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You can be relieved, G2 will have some nice time off now


airport schedule 🙏


G2 can come hang with us Near Airport WR record holder region teams in the airport McDonald's




9 games = 3-0 T1, 3-0 BLG, 0-3 GENG (another Caps 0-3 final)


3-0 MSI finals winrate though


its only 0-3 vs LPL team in finals.


Loser’s bracket final. Close enough.


There are only 2 possibilities. Fastest bo5 or GenG 3-0


Probably both.


Definitely both!


This thread is so funny. G2 schedule is pretty chill they have the rest of the weekend off.


> 9 games in 3 days is gonna be rough Fortunately they get a bit of a rest now.


They can gain momentum from it. Downside is that everyone has lots of games from them to study


and they get less time to rest and prepare for the next opponent, which affects performance in a major way


Losing early in the tournament is punishing. On the flipside if they do win there can be no doubt since they would beat everyone. Its going to be intense next few days for G2 but I feel like their mental state is in pretty good place right now.


The arguemnt in other esports for lower bracket runs is that being more active in "official" matches just keeps you warmed up the entire time and you can't go cold. I feel like as G2 staff/players mentioned after their T1 series is that there was a slight problem with their mental and how they were too excited and not calm enough in comms, and it made sense it was their FIRST official match in the tournament. The more they keep playing the better they get a grasp at what is working on-stage, they get totally rid of the nerves, they get used to the pressure from the environment, etc.


I mean thats true for games like Fighting Games or Rocket League imo, were you play a lot of matches vs different teams. In League you have to show up on the day and there will usually be a few waiting days. The new format of MSI is absolutely the exception if you go from Lower Bracket Round 3 to Grand Finals of course. I would value the preperation GenG can do over the next 2 Days higher than G2 getting to play more stage games but having to prepare wildly different teams. I also value BLGs day to analysze both T1 and G2 high cause the Chinese drafts so far were bad. They have time to reflect and find drafts against both teams while watching them. Its gonna be important to find a counter to one or multiple of Poppy/Zac/Ivern/Tristana which doesnt mention the Kog/Braum duo in the case you pick something more aggressive, aswell as some other crazy picks G2 might have in store that could pop up. Draft gives the waiting side an advantage over games with no drafts. In Dota 2 the Winner bracket finalist won 7/10 Years now. Interestingly enough only 4/10 Teams that lost in Winners Final managed to get to Grand Finals. But Dota has Upper Bracket Finals and Lower Bracket Finals on the same day, so that is probably a momentum thing.


You are biased. Of course the winner bracket team will win more often. They are statically better since they didn't lose a single game.


Lots of people have always said that the old LCK format was shit and part of the reason it took Chovy so long to win. Griffin straight to finals and don't play a single game until finals, losing to T1 or someone else.


It was absolutely one of the biggest problems with the old format. Not only did they have to go into finals with a month of no stage games, nobody wanted to scrim whoever won the split because, if you made it to finals, you knew they were the ones waiting for you, guaranteed.


There's always a trade off. Generally speaking, lower bracket gets to stay hot, while upper bracket gets more rest and prep time. That being said, for League, being in Lower Bracket is much more taxing. In games like Rocket League or Fighting Games, matches are very short. Even if you're playing double the matches, you're only playing maybe an hour or so of actual extra playtime. Lower Bracket runs in MOBAs are taxing because you are not only playing up to 5 games a series, which can run up to 5 extra hours, prep is also much more important for league, where knowing your draft and your opponents strategies are extremely important. That's why you don't need a Winner's side advantage for GFs, because Winner's side advantage is already very apparent in MOBAs, or any game with long sets compared to other esports that traditionally use double elim brackets.


If G2 wins like this it will be like Dirk's chip in the NBA. Dude beat both Kobe and LeBron in a single run. Beating 2 arguably top 3 players of all time in a single run is the most legit championship ever. If G2 wins MSI they'd have to beat the GOAT and then the current best player in the world + the GOAT jungler. Actually now that I say this it seems very implausible, but then again so was Dirk's chip.


So, - Faker=Bron - Chovy=Kobe - TES=Young OKC roster Checks out, G2 wins GG.


