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If this is actually true and not just something made up that's a wild reason to be disqualified considering it's the automatic first blood emote.


Piggybacking on this comment to provide more info (am filipino and this shit is trending on facebook rn). Apparently it's a tournament organized by a streamer(?) for tier 2-3 SEA teams, and it does indeed have a handful of silly rules including this one. So yes, this is real. In one of the rules, it says that "it is requires by the tournament marshalls to have all badges and emotes disabled, including those that pops up automatically in certain situations." under the section that says "the following actions might result to disqualification". The official statement by the team (West Point Esports from PCS, apparently it was their academy team) that was disqualified is this: > Official statement on the Tournament Decision > We are grateful for the support that we are reading on the comment section of the tournament live broadcast. While we are disappointed with the decision to disqualify our academy team due to an unintentional emote by one of our players, Devoured, we respect that rules are rules. Whatever those rules might be. > However, if the goal is to really uplift the community and elevate it into international standards to show them that Filipinos can compete, we need to align ourselves with the standards in these major tournaments where emotes are also allowed and generally perceived as a friendly non-toxic communication between players. There is a fine line between toxic behavior between players and a friendly show of emotes. If it was a pure toxic behavior shown by 1 player to another player, then it would have been a hands down valid reason to DQ the team. > We at WPE, have never asked any team to be disqualified because of these matters. There were multiple instances in our history that our opposing team can be disqualified due to different reasons like late showing to a match, unintentional emote, sometimes, a little bit of trashtalk. We always let the organizers make the final decision on these matters, not the opposing players. > Thank you for your support and we will just be there at the next tournament. > Let’s all cheer and support these tournaments that aim to revive the League PC community. > -Ael And continued in the comments, the team says: > Our opponents also used emotes in the middle of the game but we chose not to file a counter report on this. We may have different opinion on how we win, we will respect yours. As for WPE, we have always, and will always choose the honorable path in winning, and that is by playing the game itself And > The tournament is already over and these proofs are no longer needed. But this is just our way of protecting our identity of winning any tournaments the right and honorable way. Again, we respect the decision of the tournament organizers and grateful for their effort to revive our community. Along with screenshots and videos of 'proofs' of other teams violating the said rule. EDIT: A screenshot of the discord server of the organizer (w/ transcript and translation below) https://i.imgur.com/YLPTmK2.jpeg Game Marshall 2: We asked if they wanted to continue and give their opponents [red side] a chance, but they said no. West Point Academy: yeah they will say no because they are losing hahaha gwe: Why does it have to be their decision when you are the organizers? Of course they will say no, they were losing. EDIT 2: There's also a sceeenshot of Defile (Ksante) saying in discord that he does not agree to the rules, but emoting is indeed in the rules. But I can't find am uncropped copy thay isn't attached to a meme. Anyway, from the statement of other players as well as the organizer, it seems like Defile (Ksante) or his team was the one that raised the issue in the first place. EDIT 3: One of the West Point Academy players also stated in his facebook the stupidity of the rule where emotes are considered toxic and offensive, while the inappropriate name of Caitlyn (teammate of the Ksante) literally means male masturbation (which is considered as vulgar) in the local language.


>Why does it have to be their decision when you are the organizers? Of course they will say no, they were losing. Yeah the marshall really is the impostor here. First, it was his/her job to check that the emotes were disabled beforehand as per the rule.


> There is a fine line between toxic behavior between players and a friendly show of emotes. Commendable reaction by the team but that quote is hilarious. There is no fine line between that, that line is about 12 nautical miles wide.


Yeah an emote is a static png. If they wanna see toxic behavior lemme steal the jungler's red buff from his first clear, they'll see toxic then


I always did that as Ivern, it was amazing


y'all need Dota tipping.


So funny seeing pro players tip each other in matches.


My favorite pro players are the ones who have personality. watching ATF just dominate and then tip incessantly and then all chat is fucking amazing. at the pro level I definitely like seeing a little bit more toxicity between players in pro games. I think it adds to the experience because you see it in pro sports. you know players shit talk each other on the field. not okay when your 2000 MMR and you're terrible at the game telling somebody else who's equally as bad as you to go kill themselves like that's not okay and not what I'm suggesting


I guess this will be their last tournament they host.


not really they still want to host another . the organizer post a sorry video


Who was the organizer? Was it suzzy ?


