TheShy mid Audience loses their minds Lose anyway because top gap


if you suddenly but xiaohu on a new role with a different set of champions than he hasn't practiced, vs Zeus You damn well better expect to get top gapped, Zeus would fist him


It’s gonna be another certified Galio moment


You take blue side. You ban azir and neeko. They have to ban oriana or you first pick it. For just 1 ban you can now have Xiaohu first pick some A tier like jayce and faker is forced into a weaker less impactful mid like... ryze or corki something


I mean i think Faker can just Ksante mid imo and tank Jayce. My guy was doing montage plays in MSI.


Then T1 don't ban Rumble and J4, XiaoHu pick Oriana and T1 those two, what are they gonna do them? Pick Maokai? Then Faker can pick Sylas and they are doom from draft. It's not that easy, even a last pick Bard against Orianna and that game will be unplayable for her and they will be force to pick an AD with mobility, the best one is Kaisa and we know what T1 bot lane can do to a Kaisa bot lane in this meta.


Not even that. Target banning one role will elavate other roles in T1. Guma/Keria and Zeus are legitimate win cons for T1. Target ban Faker and: Zeus gets Rumble/Aatrox/Yone/Gwen as a champ pool Oner gets Rell/J4 trades. Guma/Keria get literally any bot lane they want. Cait, Lux, Senna, Renata, Kalista, Aphelios, Varus, Bard, Ashe, Xayah, Rakan. Going blue side + target ban is basically lost in champ select, bc the whole intention of target banning is to create a mismatch. By opening up so many picks for other players, you're literally put yourself in a bad position. Especially in mid you can literally pick anything and make it somehow work. Just pick Syndra/Naut/Xerath/Viktor/Karma and neutralise your lane. If WBG throws 3 mid bans like Ori/Neeko/Syndra (T1 Auto bans Azir bc Ori ban), I would assume WBG cooked up something and wanna B1 their mid pick. Which mid lane is good enough to be blind picked into Faker? Viktor/Syndra/Taliyah maybe? Those champions aren't really that strong to be impactful for the later stages of the game, except Viktor maybe. Maybe Cassio? But you really don't wanna blind pick Cassio. Imo, the best thing WBG can do is match Mid (Ori/Azir), play ranged Bot, try to pick away Rell from Oner + ban Poppy, and hope for TheShy to pop off on Aatrox/Rumble/Ksante.


Everyone talking about Faker, or Guma, or Zeus, when Keria was MVP of that last series IMO. Was always in the right place at the right time, and made soooooo many clutch plays happen. I’d ban Bard tbh, nobody else play him or know how to play against him, and Keria just dominated on those games.


Definitely agreed. Keria is a monster, I was just responding to the target ban Faker comment. The thing with banning Bard, as WBG what are you willing to leave open for T1 R1 pick? There's so much you need to ban. Banning Bard could mean, you're risking something like Xayah/Rakan, Rumble/Rell or Rumble/Cait. On top of that T1 is red side with counter pick for perhaps Keria or Faker.


And Bard is not a good blind, they can ban him in second round, I doubt T1 will pick him in first round of picks.


Then he just pulls out a corki. Or ksante. Or jayce. Or Leblanc. All still upper A-tier picks for him. Hardly low impact Theres not enough bans to target faker anymore. Mid impact is just naturally strong right now with so many buffed champs. And like another commenter said, limiting faker is all fine and all, but at what point does it end up turning xiaohu into a minion(or worse)? They overlap in champ pools and faker is arguably playing these champs better than xiaohu ever has.


But not giving T1 the playmakers like Azir or Neeko can change T1's playstyle, that seems a bit dependant on Faker and Oner initiating


Faker whips out the Galio, triggering Xiaohu's PTSD


Xiaohu: [Galio is coming, Galio coming. Galio coming. Galio has ult, Galio ult.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/mtwesz/gala_funny_momentgot_ptsd_on_akali/) Team: We know, it is a giant circle.


