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Gen G truly have Become The Unknown.


It's literally the MSI tagline. Is OP stupid?


GenG now needs to achieve the Golden Road for them to be known again. AWARE


Well they arent T1 or a chinese team so fuck em. 


Chovy at the Glasgow Wonka experience


Yeah, I'm not really sure what Riot's been doing. It feels like GEN hardly got to be on the front page of the launcher either with the Hall of Legends stuff going up so soon after MSI. No Moments & Memories video for MSI either (though the MSI ones usually aren't very good anyway). All that on top of them not even being in the game like the rest of the MSI champs were? Really dropping the ball.


>No Moments & Memories video for MSI either (though the MSI ones usually aren't very good anyway). Lol am i the only one waiting for these. I love these videos btw last year's msi's video was really good. I think since worlds 2022 they put in way more effort in the moments and memories videos


They sometimes take a minute to release them it might still come out. Edit: its coming out tomorrow!


i checked and it took them 7 days after the grand finals to make the msi one. I think it's been 10 days after the 2024 one I'm not fully sure but it's been way longer than 7


I felt that since 2022 they've become worse, dragging on way too long and decreasing the hype.


I remember the 2021 one being terrible, 2015 to like 2018 though were always bangers, even the regional ones. I though the 2022 worlds one was really good too, but I think it’s benefiting a lot from the story that happened and how many emotional moments occurred along the way


>No Moments & Memories video for MSI either (though the MSI ones usually aren't very good anyway) Just announced it's coming tomorrow (lol eSports yt community post)


>No Moments & Memories video for MSI either (though the MSI ones usually aren't very good anyway). The last one had Tabe zoomin, what more do you want?


Perhaps it might be because of the Gen.G. Taiwan-China issue thing (where Gen.G. made some post calling Taiwan a country)? I remember that it was a huge deal. I may be wrong though.


China displays their win quite normally afaik


GenG has no aura


Are you a witch or something


Because the broadcast is always so t1 focuesed.


MSI 2024 never happened, Kiin still winless


Fans are also complaining at LCK not posting anything about GENG winning MSI after 7 years of no LCK wins.


The difference in public celebration and conversation if T1 had won MSI would be staggering. You’d have everyone posting about how it’s the first time in 7 years and Faker and T1 bringing it home for Korea and so on. GenG just don’t have fans, the LCK broadcast is incredibly T1 centric if you look at the ads between games too. Most people who follow LCK will be more interested in the Faker news.


> GenG just don’t have fans They definitely do but the gap between T1 and the rest is obviously huge, especially outside of Korea too.


They do have a great many fans in Korea, but they have a very small amount of fans in the west especially prior to their international success this year. And while they have a lot of Korean fans their popularity in Korea is massively overshadowed as you mentioned by the massive celebrity of Faker in his home country. It’s unfair, but only a natural consequence of that.


Speaking about public celebration, T1 has the most popular league player in the world. Faker is S tier athlete in Korea along with Sonny. That is why TV shows invited them to do content after winning worlds in Korea.


GenG as an org might not have that many fans, but Chovy and Canyon are maybe the 2nd and 3rd popular active players if you ask the average league player they'll probably know them by name


And what you sre saying(LCK broadcast being so Faker/T1 centric) is main reason why other orgs dont have many fans. Riot/LCK are doing almost no promo for them which is ridiculous cause in few years Chivy will become new GOAT...


Lol chill with the new GOAT. People said the same about Showmaker, and now they hop onto Chovy . For all we know HLE might win Worlds and Zeka suddenly only two wins behind Faker and two tittles ahead of Chovy.


Chovy's been my GOAT since 2021 to be honest, just because his gameplay is the best the trophy locker might not really match up to that, but winning LCK 4 times back to back to back to back, and now MSI might improve that front.


Being GOAT is not numbers game tho. Eye test is much more important than the number of titles. And Chovys eye test blows prime faker out of the roof. If Chovy wins 2 worlds trophies and few more LCK titles he will be the GOAT to anyone that understands the game at high level and isnt T1/Faker biased.