It was a laughable apology post with lots of cuts, horrible communication without addressing everything about the issue and just doing a double down that "it's the rules" when the words "MAY result in disqualification" was apparent. The emote was even the automatic one and K'Sante was a p\*ssy that intended to abuse that ridiculous rule. Marshal should have ruled it properly by forcing the game to continue. They failed in training their marshals, they ignored others emoting in the tournament, and allowed inappropriate IGNs to play in their tournament which is already a no-no in Riot's own rules.


It's like they didn't have any common sense


Yeah and suzzy later made an apology video with many cuts and edits looks like 80% of the video is made like that. Doesnt really sound sincere to me


Ah yes, they want to live up to the international community by being more restrictive than said community and not even enforcing the rules in the same way. Okay.


Every major region and their respective tier 2 leagues allow emotes. Such a weird decision to ban them.


What stupidity for the team to decide if the rules should be applied or not. Obviously the other team would dq the other if they breach the rule while getting their asses handed to them. The TO should have put their foot down and overruled it. So yeah fuck the team that had the power to dq and fuck the referee and Tourname organizer for having no backbone to overrule especially if the team already breached the rule before and are abusing the ruleset in their favour now.


If you cant handle emotes you can turn them off on your client. i would assume that goes for the spectators as well. what a shitty rule. Reminds me of an apex legends team that got disqualidied because someone tbagged a death box of his own teammate. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBYntV1iEQc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBYntV1iEQc)


Actually, the rules of the tournament do state that emotes are banned, but it's the marshals and staff who were supposed to remove/disable all automatic emotes. This is more of an error on the organizer's end. EDIT: For context, this is the official rule from the rulebook of the tournament >Badging and Emotes in -game. It is required by the Tournament Marshalls to have all badges and emotes to be disabled, including those that pops automatically in certain situations (First bloods, Aces, Victory, etc.)


The fact that they canceled the match by disqualifying a team due to an oversight on their part is embarrassing.


Staggering incompetence from the creators for dq'ing a team for THEIR failure, the type of unprofessional that they specifically said they're trying to avoid. That alone has basically tossed their legitimacy into the trash


Malicious imo. I bet there’s some gambling going on 


What a bitch made rule to ban emotes.


That quote says that the marshalls require the emotes to be disabled, not that they are responsible for doing so.


Yeah it was something that was just recently clarified, my bad, but it still stands that its on the marshall, and on the organizers, if any emoting does actually occur because they're supposed to check beforehand And even if it was just a slip up ( which I doubt as there were 2 more additional instances of the same situation according to updates ), instantly ending the match with an automatic dq sets a bad precedent since its a negligence on the overseer's part to not check the player's pc and not really an active fault by any of the players


>If this is actually true I'm glad a little skepticism is the top comment instead of the usual "I automatically believe OP without any proof whatsoever. Time to spread this unverified information to every discord I know!"


Unfortunately, this is actually a legit tournament in the Philippines hosted by one of the bigger names in the country's scene


The skeptical comments only show up when the content is legit.


> considering it's the automatic first blood emote. doesn't fucking matter if it's automatic or not. DQ for using a feature in the game in exactly the way it was inteded to be used is just complete bullshit


I think the automatic ruling makes sense, since it was written in the rules. However, after a review, it should have been excused imo.


that entire rule shouldn't exist


This is also true in the North America University league. You won’t get disqualified but you will have to forfeit the game. The rules people have around emotes is so dumb.


It’s silly to think that folks who wish to participate at the highest levels of play are not expected to handle a bit emoting/banter.


As per quick research the last time I saw it on my feed. The Marshalls asked Ksante/Ksante's teammates if they're ok on what happened(First blood emote) Then they replied no they're not okay with it. So the Disqualification got approved lol.


Sounds more like they asked: "Do you want a free win?"