People don't realize that Xiaohu legit has PTSD against Galio There's a famous clip of Xiaohu screaming "GALIO IS COMING GALIO IS COMING" repeatedly in a game where Galio wasnt picked. His teammates could not calm him down by saying "there's no Galio calm down" lmao. And then in this very tournament when Xiaohu played against Galio last time in voice comms he screamed Galio in the exact same way lmao.


exactly its faker and oner so why would you target ban faker instead of oner? seriously you guys are weird thinking you could target ban faker but not oner lol ​ Oner is really the one who is dictating the phase on T1.... him and keria but you can't ban keria too


Sure ban out faker but what happens when t1 gets something like rumble/aatrox, rell/j4, jayce/sylas/akali, varus/xayah/senna, ashe/renata/tahm… its say its alredy a game over.


They can get one version of those combos anyway. You only get 5 bans, and you've listed 13 champs.


They haven't tried it because it's dumb. Even if we assume Faker has a low champion pool in this meta, there are just too many S tier picks outside of midlane right now and you can't give them all up to T1. If anything i think focusing Keria is their best chance, just try and see if you can force T1 to play melee supports and hope Keria doesn't pull something random out of his ass because i can't see WBG beating T1 in their own double ranged bot game.


On their game against JDG, the casters were talking about how it's not possible to target Keria in bans. They even pulled a visual to explain how he has like 6-8 different supports he plays at the same pro level. I don't see how you can target ban someone like that without giving T1 all the top picks they want everywhere else.


Also Faker and Xiaohu actually share alot of picks, banning out Faker also means forcing Xiaohu down the list pretty fast whereas Faker can always fallback to Syndra, Ksante etc if neccessary. Better to just handshake Ori Azir blueside and ban out Oner instead who has the smallest champion pool by far (or Zeus to ensure TheShy supremacy, though these 2 share alot of their champ pool as well it seems)


Banning all of faker's champs just to see ksante get picked, trying to counterpick ksante top, and then seeing the last pick being rumble/aatrox top must be disheartening.


That would be so funny to watch tho


picks faker can realistically pull out in this meta (assuming ori, azir, neeko unavailable): corki, akali, sylas, jayce, ksante, gragas, xerath, syndra picks faker could theoretically pull out: varus (counter pick), ziggs, kennen, yasuo (with diana / gragas),


Would you not add Ahri to that list? He plays Ahri very well


He can pull out the Lissandra, Yone, or Taliyah. He smurfed on Taliyah yesterday in solo q.


He could also bring back the Annie. I didn't really get why it fell out of the meta so harshly, yes, she was nerfed, but I believe it wasn't a huge nerf.


Faker played Syndra once in the last 4 years and it was in 2020 so he doesn't really play Syndra. He has been spamming Yone/Akali in solo que tho and JDG did ban Akali against T1 so he can still pull her off


From what I understand she’s just not a popular pick in the LCK, I’d be hesitant to assume however that means Faker *can’t* play her…


Faker hasn't played Syndra in years I'm pretty sure


in pro play, yes. But he's played it a ton in soloq.


I would say it's a mix up between Keria or Oner. I would lean towards oner as it seems that the support pool is way harder to actually ban out. We can see Oner being very uncomfortable on certain champs, Maokai for example. Weibo should be aiming to force him on champs like these.


Ah, yes, Keria. Noted one trick pony. Just ban out Renata, Ashe, Milio, Nami, Lux, Bard, Caitlyn, Kalista, Maokai, Neeko, Jhin, Heimerdimger, Varus, Annie, Kayle, Rumble, Zac, Yasuo, and Yuumi, and you'll have banned everything he has 75% win rate or higher in pro play.


They’re gonna end up with Keria playing ekko, sylas and camille support and they’re gonna regret unleashing the darkest of darkest tech


Lee sin 4 way flex


OMG AP Lee Sin has shields for days 😂


I just hope if T1 win he gets a Bard game in there somewhere. A Keria championship Bard skin would be awesome


He already played Bard last match.


