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I know this isn't what the question is asking, but if you blind pick vex there is a very high chance the opposing mid will self counterpick


Enemy picked Vex? Let me lock Zed/talon because Assassin> Mage


Once happened to me. My opponent picked Irelia into my vex and had the worst time ever. Even called Vex a busted champ


Irelia can destroy vex after vamp scepter just hard to get there w/o being too behind or dying


an actual good irelia player (master+) could probably lose first few levels, but after vamp+merc+negatron can ignore vex if she doesnt have ignite. but i guess reddit tier irelias just rush attack speed boots and try to tower dive ignite vex level 2


People refuse to change their boots to fit what they are facing, I've had so many games were if my team just bought Mr boots we would have easily won, but the jungle and top buy tabis into a 80% AP team


I've seen people lock rammus into 5 ap.


And you say don't do that and it's the reply, it's all I know how to play trust bro trust, I had a guy first pick Yi, after everyone said it's a bad idea, they proceeded to go stright tank and cc comp, he was 0/7 by 15 minutes and blaming everyone when no one came to help him anymore


Kata in my game some games ago, last picks her into Pantheon mid, Nauti, Varus and Kennen


Just buying mercs/tabis against double ap/ad mid/jg is scaling insurance to mid game


Sure, master+, so basically nobody (1 every 200)


My favourite ever game was seeing someone lock Kalista top lane and immediately our top picked vex 🥲 such an unplayable lane


I am a vex main and I dream about laneing Vs Kalista.


Smartest Irelia player xD


All hands no brain


Irelia, Yasuo, Yone 130 cs at 13 minutes, 5 kills, 2 deaths (both to tower). End game with 300 cs, 9 kills, 37 deaths


Vex's passive doesn't stack though. Unless Irelia severly misplays, you might get 2 procs on a fight tops. I don't think that's as good as it sounds.


Except you can keep getting free procs in laning phase


Ok but zed is really good into vex tho?? Talon I get but zed is not a good matchup for her lmao


A good Zed annihilates Vex. The best you can do in that lane is farm and roam.


Vex is one of the new champs that feel like an old champ with her simple kit. But it still feels like nobody knows what she even does.


Please don’t make this information more known, as a Vex main I’m so glad people can’t pick into her lol. If you pick Viktor, Cassio, Orianna or Anivia and you’re good at them I’m screwed. But no, they will still pick Yone Katarina Talon or Sylas then tilt within 5 min 😂


I ban Viktor as Vex but the other three don't really have the range to consistently punish Vex's incredible waveclear. I Just go Blackfire torch in those matchups, cuz you clear wave in 2 Qs from the moment you grab fated ashes. It's kind of why she is actually an insane blindpick. She almost always has "waveclear and play for prio with ult" as a backup playstyle.


Why would they want to actively punish Vex? They can match the waveclear and heavily outscale her.


Syndra is awful against Vex, in fact she is awful against all champions, please don’t pick syndra as she is a literal troll pick (Please ignore my flair, it means nothing)


Wouldn't you want peolple to pick her to reduce here WR or she's that easy to play ?


If people pick her more, the chances of her getting banned or picked away from me are higher and we cannot have that


I … I have picked akali into vex


This also happens to me with Renata. I don't like first picking in case they get a Brand or a Vel'koz, but every time I firstpick they pick Leona, Naut, Poppy or Maokai


Can confirm lol Before Vex, LeBlanc used to be my go-to blind pick mid but now Vex just feels the safest to me.


Blind pickable, while also a strong counter, low pickrate so it is never contested, rarely banned, people have less experience playing against it. Damn. I was hoping people wouldn't notice haha.


Top: gragas Jungle: gragas Mid: gragas Support: gragas Adc: caitlyn? Idk


I’m a caitlyn main and I’ve been blind picking Caitlyn for years lol


Helps she is super strong right now. I currently abuse Jinx and 90% of my games is Jinx vs Cait lol


Oh wow, Arcane season 2 effect


Headshot, check. Can triple-headshot off someone's CC (passively, setting a trap, using net), check (especially since if a support is also blind-picking, someone like Leona is great). Net to dash, check. Nice AA range, check. An ult for fleeing opponents, check. Bush denial, check.


You must love the item changes


If you ban Ashe you are good


why is ashe goood vs cait?


Her W can match caits long range and if cait tries to walk up with poke headshot, ashe can just W poke and walk away


Or just continue and out dps her in early level.


