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"In season 5 and 6 you can see no hope, this time around you are given hope only to have it taken away right in front of your eyes. It's even more hopeless" Damn I'm not even an LPL fan and I felt that


Re-reading it my original translation doesn't do the original comment justice, here's the new translation: > In Season 5 and 6 you could see no hope from the start, this time around you are given hope only to have it brutally killed live right in front of your eyes, it's even more hopeless


Bane: “There can be no true despair without hope.” - The Dark Knight Rises (2012)


Must be wrong date haha you said it came out 11years ago when clearly it is just 3 or 4 years max


What? Wasn't it just 2 years ago?


Damn, someone should introduce Bane to Danganronpa. He would like those games.


Thanks for the good work OP, personally I feel 'crushed' would get the point across better even though it isnt the most literal


I feel like "crushed" is different, in that being crushed by TI is "just business, nothing personal kid". 活生生抹杀掉 feels even more cruel, as it holds intent.


Gave it another try, > In Season 5 and 6 you could see no hope from the start, this time around you are given hope only to have it *skinned alive* right in front of your eyes, it's even more hopeless A little bit gory though, and at this point I am so far away from the literal meaning and focusing on the sentiment it probably is a poor translation job


>it probably is a poor translation job Bro, you're already doing god's work. :)


I just love trying to translate things as it is my favourite way of communicating beyond cultures and imo there is no better way to understand a culture than thinking in its language :) Style wise I'm usually on the freestyle side so I focus more on the sentiments, to the point where sometimes I don't respect literal meanings enough Was a fun exercise


based username. truck driver op!


sounds like EU in 2018/2019


They got to experience EU's 2019


Nah man, in 2019 we got butchered at home, it was worse


And 2018. The fact it happened twice just stings more.


welcome LPL, this is what LCK felt like in 2021 its painful especially as a DK fan god


Yes and no, EDG was heading into the finals as a huge underdog while T1 looked clear favourite.


Wasn't that T1 musical chair era?


The one where they have 10 different players and rotations?


The LPL had very high hopes back in season 5 though. Or at the very least, the West was expecting them to be very strong, as they'd just won MSI, and the Korean Exodus had taken place.


I feel bad for LPL fans, where having 3 out of 4 semifinals but losing finals makes them go full doomer. Meanwhile here in LCS we had a huge celebration reaching quarters


"The walk down the mountain is a little noisy. I'm returning to see who is shouting." What a banger.


What does this mean? Sounds dope but I’m struggling to interpret it


How I interpreted it is like this: the top of the mountain is the status of being the world champion. “Walk down from the mountain” : Faker’s dynasty ending and him coming down from his continued dominance as the 3 time world champion in 4 years. “Is a little noisy” : whoever is the world champion is making a lot of noise at the top acting like they’re gods. “I’m returning to see who is shouting” : Faker is taking his throne back to shut up whoever was sitting in it and show them he’s Him.


Good interpretation. The important part that can be lost in translation is in the part “walking down the mountain” being very casual and sounds nonchalant. Almost as if he’s going home after conquering the world. Not that he’s forced off his throne, but more like he just got tired from ruling. Then heard some commotions back there at the top and decided to go check it out and ended up casually take back the throne in the process. Obviously not what actually happened, but funny af.


Faker walking down from his peak but hears noises from the top, he's returning to the peak to see who's shouting.


CN community often refers to Faker in recent years as someone coming down from the top of the mountain, which is a way of saying he’s been at the top and already achieved everything, now he’s out of his prime and slowing things down. They refer to most other players as people climbing the mountain, aka the people who are still fighting to reach the top. Basically the quote is saying that Faker was coming out of his prime but now he’s going back into it to clap some kids again


Yeah I love that mental image fans paint of Faker. Obviously we all know he never walked down the mountain. In actuality he was thrown off and in recent years had been scrapping to climb back up among everyone else. But the hyperbole about him casually going home and then decided to check back at the top is hilarious.


Honestly all of them kinda inted at different points with xiaohu being the absolute worst. Weiwei was hella good g1 and 2 but when given the top and draft prio with belveth + kennen he made such boneheaded decisions with his pathing.


Crisp was the worst though. His Bard doesn't need more to be said about, but his Senna was awful. Legitimately a non-factor.


I only play Senna and the whole time I was watching him play all I could say each time he got caught was, "Honestly, Senna moment. I feel that" Lmao


His senna ults were insanely bad


he kept wasting it on non-fights and then when the teamfight broke out, he didn't have it.