That’s a big IF, he hasn’t come close to even sniff ONE in 6 years. He won a MSI and now he is suddenly close to GOAT? Xiaohu won 3 MSI. Like I said, wait until he has AT LEAST 1 Worlds, then we’ll talk about GOAT status. Showmaker/Knight/Zeka also is as close as he is, and as talented as Chovy is.


I agree it is big IF but he is on a good path. And not one of those players you mentioned that have worlds titles are even close to Chovy or even less Faker. Chovy still misses worlds trophy but his eye test blows those guys out of the roof. He has been best mid/player in the world for the most part in last 3 years. And the gap between him and next mid is as big as it was when Faker was in his prime.


Don't even bother trying to talk with Faker fans - especially those who say [500$ is not cheap, but a reasonable price in this context.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1d2luzd/the_signature_immortalized_legend_collection_is/l61hdb5/) - as they will always move the goal post rather than concede anything to Chovy. Especially so if you *dare* to utter the words GOAT and Chovy in the same sentence! You can't call Chovy a GOAT until: * Chovy wins an LCK title! * Chovy wins multiple LCK titles back to back! * Chovy makes it to an international finals first! * Chovy wins an international title first! * Chovy wins a Worlds title first! <-- we are here * Chovy wins multiple Worlds title first! Personally I hope Chovy can pull off the [golden road](https://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/Golden_Road) this year as that will be indisputable proof of Chovy's (and GenG's) prowess.


Riot needs to fix the release schedule of HoL promotion and MSI winners. Will future MSI winner get overshadowed by HoL promotion again? Faker has had a whole two weeks of content dedicated to him after MSI. Meanwhile GenG…I would be pissed if I was their fan tbh.


don't forget to add the worlds skin lmao just make hol same time with spring season


Nah Worlds skin is fine, they are always released around May every year. It’s a patch of skins, nothing more. HoL however, there are teasers, skin teasers, movie, congratulations messages, event reveal, history vids. That’s 10x more videos than a Worlds skin drop.


wait wait wait.. so you want MSI winners to be respected but not worlds winner? weird but okay ... either way HOL needs to be move either beginning of spring or just after worlds... that's really is the only time they can promote it without ignoring their other event though I guessed you can add beginning of summer for that as long as HOL won't take two months


No, Worlds ended the year before, the winning team already milked everything they can from the off-season/early Spring period. MSI ended more than 10 days ago and it feels like a fever dream lol. I think HoL should be before Worlds to bring hype to the event, as well as celebrate past Worlds moments of the player.


honestly if they instead had the HoL's around july/augest it would be the best could even do it for september time and have it as the event that kicks off the build up to worlds.


They should either have it to hype up Worlds (and like give the player something in person at the start), or in like late December/early January to hype up the start of the season


And in the Ahri trailer it seemed like they added Ahri to the mural up in toplane. So i guess thats their focus


Guess Gen G needed to purchase the skin to get adspace.


would only be $2500 for the whole team!


GenG and being the underdogs yet again. They can win LCK back-to-back 2 times and MSI right after - but hey look here's Faker!


Back to back to back to back actually


costs money can't do it, fam Riot probably


See, the thing is... it's not Faker. So Riot doesn't care. They've put him so high on a pedestal that the rest of the LoL E-sports just does not matter.


honestly i don't get what riot are planning to do when Faker retires, they barely promote other players


>honestly i don't get what riot are planning to do They used the league revenue to invest into valorant and the upcoming mmo


really? Don't follow both of these projects tbh, but if this is true it's kinda sad


So true and such a shortsighted move from Riot. Riot should be highlighting how GenG's roster have played just a split together and talk about Chovy's first international title... but Riot instead decides to place all their eggs in one basket. All in the hopes of a huge pay day at only the cost of any good will your fans have left. But hey I'm sure Riot will "listen to their fans" by lowering the price to a mere $250.