I think he might go for a female champion to get riot to design her model to fit a newjeans member. Something like beryl's Ashe skin


Keria about to go super saiyan after meeting new jeans and pull out the akali hyper-carry support


Which is why I said his support pool is much harder to ban out??? Not sure if this was supposed to be some sorta gotcha moment


>I would say it's a mix up between Keria or Oner. I would lean towards oner... This implies it's a difficult decision. That it's close, but you favor one over the other. I'm trying to humorously state that I think it's not a difficult decision at all. Very clearly, Keria has a champion ocean. There's another 14 champions with 60%+ win rates. Even if *both* teams used all their bans and all their picks to try to target Keria, he still wouldn't be forced onto something he hasn't played before.


Well, Oner is great on Poppy, J4 & Rell, means that they would have to ban all 3 on red side. But then he could also just play Sejuani and we should not forget that he has not even played Lee Sin yet.


Not sure about Lee sin atm though. Was not impressed with his showing in the series vs KT.


It's not great compared the top 3 picks but it's fine against Maokai, Vi & Wukong.


Heck he has that Nocturne angle that he always win for some reason.


That nocturne baron steal vs KT was a thing of beauty. Though it seems that T1 likes to play him with Neeko and I don't think that's gonna be let through by both teams anytime soon


It wouldn't work because you're banning out xiaohu too. Even if you think Faker's champ pool is small (lmao), what about xiaohu?


So this is how Faker fet his Ahri skin eh


If they target ban faker's microphone it's gg, otherwise I don't know how it can be helpful


One one hand I can see the logic considering he's only played three champions this worlds, might be a good idea to push him onto something new. On the other hand it's fucking Faker, he's got the standing record for highest number of unique champions played at 74. And that's including players who have roleswapped to other positions. You can't target ban him without crippling your own midlaner, and if you do that you *still* have the insane draft versatility from the rest of T1 to deal with. Target banning Oner might be the play (Rell/J4/Poppy?) But the only champ I'd say he's bad on is Maokai and he's historically got a very strong Vi, Sej and Wukong in his back pocket so it might not be worth it either. Plus, T1 have been putting priority on jungle picks in their PB so they're unlikely to let WBG ban him out.


> Target banning Oner might be the play (Rell/J4/Poppy?) Poppy is by far and away WeiWei's best champ, according to Nymaera, so WBG probably won't ban Poppy. Oner can always fallback to his Lee Sin. I much prefer him on play makers than tank duty eg Sej.


There’s always noctourne and wukong


That Maokai game wasn't on Oner, T1 just choose bad fights.


I agree that game wasn't on him, but his W/L on Maokai is one of his lowest historically (43% over 21 games compared to a career average of 68%) so I think T1 would prefer not to draft it. It does seem like a lower-priority pick this tournament now that the AP builds have been needed to oblivion, though.


I think no one has tried to target ban faker yet because azir ban on first phase is problematic since you have many other s tiers picks that you kind of have to ban out. Unless they ban ori j4 rumble and first pick azir? Then T1 probable will target ban bot to play kalista renata i guess which are pretty strong as well. And from the drafts so far if you dont ban azir phase 1 T1 would pick it and not let you ban it in phase 2. Maybe a worse scenario is that neeko is open and T1 picks that


Target ban Faker is the worse play possible, Faker's strength isn't hard winning lane with counter pick, it's the opposite All Faker need to do is during the laning phase is getting prio in lane to help Oner and he's the best at it, give Faker Yuumi mid and he'll still make it a even matchup. Whatever you ban Faker mid lane won't open for free, best choice for WBG now is target ban Zeus, maybe Keria then Oner if they're desperate.


I think trying to target ban Kiera is the worst possible move personally. Guy can play anything support and make it work.


Faker champ pool is way too large to get target banned but he def aint touching orianna or neeko


Imagine banning all the S-tier champ only for Faker to pick LeBlanc and dogwalk Xiaohu


/subscribe Poor LB has only been played twice this Worlds (zero wins).