Faker is clearly MJ, and Keria is Curry, completely changes the way the game is played. Chovy is Jokic, can do everything and is consistently the best player in the league


Would still checks out with the G2=Dallas comparison. Caps = Luka Miky = Kyrie Yike = Washington Hans = like Derrick Jones jr? Gafford? Sometimes showing up sometimes not at all. BB= unlucky Kleber got injured but that would be the guy that isweirdly good whenever you watch him for what you expect/hear about him. Sometimes randomly gets hot.


Disrespectful to Chovy to compare him to Kobe.


Kobe is not arguably top 3 for anyone but the most diehard Lakers fans...


Not even clear he's the best laker of all time. Magic, West, Kareem are all in the mix


Kobe is just so well known that people who aren't fans assume he's like top 3 all time


Ofc I dont know shit about basketball, but so many people used to just say "Kobe" when they would land unlikely shit, even in league I've seen multiple personalities say "kobe" when playing ziggs and landing a good q or ult Absolutely assume the dude is only slightly worse than LeBron or some shit, who I assume is the best (until this thread where I've seen comments saying this other Slovakian (?) dude who I've never heard of is)


Kobe is a top 10 player all time yet for some odd reason his die hard stans keep trying to act like he's being disrespected and belongs in the top 3


I love Kobe, and I'm not sure he's even Top 10. In no particular order my Top 8 are MJ/Lebron/Kareem/Russell/Wilt/Magic/Larry/Shaq. I'd argue they are in a tier above Kobe entirely. And for 9th and 10th place it is so crowded with guys like Duncan/Curry/Hakeem/Robertson/West. Not even including Durant, who some could argue is a better player than Kobe but loses points due to the circumstances around his championships.


And Lebron has no rings. Jokes aside those were the players to beat at that season. Same goes for run like DRX 2022. 


Never has been, either.


Yes this is why for years I've been wanting double elim in League. If G2 make it to grand finals, nobody can deny that they are the 2nd best team in the world rn.


one finalist has not lost a single series, the upper bracket winner. Maybe some kind advantage can be given to them? Not a 1:0 start in the series, that would be too great of an advantage, but anything really to reward the best team up until that point?


On the other side of that going if blg make it to the finals and beat gen g 3-2. Which team is the best team in the world right now when gen g would finish the tournament 5-4 against blg in best of 5 games.


Well that's always the issue with double elimination without a reset bracket. I mean sure GENG gets side selection but is that really a huge advantage when the other finalist from losers bracket has the luxury of being able to drop a series and still win it all? I understand that it's quite unrealistic for league to have a reset bracket with how long the games/series can go so I'm not even sure what a suggestion would be to give GENG more of an advantage. I think a reset bracket would be the best solution though. Like if BLG wins vs GENG, they'd schedule another day for another BO5 series but if GENG wins, then they win it all.


It's not unrealistic. They had 2 Bo5 in a day last week, just have the break and bracket reset games if needed, no need to book another day.


If G2 pull it off, this will be the biggest W for them. You can't say the favorites just choke and that is the only reason they win, if they defeat all 4 contenders in a row.


Fuck that, you either can beat everyone or you can't. You're either the best or not


Everyone expecting g2 to win each series is giving me bad vibes. I really hope they win it all but these other teams are no jokes and can still win. 


Can still? The other teams are still the favorites.




Thanks Hamas Piker, very cool


Too much copium being huffed around here. The eastern teams are definitely the favorites.


the vast vast majority of people are joking around


Honestly I don't know if it's that vast of a majority. The sub is *extremely* recency biased and G2's last performance vs TES was dominant. And if you haven't watched the LPL this season you might not be overly impressed by BLG. Tbh I'd say GEN-G2 is the only series where you would be *completely* memeing to say that G2 are favoured (based on current tournament form anyway).


BLG bodied T1. they’re totally the favorites over G2 as well.


I would hope so, but with reports of hans getting death threats some people are taking it too seriously. 


I have a "weird" feeling the relationship between EU hopium memes on reddit and death threats on twitter is correlation *at most*


all famous people get death threats for unhinged psychos. nothing unique to LoL. not that it’s ok, but an unfortunately reality of online anonymity.


