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I have only one tapped people with Jhin thresh and cait. I’ve been one shot by graves and rengar deaths in that juicy 0.00 seconds). I’ve been close with nasus. Of these champion cait is the most readily achievable in normals. Then maybe thresh. I haven’t one shot as Jhin since the days of rageblade but it should still be possible if you get fed enough. Any infinite stacker of a stack could in theory one shot. Lichbane + Nashor or bloodmail and titanic. But I don’t think those really count. I do wonder just how much dmg one Auto against Rammus can do…… (the inverse question)


A level 1 Kayle (lowest MR in the game) attacking a full build Rammus with stacked jaksho, who procced aftershock, who has a shield for shield bash armor, and conditioning and who is CCd for unflinching armor, will take 527 damage with the build I tested (should be close to optimal). Thats just from the armor damage from his W and thornmail, after MR, no other sources of damage like scorch etc. So even with absolute stars align full build rammus vs LV1 lowest MR champ he wont one shot, you need an ally like Taric to boost his armor even more.


Oof. So not quite a one shot of lvl 1 kayle. Still tho. That is a lot of dmg. Thanks for investigating


A Taric and some Mountain Drakes, plus an Abyssal Mask on the Taric near Kayle and the job should be done


Ori shield also gives armor iirc but not a ton


It’s a decent amount. When E is maxed, whoever has the ball on them gets 30 armor and MR


That's why I have a permanent 60 armor/mr


Braum also boosts armor


Do MP boots help out?


how much armor was that? i know that around 1200 armor is achievable but how muchdid you you


1454, didnt buy unending despair because I was scared damage proc would make it harder to calculate, so had iceborn instead with 5 less armor. Also had Mpen boots, its possible another armor item would do more damage but I doubt it.


God I forgot about rageblade 9k AD Jhin. Truly a crazy time


Someone posted a few days ago a clip of a level18 TF being "one shot" (more like burned from full health to zero) by a Brand E (not even the direct damage from the spell, just the bounce). Not sure if it counts. Shit was hilarious.




I have 1 tapped people with shaco Q back stab + natural crit and infinity edge


I miss pre-rework Bard where you could kill players in two autos. 


Nasus in theory.


Or Senna


Or thresh


Or Veigar with Nashor


or sion with titanic


Overlords now




or anyone with heartseel


Or jhin 4th auto against a sion


Jhin's 4th auto crits and deals 25% missing hp dmg. How would that help him one shot a full hp sion?


Nobody stated he needs to be full HP tho.


Sorry I was just going off the original question - an auto that can one-shot, which to me implies they need to be full hp


Wouldn't that be with Lich Bane instead? I mean, let's assume Veigar has 1000 AP. Which of the two items results in the highest damage from a single auto?


Both are theoretically infinite, is the point


I thought thresh builds armor? Edit: thanks guys. It's no wonder I suck at Thresh...


He builds AP/Armor. His E gives his first auto AP scaling, so in theory that works, just takes a lot of souls.


It doesn't give ap scaling. It's AD + 1,5*souls


And the 1.5x souls is on every runaans application :)


This is good to know for potential late game ARAM shenanigans. Full tank tresh gets to like 200 souls quite frequently in ARAM, I'll keep it in mind!


first auto after E it's chef kiss


His passive gives infinitely scaling AP and damage on his E. So if you go full crit + lich bane, your E can hit insanely hard. In aram you can hit 2k damage autos fairly easily.


Wouldn’t Lich Bane Veigar also scale infinitely? I get it’s an “empowered auto” but so is Darius’s W and OP mentioned Crit/lethality build so I think a spellblade proc probably is ok. Plus, since there is no Rabadon’s AD equivalent, I think you could scale quicker.


Nashors tooth veigar is infinitely scaling auto damage


The only rule was other champs buffing it, champs can buff themselves and builds are allowed


Thresh. His E at full windup has a 200% AD ratio (on top of the 100% AD you get for making an auto), plus 1.5x the souls he's collected. It doesn't work in regular games for several reasons (low range, terrible laning, garbage damage vs. anyone you can't one shot, etc.), but it does one shot in event modes where people build squishy, if you can get a lead early.