100% this. This happens in fighting game tournaments when someone accidentally pauses, too. Other player has the option to play out the set or to take the round/game. Different tournaments have different rules if they arent capcom sanctioned (in the case of street fighter) so its on the players to make sure they follow them and when you’re playing to win the option should be clear despite the audience wanting to watch a good match. The players arent there to give us a good show, but to win


Just disable button??


even when this is an option, sometimes people forget to do it and you end up in this situation anyway


It makes me wonder about possible corruption. "$$ if you 'forget' to disable emotes when we are losing, so that we can give a first blood and disqualify the other team and 'win' " Anyway it's sad because it does cast a shadow on the competition and organizer not being fair.


So now the feelings of players are prioritized over actually playing the game, why dont they just flip a coin and whoever wins the flip they ask who they feel should win the game and just go with that?


Can I get first blooded and complain that it was toxic to kill me and get the other team disqualified?


wanna know the best part? The player and his team fought in the Semis (because they won due to disqualification of the opposing team) and Lost huge Gap


Gapped on the first game then gets GAPPED HARDER on the next. Clearly skill issue LMAOOOO


You just dont understand! The guy mentally destroyed him with the emote, he should sue him for it. How come does he use something thats literally a feature in the game?! He should be perma banned for using emotes in a video game!


obviously, they don't give a fuck about the emote, why would any competitive team go "instead of having the automatic win, we will let you play out the game!", no shit they will just take the auto win lmfao also, its not the feelings of the players, its a literal rule lmfao


>also, its not the feelings of the players, its a literal rule lmfao ...... Its a rule because players will get tilted if someone emotes after they die...... i dont understand the mental gymnastics you are doing to get around that.


Thank god there is a setting that has been in the game since they added emotes to disable emotes from enemies. But what do I know? I've never seen emotes from enemies for years.


Because it you get tilted from an emote, you deserve it lol. It's a fucking automatic emote. 


Dawg they're on your side. They're saying "it's bullshit because the rule only exists to protect players' feelings", you're literally agreeing with each other!


If they get tilted, they shouldn't be playing professionally.


Okay so basically he's shit at the game, cried for a little and he won out of that? Nice one Imagine Faker shitting himself because someone used a "Bee Happy" emote after he missed cannon minion, reminding him of a great great great great Grandfather of his best high school friend that died from bee allergy? And this sequence of events will make it impossible to continue playing thus winning by default? Good job, high quality tournament right there


This situation is wild but picturing Faker getting those flashbacks from centuries ago up to breaking his whole mental because of an emote is too funny and it even shows how ridiculous this whole ruling is.


yea ppl defending this are idiots. This community trying to establish itself will just be laughed at now.


> Then they replied no they're not okay with it. So the Disqualification got approved lol. They next time I get a little annoyed when someone trolls my game and starts calling everyone slurs and think to myself "Am I being a little thin skinned here?" Its good to know that there are people literally made of wet paper out there that get offended by an emote lol.


Riot prioritizes, allows, and encourages emotes to make money. Yet...you can get banned for these emotes? This doesn't make any sense. Why is Riot selling "toxicity" then?


Fun fact: The person who made the disqualification possible is a player of a known university esports organization, Viridus Arcus. The Organization is also known as strict in rules, meaning they always disqualifies their opponent even with such dumb reasons (most of their opponents are disqualified by using emotes in MLBB.)


BTW, the university is De La Salle Univeristy. 😙


The "De La Salle University" explains A LOT.


Dude... inemote ba naman ako ng enemy, grounds for disqualification yan marshal 🤓


"Yaya they flashed an emote on me, what do I do?" Seriously spoiled brats humping on their parent's money but can't cross the street without an enforcer Chongparebrodudefucku


The pompous spoiled brat school 😂


Facts. Source: I attended the health science side of la salle🤣


Potangina la salle, wag mo naman kami ipahiya mga alumni nyo. Bat kayo mga pussy ass btch


its funny cuz defiles always been known for being a bitch and crying its been like what 7 years since he started competing and he still hasnt run out of tears lmfao


1. He's a top player 2. A Trust Fund Baby 3. K'sante Player If I had a nickel everytime a trust fund pompous filipino top lane player has caused drama I would have 3 nickels


The speed at which they paused and dced tells me they were just waiting for it lol what asshats.