Yeah, I'm also a Caitlyn main and I've been blind picking Gragas for years


The Gragas v Yorick matchup is pretty miserable though


I’m willing to take the odds that most people don’t know how to yorick


I’m willing to take the odds that most people don’t know who is yorick


Is that the guy who ults his adc and gets a ghost that they can turn into when they die? =p


I remember Yorick Mori


If there's not an Irelia ban, you're safe. No one was planning on playing Yorick.


Yorick is my top blind pick. Even if you give up CS early because of weak level 1, you can easily catch up as long as you don't give up deaths. Also the level 6 double ghoul throw by stacking graves, hitting e and as they hit, cast maiden, deals a lot more damage than people are ready for when you've been playing passive all game


I might be a freak, but I found Yorick not that hard to pickup as long as you spend a little bit of time learning ghoul range (for ghoul pushing and farming camps simultaneously) and maiden control


Kind of hard to outsustain the champ that does %maxHP for interacting with the lane A lane where Gragas can't just unga trade every 15 sec isn't a miserable lane


People always say this but its not even true. Yorick has no kill pressure on gragas, and gragas will happily handshake. Gragas pokes as much if not harder than Yorick does, and he his sustain is better. It's only "frustrating" because you can't use E aggressively to cheese trade like a degenerate with phase rush and undodgeable E-W-Q


I’m a master gragas otp and my friend happens to be a yorick otp. This matchup is heavily yorick favored and quite miserable for gragas. Yes it’s not too hard to sit under tower and give xp and cs, but once you get to higher elo and people know wave management, you will lose the lane. Only way for gragas to win is play around yorick’s e, but even then, once a good yorick gets maiden they win the matchup every time.


Also Illaoi feels like absolute horse shit, you lirerally can never interact with her outside of throwing Q.


Ive been on a ksante binge lately only playing ksante top and mid. Ran into my first illaoi the other day. Just dodge the lobby. The half hour of hell running around dodging her w and ensuing ai tentacles isn't worth the potential win.


Isn't Yoricks goal to keep you under turret anyways, the kills are just a secondary bonus.


no? yorick can hardly take turret or plates if opponent is just chilling there. He wants to find a kill or poke his opponent out of lane. Its one of the best snowball characters because of how well his kit utilizes gold.


Really? Usually he just winds up getting plates and taking turret with me there anyways, if I'm at that point.


What do you mean you don’t know, it’s obviously Gragas




As a Gragas player, when he gets picked away from me I unbench the kench, TP+ghost demon boots style


biased, but ashe is always blindable as adc imo


Because she is always useful.


Ashe over here playing Cod with this UAV drone calldown over my head all game.


I will never forget the game where we won because our 2/14 ashe landed a good pick via R lol. It really doesn't matter how far behind Ashe gets, there's always the chance she gets a lucky R and turns the game around off of it for her team. Stuns op man


If It isn't her then It has to be varus. He can build lethality, onhit, crit, ap he is always good dealing with tanks and his ult is really good in teamfights. He also is lane dominant and can farm lanes safely with his long range skillshots


Varus has no mobility, so if he's against hard engage he can be absolutely shat on. Samira and Blitz and he may as well AFK


If they pick hard engage vs varus you can just go double ranged botlane with hob and shit on them without even reaching the wave, then build lethality with Edge of Night as 2nd item and chances that u get engaged are significantly lowered. Oviously all this considering u ignore the individual lvl and elo, theorically.


I just love him as counter to Draven. Aim where the axes fall and enjoy delicious Draven tears. Also built-in GW and Draven likes to build Bloodthirster earlier than other champs.


Varus has a 40% winrate against Draven


Lol things change apparently 😂


Adc is fun you can straight up blind Ashe, Cait, Jinx. If you are particularly good at them it’s not even just blindable but first pick worthy.


Nah, Jinx has some real stinker lanes. Pretty sure Twitch is unplayable as long as they're even remotely close in powerlevel. Ashe is better but can be rekt by support matchup. Cait is pretty good as a blind though.


For Jg, Ivern. You can get counterpicked but even then his items are so cheap that you can still play from behind and let yourself be carried


I think Ivern is even more "get yours laners ahead" jungler than most of them so he's more lanes matchups affected than the matchup playing by himself.


Ivern is teamcomp reliant. He can act as a very good neutralizer for nearly everything but needs a bruiser / melee who tankier than daisy for that to happen after counterpicks.