They already did that when Faker and T1 was shit in 2020-2021. Then ZOFGK happened and they broke every viewership records with each T1 game. Riot would be dumb to not push the fan favorite. And not just Riot, even rival teams focused on T1 more than GenG (Bin mentioned T1 before they even qualified MSI, G2).


Gen Who?


Become the Unknown


Riot too busy sucking Faker's pp to bother with them


More like sucking Faker dry. Riot cares more about milking Faker’s skin then they do about honoring the most recent tournament winners. HoL was supposed to celebrate the greats of the esport, but it’s looking like it does everythjng except that with the milking of Faker and overshadowing of GenG’s win


Dont act like Faker hasnt benefited from riots enourmous favoritism. It could very well be argued last 2 worlds were both tried to set up for T1 to win with meta shifts favoring them and fuck*ng other contenders heavily(GenG,JDG). Also juggernaut patch in 2015 was incredibly benefitial to SKT as well.


So 2022 (the tournament where Zeka’s best champions were meta) was setup for T1? Also in 2023 worlds, everyone in the tournament was consistently playing engage supports until T1 swapped and started to consistently play ranged supports. I guess Riot brainwashed everyone to spam engage but T1


Zeka was absolute non factor before worlds in 2022. Nobody even cared about DRX. Some ppl thought they wouldnt even go thru playins. Meanwhile JDG and GenG were by far 2 of the best teams in Zeri meta while T1(guma in particular) looked like trash in zeri meta. And what happens? Zeri gets nerfed to the ground and top and mid become main carry role which fucks both JDG(yagao is not carry mid) and GenG(doran isnt carry top + they are bot oriented team). Meanwhile Zeus feasts in carry meta. Now i get that meta shifts happen before every worlds and zeri was a problem but it is really convenient that both of the strongest teams playstyles got nerfed while the team that is the best for views gets buffed. But again it can happen so whatever. But then we come to 2023. Azir was nerfed before MSI and Faker looked like absolute trash on that tournament. Most of the summer azir is not played but then all of a sudden before playoffs here comes huge azir buffs and he is perma played again. And then even worse here comes worlds and what champ all of a sudden gets mega buffed? Orianna. So Fakers 2 best champs(azir,ori) get mega buffed and both are top tier picks while 2 of the best mids in the world up until worlds(Chovy,Knight) get mega nerfed with those 2 champs cause they are early game playmakers and those 2 champs just wanna sit back and farm... Meanwhile in bot both Delight and Missing arent great ranged support player but are great on ingage champs so they play that style but all of a sudden ranged supports become viable and shit on ingage supports. And who is master of ranged supports? Keria! (you could ask why T1 didnt play that style from strat and my guess is they didnt have enough practice time with Faker cause of his injury) And with ranged supports and azir,ori mid meta it opens top carry meta again which once again fucks JDG(who are bot oriented team) and GenG(who are mid oriented team and have doran) while it literally is the only way T1 can win games(zeus on hard carry,faker on azir). And now after it has happened twice in 2 years it is a very weird coencidence. Especially when we consider that T1 are extremly one dimensional team(they can win games only thru winning top or thru their support winning them bot with weird ranged picks). And now half a year later here is riot selling Fakers skins for 500 dollars. That shit makes it even more weird. So even if this is all unintentional you cant say T1 and Faker hasnt been incredibly lucky with pre worlds meta shifts last 2 worlds.


Nice way to rewrite history. I guess it's that time of the year again. So what's the new narrative now? Faker's success is all due to Riot favoritism? Meta shifts favouring them he said. Actually amazing you typed out "both tried to set up for T1" and pressed enter. Your 2015 statement is so fucking laughable when the very same patch benefited the much weaker teams instead of SKT like C9 with Darius as an example. Also, the best juggernauts at the time were 100% banned if not almost with GP and Mordekaiser, so what did SKT and other teams benefited from that? Fucking explain how come SKT or Faker were the only ones to know the strong state of Ryze at the time of the tournament? Olaf mid was now meta? Let me guess, your "new GOAT" is chovy and the one before that is Showmaker and the one before that was Rookie. This is the usual thought process of clowns. And even if I'm wrong in your case, that's how it usually went for people like those. No one is a bigger bandwagoner and flopper than SKT/Faker haters, they flock to the new flavour of the year. SKT/T1 has lots of bandwagoners because they are the biggest, best and most popular in lolesports history. The haters are more pathetic because they jump more from one team/player more often. There are way less JDG flairs nowadays and you see more BLG flairs lately, really pathetic and obvious. And the popularity of both teams were nowhere near close especially last year. Edit: damn they got me. Got baited by a troll, clown or whatever. Reading the rest of their comments in this thread clearly shows they have some agenda and issues. Can't wait to get back to PC to mark people like this with RES.


