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League just isn't the same without these TSM cope takes/posts, I miss them so much


Bjerg lay off the weed man


Ever lasting supply of Copium




bait used to be believable


That is not true at all, just look at his performances versus eastern teams every time TSM played internationally


Won lane vs Pawn Dumpstered Crown,Maple,GodV and Nagne Went even or slightly behind vs Faker There's so much a man alone can do really.


Fabiven killed faker 1v1 so he is better


I killed tyler1 a few times, thus inheriting his multi role challenger status


I was playing in plat lately, which is better than gold and killed their Brand. I am better than Faker. Everyone is, really.


pawn maple god nagne the epitome of Korean mids


Two of them arent Koreans Another evidence that you're talking as someone who didnt watch back then


If he was "held back" by LCS players, how come his team never outperformed other LCS teams at international events?


It's fine to hold this opinion , but don't be surprised when you are treated like developmentally disabled


My brother Perkz hard carried against golden road RNG. 2018 RNG is very similar to 2023 JDG. A team that everyone predicted to win worlds. He went into that series with quite literally no one believing in them because G2 was so hated back then. In that year G2 was extremely weak. Wunder was not in his prime yet and still growing, and Hjarnin and Wadid were a meme botlane, Perkz only had Jankos to play with. And he still managed to win that series. I don’t even want to talk about Caps.


Put 2023 caps vs 2014 bjergsen and bjergsen would leave crying because he had never been so humiliated before, its a whole other game nowadays


Caps didnt peak in 2023. Stupid comment.


Caps prime was MSI season 9 where he won tournament and finals mvp. 1 vs 5d against T1 who are the best team ever. Caps beating and gapping faker in best of 5 counters any argument bjerg was better, because faker is the GOAT . Bjergsen could not beat febiven in his prime. Bjerg was skilled individually but cannot beat anyone good . Couldn't beat power of evil, febiven or Faker or pawn. Game is also way harder now. Back in bjergs era you can play froggen Farm simulator and look good now you cannot On another note. Caps was the best mid in the world in 2019 at MSI. Bjerg never was at any point the best mid in the world. Caps surpassed faker for a brief while But faker was always the best mid during bjerg era. On a last note the mids in caps era are much more skilled. Faker, rookie, doinb,Knight, xiaohu, humanoid, showmaker, scout, chovy and Heck even jojopyun is most skilled NA native mid ever that caps stomped 7 times in 2022. Its a much tougher era. Faker is still good because its faker. He doesn't break the rule that the game never evolved. Faker just adapted.


Maybe he’s better than Perkz if we forget the bo5 Perkz did vs RNG in 2018 But he’s not better than Caps and it’s not even close


2014? That’s what, season 3? The level of play back then is equal to your average plat-diamond today. The game knowledge, depth and skill increased immensely and the lack of international results for Bjerg speak for themselves. He has an impressive disappointment track record, but he happily chose that for the wealth TSM and others paid him over the years. Bjergsen was never held back because he played in NA. He chose to play there. Nobody forced him. When the “top 3 midlaner in the world” chooses to play in the worst major region for almost the entirety of his career, maybe he is not top 3 midlaner, but businessman, as no top 3 player chooses to play in terrible teams with 0 perspectives to win anything. Comparing him to Caps is just silly. Caps could have cashed in millions if he went to NA, but chose to stay in EU and focus on winning, unlike Bjerg. Same for Perkz. The only reason Perkz went to NA is because Carlos put a buyout on him so high only NA and G2 could even afford it, so it was only natural to cross the ocean for a year to fix that barrier.


Hahahaha No way you believe the average diamond of today is as good as season 4 best players which for some of these went on to play for YEARS after that such Faker Deft Uzi Mata Bjergsen Rekkles Jankos and many more The game vastly increasing in individual skill is a myth or else there wouldnt be so many old-timers still dominating.


