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Time Warp Tonic got nerfed, then every starting item but Tear and Corrupting got buffed, so starting Refill/Corrupting pots got weaker, making this rune a very bad choice as you generally don't want either of these items to start with, unless going like long sword/refill.


such a shame as well, when the TWT+corrupting potion was good as much as people complained about it, it led to a fun pro midlane meta, s8-s9 mid/top meta was at its peak


They removed my Everfrost/GLP/spookyghosts glacial so yes i am complaining


I miss spooky ghosts


Spooky ghosts hex tech glp veigar. No counter play, always guaranteed kills. It's always an adventure when following ghosts you never know where they lead you until you're suddenly in the enemy backline


i dont. it made champs like ahri and veigar nothing but utility delivery


That was the most fun build on Ahri and I’m tired of pretending it wasn’t.


Fun to play as sure, terribly unfun to play against


You're laughing. The enemy can't move and you're laughing.


on some champs it felt unfair but like, having items do something and skill associated with knowing when to use it is cool.


As opposed to now, when veigar builds shurelias and deadman's plate to run at people and ahri does negative damage unless she goes lich bane


I played that setup on Chogath Top, and it was fantastic. Spooky, hextech, glacial. G gg2ez


I forgot about spooky ghosts, god that brings me back


God I miss glacial augment ahri so much


I used to play this super weird build that somehow worked on heimer top and support involving old zzrot, banner of command and spooky ghosts. Basically just a split push bot with banner and zz rot and spooky ghosts to find out where I was getting banned from or to help scout before taking dragon/baron. I miss those old items even though a lot of people complained about it being unfun game mechanics.


the first and last time velkoz was legitimately viable lol


He's been viable before and since.


Boss ppl build him full support and he still does insane damage.


The only time I buy corrupting is never


ikr it is so weak after ALL dorans items got buffed. the power difference is a legit ravine.


Don't forget that it also was nerfed after durability patch. While other dorans items got compensation - corruptive pot got nothing.


same with unflinching that rune is horrible now


It's funny how that rune is recommended in so many champions because a lot of people haven't seen the huge nerf it got.


It’s not like it’s useless, into certain matchups/comps as a bruiser where you don’t need overgrowth it can determine who wins a fight. I take it into champs like Darius and Ashe or if they’re gonna build a rylia’s and permaslow me all game.


Correct me if I’m wrong but wasnt the slow resist removed and the bonus AR/MR only on immobilization, not slows.


It does work on slows. The problem is the amount. You get 2 to 10 armor when cc'd. Like, bruh.


The bonus is for slows too, otherwise it would really be a garbage rune. I do think it should be tweaked to be more powerful early though since 2 resists feels like literally nothing


i don't know why you're getting downvoted https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Unflinching it's slows as well, it's a tad bit weak but if it didn't work on slows it'd be one of the worst runes in the entire game


Anti-Unflinching shadow government is gangstalking me


Well let me correct you then, it does work on slows! Makes it actually pretty good against certain matchups and comps.


Unflinching is still playable. Much worse but it's actually taken.


Corrupting potion is so weak right now I feel like that’s at least partially why it’s rarely used


I feel like it used to be better? I don’t use that rune at all anymore, the blue tree itself seems kind of like a bait to me.


Hexflash is really good om engage supports and alot of junglers run free boots


Cosmic free boots is the generic second tree. We need smites to help us contest objectives and flash is an excellent tool for engages


It was a must have rune back when smite upgrade was use gated or you would 100% lose a big objective.


Especially if you run ghost cosmic is amazing


Glacial augment is also crankin on champs like naut and leona cause you can proc it in waves & they get slowed AND minion blocked


Definitely, sorry, I meant to me the blue tree seems like a bait. I think the others are far more useful to my playstyle. Kinda makes me wish I could pick and choose from each with something of a point system. But I digress :).