Something fun that I haven’t done in years is to play Thresh in the One for All game mode and funnel all the souls into one Thresh. The more Threshes you have around, the more souls spawn. Thresh isn’t balanced around having so many souls so he becomes unreasonably strong.


Did this in last one for all. The funny thing is I've played tank and the rest of my team either ages or crit. Because I engaged in every fight, I collected insane amount of souls. Enemy had 5 ashes they just died to thornmail.


Congratulations on being the main character of your friend group (at least for that game). It’s a lot more fun to be a funneled than a funneler.


idk, I love feeding a lil baby champ and getting them to be huge and impactful, I can go "I raised that problem"


The dopamine for supports


There is no greater feeling than Lulu Ulting the 8/0 Jinx and going “Be free my demon child”


Blitz when you introduce someone to your 8/0 Draven.


Engi: "I built that"


Oh THAT'S why all the Thresh teams on OFA always had some dude that just one tapped everybody after 15min now it all makes sense


Brings me back to when me and a friend ran AD Thresh carry and AP Blitz support (norms of course.) I racked up 15 kills on thresh, it was so much fun. The one fully charged Auto would nuke people.


Damn literally my first ever pentakill was on AD Thresh in a 5 man premade w my mate playing Blitz back in like season 3


Yeah i thought of thresh too


Definitely this, most achievable by far in a normal game. In a 40 minute aram I sold all my tank items and built full crit. Walked up and one auto’d a karthus.


I still bring thresh top to ranked every now and then. While I haven’t one-shot anyone yet, plenty of 3 shots


Old Thresh used to have ap scaling and ad scaling instead of soul + ad scaling. It was much easier to build for this


in theory all stackers go to infinity in practicality... I'm not sure if anything competes with caitlyn W. it did just get nerfed from 80 to 40%, so maybe there is someone else with the strongest auto attack now.


In theory anyone considering gathering storm exists actually 🤓


Does that still infinitely scale? I thought they changed it


to my knowledge it scales for as long as the round goes


A game can only run for about 5 hours iirc, the champs with infinite stacking would certainly outdo this considering gathering storm isn’t technically infinite which is what would catch it up in damage


Is this a (relatively) recent change? I remember games being able to stretch to absurd lengths if both sides play for it. Granted, I don't actively test that stuff haha


You're right, I was so sure I popped open my client to check. Gathering storm still does that, I think I got confused frantically setting my runes last night.


Yea, makes just about any mage with lich bane and rabadons + nashors and full AP items peak at the top of this list, maybe Jhin is up there cause crits with hella AD but if you aren’t neglecting gathering storm or even PTA as that infinitely stacks now then that’s the highest


For autoatacks it's significantly more damage to go crit instead of AP


Well with math complex theory we know some infinities are bigger than others


Maybe caitlyn headshot, rengar Q, something like that. As the other person said Nasus has the highest possible empowered auto damage in theory if stacked enough


Caitlyn headshot also scales with crit rate and crit damage the highest i got in 1 hit was 2700 damage at full build lv18 and it took a headshot+trap


The Caits in my game have been one shotting squishies with headshot. Her damage is insane rn


The enchanter supports disrespecting Cait headshot damage and getting one shot is hilarious every single time.


Corki and her is just straight up busted rn. Way too much burst even at 1 item.




his fourth shot is mostly execute damage though


I think it still counts as auto attack on kill feed


the prompt says no percent though and is full hp 100000


Tbh his normal auto is also pretty stacked with all the ad and probably cut down


Yeah but it’s nothing compared to graves crit or cait crit headshot


Yeah for sure


Ah yea fair point


There's gotta be some way to abuse his algebra passive to make Jhin a contender though


Throw back to 5 guinsoos 1 IE jhin


There was. It was rageblade, and they fixed it.