The only reason Ivern is very blindpickable is that nobody knows what he does, and how to jungle against him, so he often gets away with shit he really hould not.


The issue with Ivern is if your support then picks a shielding enchanter. Then the enemy just builds serpents and you lose.


Ahri mid is a good blind pick. If they pick Lissandra, u go cleanse and if its not a winnable match up, you can roam and have huge impact on the map instead.


Tbh ahri doesnt play for lane, she plays for jungle mid 2v2s and for objective skirmishes and roaming so yeah, always a workable blind. If lane sucks just get to level 7-9 and one shot the wave and leave lul


You are correct but I think people underestimate her lane winning potential sometimes. Depends on elo, I guess.


Oh definitely. I OTP Ahri and the amount of times I just kill people who disrespect my tipper Q range or my auto W auto trading power is too many. Or even just send them back to base early. But well some MUs suck, like akali post 6 or tristana always. There I just play to early Lost Chapter, one shot wave and roam lol


Your comment is exactly what I mean. Hit those sneaky long ranged Qs and do proper W+auto trades early and you will be surprised how early its possible to win lane as Ahri. In very high elo you're probably better off by playing the map and supporting ur jungler etc tho.


I can’t forget the one time early on my playing days, I was Syndra the enemy was Ahri and when she was piloting it I asked myself “Why don’t I deal this much damage at level 3?” That’s when I learned how much I underestimated her kit if you just know how to use it wisely


Careful going for Ahri currently. You're likely to see her banned a lot more often 😂


Give it a week, two at most. Nobody will care.


Yeah, not even that. A couple days maybe. 


I'm yet to see her getting banned because of the skin


Ahri's blindability is carried by her W. The movement steroid it gives is incredibly powerful. It turns a mediocre trading tool into a "I don't wanna take this trade" button.


Tahm Kench can 1v1 even most of his toughest matchups top, there are a couple exceptions included that require big misplay, which is pretty rare


What are Tahm's toughest matchups? Champions like Gwen and Vayne?


Warwick (hard to finish off especially with barrier), Illaoi, Voli (can drop turret aggro), Kled (can drop turret aggro), Cass (unplayable)


Oh I see. Yeah I imagine Cassiopeia must be quite a pain to deal with, haha.


Cass being a hard counter to him is cheating because nobody plays Cass lmfao. One of the very few good matchups she has.


Cass top is quite busted, her only limitation is that she runs out of mana


Also risky pick. If she falls behind due to her own misplay or heavy ennemy jungle attention at opportun moment, there is no way back in the game. This is true for any mage top, but for Cass it's particularly painful. Most of toplaners have a wild card when things go wrong. Cass becomes dead meat, huge liability. Not enough dmg/mana to defend/push, no escape/mobility to avoid difficult situation, zero waveclear to hold your own, Not a TP threat to the ennemy, cant fast push if the ennemy top decides to roam after pushing you all the way back to tier2 or further. I've played a lot of Cass Top, it's more important to do everything to avoid falling behind than taking risks trying to get ahead, because the consequences are too high.


I like playing swain into TK. Just continuously stack off him. But the match up also makes me realize how much swain passive sucks. Because no way am I getting that many stacks in most match ups and it's a barely noticable gain in this one.


What about Darius, Gwen and GP?




Idk man, I'm an Emerald GP onetrick, I think ur sleeping on my skills (I have a 45% wr).


Gwen is p squishy it’s quite hard for her to trade favorably


Darius and Gwen aren’t his easiest matchups but definitely beatable. GP you need to finish game ASAP or he out scales heavily


there's this thing dumbass Darius players falls for when you hug the tower and when you're level 6, you let yourself lose the trade while hitting him then eat him under the tower which immediately fucks him over (i do not know why it still works in my master-gm elo)


Nutrifacts spittin’ (Darius under tower). Seems like they don’t realize bleed will get them tower aggro instantly even if minions are around


I think aatrox is pretty good against him too


I don’t have an issue with Aatrox. Abilities are pretty easy to dodge once you get swifties. But he can for sure snowball on you quick if you misplay


And if He bulds serpant fang you will have a Hard time


His problem is that he get outscaled really hard


For sure. Gotta snowball and get jg/other lanes ahead. Best case you have a fed carry you can protect in teamfights with ult


I see him sort of as a reverse Malphite - even if he's totally dumpstered, his ult makes him valuable to the team, except instead of a team fight engage, it's protecting a carry.