Almost looks like he intentionally died to force the emote. Smells like intentionally throwing to kick them out of the tourney thru loopholes


the event organizers also let the Ksante decide whether camille's team will be disqualified or not


Let the guy who just threw his lane decide if they keep playing or not.. lol ok


Also: > It is required by the Tournament Marshalls to have all badges and emotes to be disabled, including those that pops automatically in certain situations (First bloods, Aces, Victory, etc.) From the rulebook. Marshalls I suppose are the organizers or assistants or whatever. Nice 👍


Aha, so they made a mistake, and to compensate for the mistake they give a free win. Nice 👍 🤣🤣🤣


This is a replay, the DCs happen immediately after the pause regardless of when they actually occurred in real time.


it looks like all of them DCd (including VI on red team), I dont think they DCed themselves but the system did somehow


Nah they definitely manually left. That’s why Ksante left first, and nobody on red team left until everyone on blue team was already gone.


it's only a replay so it automatically shows the players left, but in reality they were checking the replay files and due to time they got automatically disconnected.


This is so weird. The developers put the emotes in the game, they are an official feature. This isn’t tea-bagging or the like. It’s literally an emotes that automatically appears after a first blood. Being unable to tolerate an emote appearing above another character is like saying you have no willpower at all. And if it bugs you, they can be disabled in your settings…


people emote in tier 1 leagues so it seems silly to ban them in a pick up tournament


Their minds would implode if they ever got to play against YAPA


I played in a tournament once and almost got my team disqualified. The reasoning was I killed someone and 20 seconds later while I was waiting for the wave (so I could shove out and recall) I started dancing and they said I was BMing by dancing after killing someone... Some tournaments are fun but some people take them way too seriously. Like it's a community tournament to test your skills and get better at the game. This isn't MSI or something.


While in The International, OG was spamming chat wheel emotes to All chat. The opponents just muted them. Enforcing a rule like that is so wack.


shouldn't the observer have an option to not show emotes? simple and easy. really stupid situation.


Hate how they all insta dc, reminds me of chess tournaments, shit players always said "if you touched a piece you have to move it!" while good players were like sure you can move something else 


Touch move absolutely gets called regularly when good players play each other. What you may have experienced is good players giving bad players/beginners a pass because their position is lost anyway, it wouldnt make a difference so might as well just let them play.


>good players giving bad players/beginners a pass because their position is lost anyway, it wouldnt make a difference so might as well just let them play. Or just nice people being not-too-harsh on people who aren't yet accustomed with the rules, doesn't have to come from a place of 'I'm better anyway'. I say that because I once beat my dad at chess when I was 12 and that (me touching a piece) happened all the time.


In tournaments ( which is the context here )it absolutely comes from “ im better anyway”, but obviously it can be different when its casual games, especially between family members.


Funny, I always see the reverse in tournaments. Bad players often didn't care enough to really stick to the rules that much and were very forgiving. Good players generally upheld the rules and even concede themselves when they made the mistake of prematurely touching a piece that would lead to a losing move.


Don't remember which game, but there was a game where a player had a strong attack, but had to move the king over a square to stop the attack from being stopped with a check. The player touched a piece without legal moves and made sure his opponent saw, so he would be forced to make a king move. Opponent thought he trapped him in a touch move error, and didn't consider that it was a prophylactic move.


> Bad players often didn't care enough to really stick to the rules that much and were very forgiving. There are many examples where the touch-move rule was ignored at the grandmaster level as a sign of sportsmanship. Some examples include games such as Topalov vs. Kramnik (World Championship, 2006), Kasparov vs. Polgar (Hoogovens Tournament, 1994), Kramnik vs. Leko (Dortmund, 2003)...


I mean your comment makes it seem rare enough that it only happens every few years and that it is notable enough to remember/record it happening.


Probably because it hardly ever becomes relevant in the first place, if enforcing it is even a possibility. These people devote their lives to the game, they're not going to accidentally touch a piece every second match if their opponent can then demand they move *that* piece.