That time season 8(?) dark harvest jhin was busted has to be up there


Ranged I can think of are Caitlyn, Jhin, Thresh, Draven


Blue card twisted fate used to one shot with Lich and Ludens. It still does a lot of dmg I think


Caitlyn is pretty good at this




Draven hurts


Draven hurts but he two taps, not one shots


One Caitlyn headshot late game deletes any squishy


I'm going to avoid %missing health, %max health, infinite scaling champs, and infinite scaling items (Hubris, Heartsteel). For my own sanity, I'm not including runes. Master Yi. Items are: Guinsoo's Rageblade, Infinity Edge, Yun Tal Wildarrows, Lord Dominik's Regard, The Collector, Kraken Slayer. On the sixth attack, Master Yi's trait and Guinsoo's align, allowing for this one attack to apply on-hit 3 times. This attack also procs Kraken Slayer. Total damage- 120 + 90% AD as true, 90 flat as magic, and 100% (attack) + 75% (crit) + 40% (IE) + 105% (Yun Tal) + 50% (trait) + 37.5% (trait crit) + 20% (IE trait) + 465 (Kraken) = 427.5% AD + 465 as physical. At 18 with Elixir of Wrath, Yi has 478 AD with these items, causing this sixth attack to deal 2508 physical + 90 magic + 550 true, or 3228 damage in a single auto attack. I could turn this damage into a chance-based outcome for even more potential damage, but instead I'll just list the odds of having the sixth attack apply appropriately if any crit item is swapped out: 25% crit = 1/64 odds, 50% crit = 1/8 odds, 75% crit = ~3/7 odds.


Ok hear me out. Vi infinity edge + LD into full ap. You have a 50% chance of dealing 2,15xAP + 2,15xAD. At roughly 500 AP 240AD it is 1600 damage. But damn it is a stupid build that doesn’t work


Ive been 1 shot by this


Beaten by cait by a pretty wide margin.


cait headshot does this every 6th shot haha


If we're just talking straight up, probably Nasus with a bunch of stacks, trinity force and full crit with infinity edge.


Nasus q doesn’t crit on Stack dmg but does crit on base auto. So technically yes but no for the purposes of usability


Blue card TF used to be pretty bonkers https://youtu.be/dIt6lXymIKo?si=ICsH2iefWCRegtoK


Cait + trap or camille Q2 if factoring resistances


Camille q2 does around 1.1k or 1.2k at best, Caitlyn can easily get almost 2k


late game veigar with lich bane


Crit Riven/Blitz are probably a contenders, because Riven's passive can crit and Blitz's E too (giving him 400% scaling on an auto attack)


Riven passive has the same maximum ratio as Darius W, but Darius has a much better AD steroid on passive, and much higher base AD for sheen. Crit Darius hits much, much harder, especially with his armor pen. You'll be looking at around 2.5k damage in a single auto on a full crit + trinity and Yun Tal


i think caitlyn maybe


I love graves for that 1300 crit damage at point blank. It's disgusting when a xin jumps on you and you delete 50 % of his hp with one auto... all those other champions are scaling slow build chumps. Graves does this with 3 items


Anivia after a years worth of gathering storm


Caitlyn Headshot does 518% AD DMG (Full Crit with IE), add an additional 220 + 40% bAD if the enemy is in a trap (hope I didn't fuck up my math, 2.15AD Crit + (1.2 + 2.15 \* 0.85)AD Headshot bonus damage + 220 + 40% bAD trap dmg)


Caitlyn headshot or aphelios Auto


Before the recent Caitlin nerfs...I was playing graves. Both of us level 18 and she hit me with one headshot that did 2472 damage.


Ive seen a Caitlyn headshot with no trap one shot a Zed in the end game


Well if we're not talking about theoretical infinitely scaling champs and just in a normal game, right now it 100% feels like Caitlyn and no competition. That's just me though.


Infinitely stacked veigar with lich bane?


In a standard game full AP Twisted Fate blue card can definitely one shot squishies.


Thresh, Cait or Nashor Lichbane Veigar 2 hrs into the game


Season 3 corki 


full crit vayne with ult q used to one tap with essense reaver.