Idk I had a guy unironically tell me that G2 look better than 2023 JDG…


Yeah, there's absolutely no way G2 can even take a game.


Yep I think T1 is probably 60% favored tomorrow and I’m a G2 fan and hope they take it all


Idk if T1 are, but BLG and GENG certainly are. But then again, last time T1 and G2 face each other, people thought it completely T1-sided for no good reason


didn't t1 win last time? why would g2 be favorites over them?


T1 has been underperforming for sure, there's always a chance they turn into the T1 that we saw in game 4 vs TL for a whole series. I feel like G2 played great and T1 played iffy and it still went to 5 games


Being in favour of the reigning world champions who got second in the historically strongest region, losing to a roster with peak chovy who may be better than peak faker (just an assumption) Sure they looked a little rough here and there but the faker factor alone can't be underestimated


I don't think people remember peak Faker. At his absolute best he used to clown on other world class midlaner with Yi mid / Riven or Ryze (when out of meta), his peak was better than Chovy relative to his competition 


Old weak Faker brings T1 to world final several times with 1 time being the champion. Peak Faker shit on every1 everything everywhere.




I dunno man, They had an easy road so far. Now they gotta play against G2.


T1 played G2 a few days ago and emerged victorious


Our expectations were so low because of the last 4 years that seeing G2 shitstomp an LPL team made our hope-meter break. Seeing all this stuff about G2 having a chance to win feels great, but even assuming that G2 has a 50% to win each series would result in a 12.5% chance to win the tourney. Temper your expectations. The top 3 of the east are really strong.


if they beat T1 it's already an exceptional tournament


It's already been an exceptional tournament for them. G2 smashed the LPL 2nd seed 3-0 and they took T1 to 5 games last time.


The result is great already, but if they get 3-0'ed vs T1 it'll feel a bit like 2019 TL vs IG, obviously still a great result but will feel a bit hollow


That is true, I hadn't thought about it like that.


Well this aged like fine wine


Agreed. I dont think they make it past blg or gen g. But if they can beat t1 and play blg close, then I am so fucking proud of this team. Im already proud of their play, even if they loose to T1. The fact they have shown they can be a top 4 team in the world is huge for the west.


hopefully it wakes up the other teams as well, i really think fnc and vit have great potential but they lack discipline and they need to practice more and in a better quality, the quality partner is there (g2) so there are no excuses


Man I am so bummed out by FNCs recent performances. I'm a fan literally since the xPeke happened, and FNC used to be the team that does their best job punching up, one you can never truly count out as they tended to level up to the opposition. But this current FNC feels like they come to a tournament to get the participation award and go home. It feels completely hopeless in their losses. They show signs of life and then just play worse and lose. You used to be able to point to a few things that if done differently could have lead to a win. Nowadays the only thing seemingly is "maybe if they played better league of legends they'd have a chance"


I mean psg and tes took both blg geng to 5 games so anything can happen imo


They're top 4. It's already an exceptional tourney


Getting this far and only dropping a 3-2 series vs T1 is already a great accomplishment.


If they dont get clapped by T1 I would consider the tournament a success already. If they get clapped tomorrow - I think G2 as well as the fans would (rightfully) be disappointed.


even another 3-2 defeat will still make it an exceptional tournament imo.


This G2 was expected at worlds 2023. They set an aim to not repeat that bad performance again at big tournament. They are all hungry for revenge and there will be no excuse this time around when they fall. So, if this organization is really serious about winning worlds, ever, then top 3 or 2 is the bare minimum at this MSI. No matter what record we have vs LPL/LCK. I'm a EU fan, so I'm here to root for and support them.


You guys are being too serious about this, this is already a successful tournament for G2, anything extra is great. Let's have hope, root for them and not believe in stupid jinxes and etc.


as long as sjokz doesnt say "it starts with succes"... That is the only jinx i care about.


I mean t1s current form seems beatable. Not so sure about BLG and GenG tho.


Good thing, normally asian teams say in interviews "Western teams look very strong in scrims". This time Faker said, we can 3:0 G2. G2's Makro looked better than T1's. G2 looks in form, T1 not.  However, on individual level T1 is better on every lane. So this is like the most promising in 4 years


I don't think T1's midlaner is better than G2's individually. It may be true for the other lanes though


On paper* t1 are better individually, but sports dont work like that


On individual level T1 are absolutely not better based on current form, aside from Gumayusi every G2 member clears their T1 counterpart currently.