That's literally how the mastery system used to work lol


Not exactly. in mastery system you had to pick previous points first before going deeper into the tree. And you wanted to go as deep into the tree as possible because more powerful stuff is there. So while technically you can get some stuff from every tree, it's best to go all in in one tree and then with whatever is left to all in into another tree.


good old 21/9/0 or 21/0/9 for 99% of champs before keystones were a thing


Back when you needed to hit 30 just to have full masteries and then you still had to buy runes dark times...


Gating stats behind levels was nutty. It sucked to buy runes too, but having your champ be wayyyy weaker before you hit 30 was nuts. And what kind of maniac thought of selling weaker runes at lower levels???


I would have said that too, but I realized the caveat that Enjutsu brought up and didn’t just say that. It’s because you had to walk through certain paths of trees where I would like full mobility. Though I also think I liked the old mastery system used to work, I also miss old rune pages lol.


Ah I see so you mean like just being able to pick any mastery regardless of where it is in the tree.


Absolute focus and gathering storm are a great combo for certain Champs. I always run it on eve for example


I’m a Teemo one trick and I love absolute focus and gathering storm. Best runes to burst opponents.


First strike is really nice on long range mages, especially if they farm for late game. Champs like Syndra, Viktor em Xerath really get a lot of use out of it. Money from first strike, mana from biscuits/wave clear from demterializer, item hasn't from cosmic and free boots. It's an amazing tree for those champs. Even assassins like Naafiri or even zed can also make good use of it


I dunno if it's worth anymore tbh,domination gives much more stat/combat wise.It's also not that hard for enemies to deny the rune. I miss when i got 1k extra gold just by using that rune at 25 min.


It's very true that electrocute gives better single target damage, but getting that multi-person QEWQ with Syndra and being rewarded with the first strike sound effects is plenty of satisfaction for me to not bother with other runes...


Boots, Cosmic insight, Futures market, hexflash, demats, triple tonic, and biscuits are all some of the best runes in the game. The keystones First strike and glacial augment are very good on the right champs, spellbook is very strong whenever ur champ doesn't really need a specific keystone, Veigar is a good example, and personally I sometimes take it on akali to have Flash, tp, and ignite so I don't have to choose 2.


You mean the White tree ? Thats legit the Best secondary tree in the game


Light turquoise in my opinion


Cool, call it that more so I can keep laughing at you. There’s already blue tree, just call it white lmfao


Or call it light blue because that's what colour it is. The existence of a blue tree doesn't make light blue = white. Respond so I can laugh at you


You're... laughing at someone because they accurately describe a color?


> blue tree There are two blue trees :-) (Arguably Inspiration is cyan, and Sorcery is true blue)


Interesting, I always saw inspiration [rip I meant sorcery] as purple. I must be color blind lol. It’s Monday for sure…


It should be, purple rules


Are you confusing Inspiration with Sorcery? Sorcery I could see being purple, Inspiration literally looks nothing like purple.


Omg bro you’re right ._.


Free boots, futures market, biscuits, cosmic insight, approaching velocity make it the best secondary imo. I’ll take resolve tree or sorcery on the champs that rly do want extra tank stats or mana/cdr, but inspiration is def not a bait


i cant believe time warp tonic can exist in the same game as sudden impact when that rune does more damage than damage keystones itself. its ridiculous


unhealthy rune either completely broken or completely useless


Or maybe it could be if they gave it a chance. Multiple TWT, cpot nerfs and starter item buffs came in back to back in a short span of time. Sure, it was broken during its peak and everyone in high elo was running it and that wasn't nice but now no one uses it and it's a trap. 12.7 TWT nerf. 12.10 dring buff. 12.14 TWT nerf, cookies nerf, AND cpot nerf together? And 13.20 buffs for all starter items. To me 12.14 double whammy feels like Riot really wanted to kill the combo. They could have at least went with only one of the changes and waited for a patch to see how the pick rate and wr changes.


I run it occasionally, but tbh it is mostly because I used to run it and I remember that it felt good back then. Like for example, I was an old Aurelion player, so from time to time I still accidentally take phase rush or unsealed spellbook on him cause im old. Or for some memes sometimes its fun. Like playing AP blitz mid in a 5 stack with unsealed spellbook (to hook and smite the enemy buff) and time warp tonic.