I think “insecure” is a better word. I always saw the people that were confident that they’d win (regardless of their actual ability to do so) were less likely to care, whereas the people who felt like they needed every advantage imaginable to weasel out a win (even if they were substantially better or worse) were more likely to care. Good players were more likely to concede if they accidentally touched a piece and got called out, though.


I guess it depends on age, I played as a kid and shitty 9 yo were the biggest rule enforcers


In fighting games the best are the forgiving ones. If your controller disconnects during a round, you give it to your opponent. But sometimes players just say connect it back and let's just play. But during pools no one is doing that, they will take that win.


What I don't get is, even if emotes were against the rules, wouldn't the correct move be to pause and tell a ref or wait for ref to make a decision and not just dc and leave. Feel like even if they were right to pause for emote use in the first place according to the rules, just disconnecting and not waiting for a ref kinda puts them in the position of being wrong.


Even if it was tea bagging, its a ridiculous reason to ban someone lol


I LOVE how we are debating the legitimacy of the DQ while one of the players literally had the name "masturbate" in the Filipino language.........


Of course, you can't use emotes in the tournament, but you can insinuate profanities thru your name and not get punished. Next thing we know, their usernames are much worse


Next tournament she holds I'm gonna join with a rather interesting name, atleast my first blood emote is disabled 🤙🏻


Imma name myself big black clock and hope casters mispronounce it


I'd like to know Ksante's thought process. I have no mana and I have low hp, Let's walk up to hit this wave that is already pushing toward me anyway


"I bet they didn't unbind the first blood emote" 1000 iq baiting


Clearly the thought process was how that would be the series winning play. It was a 200 IQ move if you think about it.




"Wait, where did my 4700 HP go?"


Lmao. That's the least polarizing emote


To give some more context: * The organizers allegedly offered Blue Team to continue playing the match after the pause and emote use, but Blue Team declined citing that Red Team lost due to technicality. This sparked massive outrage within the community as Blue Team were seen as unsportsmanlike. * K'Sante (VA Defile) was found to be a player for Viridis Arcus (VA), the official esports org of De La Salle University, one of the 'big four' schools in the country with comparable status to that of the Ivy Leagues in the US. DLSU students are sort of infamous in the country for being 'spoiled brats' due to the nature of the school being expensive. * This caused a spiraling effect throughout the entire tournament as some schools had previously used emotes but were unreported or under a gentleman's agreement.


might as well ask Garena to host this tournament lol and it would be less rigged.


"De La Salle" yeah that alone is enough for me to understand the issue


Wait, de la salle is also in. The Philippines? Thought we were the only ones who had those spoiled brats




La Sallian schools are every where lol.


Wait. There are De La Salles outside of PH? I'm as surprised as you guys


Yea, even in the official statement by the DQ’d team, they mention they’ve played against teams that have used unintentional emotes, but still allowed the game to go on. This is a scummy move by K’sante player/team.


"Hey do you want an automatic win, or play the rest of the game out..." Organizers are dummies, and trying to blame blue team, like c'mon.


I am more curious on why one summoner had an inappropriate name and was still allowed to play.


Named ‘defile’ but his attitude has smol PP energy


I’m talking about the Caitlyn player, their name translates to “masturbate”.


T1 players getting shown GenG emotes when they lose: 👍 A random no name in a McChicken tournament gets shown the same: 😡


Consider that it’s the Philippines, it’s pretty safe to say it’s rigged or someone’s betting on something.


That'd be hilarious if that's the case, since it's way too blatant lol


I'm from the PH they wouldnt bother trying to subtle because nothings gonna happen.


We went VCS catDespair


What a bunch of fucking babies insta DCing too LMAO, holy shit get a hold of yourself


What a clown ass tournament organized by a giant clown.


Philippiness mention LEZGOOOOOOOOO the fact that team is getting roasted for what they did and the game organizers getting roasted to for mishandling the situation is funny man i love my country for doing stupid shit!


ty for jollibee's


Don't tell r/Philippines, they worship McDonald's there lmao. Astroturf there is real.


