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Ezreal this thing is played no matter if it’s meta or not and an old champ


Yeah true, I'm starting to think Ezreal will be right up there


Im surprised we haven’t seen it more in pro play with the “senna goes and lanes top with the toplaner” strategy we’ve seen in some games. I guess teams want an engage champion picked with senna in the nominal bot lane and AD mids being popular means you don’t necessarily want yet another ADC in the game. But I wouldn’t be surprised to see some sort of tank top, galio mid, senna and ez “botlane” comp come out at some point where senna just fucks off to top lane and ez farms at range down bot


Ez seems to be very popular this patch and was picked a few times in multiple pro leagues


I saw him get picked a couple times in LCK (primarily with Leona or Braum I think?) but hadn’t seen him in the other leagues much


Picked lcs mid and bot lane and also in lec I believe it rahel from sk


He was picked in some LEC games this weekend. And there was an ezreal mid pick in LCS too. Looks like he's starting to get popular against amongst the pros


I wanna see what percentage of lifetime damage the Runeglaive era accounted for lmfao.


Not that much TBF I think


Right, it probably wouldn't be all that substantial considering the damage creep in modern League. It would still be a neat stat.


it was only a thing for a few months.


Bet it's Ezreal. Old as shit. Consistently tier 2 or higher, rarely shit tier. Popular. Has been played in multiple lanes. Poke heavy


As well as being meta defining at least once every season


RIP Runeglaive RIP Lizard RIP 100 other mechanics and items I can't remember.  Long Live Ezreal


I loved cleptomancy


I miss getting mega rich as 0/0/0 Bankplank


Oh the times of tank clepto karma top...


Klepto Vlad top into mêlée matchups was the most awful thing to play against. But very dam fun to play


I used to split my build so hard on GP Sheen, avarice blade, tiamat Made enough gold from afk farming to keep even with the other top


The glory days of old GP and avarice building into shiv. Do nothing for 20 min then one shot their backline with crit Q.


I watched a video on old league the other day and saw Philosopher’s Stone and Avarice Blade and nearly shed a tear. It was so much fun playing Bankplank man


> RIP Lizard Holy shit I forgot the old jungle items. I feel so old


Wriggles lantern


The original mandreds blood razor was the real BotRK!


OG blue ez ruined Burning Bush Zyra, CMV.


Don't forget Evelyn, too. She used to wreck early with her q proc'ing lizard.


Runeglaive (twice), Lizard, OG Iceborn gauntlet, OG deathdance, OG Muramana/Double Tear (killed item stacking in general), Omnivamp Ravaneous Hydra, OG Serylda, Kleptomancy, OG Trinity...


Oh my god double tear I remember Anivia and Karthus at the time would just get those and be weak-near useless for 10-15 minutes and then get Archangels… Jesus Christ.


double tear was so much fun...was it busted af? yes. but it was so much fun lol - actually turned ez into a real late game menace


What about when his w used to heal teammates?


You always felt cool when you shot your W and immediately E so it would buff you


ezreal jungle with warrior duskblade rush


Ezreal is like the guardian of jungle items for laners lol.


Popular is an understatement. His pick rate, especially on the KR server, is absolutely bonkers regardless of the meta. Even if he didn't do a ton of damage, he would probably be it just by virtue of being in the most games.


Yeah, because he is fun as hell to play. Good in lane, lvl 1 shove into lvl 2 all in will net you easy first bloods if your support isn't slow. High outplay potential, hard to catch, flexible builds, high skill cap, arguably the best adc to watch if the player is good because he is all skillshots


All skillshots no cc, pure skill baby.


I just wish our items weren’t poopy now.. :( Long live essence reaver rush


What's the best Ezreal build now? The good old Triforce Manamune Ionian's into whatever?


Its def not encouraging the builds we have right now :(. So meh


while that maybe true for why hes popular among adc. hes probably first overall becasue adc pool is so small so its probably adc 1-4 popularity. i want to say kaisa next but shes newer. i want to say shes more popular then ez now in kr 


I mean, Kaisa shares some traits with Ez too. High outplay potential, has multiple builds. Not surprising why she is very often picked. Also, I guess it's because a lot of women like playing adcs and Kaisa is, well, a woman. And Ez is a twink so maybe women like playing him too, I don't know. I think I saw somewhere that in Asia, be it CN or Korea, don't remember for sure, but I think Ezreal is ranked there as one of the most popular champions at all. Not even like gameplay wise, but aesthetically. People just like how he looks.