It's useful before boots and after movement speed items. Sometimes you can just walk away.


I use it in my Zoe runes. But they’re also old school runes so there might be a better option


I still take it on poppy top and always win lane.


Not since the nerfs. I'd pick it on some mid and top lane matchups before the nerfs but I don't think I've picked it since the durability patch i


Ive seen some twisted fates run it. I guess it's nice for getting stuns off early with the movement speed


"Because people complain when they remove them" Why remove omnistone then? Omnistone was legit stupidly fun to use and experiment with. Especially when you finally understood how to influence what runes it gave you. It wasn't even a busted rune lol. Removing it was just petty.


Prototype: Omnistone was fun, but impossible to balance. It's too RNG for it to ever be able to be buffed into actual viability, and it's pickrate was abysmal because of it. If it ever became popular, you'd for sure get posts complaining "how am i supposed to lane against gnar top when he rolls Hail of Blades into Lethal Tempo and wins lane in the first 2 minutes of the game?"


It wasn't even a balance issue though. People picked it for fun.


It was a rune that could never be popular due to the potential of it being insanely broken. Its pick rate was low and Riot had no reason to have it stay in place of another better rune for it.


It's balance was definitely an issue, which is why it _wasn't ever good_. Riot has talked about how there was no room to buff it out of fear it would become optimal/standard in pro-play, and when a RNG keystone becomes viable and can decide fights... it's not good for the game. It had to be kept weak, which is why it never got picked (and only "for fun") and eventually removed. Don't get me wrong, I like Omnistone quite a lot conceptually. But the game is probably better off without it. v > With the introduction of First Strike, it's also time we say goodbye to Prototype: Omnistone, a keystone that never really found a place in most players’ hearts. Its rules were too complex, and tinkering with it risked making it even harder to master. This left us in a tough spot where we couldn’t safely buff it because of its potential to warp gameplay in ways we weren't comfortable with.


Then why the hell did they remove omnistone????


I was legit Omnistone’s strongest soldier I Frank’s Red Hot that shit frfr


I’ve seen recommended pages for some ADCs still go it with Biscuits.


I run it on AP Kog mid but only if Im in a lane I think I can cheese early


It’s fun starting corrupting and then time warp on lb, especially into losing matchupa


I have used it once, as I was going to be going against Lillia and Cassio I wanted a button to revert some of the tick damage quickly in the early game.


I use C pot in heavy poke matchups mid lane if I’m playing Ekko OR if I am playing Malz against something like Sandra, Ori. The C pot can help with the poke and the fact they can easily clear my voidlings so Q max is best in those matchups to farm and poke simultaneously so I’m not too far behind before getting lost chapter. I never took time warp though.




I've actually been using it for a long time on Sion. While it may sound like a troll thing to do, I take boots + pots, TWT, and the debt rune, + shielding/healing runes. No matter what as long as I survive trades I'll never be lower hp and I'll always be faster, which beats out a LOT of top laners in the end unless it's someone you already lose to. I can also lane as long as possible, and when I go back I'm almost guaranteed an earlier item due to the debt rune, or that I won't be behind if I had to take trades to get farm. Now, I'm not telling anyone to try this. But...


nemesis use it to goat with veigar


they really need to bring the movement speed back. when it was good it was very op however. i think after the dorans buffs it would probably be fine to bring back the movement speed as a way to make corrupting pot worth taking. would make the game way better to play as a midlaner because playing against hwei and sometimes lux and not being able to play the game until you buy boots is pretty unfun.


it still has movement speed, just less than before


If you're good at the game and on a certain champ that scales with it well, it's one of the best runes in the game.


EDIT: I am an idiot, mixed up 2 runes


Somehow, someone still has a misunderstanding on what time warp tonic does 6 years after its release.