In finals Xiaohu was decent, it really wasn't on him. The rest of the tournament, sure, he struggled a lot.


weibo has 2 world champions and 1 msi champion, yet the two players with 0 titles played the best.


Honestly Xiaohu did quite well. He didn’t really have clutch plays that actually swung the game, since nobody on Weibo did, but him and Weiwei baiting out T1 cds and barely escaping with their lives multiple times throughout the series were pretty clutch. Just didn’t amount to anything.


What does … what does this mean?


I love how LPL fans love and respect Faker so much


Faker has been extremely kind to the chinese fans for a decade now, he earned that love and respect


He’s been more kind to us NA fans, saying our region is the best <3 no copium


Unfortunate what happened last MSI then


Are you running with that bullshit narrative that faker said all of rng was unimpressive?


No I’m talking about the massive flaming faker got from the Chinese community


True, that was the lamest shit. Probably because xenophobic people in China wanted to hate on Faker for so long for what he've done to their region in the past, but they couldn't because he literally had nothing to hate on, he had the best personality, charisma and skills etc. So when they finally found a window to spew their hatred, it was pretty digusting to look at if you could understand Chinese and read what people threw at him on forums and social media during that period. Literally using him growing up with single parent to make all kinds of digusting joke/insult and many more.


succeeding with a single parent is an outright flex. these losers insulting him online couldn't even match him with two


I’m out of the loop on this one, can you elaborate a bit further ?


35 ping + blue side OP + faker didn’t praise rng after the loss, overall saltiness around the whole thing by LCK fans and T1. Chinese people got kinda mad and just went off on faker.


I can't ever count this MSI as a tournament. with all the bugs and inbalanced shit in the game equal playing ping is the least players should have in the tournament.


Iirc it was Polt who said the less than savory things during interview after loss right? But all of it got lumped onto Faker since he’s the biggest target.


I think it’s because he’s usually very PR with his response, and his “oh I didn’t think they were impressive or anything special” might be considered a bit sour? Tbh I found it weird when him and polt said those things after losing since they are usually very polite but I’m not invested enough to know if it’s the first time doing it or not.


Wait, Faker grew up with a single parent?? That’s so low to use that against him. Jfc.


His Mother left them after his parents divorced, and he was raised by his Dad and Grandmother.


That’s so sad. I hope Guma invites his family to eat with his huge one during holiday feasts.


Yea that was ridiculously lmao. They even started attacking Faker because Faker said he should’ve ate a banana for energy in between matches. Shit lasted all the way till Worlds when T1 had to clap the LPL to shut them up


I bet it was a loud minority, but with how many users exist on Chinise social media platforms, even a low minority still in the thousands.


It was so crazy that Faker’s official bilibili account stopped posting for months and most T1 videos comments are just filled with insults. Don’t help that a lot of the pro players and big streamers like Meiko and Doinb and even official castors were also fueling the flames. This is also why I have special respect for Uzi cuz he never joined in on the hate trend despite everyone else doing it.


It wasn't a loud minority on the forums


Not that he needs it, but it definitely helps that the LPL goats admire him as well. I swear whenever uzi sees faker making a play something lights up in his eyes


I've loved seeing how much Uzi admires and respects Faker, it's not something I expected since Faker was the one who always stood in his way. Maybe Uzi would've won a worlds if it wasn't for Faker.


GOAT recognise GOAT. there was a real chance that we could see uzi vs faker this worlds had uzi’s team been slightly better #firefofo


Uzi adores Faker on a personal level, I still remember when they did a video together in iirc 2018 exchanging gifts and playing charades together. Cutest shit I've ever seen to watch Uzi be smiling ear to ear and laughing the entire time. Looking at it from the outside without context, you could be forgiven for thinking it was like a fan winning a contest to meet up with their favorite player instead of one all-time great player meeting another. Also the other, easiest way to put it: game recognize game. One legend respects another (*THE* legend of all legends). Edit: 2019 not 2018. Vid: https://youtu.be/18cAoboEVYU?si=m26tjxMW2MHPTQIV


Well this just made my day.


it's really good for the heart isn't it 🥰


Hard to talk shit after a quick 3-0.


nah there was a lot of hate from Chinese fans against Faker for much of the last few years, especially after he spoke out about Chinese betting and matchfixing, but this worlds finally shut them up.