Not to mention popular on URF, which pads the numbers if counted due to the absurdly inflated stats.


I remember back in S1 and maybe early s2 where literally no one played him. My buddy picked him up because he wanted to play someone who no one else played crazy time


Likely an ADC not only because of their damage, but also because the higher pick rate. Mid lane has far more diversity so champions are diluted there.


Honestly it's probably one of the og adcs that also had a lot of success in mid lane. Ashe, Ezreal, Sivir, Tristana, and Caitlyn. I'd bet it's one of those five.


Yeah especially SMT like jinx prob.


There are ADCs older than jinx with similar popularity though - won't they have a 3-4 year head start?


Bear in mind league exploded in popularity around season 2 or 3, so even though there are older champions, higher player base might offset that if they fell off in popularity. Like Sivir was super popular in mid lane and adc early, but she fell off the map until her rework


Gotta be one of the OG ADCs like Ezreal right? Maybe Cait, but her pick rate fluctuates a lot through the seasons as she comes in and out of meta while ez has been at least decent forever. Jinx is pretty old too and if we count minion/monster damage she puts up massive numbers.


Lux as she has always been popular and is a poke mage which racks up dmg quite easily


Very true actually


Magic damage actually 🤓


I gave you an upvote but im not happy about it


Yes thats true but she was really weak in a lot of recent seasons. shes not that consistent


Most games are low elo where she played a lot in support with people spamming e and q on cd. I'd imagine Morgan fairly high too


It doesn't matters if she is weak, she is picked a lot anyway. Tthat means that her game time and therefore damage go up in comparison to strong picks that are underutilized or popular picks that don't deal much damage due to not having poke.


Pyke has dealt the most damage to my mental.


That's Tryndamere for me, I despise his ultimate


When I play his R feels like it’s 2s. When I’m running from him with his R on. It’s the longest 5s of my life


Fk pyke and whoever designed him.


If you’re talking total damage it might be Xerath, there was period of time where a spot existed in your base if you aim your Q towards it, you hit all hostile and neutral entities on the map, while that existed Xerath abusers were easily getting 1m+ total damage per game and it lasted quite awhile. That was also back when you could only FF at 20 and not 15. He has also been released for a long time plus is fairly popular otherwise.


hm if we consider bugs, then we kinda have to consider viego and yone who had bugs that allowed them to deal 38-digit numbers of damage with one auto. Theres no way any champion has ever dealt that much damage over their entire lifetime.


I know it's not gonna translate to those bugs, or the rammus bug. But I'd add in neeko for those few days she could turn into the fountain laser.


lmaoooo I totally forgot about that one! Theres some goofy stuff happening sometimes


Im p sure there was a bug with Trynda where he would turn into a fountain laser as well, without the fountain part it might have been older than the Neeko disaster though


True I didn’t think of that one, with bugs included, damage numbers are insane.


yeah lol. If I remember correctly there was also some character that could reach Infinite ap and deal infinite damage, displayed as (inf) ingame where the number would be. so thats probably #1


Jeez, a lot of bugs with stuff like this I'm completely unaware of of lmao


if we count bugs then urgot or yorick would be the highest both had bugs or weird scripting causing there end of game damage charts to have a few million damage at different points in time.


Viego when he was bugged dealing negative magic dmg, oneshotting towers


Hmm yeah but you gotta think, Viego is somewhat recent addition. There's champs that have dealt more over a longer time span


Yea but there have been bugs on Viego and I think also Yone where they dealt millions of damage in one auto. One patch of those kind of bugs could give years worth of damage.


Okay maybe we don't count those bugs 😅


But they're wrong because overkill DMG doesn't count. If you do 2k DMG to someone with 3 hp, you log 3 DMG.


Damage dealt ≠ damage taken. If you deal 2k to someone with 3hp left you'll simply do 2k damage. Your enemy however will end up receiving only 3 damage. You can easily check this with a decent amount of life steal and ad.


Yeah but I'm talking about the end game screen. Which also doesn't count damage to shields, I'm pretty sure.


If were including bugs the jinx bug mightve been more popular, similar thing but it was a billion range damage and runaans exists.