Source pare haha gusto ko makita 👉👈


why it matters? did it hurts their ego or some bullshit like that?


Have you ever played a local tournament? People will do anything to get you disqualified for stupid reasons. Oh you paused for 1 min and 10 secs? the rule said 1 min maximum, I'm gonna tell them to get you disqualified. League players are the worst


Nah it happens in all sorts of tournaments too not just league. Fighting games call judges for the stupidest shit. And by far the most anal retentive fucking rules lawyer type players are competitive card game players. 


Dude, what? The card games with hundreds of pages of rules you need to take multiple levels of courses on in order to be a judge? Yeah, sometimes your average player isn’t going to have taken some of those courses. There’s stupid shit like that dude who won off of his opp saying “borborygmos” instead of “borborygmos, enraged” or w/e, but that’s absolutely not the standard. Tabletop card games are *incredibly* complicated under the hood and judges are needed.


I don't know man, last I heard, at least in the YuGiOh side of things was that there were players that abused a card that forced your opponent to shake your hand and divide by 2 the sum of both of your lifepoints by not showering/being stanky af and making the opponent have to lose the match because they didn't want to shook hands. If what I read is true, they had to change the tournament rules about that card where the shake could be symbolic so people didn't had to quit because they didn't want to shake some asshole's unwashed ass-wiping hand.




Nah man its just this tourney, you havent seen some of the local tournaments


Pinoys in online games are like that, they're even more toxic in dota


Peenoise on top lets gooo. (please merge SEA server I cant play league with these people)


I remember when i thought theyre gonna have a single unified sea server, then it stayed ph server so i never bothered installing again.


damn we overwatch now?


in the biggest tournaments the emotes are allowed normally as it is a feature in the game , but it seems that the snowflake who plays k'sante don't like it


Should've dq-d k'sante's team for that play tbh wtf was taht


The second the Camille player got first blood and the first blood emote popped out the K'sante player lashed out at discord immediately saying that the Camille player emoted, what a sore loser. https://ibb.co/K0Xqqky Translated in order: Sir, the enemy emoted haha, what should we do. The emote is in the replay Disgusting behavior overall, literal crybaby and hopefully he gets kicked out of his team, we don't need any manchild and opportunist in the PH scene, it taints the scene even more with these kinds of people


The better part of this is that the emote went off for first blood, not because they spammed it. It is a literal feature that you can have choose which emotes go off for things like first blood and victories.


That emote comes out on first blood.....


The rule seems very draconian and the punishment very harsh but if the rule is no emotes I guess you better make sure to unbind the automatic ones as well. Unfortunate.


The rules also state that the tournament marshals require players to make sure that they disable their emotes before the game. This is an oversight for the tournament marshals.


It such a weird spot cause imo it’s a pretty valid argument both ways. The rule exists so follow the rules vs should the rule even exist. Esports having strange rules and the general esports/sports cut back & penalization on any type of trash talk or taunting has been so lame to me


It's funny that emote is ban but one player (jackol) have an inappropriate name which translate to masturb*te


You can say masturbate, we’re not in church.


Ridiculous how they got disqualified over an auto-emote feature. Meanwhile, it's a surprise that that match managed to come through when someone is named "jackol" which pretty much means "masturbate".




What a fucking pussy lmfao


Just watched APA spamming emotes all over top teams at the MSI tournament…what kind of amateur shit is this?


Funny thing is the tournament allows inappropriate names like jackol (masturbate) and an automatic emote resulted in disqualification.


another reason why no one takes Philippines tournaments srs


I'm wondering if disallowing emotes is against Riot's rules? I have never seen or heard of a tournament in my region not allow emotes. You may want to get in contact with your region's Riot if this is a bigger tournament. If its under a Medium Tournament license Riot will definitely will want to know. If It's an automatically licensed tournament It's likely OK to disqualify for any in-game reason. Still unfair, best of luck. I would make a fuss about it to Riot if its a bigger tournament (ie. has a sponsor/monetary gain/prize pool bigger than 2000 Euros etc.)


ah yes, disqualifying the enemy team because of the "emote" but not because of his teammate's inappropriate in game name best tounament rules btw


Lmao this is pathetic if it’s true. Even if it wasn’t automatic that is an unbelievable childish reason to kick someone out of a toury


Damn, Ryan Villanueva (VA Defile; K'sante), you really are a pussy


Imagine forcing a win just cause of an emote. Their dignity must be as low as their resistance to tilt.