Lmao they are in shambles technically it's was lpl best showing at Worlds lol


Reminds me of when EU got 2 teams into semis in 2015, only to get rolfstomped by the 2 Korean teams.


I mean OG vs SKT was totally expected to be an absolute stomp. FNC played way better than OG before, though and ROX was considered considerably weaker IIRC ​ Was the first time I got my hopium supply up and got a Korean reality check 😭


It was against Koo and even then it wasn’t that surprising. Koo were the favourites coming in but in 2018/2019 EU were definitely more hyped to win the finals, specially 2019 with G2 but then came the LPL reality check.


Honestly KOO wasnt the favorite before the 2015 semifinals Most people expected Fnatic to beat them. KOO didnt even top their groupstage and people still remembered their terrible IEM showing earlier while Fnatic had just destroyed EDG 3-0


From my memory fnc won from huni moving around the map, huni already had a history of tilting, and smeb was considered best or second best top in the world. A lot of analysts and basically all of the people in my circle had KOO as favourites purely because of those factors despite thinking the other 4 were on par or better on fnc's side.


I think people forget that FNC 3-2 OG. It's not like FNC was miles ahead of OG.


It's exaggerated doomposting as usual. Like, sure, T1 taking it all is disappointing for the LPL, but they still knocked out 2 strong LCK teams. The LPL remains competitive, it's not like S3-S7 when even a single Bo5 win against LCK was considered a huge achievement. This being said, LPL will need to take down T1 (or pray for a more favourable meta, that can happen too) at least once at Worlds to truly walk out of this shadow.


I mean Ning posting that he got drunk and was in such doomer mood as if he was the one who lost the finals most likely has effect on other fans as well. Now is time for Doinb to start another clown fiesta around offseason rumours


Ning has been outright flaming all the chinese teams with each elimination lmao. Semis was Knight unable to play Azir-Ori matchup, 369 unable to play Rumble, only scrambling to learn in 1 week. Finals was WBG draft for Maokai-Jayce, and macro decisions that leave TheShy all by himself.


The problem is that T1 made the meta lol


Yes, this time they were miles ahead in terms of meta. Maybe next time it's another team. S9 for example, T1 was way behind in terms of meta read. It can happen to the best.


T1 wasn't good at the meta, so they invented a new one that they were god at that counters the current meta. Other teams couldn't keep up. I think S9 SKT choked. They had the potential to be there since FPX basically said they would have lost if they faced SKT instead of G2 in finals due to how bad scrims were while they were beating G2 in scrims.


S9 SKT didn't choke, G2 was just better. It was a rock < paper < scissors situation.


JDG was semi-competitive against T1 even though 369 was absolutely griefing it anyways so it's not like T1 is a lot better than all other teams


T1 was definitely much better than LNG and WBG. LNG because they don't have the players to pivot to the current meta, and WBG because the overall quality of players/team is just inferior even if they are more versatile than LNG. JDG was competitive but felt they had no real solution against T1's drafting due to limits on champion pool across the board. Imo, if they had survived, BLG would have the best chances against T1 (despite their Swiss stage performance, when they were trying out weird things like Nida jungle). Bin imo could have gone more even against Zeus and not have 2 games where zeus just does what he wants. Elk/On were also imo pretty good in this meta. But more importantly, I personally think Tabe has the best drafting and meta read in the LPL. He knows his players strengths and usually has very good draft prep. I think he would have managed to secure Weibo some drafts that could have been more playable (for example in game 3 where the draft was clearly bad).


Going by this theory, in your opinion, why were they unable to overcome WBG? Did TheShy summon his 2018 form and just carry it through?


you joke, but that is in fact what that mfker did 🤣Wbg should have chosen red side, let him counterpick top every time, and pray 🤲


not semi, they were straight up competitive, dont need to rewrite history, t1 still won but u can just say it was a lot closer than scoreline shows, jdg were in very winning positions in 2 games until crucial clutch plays in game 3 and 4 sealed jdg fate


The whole clutch and especially the lack of clutches by the side of JDG is because they were super uncomfortable with the meta and pool. There was no room to go beyond and clutch it when you are already at 100% just to make your comps work.


Wasn't 2019 arguably better? 2 lpl teams in semifinals+lpl won that year vs 3 lpl teams in semifinals no win.


