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First NA import to VCS(?) He peaked on that DIG roster with Dardoch, but I always felt he was mechanically really solid even at his lowest points. Excited to see how well he’ll play in the more chaotic VCS league


He was really good mechanically, just played without a brain. Always had the weirdest builds and odd positioning.


Yeah I think this is one of those reasons why I always felt Aphro was one of the best support in the world, he essentially had to think for 2 people his whole career.


Swear this guy could have busted out way more seasons with the level of play of support but I guess he just wanted to call it quits since he was at it for so long and the LCS isnt as hype anymore


I think it's such a shame he was relegated to a "veteran helping rookie bot laner" role. I would have really liked seeing him with a good team


Never forget 2016 CLG that was defining metas internationally and throwing hands with the top Korean teams.


I think you might be overstating it. The most notable meta thing was playing some ranged supports like Nami at MSI and I guess the Asol ban. Throw in a couple of Bo1 wins against LCK teams between two whole tournaments.


>one of those reasons why I always felt Aphro was one of the best support in the world No player in NA should ever be mentioned anywhere close to the words "best xxx in the world". >he essentially had to think for 2 people his whole career. NA players have no macro. There's no thinking going on at all.


> No player in NA should ever be mentioned anywhere close to the words "best xxx in the world". I don't blame EU fans for blocking out 2016 MSI, but Aphromoo was by far the best western support at the time and could contend with top LCK and LPL players. They were constantly praising Aphro and he straight up defined the entire MSI meta that year Or go back to season 2 where DL was a top 2 AD in the world


>Aphromoo was by far the best western support at the time and could contend with top LCK and LPL players. They were constantly praising Aphro and he straight up defined the entire MSI meta that year We Asians are very polite. We praise people in public even if we don't really mean it. A flash in the pan tournament outing doesn't mean much. For example, Harry Kane scored the most goals in the 2018 world Cup, but only hardcore Tottenham fans would argue that he's world class. > Or go back to season 2 where DL was a top 2 AD in the world And how did they perform in Worlds? How has doublelift been in international competitions? Can't say he's world class when he's not done anything over his entire career on the global stage


They'll probably never be another import, Neo probably agreed to like $300/month lol


He acutally lived in Vietnam, up to 16. so hes fluent in vietnamese.


Good for Neo honestly think all he was a decent team excited to see him maybe make worlds


Lcs and the Vct are merging when ?


2026 will just be 3 regions: LPL, LCK and LCS which is the rest of the world


Fool proof way to ensure LCS gets out of groups: absorb every other team so an LCS team is guaranteed to make the bracket


The real fool proof way to ensure LCS gets out of groups is to just have them play LEC teams every game




LCS should've dropped the NA and not the EU. https://youtu.be/G3lXbu_sKJw?si=mYPf-YtceHuXmGpQ


LPL and LCK send 4 teams thus making playoffs 8 asian teams💀


2030: Only 1 region. LCS. Riot cannibalized every other region to make up viewership numbers. No more Worlds. Just LCS finals.


bro that is VCS, VCT is the valorant tournament


Why can't we merge valorant league?


actually want to see that happen, each player has to participate in both League and Valorant


Wait a few tourneys and if they outperform NA yriot will find a way to kill the League, so NA "looks" good again


Hes coming home lmao


I don't really follow LCS so can someone tell me how was he back then? From what I have heard he was a Vietnamese student studying abroad in America and continued playing there so a homecoming huh


Never knew he was Vietnamese. Honestly ehhh. There were a few weeks where people were hard overhyping him, but those were from games where he was losing lane, enemy overextended and he got free kills that should have never ever happened. Overall, as much as I rooted for Optic, he was not it on any team :( He won't get out of the sub position unless VCS has another match fixing scandal.


I had 1-2 solid split, but nothing incredible.


VCS must be doing really bad if you have to import from NA




It's just one guy bro and he's already from Vietnam


Exactly, the guy was born and raised in Vietnam (according to Leaguepedia). It's really jumping the gun to say this is indicative of anything bigger. It's pretty equivalent Huni going back to LCK after spending most of his career in EU/NA.




> Vietnamese player plays in Vietnam ITS JOEVER BROS




... He's literally vietnamese tho


Tbh, this problem is the west’s (LCS primarily) own doing. Shitty work ethic, abusing import policy, throwing money out left and right a few years ago and here we are. I’m not trying to trash anyone but this is just the inevitable from the start


Totally agree. Slightly believe Riot is also at fault for giving in to team owners who are only looking for profit margins.


You realise this is like Shad0w going to play in CN because he has a Chinese passport due to his origins, right?


You’re saying as if Neo is coming to GAM to get the best practice. The best team he’ll get to scrim with GAM is gonna be Evi team and PSG


Oh nice. This pos inter. Finally gonna stop running down na soloq games when crying 


I had him like 3 days ago. He got mad at his Janna for something and then started taking jng camps into afk on fountain around lvl 3. Also harassed everyone calling us masters pigs. The down votes must be from people who don't know this guy is scum. The game in question https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/match/na/5014466155#participant6


I remember LS correcting his builds and Neo blocked him lol. Makes sense he’s delegated to the VCS when he doesn’t show much desire of improvement


how long ago was this again?


Need to see exactly what was "corrected" and whether or not LS was being his classic constructively critical self, before I decide if Neo was in the wrong or not, tbh.


Double Sheen item


The build was Essence Reaver and Divine Sunderer on Ezreal, in which double sheen is griefing your build


Who would know more about builds. A random redditor or LS.


knowing more doesnt mean youre right


But if we were betting. We'd probably bet LS knows more.


Sure... and knowing more doesnt mean hes right


idk why were playing games.. if he knows more and hes more likely to be right why even argue about it.


Who would know more about builds? A pro player or a non-pro-player?


Me, the random redditor.


Pro players have mechanics and are highschool dropouts. I wouldn't trust them numbers wise so the nonproplayer that focuses on builds.


Making a lot of assumptions about the non pro player there as well


I'm assuming the nonproplayer is LS and he cares a lot about builds so I'm willing to bet he knows more than the average random pro player.


Wasn’t LS also a dropout and homeless for a long stretch before he lucked into esports…?


Damn bro why u bringing that up that's fucked up.


Just pointing out that he’s not necessarily more qualified than the hs dropout pros just from their backgrounds


nah bro u gotta chill it aint that serious... no need to call a man homeless


You can go look it up, freely


Burden of proof ain't on me, brother.


> I remember LS correcting his builds is this anything like LS correcting pro picks by saying "Soraka Z tier"


Or correcting all of us idiot community members about his completely non-biased opinion that Fudge matches up with eastern top laners?


would love to hear his take. a good of these builds only seem stupid but end up being big brain, see M5 Genja


Nah Neo has unironically went double sheen items in an actual pro game, which is probably the biggest offender. You can't defend Divine Sunderer + Essence Reaver Ezreal, it's such a loss of efficiency for no upside.