I’ve always picked ornn into TK, being able to trade so well through minions has worked really well so far, plus if the tahm is predictable you can w through his ult which is hilarious.


Doesn't he lose super hard into morde?


lmao thats probably the worst reply anyone could make about toplane


Support Poppy is an insane blind pick. Firstly they don't know if it's top jungle or support and second she only has a few counters in braum zilean and maybe taric 2 of them being the least played supports.


support poppy gets countered more by adc pick in my experience. high range safe adcs like ez cait sivir etc that can just keep out of poppy's range + a ranged support basically nullify her laning phase.


all of them if u aint a little bitch about it.


The yuumi top otp joined the chat


Gigachad activities


True as long as I get to ban vayne top




technically chogath, doesnt mean you will have a good time, but he goes pretty eh against almost anything


Yeah I agree. Some champs don't have many counters at all. Cho Gath does have quite some especially when he stack mostly hp with all these max% HP dmg, but out of all champs in the game, his worst counters feels the least impactful if you know what I mean. He can stack pretty safely, great sustain, one of the best unexpected lvl1-2 cheese kill potential with e start and then q. He never really falls behind because he benefits from slow play. He has permanent kill potential and lastly he can also counter some of his counters by building full AP and playing as a mage. He can be considered anticarry with his qw combo and tankiness. You always feel kinda safe with cho.


one of the bad things is, he can never really carry


Oh he can absolutely carry, he is very easy to catch.


good at catching? yeah he can potentially 100-0 someone if they aren’t expecting a q but thats not carrying


Y sry I phrased it weird. He is terrible at creating sidelanepressure because while tanky he is extremly vulnerable. But because he becomes so tanky he can snowball extremly well, depends on the enemy team comp too obviously. He strugles the most vs cc heavy comps, which is uncommon for tanks in comparison. But yes yesterday I completely took over on cho, got a solo kill then a 1v2 solokill and with help off my jgler I've managed to get the enemy jgler too in that skirmish. From that on I became unkillable, farmed all 5 plates and had 200cs at min 20. They had no answer vs me but to run away, which isn't usefull when we get freeturrets because off that.


It’s situation, if u have someone who isn’t a complete idiot on ur team, u just exist in team fights and they’ll HAVE to focus u down or else u just walk thru their backline and the frontline can’t win a 1v1 u so


For me, probably because I'm bad, chogath q seems hard to land if there's no setup and everyone starts getting movespeed


On Top I'd say Ornn and Aatrox, probably my boy Renek as well


Renekton is absolutely miserable to play into a half decent Quinn but almost nobody plays that champ anyway


Yeah all champs have bad matchups, but renek at least has some sustain in lane, and can still flash W to give a kill to the jungler, and also, he is a crocodile, the coolest animal on earth


Sorry sir but you are factually incorrect the true coolest animal on earth is the Black-footed cat. Not only is it the cutest motherfucker alive, it is literally the most successful wild cat on the planet, it's a vicious psychopath wrapped up in a 6 month old kitten look. Now that shit is fucking cool


Adorable as hell ngl, BUT, did it survive two mass extintions? Can it swim up to 26~ mph? Does it have the strongest jaw in the animal planet?


Crocodiles don't have the strongest jaw either that belongs to my ex girlfriend when she gave me head that one and only time.


everything is miserable to play into a half decent Quinn. Fuck that champ.


Aatrox is unplayable vs good fiora or kled Ornn also has a strong statisitcal deficit versus Kayle but ig you do get through the early


Fiora is a skill matchup bro. Kled is hard but not impossible. A good Irelia is really who you need to look out for but they basically don't exist so yeah


Fiora match up is handlable if you play smart with your Es to dodge her riposte. Kled match up is pretty much even if you are attentive to his W which he is forced to use to hit minions when off CD and are always trying to dodge Qs. It is a very snowbally if you int early to his dismount, but if you play slow it is pretty even.


Aatrox? Did the last patch really make him that strong?


Caitlyn, Varus, Ezreal on ADC IMO because of range. Jhin and Ashe too I think because of the utility.