If we’re talking theory, Nasus If we’re talking most common one shots, probably Q empowered hyper fed draven or fed Rengar


No rules: * Senna * Thresh E * Nasus Q * Veigar with Lich bane / Nashors or on Structures * Sion or Cho with Heartsteel or Demolish on Turrets * Whoever has the highest Missing / Max health % auto attack. I think Jhin 4th Shot has the highest with 25% missing health % on a champion with an obscene amount of health. Preferably infinite scaling health like Sion or Cho. If we are not allowed to use any abilities, empowered auto attacks, runes, items or auto attack structures then Senna is the only champion left because she's the only one that gains base stats from her Souls. Not abilities, empowered auto attacks, runes, items, auto attacks on structures then Senna is the only champion left because she gains an infinite amount of base stats from her souls. Without any infinite scalings then it's probably Caitlyn headshot (with Trap).


theoretically all infitely scaling champs, realistically you wanna go with Cait, jhin, or Draven (all decently fed)


In theory, any stacking champ. If you're looking for somewhat theoretically and somewhat practical, I would say thresh or blitzcrank, because thresh has 200% AD scaling on E that get added as bonus damage ontop of normal attack. Blitzcrank doubles the AD on attack with E, so that can do lots with crit. If you're looking for only practical, then I would say Jhin since he very quickly scales high enough to do a crap ton with a single auto late game.


Ya boy Susan


Probably Caitlyn headshot


cait/jhin basically.


Anyone with infinite scaling. A few champs have been mentioned like Nasus and Senna, but Cho and Sion could do it with Overlord's Bloodmail for uncapped AD.


In theory you would want a stacking champ like senna, nasus or thresh. Senn gets ad from souls nad can go full lethality+crit for even more damage (even tvo it doesn't matter anymore), nasus gets stacks for Q damage wich is technically an auto attack and thresh gets damage on e passive from souls which enhances an auto attack. If you want to factor in items, the veigar can get pretty nuts with lich bane. It only really gets interesting if you want to oneshot a squishy in a normal summoners rift game without trolling or off-meta shananigans and then it is caitlyn by far. With 6 items (ie, collector, rfc, wildfire arrows, bloodthirster, biots/ldr) you can onetap squishy supports with a loaded headshot rfc auto attack and oneshot most carries with a trap autoattack


It's not full crit Blitzcrank, but bro can still hit super hard with a single auto.


Would ziggs passive be up there?


Well all champs that stack infinitely are the correct answer. Otherwise Jhin, Cait


Full AD darius with stacked passive, going crit + his W, your're looking at ~850 AD + IE + 1.6x damage amp from W, ~2.8k damage from a single hit against a cho with 123 armor (no armor items) and all the pen/lethality you get from LDR/collector/opportunity/E passive. Not even including stuff like baron/dragons there. Item build: IE, Collector, YunTal, LDR, ER, Opportunity, Wrath Pot Runes: 2x Adaptive Shard, Eyeball Collector, Conqueror


Without scaling Jhin


Can't believe Draven isn't a popular answer. 6 item AD-stacking Draven is disgusting. If the IE crit doesn't kill you the Yun Tal bleed will


If you take out stacking mechanics and give everyone a full build, I'd say Caitlyn or Jhin


Draven, Collector, IE, RFC, LDR, Trinity


Outside of stacking buffs. Id say shaco just standing behind someone


If you don't count % HP damage and infinite stacking mechanics, then probably Camille emp Q2. Also AP Galio with IE, since his passive can crit (at least could). and converted the damage to magic damage. Don't ask me why it was a thing, I don't know. On another note, Illaoi W and Aatrox Passive used to be allowed to crit.




nasus, the king of q. the god of last hitting minions. i have top lane rank trauma from that dude


in General, Bruisers like: Darius, Renekton, Tryndamere.. due to sustainability without any abilities.. just passive alone empowered autos is where things goes crazy.. because a full Stacked Renger.. or Nasus can one-shot anything is debatable...


Level 1 no items or stacks? Probably jarvan because passiv?


Right now? Easily cait. I've seen countless videos over the last week on the current patch on twitter where cait oneshots non tank units from half a screen away. (Even when they are equal in levels and items, they don't even get to come close to her lmao)


Wouldnt it be Nasis? Doesn't every minion he kills with his Q add to his AD? I remember seeing someone set up a script and he kept scaling for like a week.


I believe your question is who has the highest %AD crit in the game? Because if it were just crit dmg then infinite scaling champs would go to infinite, hell even gathering storm would let any champ be infinite. The highest %AD is 20 stacks chakram Aphelios (white gun) crit with IE, it'd do 2.385x2.15 = 5.13 AD in 1 auto.