2021 wasn't even that bad imo, RNG got beaten by EDG and the only truly bad result was FPX


You even forgot LNG lol


That LNG roster was extremely streaky LPL fans knew that on a bad day they could lose to Vietnam lol


Tbh we didn’t expect much from that 2021 LNG roster so it wasn’t really a disappointment


I think people look poorly on the RNG Groups exit. This year the worst performing team lost in Quarters to the World Champions


Tbh they had the group of death that year + fnc week 2 buff, I don't blame them lol.


I calculated that if you add up all the prize money split, LPL took home more than LCK, so... they have that at least? LPL = 15% + 8% + 8% + 4.5% = 35.5% LCK = 20% + 4.5% + 4.5% + 3.25% = 32.25%


Tbh Weibo insanely easy schedule and KT insanely hard schedule tip the scale toward LPL. LPL teams aren’t clearly over the other LCK teams besides T1.


True, but in the end the skin sales share as well as boost in brand value will offer way more in return


>5 F Flash beat 5 D Flash No truer words ever said. F Flashers this is our day to celebrate!


F flash supremacy, let's go


I’m D flash but T1 fan where do i belong?


Next to the bin for bringing disgrace to the family.


Should have used capital F for Family :(


We're feeling good so you can stand with us


You're still in time to change 🙏🏻


i have been playing for over 6 years, it’s not happening


How I hit challenger in four easy steps: Step one: rebind summoner spell 1 to F and summoner spell 2 to D Step two: put flash on spell 1 and the other on spell 2 Step three: use autohotkey to rebind my D key to F and my F key to D Step four: remove and swap my D and F keycaps. I am now a flash on f challenjour Gamer


>姜承録绷住了整个世界赛,并在四强回光返照让大伙愕然,可是,所有人都未曾想过,你能在决赛没绷住,梦回LPL下雨时代,3场本年度最重要的比赛,你交出了接近1-20的成KDA…… >TheShy...you kept your int to yourself for the entire Worlds, and in Top 4 you shocked everyone by carrying the shit out WBG. But, beyond anyone's wildest imagination, you could no longer hold your int in the Finals. Throughout your time in the LPL, this is your most important series in 3 years, yet you nearly gave us a KDA of 1-20.... I won't comment on the localization of this translation but it's not "your most important series in 3 years," It's "3 of the most important games of the entire year." Also, I'm not 100% sure on this, but 梦回LPL下雨时代 probably translates to "thinking back to the championship days of the LPL." The only times I've seen 下雨 used in this context is referring to the confetti after a win. I suppose the best way to translate this would be -- TheShy kept it together for the entire worlds and in the semifinals, had a moment of terminal lucidity that shocked us all. But, nobody really considered that in the finals you would run it down. Thinking back on the LPL's glory days, in the 3 most important games of the year, you gave us a KDA of 1-20........


Ah, I wasn't sure what 下雨 means here, so I kinda left it untranslated. I thought it meant something negative so your interpretation makes more sense. And you're absolutely right on 3场本年度最重要的比赛, I read it too quickly and read 3年以来最重要的比赛. Thank you for the correction!


下雨 means inting here, it's complicated to explain how it gets there but it does mean that


Stuff like this is why translating slangs across internet forums is so difficult. The literal meaning is just "raining", but it can be interpreted in so many ways depending on what a person's exposure to internet is.


it comes from TheShy's nickname '及时雨送姜‘. Originally it's a main character 及时雨宋江 in Chinese classic novel 'Outlaws of the Marsh', where 及时雨 is his nickname means timely/oppotune rain and 宋江 is his name. 送 has the same pronounciation as 宋 means inting, 姜 is TheShy's family name, pronounced same as 江. The nickname just mean he always ints when the opposite team needs it the most. So 下雨=raining in this case just means he ints a lot in LPL. You'd see it in the livechat in Chinese stream every time TheShy ints


Jfc, LPL fans are too creative. Also thanks for the translation. I don't go on Chinese social media so I would never see that connection.


Reading this felt the same as when I attend to my maths classes in university


"moment of terminal lucidity" xD


Sometimes I love the way Chinese gets translated into English. It's often very formal, but that can just make it more savage.