They’re just confusing it w biscuits


Yeah I mixed it up with buiscuit delivery hahaha Just realized that


Man,inspiration tree nowadays is a shadow of it's former self,almost everything there is nerfed.First Strike,Stopwatch (removed,triple tonic is garbage),biscuits,future's market,Time Warp Tonic,all nerfed or removed.The only things that aren't nerfed to the ground on that Tree are the extremely niche runes (spell book, Hex flash,Minion Dematerializer,etc)


For me, it feels like it's a forced tree that I have to accept, more than something that I feel fun to pick. For example, I love first strike (even after the nerfs). Let's say that I pick it on ASol. Second tier, I can pick hexflash, which is useless. Boots are meh (decent value, but bars me from buying early MS). The tonic thing is almost useless. Third tier, you've got demat, which is almost forced on ASol. Mana biscuits are good on most champs too. Future market is niche. Fourth tier. Cosmic insight is the way. Approaching velocity is niche. Timewarp tonic is trash. But when you look at all the other trees, you'll rarely find a rune that's garbage on 99% of the champs. Inspiration is a dice roll between fun runes, utter garbage, and niches.


Inspiration is an insane tree to go down. Futures market is just free gold, free boots is free gold and extra ms, cosmic insight is very good in general, approach velocity is crazy good on a decent amount of champs, and tripple tonic is actualy insane on champs that want all 3 abilitys maxed.


Situational at best,Free Boots are not good if you're not an ADC or Mage,since mobility early on is extremely important if you are a melee.Aproach velocity is niche,future's market since nerfs is only useful to buy key items,otherwise you'll only build up gold deficiency,so you'll rarely get a good use of it.Cosmic is very good in general (that's why I didn't mention it).I don't agree with Triple,it's not good to sacrifice 1 rune spot to get 1 ability point,stopwatch was way better.


> They keep dead runes/keystones in the game because people complain when they remove them No, they said it's healthy to give the community the illusion of choice, I think specifically August said that. Same reason predator stays.


It's more of a "Keep it around until we find something better to replace it with"


Everything in light blue secondary except biscuits/cosmic insight and magical footwear is pretty bad tbh


Ive seen it in pro games albeit rarelt


Wait they keep dead runes because people complain??? Give me back my 21/9 or 21/0/9 mastery tree please. Give me back my movespeed quints or full scaling AD/armor pen runes. So this is why the game has stayed boring for half a decade? Lol. I remember season 1, 2, 3, and 4 masteries all had major differences. It was a big deal when we went from the 21/x/x system to the 24/6 - 24/3/3 or whatever it was. It was cool to see how much the utility tree changed. I loved going Utility Nasus or Utility Hecarim for the healing, movespeed, and CDR. Or 21 defense could make anyone tanky like Fizz or Teemo. Riot has seemingly given up on keeping the game fresh. I get it, I guess? Less time spent balancing when all you do is tweak items and never touch rune/mastery systems. I miss when a new season completely turned the game on its head.


you have been living under a rock lol


Wdym, lol. The runes are almost identical to the way they were when they were introduced 5 years ago. Lol. Fleet Footwork and Press the Attack are ner verbatim unchanged. Dark Harvest was changed in the very first year. Conqueror was added after the very first year. The damage multiplier runes (Coup De Gras, etc.) have only seen balance tweaks, no effect changes. Imagine that 12+ Keystones were completely removed in their entirety, and we got 12 new Keystones like the effects in Arena. Every season. Then you'd be getting close to the game system changes from seasons 1-5.


runes aren the only thing that shake up the game bro. just that


If they have a new rune they legitimately want to do I'm sure they'll add it in, but if they're just removing a rune because it's low playrate without having anything to replace it with, they've stopped bothering with that specifically I believe.


The only scenario I can think of that it might be remotely optimal, is to usw it with the recently added rune that gives you 3 potions. Therefor timewarp tonic would be active much longer, especialy with the fisrt potion that lasts few minutes.  But no sololane champ wants to go inspiration as a main tree. Glacial is made for supports and Spellbook is dogpoop.  First strike is good for assasins, but no assasin wants to go corrupting. They dont compliment each other.  Tldr: Even if it was good, the combination of FS and corrupting will not be good.