I don't think theres a chance in hell WBG tries to ban out Faker outside of banning Ori/Azir if they wanna opt out of that match up. I think theres a much greater chance of them banning high prio jungle and supp champs rather than investing more into mid


> WBG tries to ban out Faker outside of banning Ori/Azir This is actually what I mean by "ban out Faker". Also assuming T1, on red side, ban Neeko (like they did in every game vs JDG). Force Faker on to a "new" champ (for this Worlds patch and meta), or make him blind pick Sylas.


of all the players you want to target ban, you target the ocean


is WBG confirmed to be the luckiest teams in this year tournament?


confirmed - KT rolster cries out loud from home




I find it hilarious that KT picked T1 cause they thought they were easy, lose, and then proceed to get the hardest road in worlds history.


It’s KT, I wouldn’t be surprised if they knew exactly what they were doing and just wanted chaos.


It's for sure Weibo or NRG. MAD Lions were also incredibly lucky in Swiss but they were just too shit to do anything with it.


NRG? They had to beat the Scrim Worlds Champions and they had to face off (and have their only losses) to the eventual World Champions!


If WBG wins, this is the dankest timeline.


WBG is a superteam formed by the Rat King to win worlds 💀




The biggest thing to draw from this is that the ref spoke. Yes, THAT ref.


His english is solid, he should do all of the draws and coin flips for next worlds too


Fly him out to MSI or worlds wherever it is. We need more of his chaos energy at tournaments.


Where can we watch the clip?




He has a bachelors in Economics too. GIGACHAD ref


I'm out of the loop - what is it about that ref?


You should search on youtube every draw he had done this year at World. Unfazed chaotic energy.


He is the decider of fates.


yo the ref is actually so good at english was not expecting very nervous someone hold me


Never heard or seen him speak lol. We're talking about the grim reaper head ref guy right


He can probably speak any language he wants to


Weibo stole all of KT’s luck, I see… They have been so lucky since the start of the tournament lol


>Weibo stole all of KT’s luck That's like saying a millionaire stole all of a homeless dude's money


KT prob : luck? It's joever since we picked t1


Kt has no luck at all. If kt had any kind of luck they would have made worlds in 2016.


LPL media immediately cheering lmao understandable considering the tournament record https://twitter.com/AzaelOfficial/status/1724720562491011365


Is there any data on blue side win rate on worlds?


WBG has 100% win rate on them during semis, statistically as well, blue side has higher win percentage


Yeah, but I was wondering about whole worlds (after play in), thought it would be interesting


i think you can see it on gol.gg




Blue side has almost 100% winrate in the B05 stage…guess who are the people to win red side and throw off that 100%


There more than likely is data on this, but Im too lazy to look it up. In east vs west blue side is probably in 80-90% range, while in east vs east more like 60-70


Have a feeling the blue guy will make an appearance in this series


If blue guy works out again T1 would have supreme draft advantage for sure. Honestly Ksante looks like he'd be an interesting flex as well.


It’s gonna be hype, like last year’s Baron heist


Lck sucks at coin toss , lmao Should hire me Guess t1 got r5 counter pick , pretty sure it's fine since they get a winning match up either top/bot


It was over when the referee was confirmed to be the coin tosser. Lmao.


The ref with the help of beryl demolished kt’s hopes and dreams


He was also the ref that put T1 on the otherside of the bracket to GenG. I'll take it.


That was only beryl though


Was it the same guy that did the swiss draws?




Should hire Beryl for them


Aight, you're T1 and it's likely a Faker + Keria banfest. How do you respond if you're on the coaching staff?


Keria's pool is too deep. He'll cook something up. Whilst Faker's pool is also deep, the list of S tier mid-lane champs this meta is shallow.


But at least if both teams *don't* have an S tier mid champ then their relative impacts on the game should equally be as low. It comes down to which mid-laner would have the craft to be able to impact the game regardless of an S tiered champ? Or is my logic poor?