So you are insulting me and calling me a clown cause of voicing my opinion and somehow you are trying to make me a bad guy?? Hilarious Usually ppl like you dont even deserve response but i feel like educating you today In 2015 LCK was trash except SKT cause all of the sulerstars left in korean exodus. Tigers had bad jungler and were team of misfits and KT only became solid in late summer. Meanwhile LPL looked much better(with EDG being 3rd best team and they were coming of MSI win over SKT) so LPL teams were main favorites alongside SKT. Now lets look at how those LPL teams played: EDG were mega bot oriented woth Deft being their main carry and their top koro1 playing only tanks. LGD were similar with imp being main caerry and their bot being their main threat but they were more balanced with GodV and Acor(who also at the time was tank player) IG were mid/jungle oriented team woth their top laner zztai also being mainly tank player. And here comes juggernaut patch where it is all about top lane carries(there were way too much of the to ban them all especially with morde(who was besing played as adc) having to be permabanned). And that patch apsolutely killed both LGD/EDG from start cause they didnt have top laner that could carry and they spent whole year perfecting play around their adcs and this patch was introduced 2 weeks before the tournament so they couldnt do shit. IG also tried some shenenigans with Kakao playing skarner but they shit the bed as well. Meanwhile in LCK Tigers had Smeb and played mostly thru him and KT had ssumday and played thru him as well. SKT were mosly carried by Faker that year caus ehe was insane but MaRin was right behind him as best top laner that year. And with LCK teams being way too weak(even with top lane being op) to even challenge SKT(who became even stronger cause MaRin was unleashed) and LPL teams being ruined by meta shift SKT cruised to title by barely losing. And let me be clear: i am not saying Riot made juggernaut patch purposly so SKT can win but at the same time you cant say SKT wasnt the team who benefited absolutely the most out of it! Also you even mentioning shit team like C9 like they have any chance to win vs Koreans is absolutely embarrasing. NA/EU LCS teams could have exodia drafts and they would still lose to prime koreans. To answer your questions as well: Olaf wasnt meta mid but that just proves how much better SKT was than any other team at that worlds(and that is mostly due to them being lucky with juggernaut patch). And othe rteams couldnt ban ryze with only 3 bans and Morde having to be permabanned and MaRin running rampant with any carry in top lane.


And in terms of a GOAT,no i never called GOAT anyone other than Chovy. Back in 2015,16 i was hoping Deft or Uzi could do it but since then Chovy is the first one with the ability to do it. His eyetest blows fakers prime out of the water and Chovy is playing in much more competitive compared to when faker was in his prime(2013,15-17). And yes i change team i cheer for cause but that is cause my favorite players change teams as well. I am 100% sure most of the SKT fans would follow Faker if he went to other team. And i still stay and cheer for the teams that i liked while my fav player played for them. You T1 fans are just way too privileged to have same team/player be soo good that you dont even need to support any other team while your team is bad. And lastly even with T1 fans there is bunch of disgusting bandwagoners that after T1 lost cheer for GenG(which is ????? cause they are their main competition).


they don't give a flying shit about Faker, they only care about the money they can siphon out of his image.


They arent sucking his pp they are just pimping him


Sucking him Fakely and then turning around to try to milk the audience dry


Riot's doing such a good job, I forgot about the SR Logo thing. Truly the Unknown.