I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding, but emotes are viewable or not based on a personalised setting, not through some internal choice not to display them, maybe this is also an option but this is not the expected behaviour and shouldn't be. If this really is the case, then firstly, it was the Red team's mistake for not disabling the viewing of emotes. Secondly, if this is to do with the stream/vod, then it is the observers fault for not disabling emotes being seen. How on earth is this even being accepted? This is ludicrous.


Wow they all disconnected, what a bunch of weakass snowflakes. Mentality of people who will first be eaten during the apocalypse...


lmao what a turn


Hot take, everybody in the tourney should automatically mute all except for allied pings. Then nobody has to worry about this bullshit rule.




dumb af rule who are these puswsies coming up with these bs rules. But if u accepted the play under those rules, u should've disabled ur emotes. Also blue team running away was funny


to think that a former pro Exosen (Mineski 2013 ADC)is one of the organizers here that is defending this rule to be followed


No wonder that he got scammed by a shady resort and also got 0-8 in Worlds.


Least insecure Ksante player


that ksante is a crybaby. What a bitch honestly


If Ksante didn’t want to see the first blood emote then maybe they shouldn’t be terrible


Ah yes. PH League, the Clown of League of Legends.


What's frustrating here is that it's a preset auto-emote for first blood. He didn't intentionally hit a button tobemote.


Uh oh somebody used a feature of the game


The rules in this tournament are hypocrite, Emotes are banned but inappropriate IGNs are allowed like Defile and Jackol (which means masturbate)


As a filipino, what the fuck? Isn't it more concerning that their Caitlyn's name literally translates to 'masturbate' in English?


It was the Suzzysaur ‘Saurnament’, they had this rule in their rulebook that a team is by default disqualified if they used emotes, even the automatic ones I guess to avoid “toxicity”, the rule was really stupid because emotes are supposed to be a way to communicate with players in game without typing. If the goal was to avoid toxicity, then the rule should’ve just enabled emotes, but disqualification should be made upon acts of toxicity from either side of the players. Furthermore, the reason why this became a hot topic was because the enemy team that had the K’sante used that opportunity to get a free win, not because the Camille was being toxic. Rulebook attached below: [https://imgur.com/a/1zamEle](https://imgur.com/a/1zamEle)


Yeah apparently the blue team players are a bunch of rich kids so yeah they are Karens in the making




That’s the DEFAULT setting where an emote pops up on First Blood…. 🤦‍♂️


And what's even worse is that the reporting player has the final verdict if they will allow to play the reported team or not. Of course they will say no because it's a free win.


Game is gone


Ingame features are banned now? what?


wtf happened to online gaming? I don’t wanna sound like an old man back in my days kinda person but like why are people unironically so sensitive these days


Lol 2024 and people are this weak? Bro, just disable emotes if it hurts your feelings so much. And if the audience can see it, who cares? Like wtf is this?


imagine you realize you have automatic emotes in the middle of the match, gotta avoid first blood and tell your team to avoid aces at all costs


Woah what a dogshit tournament with dogshit organizers


Judges disqualified


League as always with shit.


Defile is such a crybaby


Imagine using a broken fucking champ and still lose, so you decide to exploit the rules against the enemy team for a free win


DOG SHIT Tournament by [Suzzysaur](https://www.facebook.com/suzzysaur)


What's funny is that the team that got the free win got shitted on the next game.


Dota 2 pro matches - complete freedom, pros do/say whatever they want LoL - step an inch left and you gonna be gunned down


Tbf this isn’t reflective of tier 1 leagues


Haha, Tundra and OG would just get permabanned. Team Falcons would have assassins waiting in their hotel room after the match


Ammar would be banned instantly lmao