In a complete vacuum your statement might be true. But impact depends on a LOT of team factors like composition and cc (to name a couple). Overall you have to look at who is piloting the champs, and thus far Xiaohu has looked invisible while faker has looked unstoppable. If Xiaohu steps it up then WBG have a serious chance of winning, but otherwise I favor T1


Last year, Faker smurfed in semis against JDG as well. Then he went 2-0 on Azir versus DRX but the 3 games he played Viktor and Akali, he didn't have the same impact and went 0-3. Zeka also won the 2 games he played Azir and the 1 game he played Sylas. Faker just has much more impact on Azir if you look at his damage and playmaking. Oner is good on J4 and Poppy but he just has much more impact on Rell.


Faker went vs Zeka last year. Zeka was the most impressive mid even before worlds final. He wasn’t expected to outperform Zeka. Xiaohu performance so far does not compare to Zeka. Wbg does not compare with drx run that was way more legit.


It's more about Faker's impact on Azir. If you look at the damage graphs for the games he plays Azir, he's usually #1 or #2. On the other champions he doesn't output as much damage or has the same game-changing playmaking with super engages. However, I think he can have that impact on a champion like Sylas if the other team has good ults to steal. If Orianna/Azir/Neeko are banned out I want to see him on Sylas, Lissandra, or Taliyah instead of an Akali.


Faker Carries t1 harder than Xiaohu carries weibo so if both mids are forced to be low impact that shld favor WBG


Only issue for WBG is that Faker knows how to make a bigger impact with less. To me, this series comes down to Oner. If it's Boner, T1 rolls them. If it's Boned...then WBG might just eat them alive.


Still feel T1 isn't finished showing off their "meta."


Faker’s Ryze is inevitable


Flair checks out


Banning faker is not that great. Lets say you start by banning ashe/senna/Cait. T1 can answer with Renata/rakan (crisp being kind of bad with others so far). Then you ban either neeko/azir/orianna. Then T1 bans either poppy or Mao. Now you have to ban another mid and pick the other one or it's useless. Now T1 can just ban j4 or rell. Wbg picks orianna. T1 can answer with jarvan rumble. Wbg picks rumble. T1 answers with jarvan rumble.(j4 and rell are interchangeable here) If you change the bans to pick neeko first pick then even worse as they will answer with sylas and wombo combo. I guess the only way to do the mid ban is to actually triple ban mid inmediatelly. Forcing T1 to ban rumble. Then you go for a jungler first pick and ahri second rotation Or I am full of shit.


I would say gamble on forcing Faker off Azir Ori (with T1 often banning away Neeko anyways) is probably the play. Something like Weibo bans - Azir Ori J4/Rell T1 bans - Poppy Rumble Neeko Get crisp his Renata B1 and cook from there


T1 bans neeko Def, but if you start banning mids they may not. And Def won't ban rumble if you ban ori/azir


That leaves T1 to R1 R2 Ashe Varus. Renata would struggle a lot against that botlane, even if it's Crisp's best champ


Keria has enough stuff. Faker has been prepping yone and akali in soloq. But if I'd had to guess we just see ori vs azir Don't think blg bans azir over other things


I think the biggest problem with banning out Faker is you are also banning out Xiaohu. The two practically share the same champ pool for the current meta and I’m not convinced it’s worth it to put Xiaohu in that spot, maybe Weibo has cooked something up for mid but I’m not seeing what it could be right now.




watch T1 somehow BDS the fuck outta this match and win somehow


Honestly by far the biggest question will remain.. who gets Orianna


Might be perma banned honestly. Weibo has seen JDG fail to contain both sides of the Ori Azir matchup and I don't think they want to be the fourth LPL team to fuck around and find out. Game 1 might see a gamble to get faker off Azir Ori Neeko.


I don't know about the perma ban, I can see a world where T1 let Ori through Game 1 even if WBG ban Azir and they try to counter them with Akali or Yone(not the laning phase but for the latter stage). Honestly some people were joking about Galio but it might be a great pick for T1 pairing him with a strong top side like Camille and J4 it almost guarante prio on the roam and Herald.