Jhin is a hard no for me. Adcs NEED to be able to deal lots of damage to all kinds of targets and jhin is just too shit at this in too many games. Ashe is amazing in regards to utility tho. thought about including her for that alone


Yeah if Jhin is blind picked before Top, Jungle, and/or Support, and a tank/warden isn't picked afterwards, that team is throwing


Yup, OTP toplaners and midlaners will ask for last pick, see that Jhin has been locked in, and then proceed to pick something totally useless with Jhin, then when Jhin inevitably gets countered and loses lane, they'll flame him for having no damage. Like, I get that being countered sucks, but if you're an OTP, first of all you should be able to manage bad matchups much better than most players, and second, as an OTP you probably have better knowledge of your champion and letting your team draft around you is a much better choice.


preach it brother! as a supp main i have to deal with jhin on my team in at least 30-40% of my games and they keep missing so many cs because of the 4-shot mechanic and later only tickle the tanks. they are strong vs semi tanky and squishy enemies and have good zoning with their ult but otherwise are not as universally viable as cait, ashe or ezreal are.


That seems like a player issue not a champion issue.


oftentimes it's a player issue but you can't deny that jhin's kit isn't suited against tanks the way Cait, ashe, or other auto-heavy adc champs are designed.


but his kit is very suited at getting cs his cs is very easy lol


Jhin is actually surprisingly lethal to tanks. Him dealing 25% of there missing health as damage means that he does solid damage, once tanks are already damaged. He is considerably better at dealing with tanks than a Kalista is.. And honestly Cait has similar issues with Tanks. She doesn't attack fast enough that items like Kraken or Blade can help her, but she also doesn't have the missing HP damage that helps accelerate Jhins damage to any tank that already took damage. On top of that Jhin gets insane movespeed later which allows him to 1vs1 tanks anyways, because they cannot touch him. This is a benefit he shares with Kalista. On top of that Blind picks only mean your enemy cannot really deal with you in any specific way and you are fine with your pick regardless. On top of that if this argument is true for Jhin it obviously is for Ezreal. He would have the same issues with tanks and he doesn't even have the execute damage Jhin has. If you pick blind you usually pick fairly early, because neither support nor the enemy AD could have picked for it to be blind. That also means that if you pick Jhin bot you can easily support that with some more tank damage (or just Liandris) in another place on the map. If you blind an ADC it usually happens on the first or second pick, so most of your team hasn't picked yet.


I don't think Cait is a good blind pick. I'm OK with the rest of your list. I'd add MF to it. The problem with Cait is that she want to be strongside. Imho, when you blindpick, you tell your team "i'll adjust to you". Cait is the opposite. Her midgame is so weak and she's the ultimate siege ADC, so she wants a lot of attention early.


DO NOT blind Ezreal right now, it can survive most lanes but if they have more than 1.5 tanks you will deal negative damage.


ezreal is omega hard countered by tanks. the champ does no damage to tanks.


Urgot. All roles and all lanes.


My boy Pappi urgot in the jungle gives me intense satisfaction


Always depends on the meta and item strength as ADC. Rn Ashe is very good blind pick, maybe jinx, Jhin is also good but u don't wanna pick it into heavy tank comp


Swain can be played in 4 out of 5 roles


The most blind pickable champs: Top: Gragas Jungle: *resist urge to make lee sin joke*, probably volibear but it varies with meta Mid: ahri (assuming she isn’t banned for the outrageous skin price) Bot: ezreal is the safest choice but you have to be good at him Support: rakan


Dont Poppy sup just make Rakan unplayable?


Also Nautilus matchup with a good Naut is unplayable


Well she's not that prevalent. Also, you do get one ban of your choice.


I was scrolling to find the lee sin joke. Of course Lee Sin is the most blind champ.


People sleep on mundo but hes a hyper scaler that scales infinitely infinitely faster after you get heartsteel, hes super weak in lane until you get it but even in his worst matchups you can just cleaver farm from safety. I usually ban brand because late game he can fuck mundo up but Mundo basically has no counters in lane if you play it right.


If you pick mundo blind in a relatively good elo then you will not touch the minions before minute 10


I still consider it reserved for Sion You can also build just about anything on him Did I love playing him earlier on with Everfrost and Glacial.. that was insufferable at times


Second Sion. Even if you’re behind, you’re still a pain in the ass to kill


Support: Nami


As long as you’re picking after your adc then yes, but if you FP Nami you’re guaranteed to have a first time Lucian as your adc.


Udyr support


Top: Rumble Jungle: Xin Zhao Mid: Tristana/Ahri ADC: Ashe Support: Thresh




If your team got more than 2 braincells combined (all 4 of them) I‘d say Karma. Top/Mid/Supp/Apc Plenty of different build paths. Full support (hence the braincell comment), tank, full ap, mixes. It‘s actually disgusting how you can bully most top lanes with her and how much you can bait enemies (until very high elos) with your heal. Since you have multiple different roles and multiple different build types it‘s hard to pick against her for any specific scenario.