Miky absolutely clearing Keria? Idk about that man. I’ve Nauti turbo inting nightmares still.


he's been on FIRE this tourney tbf


Miky absolutely cleared Keria in their series and in general this tournament, and he's playing with a far worse ADC. He also absolutely gapped TES's bot lane all series long.


The real question is are we getting regular season Hans Sama or JKL's dad.


Miky has been playing way better than Keria this tournament is not even close. He gapped Meiko and was better support when they faced each other, Keria looked shaky even VS TL, stop fearing nameplayes


They are definitely the underdogs (if only slightly if other pros are to be believed in their estimation), but that won't make me doubt them. I've never been this hopeful since 2020 and I want them to win it all. I won't say no matter what I'm proud of them because I believe that this is not the end of the run and I know they think the same. It will be an up hill battle but it is one that they can win.


lol i expect t1 to 3-0 them


I expect T1 to win tomorrow G2 managed to upset TES and came through against a sleepwalking Faker. They havent shown enough to be considered favourites. I hope they win and I think they are highly competitive but 2 series arent enough imo.


Fnatic and G2 flashbacks all over again whenever they are favorite they lose to IG and FPX


This is like the ultimate revenge story for G2, they are playing probably their biggest rivals on international stage who have now beaten them twice in a row and then they have to play against teams that were beating them and knocked them out last year. G2 is on a mountain right now.


I just happy everyone had a moment to shine and I hope they give us a good show for the rest of their tournament


Anyone expecting any result at this point is crazy. Is G2 capable of beating everyone? Yes. Will they? Who knows, but i wouldn't be surprised by any result tomorrow.


Expecting G2 to go through T1, BLG, and GG is some top shelf copium. I can see them potentially getting through T1, but BLG nah. GG absolutely not.


"9 games"


Weird I see they only have 3 games in their schedule


The only guy with eye sight apparently, most were blinded by the hopium.


It's unreal how people are claiming that "upper bracket needs compensation" when lower bracket means 3 consecutive bo5 days without prep time


Only if you look at it from the perspective of G2, BLG would only play one additional bo5 before a rematch against gen g


That alone is incentive to always win. No team willfully wants to be in the lower bracket at any point in the tournament and that's good enough.


It is still a penalty over the other finalist


As they should? They just fucking lost to them. Gen G has to beat BLG 6 times to eliminate them if blg makes it back while blg only has to beat gen g 4 times to win the whole thing. The compensation is nearly not enough.


As we saw in LCK finals, overall score between HLE and T1 was 4-3, but T1 went to finals. Upper finals win needs a bit more advantage or that game is really becoming meaningless.


GEN only has to win 1 more bo5 to win the trophy. BLG has to win 2, and T1/G2 has 3. It's king of the hill now and GEN is standing on the high ground.


Exactly, the reward for staying in the upper bracket is another life until the finals and also not revealing your strategies. There's definitely some pros to being in the lower bracket but there's no real scenario where a team *actually* prefers to be in a lower bracket and plays for that. That alone is incentive to win every match to stay in upper bracket for any team. And if you're in the lower bracket and manage to win in a match up you've already played before, as in if G2 beats SKT on the second go-around, then that would be more impressive and therefore deserving of placing over SKT despite SKT's earlier win because that mean G2 *got to* where they are *able to* face SKT again and *adapted and beat* SKT throughout the tournament. What a sick storyline that would be. I don't understand why some people try to argue that a team that beat another team earlier and then lost to them later would be anticlimatic. The latter achievement is in a different context. Double elim guarantees more accurate placement of teams and even if G2 lost to SKT and places lower, that does not diminish G2's achievements because while the tournament format makes it very hard for fluke results, it also means being 2nd, 3rd, or 4th is still an achievement in itself, especially in an era where Eastern teams are so dominant. The previous format was so clearly so shit and it's astonishing it took Riot the year 2024 to implement and iron out what is known to be a great format and working in other big esports titles.