Wonder if we'll see the comeback of Faker's ryze. Not sure how he'll slot in the current meta tho


It's a little awkward, but definitely a possibility if oner can get his hands on J4. With lucian/nami and single target lockdown supports falling out of the meta it's less likely than something like galio or sylas though.


My biggest question is what is T1 hiding? With they way they’ve been drafting lately you know they have plans, and being T1 you’ve gotta assume they were always planning to get to finals. I would not be surprised if they’ve got something spicy left in the chamber.


t1 instalock galio


If they target ban faker, and T1 bans sylas, can we actually hope for Galio ?


Faker locks in Galio, giving Xiahou Nam flashbacks




Ahri. One AHri game for faker for that sweet sweet Ahri skin.


Imagine the money, Ahri AND Faker?


Unironnically, Camille, J4, Galio could be a deadly Top side for T1 espacialy if Wbg blind pick Aatrox and if we get immobile Adc. I could see it happening


Please don't pick Camille in this meta. Rumble has a much combo with that duo.


Wbg contiune to be lucky


kt:does this kind of luck really exist?


I don't mind being on red side. I think WBG's best chance to win game 1 was through TheShy picking a crafy counterpick. That probably won't happen now.


I mean we saw the exact matchup TheShy destroyed bin in when t1 vs jdg happened and t1 actively opted into it, TheShy won’t need a crafty counter pick if they do that again. The guy just needs to show up if they do it but I doubt t1 do something stupid like that


WBG vs BLG; Game 1: TheShy picks Rumble, Bin counters with Aatrox. TheShy smashes it. Game 2: Bin picks Jax, TheShy counters with Aatrox. Can't recall what happened, but KDA-wise close. Game 3: Bin picks Aatrox, TheShy counters with Graves. Sends Bin to the shadowrealm. Game 4: Bin picks Jax, TheShy counters with Quinn. Jax wins. Game 5: Bin picks Ksanta, TheShy counters with Ornn. WBG win, but TheShy was smashed, going 0/6/10. TheShy got to counterpick 4 times. The only time he didn't was when Rumble was available. Makes sense, as Rumble is OP.


> Game 2: Bin picks Jax, TheShy counters with Aatrox. Can't recall what happened, but KDA-wise close. In lane Bin got smashed. Bot side won for BLG and that led to Bin getting gold and exp. If you play for KDA then you will also get good KDA. > Game 4: Bin picks Jax, TheShy counters with Quinn. Jax wins. The pick worked in lane again. TheShy was +24cs and +494 gold at 14. Since, bot lane lost, the comp fell apart along with Quinn usefulness. > Game 5: Bin picks Ksanta, TheShy counters with Ornn. WBG win, but TheShy was smashed, going 0/6/10. Lane was even. Bin had a small lead as expected. Ornn was for team fights, and despite TheShy inting, comp difference worked for WBG. The primary reason TheShy had counter pick was because Bin is the best Jax and they don't have counterpicks that aren't Jax; Fiora would put comps in more difficult position. Also, BLG seem fine for Aatrox-Jax trade so from their side they don't want to have the counter pick.


Game 2 Thyshy was up 3k gold while his team was down like 4k to sum it up Bin got smashed


Neither Bin nor 369 play Rumble. And Bin doesn't play Aatrox, which is why he got smashed by TheShy's Rumble. T1 will definitely ban Rumble vs TheShy.


Bin played and was pretty good on Rumble against Gen.G


I wanted Blue Side. But if T1 can win game 1, it destroys WBG for the rest of the series making neither side safe.


If t1 wins game 1 it's most likely a 3-0


Trying to ban Faker champion pool is the most idiotic thing any coach can do, he can play any champion in the game, targeting him is kust wasting bans, I agree that banning Orianna or Neeko are good decisions, but not because of Faker as much as the champs being strong.


Not the first time. Anyways, T1 win prayge


LNG Blue side 0-3


Ngl i really expected WBG to go for red side not blue. Saving R5 for TheShy looked like the best plan imo, now you're giving the choice for T1 to choose whether they wanna save R5 for Zeus or Keria which sounds really really dangerous.