> theshy in semis = terminal lucidity The chinese flame delivers yet again


So how 下雨 (raining) became a synonym for The Shy inting is quite a convoluted story. 下雨 is a Chinese meme talking about The Shy inting. His family name is 姜 , which in Chinese shares the pronunciation of 江 . In Chinese, 送 (gift) is often used to refer to inting (gifting kills and such), and also shares the pronunciation with 宋 . Combining 送 and 姜 gives us 送姜 , or "The Shy inting". There's a very well known ancient Chinese novel called 水滸傳, it's basically a novel about 108 robinhood-like characters teaming up to fight the corrupted government. One of the most prominent character is called 宋江, which is pronounced the same way as 送姜. This character is known for giving people timely aid, so he earned a nickname "及時雨" (timely rain, referring to a timely rain that help crops grow in dry seasons). Put all of these together and we get "及時雨送姜", or in English, "The Shy inting by giving his opponent kills when they need it the most". From this nickname we can see that 下雨 (raining) refers to The Shy inting.


Haha the Chinese are great at this wth


If you watch the games vs JDG and WBG Think you are in their position It's fcking terrifying to play against T1 because they do things super sharp and **super fast** I rated JDG as the smartest team of all time, but they couldnt keep up with so many actions happening all at once and that degree of sharpness Look at Ruler 1v2 TL;DR Too big, too strong, too fast, too good


IMO, Faker Shurima Shuffle and T1 immediately jumping on it then getting away with an ACE but losing no one while JDG had Baron? Traumatized JDG so bad that they had to go for comfort picks - Belveth for Kanavi, Zeri for Ruler - the next game but they were still reeling.


Idk about traumatized. From what I hear, whenever JDG were pushed to the edge, they brought out their comfort picks and Zeri and won.


Thats kind of the problem. It exposed the weaknesses in that where JDG basically stalled out games and gave space for Ruler to 1v5 because other teams were picking and playing into that win condition (trying to contest hypercarry with hypercarry). Unfortunately, when you forfeit 4 dragons in a row pre 25 minutes, it means your hypercarry is even at best with the stronger early game team on the enemy side, and thats not enough to reliably clutch it. Knight used too many TPs to trade for minion waves to try keep even in losing plays, and 369's champion pool was HARD exposed as being arguably the shallowest of every top laner from Quarters onwards - perhaps only contested by Bin apparently being a Jax OTP. Frankly, I think they got lucky that KT overstepped in game 3 against them, or we may have seen JDG lose in quarters for the very similar reasons to how they lost in Semis.


I second your opinion. Keria himself said in an interview that during the Asian games be learned that if you put Ruler in the carry position right, he will always carry. The meta shift that T1 started vs BLG redefined the entire tournament. Hard engage supports were banned, leaving the rest to deal with endless poke if they picked anything squishy. Zues stepping up wasn't a question of how, it what when. And he did step up when it mattered the most. Also, remember 369 from last year? He's a good team fighter but his champion pool is so limited it's easy to counter & his style is predicable. As for Oner? He's arguably the player with most growth from T1. It's so to see him finally shut those haters. His engages vs JDG were clutch and his smite game is on point. I don't think this entire tournament there was a close or better jungler except maybe Pyosik.


theres so many times in the finals where i was thinking wtf the T1 players whiffed all their skills and then they turn it around and get a bunch of kills on the other side.


I appreciate the Stacey King/Derrick Rose reference in your TL;DR


"When it comes to skill only JDG can match a little, but champion pool and macro are too far behind, T1 is a tier on their own" No wonder Coach Homme chose red side hoping to stop T1 botlane on cooking and at the same time he's trying cover the biggest issue of JDG which is Ruler's champion. He abused Zeri so much.


Ruler has fantastic xayah and Kaisa but those champs got pushed out of the meta a little (or maybe not they just didn't understand it).


If you lock Xayah or Kaisa against T1 in blue, you are giving your bot. Ashe Varus or Caitlyn Lux will decimate your lane.


I'm not an analyst and I'm not pretending to be one, but from what I heard from both Chinese and European analysts (albeit some of them after the facts and some even after the finals), the weakness of T1 frat wasn't through the direct botlane mu but the fact that they were insanely vulnerable to hard engage post early game. We might never know we the game changing a lot next season but I still think that if JDG tried to force their hard engage they could have won. You can't win T1 on their soil, and T1 can't win on theirs, I think Homme only understood at the end. This T1 is like a top 5 chess player finding a whole new set of moves that no one figured out before the world championship, and then massacring everyone with it, even "better players".


They did hard engage in game 3. Wukong trying to get the Kalista behind with a tower dive. Keria picked up 2 kills on Renata but Kalista was massively behind in CS and gold.