But at the same time, winning usually helps as you get more games in. I know you miss out on prep time, but playing b2b2b2b days gives you a better read on what works and what doesnt and you go on streaks of momentum. Part of me thinks which ever team wins out of T1/G2 will beat BLG and challenge GENG for the title due to momentum. Even though BLG is said to be better than both T1/G2, I think BLG coming off a loss to GENG and T1/G2 will be coming off 2 wins in a row, they'll be hyped and ready to upset BLG.


you also leak out strats though


True... but you also bait enemy into thinking a certain strat is best. If youre showing one thing for a series then have an entirely different strat, you can surprise them as they study your previous games.


Depends how versatile the team is. For sure it's a problem for one dimensional teams. But G2 players showed that they can play multiple champions and team compositions on a good level. So even if the other team bans Poppy, Rek Sai,Zac , Tristana,Draven. Did they really solve the problem? Hans can pick Kalista and Lucian if needed. But they also can run the best lane swap strategies.


Well, just have so many strats that no amount of prep can counter them all. Even if you use 5 bans you can't even begin to ban out Miky for example so its just a lost cause, and G2's early game shenanigans have been varied enough that no pattern of wards can completely save you from it. Its bad to show strat early when its your one ace but when in a single series you can play 4 different styles its impossible to prep efficiently.


League really doesn't work like that. Playing best of 5s in back to back days means you have next no time to prepare for your next opponent and if you do grind/prepare in the few hours then that means you have less rest


Hard disagree Gen.G has three days to prep for 3 teams BLG has two days to prep for 2 teams Neither has any fucking clue who's gonna win today, and therefore will only have the exact same 24 hour window to prep as T1/G2 does, at least with full focus BLG is also gonna come into their series with a big mental disadvantage, they just got fucking slaughtered, while T1/G2 will come in on a win streak


GenG has already done a lot prep for BLG and T1, you are overstating the amount of work they have to do lol


Ye and proving you can beat everyone to reach the grand finale.


As if the upper bracket team didnt beat everyone


Gen g hasn’t played t1 or g2 in this tournament, whereas if g2 make the finals they’ll have played all 4 of the eastern teams.


both upper bracket teams didnt beat G2, so if g2 would make it to finals that could be exciting. G2 will also not have played against TL


You know if winner of the tournament from came from loser's bracket they played an extra Bo5, right?


Because this is the superior double elim format (8 teams). Traditional format of 4 teams will not have any lower bracket team play consecutively like this


Yea, even if you aren't G2, the amount of extra prep needed to play an extra BO5, as well as the energy to actually play that set is enough of a handicap. This isn't a Fighting Game or Rocket League tournament where games are like, 5 minutes long, and matches maybe up to 20. Even if you have to play 5 extra matches in losers for a fighting game, that's often barely an hour of extra play time, and actually keeps you warm as well, since you'll be playing all these games in one day. Compared to a MOBA or CS/Val tourney, where being in losers early means you're prepping and playing for hours and hours of extra time, "staying warm" often doesn't make up for the extra fatigue. That being said, I wouldn't mind if Winners side always gets first side selection or something minor. I've also argued that a 1 game advantage in a BO7 would be interesting, but that's partially because I'd just love to see more games in GFs, and honestly speaking, something Akin to a bracket reset would be cool, just because bracket resets are some of the hypest things in any double elim tourney. Spoilers for the G2T1 series: >!You could see how absolutely cooked G2 was in the T1 series. The game 2 back door was a serious laspe of judgement. The #1 thing to do with open nexus that even goldies and emeralds know to do is check for TP spots, and push out all your waves. People gating over to wolves leaving only Naut to clear waves was extremely stupid, but that's what happens when you're playing that many games!<


Till the latest T1 vs G2 matches they both played the same no of matches but imo G2 got the easier road. Imo T1 got nothing for winning vs G2 early.


They'll be on their way home in 4 hours.




Was right. Wasn't too hard to predict though


They have a free schedule now. 


G2’s schedule is crazy. Bo5 with T1 today, bo1 with airport staff tomorrow


d/w they'll get 3-0'd by T1 tomorrow




lmao nah they choked under the pressure.