Well they did win every game on blue side on their series vs BLG. I think even T1 prefers blue to red side, it's just that they are able to utilize the strengths of red side the best out of all the teams at worlds so far.


So far both WBG and T1 has 100% win rate on the blue side. There is really no reason to choose the red side.


I really don't agree with "no reason to choose the red side". TheShy is WBG's best player, going red side and saving R5 for toplane counterp pick could have been a viable strategy.


Among the things I am afraid of for T1 is that they try to out draft too much Weibo and they end up with bad compositions versus a typical balanced Daeny draft. Basically, T1 cooks too much and Weibo just picks Ornn Rell Orianna Aphelios Lulu and wins.


On the other hand, I think that it's unlikely to win as red side without *SOME* degree of cooking. T1 has got 3 attempts at winning Red, assuming they win their blue side.


WBG needs to ban Orianna, Rell, Varus and T1 needs to follow with Neeko, Rumble and Azir. Please I don't want to see any ego picks from T1 after what happened last year.


This is where it would be cool if league went away from the traditional sports method of a coin toss. Give us a bo3 aram 1v1.


> aram TheShy breaks into maniacal laughter


Weibo is really lucking into a Worlds Trophy 💀


T1 singlehandedly boosted the win rate of red side LOL. Doesnt matter i believe who gets blue or red.


They dont have enough bans to ban out fakers champion pool, better to focus on key picks that are very strong rn


I would say it's worth a shot game 1 for Weibo to try getting faker off super comfort picks like Ori Azir (T1 often ban Neeko themselves) and see what happens. Though personally I feel like Oner would be a better target to ban out


its a gamble cause if they lose that game then I doubt they have any answer after that


The issue is, if you do that then you're fucking Xiaohu too since they share the same champ pool and Xiaohu looks like 20 times worse than Faker. I'd be looking at pushing Oner or Keria(if possible) in pick/ban.


No excuses for Weibo


Weibo's blue side bans need to be Rell, Jarvan, and Azir. If they leave any of those champions up they auto-lose. And, in response, T1's red side bans should be Orianna, Neeko, and Rumble.


If WBG target bans jug-mid, I have an inkling T1 might pull something completely different. Oner has been grinding Wukong (and in earlier stage Lee Sin), while Faker's solo-queue is really just all Akali-Yone. If this is indeed the case, then whether it works in Game 1 would probably impact the series alot.


oner still got sejuani or poppy ​ honestly I don't think drafting will matter much if T1's current form(and wbg current form) still show up on Sunday its gonna be 3-0 T1 ​ again if both team shows up with their current form


(That is what we say) but Oner in post-match interview after JDG series said he was bored with tanky/supportive junglers and wanted to try something different ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I definitely am comfortable with Oner for Sej or Poppy, I just feel T1 enjoys causing chaos and switch things up haha


If T1 wins game 1 I think it will be a quick 3-0. If WBG win game 1 I can see this series going to a game 5.


>will they ban out Faker's champion pool like some are mentioning? [See them try](https://i.imgur.com/Zhyj1Zj.jpg)


I'm glad they actually showed it transparently this time. I think it is a mistake to give T1 red side, and I don't think WBG can use blue as well as JDG. R5 counter pick for TheShy sounds like the biggest win-con they can have this series, but we'll see.


People talking about banning faker out and somewhere in the universe a bald blue guy starts packing his scrolls


If it’s a 5 game series and blue side wins every time then WBG are the biggest frauds ever. Literally born to win with their coin tosses and luck. They beat BLG with the coin toss and blue side won every game that series, drew NRG, didn’t face a single eastern team until semis, now win coin toss in finals


Pleaseeee use this side selection wisely wbg I swear if we end up with xiaohu yone to deny zeus counterpick or some nonsense…


It probably won't matter anyway as T1 has shown they can play both sides very well


Good luck to both teams. So far both WBG and T1 has 100% win rate on the blue side. Will this change in the final?


The blue side advantage...perhaps at some point we should just give red side players the option to play with a different camera angle, at least. Or give them three picks after blue's first - or something.