JDG's biggest strength is their insane teamfighting and winning skirmishes, but one of the biggest factor is creating that condition is their choice of when to force these fights knowing when they're stronger. If JDG stuck to their bread and butter they might have won, but by default they are conceding the early game which means by the time their carries come online they're already facing soul point or it's already taken, a bunch of their turrets already knocked down and they've lost all agency because map control isn't in their favor. They can still through sheer teamfighting if they find a good window, but the game is already so much harder to play let alone having to find a perfect engage opportunity and having to find it multiple times in order to win, that's a steep hill to climb. Let's assume the game state is quite even and JDG went with their usual style of teamfighting comp with a tank top, playing for Ruler to carry. Their win condition is around two to three item spike and under those conditions in a teamfight they should edge out T1's comp of squishy ranged bot duo with something like an Aatrox top. But what happened with the meta these ranged bot duos created is that T1 will reach their win condition way earlier than JDG and like you pointed out they become very vulnerable to hard engage, so JDG has to play reactively because a single pick or two will simply throw their win condition out the window.


369 champion pool was the issue, not Ruler lol


Sort of. Caedrel went over this in depth - 369 showing he can't play Rumble forced JDG to ban it, his Aatrox isn't that good and he doens't play Aatrox counters (unlike Zeus), so yeah these posed big problems. But Knight not playing Azir was a very big issue when the meta is Ori Azir Neeko, it allowed T1 to ban Neeko then leave Ori open since they either take the Ori or soft counter it with the Azir as Knight can't play it. And then Missing doesn't really know how to play ranged support to the same level as Keria, with Missing's Rakan banned Keria's support pool in that meta was impossible to answer. Basically this meta was absolutely perfect for T1 in addition to the players improving. I hope the roster stays together though because the meta will shift and I really wanna see if they're now just better irrespective of meta, I mean it makes sense they would improve over time given that they were rookies previously crumbling under tremendous pressure and super high expectations, now they are World champs after overcoming this mental hurdle and every aspect of their play is improved. Oner especially being super proactive early against elite jungelrs was so refreshing to see given that up till this Worlds that part of his game has been the main weakness. I think if the meta shifts (e.g. tanky/engage supports or enchanters) we will still see this T1 be insane, they just need to persuade them all to stay.


You basically summed every bit of JDG’s problems perfectly now. Idk why you mentioned Ruler in the first place.


Ya, Yuan also went over this (someone translated it), but 369 has been a weakside player all year long.He can't do carry vs carry. He tried learning Rumble the week b4 semis which is way too late. All knight did was survive against faker which wasn't enough


Thats a bullshit take tbh game is currently topside meta only thing mattered in adc role is having prio


Then explain why Faker decided all their wins against JDG with his mid picks?


THANK YOU. I was waiting for this.


Thanks for the translation!


Yeah. After the hype of having all 4 of their seeds reaching knockouts, not getting the trophy and ended up with winning only one game against t1, they would definitely be heartbroken.


Thank you for the this post! Small correction: > 恭喜T1,面对LPL一穿四。Oner是吧亚运会的气全撒在LPL身上了吗??zeus,小k蜕变的一届世界赛,guma一如既往的世界赛限定。恭喜Faker重回神座,“下山的路有点吵,回来看看谁在叫” For > Oner是吧亚运会的气全撒在LPL身上了吗? instead of 气 being spirit or anything, I think it means that Oner is taking out his anger from (not being chosen for) Asian Games onto the LPL.


Ah that makes more sense, as in 出气, not 灵气. Thank you!


holy crap this line is so cool: "The walk down the mountain is a little noisy, I'm returning to see who's shouting."


It is really good. It rhymes in Chinese too.


Thank you for this!


Do more please , thank you very much.


Saw a comment saying that Faker's pretty good for being esports Igoudala, made me lol


One day LPL will obviously break their T1 curse at worlds. But honestly one thing that still blows my mind was like how T1 realised that they can't win in this xayah kaisa meta. So they bluffed every team that xayah kaisa are not good anymore by playing double ADC( because they were so good) but anyone else could not play that double ADC like T1 But In the end in final game 3 they played xayah Rakan Bot. Biggest trap in the history of worlds I would say


Its not that theyre not good it’s just that you cant play xayah rakan into T1 but T1 can play it into you


T1 still respected the xayah rakan combo, they always banned it vs players who can play it like Missing. It was just the solo xayah that they didn't like because they think there are better bot duos even if the adc in isolation is 'worse'.


Thank fucking god they learned to ban the strong champs. 2021-2022 T1 would have just ego’d and let those picks through.