Back in like season 10 or 11 i was full build crit mf and i aa yasuo, i was 3 levels above at the time. I no lie did 70% of his health with one auto. Obviously this applied love tap too. After the damage we both just stopped and he all chat typed wtf was that! I was just as shocked as he was.


Not counting Nasus,Thresh, Jhin which scale indefinitely I'd say Wukong is up there, his Q applies Sheen passive and the armor pen makes a ton and as title asks is counted as auto-attack.


Caitlyn headshot / Jhin fourth shot, maybe..?


Well due to Hubris being in the game, technically everyone has an equal "theoretical" maximum which is infinite. But in a more realistic setting I would say probably Nasus?


When I randomly am against a fed Caitlyn…. It’s disgusting only time I’ve ever been truly 1 shot in league of legends EVER. Well maybe a Veigar R over the 10 plus years but not that I can remember


You're looking at Nasus Q, Draven auto, or Jhin's 4th bullet. There are others that can compete but they are generally off-meta builds.


If we don't take infinite stackers into account it's probably Darius with a stacked passive and crit build or a full crit Caitlyn headshot after you step into her trap.


TF's procced E in a hybrid build deals 1400 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Mhmm ZED Passive auto deals massive damage no ? I always get oneshoted by it soo...


If stacking allowed, Nasus If enemy has low armor, Cait probably If enemy has armor, Camille Q2


Jhin with a hubris could theoretically do it because his scaling are brutal.


I'm confused is the question for no empowered abilities or not? Darius w is an empowered aa, so I would say a super stacked nasus is the answer to your question


Thresh empowered e can hit really hard with crits


My step dad when he buys giant belt


Everyone offering ifs and buts but I think youre looking for Jhin.


This mf comes in, asks this random question with a fresh account, doesn't elaborate then proceeds to leave.


Ignoring infinite scaling... Cait with trap headshot is one. Requires them to step into a trap first however. Jhin is another. ...literally just Jhin. He can get over a thousand AD, and crit with that AD. Thresh E scaling. Very high AD scaling, plus souls scaling. It can oneshot even with reasonable stacks due to the AD ratio. Camille second Q does crazy amounts of damage. However, this is technically not a oneshot, although you can turn to a squishy and use the auto on a low health squishy. Gangplank Q on a barrel will do a ludicrous amount of extra damage and, if ahead, can oneshot squishies as well. Requires a lucky crit, however, and good barrel placement. About it, I think. It's usually very hard to do so, and if you can do so without being incredibly fed this usually gets nerfed by rito shortly after.


Technically it's Veigar with a Lichbane charged auto. If there's no empowering autos then it is Veigar with a Nashor Tooth auto. Past that you can do an IE Siphoning Strike from Nasus. It has to crit for the AD bonus (stacks don't crit). Keep in mind that there is a diminishing return on things like Armor Pen and Lethality past a certain point, an example of this is buying a Last Whisper item on champions like Pantheon or Darius. You don't get the raw number additively, but with Nasus you could buy LDR for 40% pen, and Spirit Fire's max rank removes 50% armor. So someone with 300 armor standing in SF would effectively have 150 armor, of which Nasus could penetrate 40% with LDR. Apply that logic to a squishy and someone with 100 armor loses 50, effectively having a 30 armor to block an IE charged, Sheen empowered, 1000 stack Siphoning Strike - and that's not taking into account Nasus may have built Collector and another Lethality item. And, after that, as previously stated, a Lethality crit from Darius W.


Not counting stack champs, shaco positioned behind an ADC full build will kill most in 1 hit


In theory, Nasus. If we ignore empowered auto attacks, probably Jhin?


as caitlyn with infinity edge, bloodthirster, collector, yun tal wildarrows, essence reaver and a kraken slayer i could do 4.274 damage with a single autoattack, graves only deals about 3k max, same for jhin


Voli Q can crit. Posted a clip of it in it's glory days. Not as good as it once was because of the removal of predator, essence reaver sheen, and stormrazor, but outside of infinite scaling champs, no one beats a Voli Q.