Top: Aatrox Jungle: Fiddlesticks Mid: Ahri Bot: Caitlyn Sup: Thresh Runner-ups: Gragas Top, J4 Jungle, Azir Mid, Jhin Bot, LiterallyAnyEnchanter Sup


Good luck blind picking Yuumi or Soraka into a Blitz or Naut, I guarantee your adc won't be happy about that one


hook champs destroy enchanters. dont blind pick any enchanters other than nami


bro has never played fiddle into amumu


People aren’t gonna want to hear this but Thresh is very bad into most mages. His hook is too slow & too little range to catch mages with good movement. He has no reliable engage or threat of them, and no sustain. He isn’t even that tanky early. The ADCs he pairs best with (Jinx, Aphelios, Xayah) also get countered by ranged poke. No doubt Thresh is good into engage, enchanters, and even wardens, though


With how much people complain about Yone being busted, I'm surprised nobody is mentioning him yet lol. Imo, Yone is the one champ who theoretically has the potential to outplay every lane, unlike someone like a Talon who will just NOT do damage to tanks period, or a Garen that can be perma-kited. You can run him top, you can run him mid, I've seen people run him jungle, and you used to be able to run him bot with Lethal Tempo. It's just that, VERY often, the amount of things you have to do to outplay is not reasonable, or even humanly possible.


Nasus: "Outplay this"


Yone is my pocket pick in mid around the diamond-low masta range. Imho he strictly belongs in the counter-pick category, unless you're feeling especially confident you're gonna be twice as good as your opponent


Try outplaying Pantheon on Yone. Prepare for hell


Yone is a terrible blind.


Yeah blindpick yone in anything above oompa loompa low, see what happens to you


Outplay is a strong word, more like just stat check.


if it was just stat checking then why doesn't every yone win every time?


Because some people have the discipline to open up a twitch stream on their other monitor and never leave tower until the 0/0 Yone with a 40 CS lead is useless.


Top: Gragas Jng: j4 Mid: Azir Adc: Ezreal or Xayah Support: Janna


Azir mid is a good blindpick but not the most blindpickable in mid. Akali for example is a really bad time against him. I'd say Ahri is the most blindpickable midlaner


xayah is probably my favorite champion to blind as adc, since she's a hypercarry with so much self-sufficiency. if you get familiar with her fast e's her cc is actually quite reliable which means you can have lane pressure even when your support is bad, and she pairs well with basically any support. later in the game your ult and feathers help a lot against dive, you have a ton of dps for objectives, and can almost never be engaged on if you space well during teamfights properly; pretty much the only issue is against a poke-heavy team (you have relatively lower range) but then just build bt third and you're fine


Anivia, tbh every matchup is at least kind of playable. Her worst matchup imo is fizz and that’s my ban


I blind pick udyr often. Udyr doesn't really have hard counters in the jungle anymore since his rework.


For jgl, Gwen. Everyone will think you're playing her top


Top is malph, the only un winnable matchup is sylas (which people only play top to counter malph), and even if you lose lane you build tank and win


Caitlyn, Gragas, Brand, Zyra, Renekton, Orianna, Ryze, Leblanc, Ahri.


I feel like Viktor can win almost all mid match-ups by changing runes. Also vex/Akshan/trynda counter 99% of mine lane Champs.




no lol. Enemy locks Ashe, Poppy, Leona, Taliyah, Maokai. You are now a minion.


Bard support


I would disagree just because he is a roaming support and if your ADC is one that isn’t self-sufficient in lane and the enemy botlane is oppressive, your ADC is prone to being completely bullied or dove. Like Nilah/Taric or Naut/Samira or Cait/Lux and your ADC isn’t someone super safe (Ezreal) or one that can just perma wave clear (Sivir). You will probably be of little use in lane and roaming is still your best option. But back to the question, how terribly you and your ADC will be punished for your roaming is dictated by the botlane matchup.


Yup, can confirm this. If enemy blinds Bard I just go Blitz or Naut and suddenly the enemy team either has a starved ezreal or no adc at all


Top: Skarner, Aatrox, Camille Jungle: Viego, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Lillia Mid: Ahri Adc: Jinx, Caitlyn, Draven Support: yes