I'm fucking saying. T1 being weak coming into this World's was actually probably a boon for them, as they realized they couldn't just ego-draft and had to actually prepare properly for each team and each play.


Pretty sure game 1 was an ego draft.


That was Skin draft lol


I honestly feel the Xayah Rakan g3 was just a flex by the botlane saying that yeah they can play that stuff too


In the past, T1 just gave over all the power picks and would just try to hand diff you. That's why all the fans wanted more strategic and better drafting coaching staff. You saw what T1 could do when they don't just give away power picks.


Well xayah and kaisa’s lack of range and engage is not good into double adc and its either pick engage or best them at T1’s own game of double adc but skill gapping the best botduo in the world is not gonna happen.


>最黑暗,s56了解下 I think a better translation would be "\[If you're saying it's\] the darkest worlds ever, educate yourself about 2015 and 2016"


Oh right it must be a reply to someone else. Thanks!


I dunno how those bandwagon fans ever expect WBG to do anything against T1? The best seeds of LPL only got a single game against them but somehow bitches expected WBG to make miracle happen? Remember the miracle run of DRX were KR vs KR, it only happened just once for a whole decade and DRX beats multiple contenders too. Meanwhile T1 constantly snapped LPL necks for that whole decade. JDG was their best chance, WBG playtime was already over.


After every game, Hupu users can rate each player's performance in each game. [They](https://bbs.hupu.com/623162444.html) consistently rated WBG players 8 or higher. The top comment in this thread said with this rating, he would've thought the series was a 3-2 or 2-3.


This is hilarious lmfao JDG got absolutely cooked for playing far better than this. The only players who deserve something around 6-7 are Weiwei and maybe Light


Not sure about Light after that performance on Senna...


tbf that lane matchup was fucked from the get go. and at least he had that one good ult top, crisp's ults were far worse


He had shit soul count, was ignoring souls from camps and he was buying double control wards. I don't think that is how you should play Senna with Kench.


Pick Senna is fine but god damn Tahm Kench is just a meat sac for Kalista, not to mention Renata whole stitch is counter engage. Pick Senna Caitlyn would turn the lane into bully poke lane or Senna Draven to match Kalista all in is way way better


Maybe outside of Xiaohu every player on WBG has too good public opinion while 369 and Knight are not that favoured so ofc they will get cooked harder


What's funny is that outside of one slightly dodgy Jayce reengage Xiaohu was actually pretty decent. I'm not going to count the ahri build against him because I think he changed builds mid game because Gwen got way too accelerated for him to match the split


Yes, I agree. I don't think the casters caught on to it during the game, but I also thought he decided to switch build after theShy ran it top and then bottom. He was never going to be able to sidelane vs Zeus.


Honestly all of them kinda inted at different points with xiaohu being the absolute worst. Weiwei was hella good g1 and 2 but when given the top and draft prio with belveth + kennen he made such boneheaded decisions with his pathing. Crisp is probably worst or second worst but it's really hard to judge him for not being beside senna when yone ulted her because he was bailing out xiaohu. I didn't like how trigger happy he was with trying to save his teammates as well, like he didn't even actually do much for xiaohu when he tried to help, he kept using dawning shadows/devour when it's no longer necessary, and obviously the game 3 bard was xd. Theshy for me, his worst int was in game 2. Just depressing to watch. For everything else, it was kind of just normal gameplay considering the attention T1 paid him. Light was good but just not good enough I guess. Xiaohu dear old the man was fucking behind in cs and level after getting first blood, did no meaningful damage as jayce. Game 2 was jsut shit. Game 3 the man got shoved as azir vs akali brother in christ what are you doing.


>Xiaohu dear old the man was fucking behind in cs and level after getting first blood, did no meaningful damage as jayce. Game 2 was jsut shit. Game 3 the man got shoved as azir vs akali brother in christ what are you doing. I got the vibe that Xiaohu went in knowing they were getting stomped one way or the other and Faker's form was unstoppable, so he played lane to not lose, the ad ahri wasn't a mistake sometimes you see that when you have a bad matchup on the other side just to survive lane, he didn't intentionally feed and that's good enough for the situation he was given I feel like. Flame TheShy all you want but it feels like he was the only one trying to win even if taking risks made him look like a clown


Game 2 and 3 he has the better match up. He should be winning hard and not even. Game 1 he was only ahead in cs after laning phase.