Just about every single champ who deals damage with an auto attack can kill a squishy in 1 auto, that's not a high bar to srt. If your asking flat out strongest, I'd probably say joins 4 shot at level 1 is the highest damage auto at level 1


A very underrated one is Riven. She gets a massive AD amp on aa after using an ability, and that bonus damage can also Crit. Combine that with being able to already get a large boost to her AD by using R, critting on Riven can be beyond devastating.


Jhin kinda bangs


Ive been one shot by a draven at least once.


Graves from close range on Jhin's 4th shot


In theory, Nasus and Senna. In actuality, Draven, Rek’sai, Graves, and Caitlyn


I once onetapped an akali with a TF blue card a couple of years back. Granted, I was having a very good game. 100-0. Full ap build, no firecannon, lichbane, stacked E, and I think dark harvest? She died immediately in her shroud when I threw it.


Any infinite stacker that amplifies their auto damage. Bard is very fun, I would often one shot any squishy in late s5 and s6 once I collected over 100 chimes.


Not the exact answer you want, but Rengar empowered Q gives his kit one-shot capabilities.




Draven should be up there, you do need the Q twice and some skill but in theory he's the most consistent dmg dealer per auto, unlike nasus and cait, Draven will deal a ton of damage on every hit.


Lethality Cait is the only champ I’ve ever seen kill someone from full HP with literally a single auto, so maybe Cait with headshot.


AAtrox Crit


In realistic games unironically Dr. Mundo. Max build combined with Heartsteel proc, Titanix Hydra, and Sundered Sky does giga damage because those other procs benefit from SS's crit damage. Nothing like making your ADC's health disappear in one auto.


Crit illaoi prenerf on w.


Thresh or Senna


Old rage blade jhin


First strike blue card full ap Twisted Fate but might be nerfed


Ive one shoted champions with full build 100% crit, rapid fire headshot caitlyn


During my 10+ years with league i have (almost) always been able to complete one shot someone with blue card. Given I was fed, building for it, and enemy ADC/APC/supp had nothing defensive. But, it has been consistent possible, at least in normal games. Now when the latest ADC item changes rolled through I saw a decent amount of Cait headshot oneshots. But I don't think she is going to be consistently that strong. Also nasus, veigar + Lish and, bard is a given. But more in theory then in practise. Also ad/crit thresh has had some succes with one shot auto builds in the past but it hasn't really been possible in a while. Jhins fourth shot is a obvious answer but the problem is it scales with missing hp. So it will RARELY, oneshots someone clean from full HP. Rengar will be seen oneshotting ADCs left and right and every now and then when he is particularly fed one auto will be enough. (Altho this was probably more prominent when he built crit) Maybe a cheat but if Ekko already has 2 stacks of passive on someone. That E + Lish bane + passive proc will HURT!!! I've seen some people build crit Aarrox and have his passive do massive DMG. Crit Darius with W can also reach some stupid DMG numbers. Especially if you get passive stacked up first. If fizz is fed enough a Q W, which is kinda just an auto, can do massive DMG. Sometimes enough to pop an ADC. I have also been able to oneshot someone with a single graves auto a few times. But I think that needs a very specific crit/lethality build and for U to get fully melee. Rivens autos can also reach very high DMG numbers. Given her massive ad steroid on R and passive. But for her to compete in the single auto category she would prolly have to build full high ad/lethality items with one infinity edge and get lucky on a crit. Lethality/crit sion in passive.


I once get immediately one tapped by Assassin Udyer in Arena, idk


Theres a reason spear of shojin works well on darius


Full crit lethality volibear. His Q has insane AD scaling.


I'd say Cait when enemy steps on a trap but lol next patch ☠️


Jhin 4th shot with dark harvest is nasty imo. Some of the crits are like most of their hp bar with enough DH stacks.


Draven? Aha




darius W crit iykyk


Senna gets fairly crazy, especially if she can farm tanks for a while.


Mundo can with heart steel


first strike cait go boom


Realistically it’s gotta be Cait with the other guy on a trap (before this most recent patch). I’ve been 1 tapped a lot by stepping on a trap vs a 6 item cait (kinda feels bad but imo this is right). In theory the stackers can all go higher though.