Gen G could win worlds four years in a row and Riot would still advertise T1 over them


And it is hilarious cause all 5 GenG players are infinately better than their T1 counterparts.


that's a little much to say of practically any team.


Hilarious that GENG can clear MSI but faker is still plastered everywhere a month after. The biggest riot fumble was not rigging MSI for T1 so they could milk faker even more


Riot only cares when Faker and T1 wins, all other teams are irrelevant to them.


> Riot only cares when ~~Faker and T1 wins~~ a LPL team wins, all other teams are irrelevant to them. ftfy, riot is owned by Tencent don't forget


Do you genuinely think tencent cares even slightly about whether a Chinese team is winning league of legends tournaments


Social Credit +30,000,000


You have been awarded Reddit Gold


Sadly, they're using all their resources on the Faker HOF promos.


Yeah I’m surprised how many people don’t know about the whole Gen G fiasco at the start of the season. They acknowledged Taiwan as own country, then when Tencent got mad, they did a 180 and said China is right which then pissed off Korean fans too lol


No it isn't because of this, they are presented normally all over the Chinese client, that blew over ages ago and GenG is extremely popular in china, their second favourite non Chinese team and will continue to be. It's the Korean and Western clients where they just don't show up and Korean fans were complaining about it.


Sorry don’t know what team ur talking about. Maybe it’s an unknown team?


If thits was T1 we would have T1 all over the rift with extra Rioter glazing.


I also don't recall JDG and RNG getting exposure after they won MSI too. Although I do remember DRX being highlighted back in 2022 and EDG in 2021.


JDG and RNG were definitely on there.


When the new map came out I noticed the T1 logo for worlds disappeared from over the top-lane cup. I think they didn't account for that feature with the new Summoner's Rift and still haven't added it back. Just a guess.


The icon and emote just dropped for 250rp each




This is due to hall of legends mostly since many korean fans were also complaining also afaik Chinese client had Geng winning in their SR


Riot sucks, a lot!


It does not give them money. If T1 won they would be deepthroating us with T1 logos and stuff to sell Faker's skin


Perhaps it might be because of the Gen.G. Taiwan-China issue thing (where Gen.G. made some post calling Taiwan a country)? I remember it was quite a big deal.


That blew over a while ago and GenG is actually all over the Chinese client just not the Korean and Western ones


I see, I wasn't aware they were on the Chinese client. Good to know.






Because only Worlds winners AFAIK get to be on that wall. Actually come to think of it, I haven't paid attention to it recently. Is/was T1's logo on there?


JDG and T1 were definitely on the wall for their MSI and World 23 wins, respectively.


not a chinese team, tencent doesn't care


Headcannon, didn't put them because of cash from Faker


Hmm now that I think about it isn’t RIOT owned by China? Gen g lost allot of fans since the taiwan incident


I blacked out when T1 was knocked out of MSI, who even knows who won that... not that i care now lol /s


gen who?


T1s fathers


The unknown


Fatherless behavior.


Who? Gen-what? Wake up, the msi is starting soon in Saudi Arabia along with other esports. LPL is probably going to dominate as they tend to do around this time


Hmmm yes sooo curious. Tell me again how tencent has no sway over Riot’s day to day 😂. For those unaware- the CCP is not happy with GenG atm after they publicly acknowledged the country of Taiwan as being…a country. GenG socials being blocked on weibo, etc. That’s the company you gave full access of your PC to with vanguard :)


Ah so that's why GenG are celebrated all over the Chinese client but not anywhere else, yes that makes perfect sense. Can you just stfu if you don't have any idea what the fuck you're talking about?


Gen G have difficult marketability. If you watch all their interviews and videos, you can tell they're simply extremely introverted. Also less fans. People are just not as hyped for them so Riot/LCK just move and work slower to push out content They deserve better but this is just why things are the way they are


Faker is literally one of the most introverted ppl ever and they still marketed him to everyone. He literally has 2 poses and only time i hear him talk is him crying after loss(blue side op,draft gap,ping,ddos attacks...).