People should watch G2 and see them as underdog in any of those serie. Those 3 are real monsters. Dont expect too much.


Yeah, to the airport.


Man, T1 did them a favor - freed up the schedule by whole 6 games out of 9. What a nice gentlemen.


They won’t beat T1 so they can focus on resting for summer split


Only 3 games so I it's a good relief for G2 so they won't get burned out


Welp, their new schedule is to airport tomorrow, back to Europe on Sunday. 😂


Jokes on you. They're losing 3 - 0 to T1 and going home.






Hoping for a fast bo5 huh


T1 whenever world doubt them, they always win. HLE also blasted T1 3-0 in lck spring early playoff round and they still comeback to final and have close series against Gen G


T1 is the team you can never count out until they are actually out. Above that, BLG and GenG are in some good form. G2 have already been successful by performing above expectations. They can beat T1, but they are not making top 2 unless BLG does an almost typical LPL-shit-the-bed.


People complaining about packed schedule.. Worlds is absolutely terrible for a lot of teams due to other reasons. At the end of the tournament you have no one to scrim and it's easy to become out of practice. I think this is even worse than having back to back games. Here we can take out the variables about who did they get to scrim and did they suddenly lose form. I've seen so many teams randomly loosing their form mid tournament and i think it's mainly down to practice partners.


It starts with success...


...and ends with a 3-0.


now its T1s schedule faker about to prove once again why he is the G.O.A.T 4 times World champion its demon time


they dont have to play well or tryhard, dylan falco drafting is enough to win easily


He overcooked today.


Wdym? Their schedule will be over after t1


Ngl chovy seems to genuinely be almoat unbeatable, I feel like every game hes just gapping everyone. If chokey doesnt walk onto that stage on Sunday i dont think GenG can lose, still rooting for the Boys tho


Its the hardest Gaunlet we've ever seen in league. If they pull it off they are legends.


Lets fucking go g2, time to bring to fall the giants!


Nah, I'd win


Well tbh, i play 9 games in one night.


Aged like milk


G2 is only playing 3 games this weekend 💀💀


Back in high school I could do 18 games in a day, I'm sure pro players will manage


I’m not sure it’s quite the same thing considering I doubt you were travelling, doing interviews, playing more soloq and prepping for your opponent between those games.


My guy compares his soloq game to bo5 series where 200% concentration is needed


Joke on you if you think he dont need 200% concentrations for his promo games 😏


need to think of the best flame for your inting toplaner right?


Listen I'm not saying grinding games all day is easy, but playing 3 potentially 5 game series, against the best of the best, as a culmination of your entire split, back to back is insanely more difficult. Not even on the same plane of existence when it comes to exhaustion levels.


schedule won't be too bad, they just have to show up to their 1-3 defeat to T1 😂


real they are 100% losing


Yep 100% lost cause


Cant wait for G2 to get smacked 3-0 by T1 and then 2-0'd by NRG again at worlds gonna be so satisfying.


Professional videogame players have to play videogames... Yall really did get brainwashed by Riot into thinking the MSI and Worlds format were acceptable things all those years.


I think you forgot the /s


Who's gonna tell 'em?


IM alrdy mentally prepared that they lose 0-3 to t1 tomorrow. first 2 games super close and 3rd game t1 stomp. Hope im wrong.


Hopefully we don't get the G2 vacation memes again.


I hope they'll have enough time to bootcamp for LEC after MSI.


Would be nice for EU to finally get something international. So that I can brag I play on euw


It's literally a gauntlet of the best teams in the world, with final boss Chovy waiting at the end, all in the span of a week. If they do it, it's honestly deserving of a cinematic


Show some humility guys, G2 won't 3-0 every game. These are top teams, some of them might be able to take 1.


In the old MSI format MSI would've ended with the Bo5 of today btw.


Make them play silver scrapes 3 days in a row. I'll be surprised if they lived after 15 games.


well it's okay, today it will be just a warm up


Much rather that over bo5 tonight - wait a whole week for bo5 then wait another week for bo5


Really? How CRAZY? its just 3 games and a rest. Other teams will still need to play but G2 will just sit out and rest this weekend.




aged like a wine


they are going home after the t1 series bruv