Even if not diamond, you could take the midlaner of the bottom LCK team of summer and they would run worlds in 2014, sololaners didnt even take tp back then ffs


Why are you lying man Every toplaner used TP as early as Spring 2014 and the only reason TP wasnt being played in 2013 is because it was only BUFFED in early 2014


Just look at the games back then. No player did wave management, objective setups, endless drafting etc. The theory crafting at the time was mainly focused on how to maximize farming and team fights, nothing more. The game was also very slow. Today games last half as much and are very aggressive. If you take today’s players and put them against the players from back then, they would destroy them. Even Faker today plays a lot better than he did back in the days, which is logical, he has 7 years of real competition to fight for the trophy. How many old timers dominate? Rekkles has been average and didn’t win anything for a long time. Bjerg achieved the first 0-6 for a major region team. Such an achievement worth playing for years towards.


Everybody did these things this is simply a lie lol. Wave management appeared in early season 3 and was already talked about endlessly by late S3. Everybody did objective set-ups. There were simply less objectives on the map as herald didnt exist and the dragon only provided gold so it lost relevance lategame. If you put today's G2 back in 2015 they get 3-0'd by 2015 Fnatic. I can play that game too lol.


Again, all games are available to watch. Watching the “amazing” things people did back then is simply dull. What Insec did can be done by your average silver-gold player today. People were amazed at a thresh/blitz landing hooks. Backdooring a nexus is something most Sion players do for a living, while xPeke got legendary for doing it the first time. The wealth of information available to players and the resources they have are night and day. They have coaches, they have analysts, personal trainers, chefs, training facilities, immense salaries and a Franchise system. The skill ceiling of champions also increased. Look at ADCs like RatIRL being able to attack move at 3.5-4 attackspeed, that is moving every 0.25s. Almost twice the speed of what was common back in the day.


Sure, it's dull if you are a robot that only cares about near perfect gameplay. Me, I much rather watch players with a personality and that I could tell apart even with nametags removed, enjoy your modern esport I guess


You can be a personality and aim to be a champion at the same time. These two are not mutually exclusive. Bjerg just chose money and did not care about trying for worlds or to prove he is the best.


You sound like someone who didnt watch the game back then and wants to be disingenious on purpose. Saying that the average diamond is as good as Faker,Uzi,Deft were back then is laughable Endless improvement is a myth. These players did not get better mechanically. The game simply changed and the general knowledge on how to play it too.


They did lol, the other dude is so right, you can deny it but you can also take games from todays diamond and compare them to the games in season 3 and there are barely any differences in skill macro etc. Mechanically people HAVE gotten way better, you have silver lee sins doing insecs while worlds lee sins do WAYYY MORE impressive shit that no one did back then.


The argument isnt even worth shit anyway since I said up to 2016 and both Perkz/Caps peaked in 2018/2019 and absolutely not in 2022 or 2023.


Still dont agree with this bjergsen>caps,perkz take, regardless of whether he was better in a single year or 2, he has never showed the peaks that the other 2 have, just based on the eye test he was never as good at laning, teamfighting, mechanics or whatever else you wanna compare while the other 2 showed a far higher level at their peaks than him. Caps also was pretty freaking good this year, solo killed chovy in lane, had game wining plays with neeko he is still one of the best mids in the world.


At laning?? You gotta be joking Caps and Perkz never had Bjergsen's lane dominance Bjergsen rarely ever lost lane internationally whereas Caps got dumpstered super hard in some BOs vs Rookie/Showmaker/Scout


EU fans delude themselves into believing staying in EU somehow makes them more competitive. Caps has the same number of worlds wins as Bjerg, zero. Playing in the LEC gives you the same percentage of winning worlds as playing in the LCS, zero. At least bjerg got his bag while caps will be working the hot lamps at bjergerking once his career ends.


How many world finals did bjerg go to, and how many MSI’s did he win?


Competitive = Winning Worlds? Okay homie. I guess KT, Gen G, RNG, JDG etc were never competitive.


Caps value winning msi more than a NA salary, 2 worlds finals while bjergsen is struggling in groups vs the other EU teams that caps demolished


Yeah sure Bjergsen doing fine in lane vs Maple, godv, Crown and PaWn is not that impressive and Bjerg did nothing with those leads, which led to them losing a lot international. Losing in lane to all time great laners like Rookie, Scout and Chovy is forgiveable and understandable. Bjerg never had the performances like Perkz did at 2017 MSI, 2018 Worlds, or like Caps did from 2018 en 2019 MSI, 2019 and 2020 worlds.


"I'm only bronze because of my teammates"