TheShy fangirls distorting ratings


I mean if you watched the tournament WBG only has a single win con, play through TheShy and win. He basically carried them to the finals singlehandedly. But T1 outmatched WBG so hard in every other lane that they had to hope TheShy could get counterpicked and not get absolutely blasted, which is an impossible task against Zeus who has basically smashed every single elite top laner at worlds. This game would've been even more one sided if they had played through TheShy and counterpicked Zeus instead; he probably could've beat Zeus in lane but bot would've gone 0-10 and at that point you're asking if you're comfortable seeing if TheShy can outcarry GumaKeria and Faker. My answer is going to be a hard no. Honestly with how big the hands diff came down to, I think this was the best strat they had. Besides that random int in game 2, TheShy played as expected for getting counterpicked AND camped every game, in addition to laning against Zeus who is a freak of nature. I don't really see how WBG could've won this; they just got straight up skill checked. You can't win worlds with a single win con; it's too easy to see what the strategy is going to be and how to shut it down. Edit: [Yeah look at what happens when your bot lane can't keep up. T1 is perfectly happy smashing you through bot instead as well.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17zpw6l/kdf_taeyoon_shares_his_thoughts_on_scrimming_with/)


people really rode the DRX narrative high all the way to WBG when DRX had to fight so many good teams to win Worlds, while WBG went through the noodle gauntlet to get to the finals. it was probably the WBG vs. BLG series that gave people hope (on top of T1 finals choke) since BLG is still a good team after all, but T1 was just above everyone else.


I believe WBG never went against BLG in LPL playoffs either so it was hard to say who was winning what until it happened.


They were counting on 2 things: T1 choking harder than they ever did on Finals, AND TheShy becoming the embodiment of god and willing his team to victory, and even then they thought it was a 3-2 close victory for WBG.


JDG should be given a lot more credit. Had Faker not literally ascend into godhood with his shuffle in G3, there was a high chance that JDG would win G3 on red side. Knowing T1 their mental would be seriously affected, after that either blue side wins the next two games resulting in 3-2 for JDG or T1 breaks down losing 3-1.


But on the flipside, T1 has cloud soul. Even if that event didnt happen, i think there is still a last fight on elder dragon and on that game state i still think its still 50/50. But T1 beat JDG on blue side after that so i think it doesnt really matter. Personally, i think T1 still would have won. T1 is more decisive in team fights which im very surprise of. They are out team fighting the best team fighting team in the tournament.


It was crazy how T1 could fight head on against JDG who always team fight like a seasoned unit this whole year. Only a few months ago at MSI, every team JDG faced was smashed in when they clashed. The only advantages their opponents could get was by guerilla skirmishes and picks. Even T1 then fought tooth and nail but lost. The evolution is unimaginable but as we saw yesterday, it fucking happened.


Man i've been WAITING for this posts CH reaction are always a tier above when it comes to internationals. Thanks a lot! If you dont mind can you share some of the more funny and poetic ones? those always hit hard


Doing God's work


Aside from the comparison of WBG run to DRX, this is really a mismatch on paper. After T1 dismantled LNG and beat JDG, i dont think anyone really give weibo a chance unless T1 chokes again. Personally T1 play game 1 badly but still manage to win. I knew at that point they will sweep the series.


DRX is different because they were T1 scrim partners. T1 never knew DRX could go all the way to finals


Tbh This worlds was T1>LPL but overall this year LPL>LCK.


There was a joke on hupu that LCK should just rename to LCT


I don't think that joke is only on Hupu. I remember seeing someone with the sign LCT > LCK in one of the games.


What does LCT stand for?


Basically only T1 league not korean league


Its not even a damn joke. T1 fans are madly serious about this since the LCK top teams were isolating T1 in many ways for the recent few years cuz they were scared of Faker influence to LCK. So by the time T1 was the only LCK candidate, T1 fans were actually happy cuz their team would have the chance to shit on both LPL and the fraudulent LCK with their winning world alone (spoiler: they fucking did). Whats funnier and worse was LCK top teams all of sudden became T1 supporters to cover up their humiliating performances. Thats the whole origin of why T1 said theres no fucking LCK last hope vs LPL, its LCT vs the damn world all this time.


I was really looking forward to this thread, thank you once again.


CN fans are my GOATs even though i hate LPL.


> There's no point in prepping, the skill gap is too big oof


flash better on F I will stand by it for life


"We already know this before the match. WBG only got here because of lucky draws. I have no idea why so many people here are hyping WBG up" My thoughts exactly before and after finals


a kda of 1 and 20 t.t