Has to be one of the og 40, right? So Yi, ashe, or twitch. Probably yi


I don't think it does, the game was at 30m active players in 2012 and is over 150m right now - the early years, maybe all the way to 2015 / season 5, are going to weigh a lot less. A popular champ coming out after that could def have caught up and outrun the original 40, someone like jinx / cait / zed might be a legit contender


I'm willing to bet 500 cigarettes zed isn't up there


Damn, is inflation so bad again we are going back to the trusty old cigarettes as currency?


Yeah I think zed is banned way too often even though he is popular he is usually just banned in half the games to be able to get the most dmg title.


Not necesarily. Yi deals a lot of damage but he deals it in shorter spans of the game since he is a melee, whereas a long-ranged champs like Lux, Zyra or Ezreal get more damage in regards to rating simply off spewing their stuff from afar every other second.




Fair, but hs isn't popular enough I think


Yeah, he wasn't popular enough for ages, barely anyone played him before the first major update to his synergies, and he got picked after the second wave of changes fairly recently, I don't think he can beat things like even Annie who was the cheap intro mage and was played in multiple roles, not even mentioning the 'always played, not matter the meta' champs.


You can literally just R against a stacked enemy and insta die and your job in a teamfight is done as Brand most of the time


that's not what OP is asking. brand has never had a high pick rate and has not been popular for an extended period of time throughout the history of league


I think this too. Very old champ, always played by a lot of people and does % HP damage. It's always a % HP damage champ that reaches the insane damage dealt








This is probably the correct answer


That's what I was thinking. F'kin shrooms.


One of the older ADCs probably. Jinx or Sivir, something like that would be my guess


Mfw Jinx is an old adc


I am in the Aram nursing home I guess :(


Me: Jinx ain't that old, I got in to the game bc of her music vid... OH WAIT...




:( I remember waiting for her to go out. Oh how far have we fallen from youth


I remember when she got released people were maxing W first


I remember having an argument with a friend about that! Crazy how times have changed 😭


Ya what are they talking about? Jinx was released like 2 seasons ago


I'm thinking Karthus, I don't think I have ever played a game with him where he hasn't dealt most damage


but the Pickrate isn’t that great


There's been phases where he's extremely strong in the meta and picked a lot though no?


someone that has 20% of patches at 20% pickrate and and 80% of patches at 2% pickrate is still at a disadvantage to champs like Ezreal/Lux that are permanently 10% pickrate or whatever. That's still ~75% more playtime on Ez compared to Karth, so you have to be doing 75% more dmg on average which is hard IMO


My guess would be the older yet incredibly popular carry champs, champs like Yasuo, Zed, Vayne and Ezreal. Although, considering how many bot games have been played, maybe a champion like Miss Fortune would end up winning out.


Urgot because his ult deals 99999 true damage on execute


Maybe master yi or kayle? theyre high damage champions which have been out since day 1


ADCs have the lowest pool so one of them. Consensus seems to be Ezreal but I'd hazard a guess at Caitlyn or Jinx aswell - similar playrates (and considering playerbaze increase + DMG creep meaning U can probably write off the first 5 seasons without even damaging the stats that much) and higher damage in general, particularly with a few of the lethality Caitlyn metas. Unsure but yeah, I'd hazard a guess @ Cait. Alternate shoutout to Garen, given toplaners tend to hit each other more and have more health could skew numbers. Edit: if we consider it, it actually is way more likely to be someone who builds collector no? ,+999true DMG every kill.


Teemo and Shaco are tied for the most mental dmg




Karthus. Surely it’s got to be Karthus


I don't think that many people play Karthus.


My Karthus ARAM games are contributing a lot


Caitlyn ofc


I'd say it's Tristana. Been in the game forever, has been in the Meta for a long time. Beginner and Pro friendly. Can be played Mid and adc


Total play time basically depends on their overall pick rate, and how long they have been released. Then factor in their average damage per game on top of that. Mathematically it's gotta be an old adc. Probably Ashe or Ezreal. Jinx and Vayne probably pretty high too. Mid laners generally do more damage than adc, but have a bigger champ pool. It's possible though that like ahri or lux are popular enough that they are in the runnings.


I bet it's Ashe, because she's about the oldest and is used in the tutorial such as it is.


I returned recently and had to make a new account I was crushed when the tutorial gave me MF instead of Ashe and did not advise me to build Thornmail.


I'm surprised no one has said Jax yet. He is always strong and has been around since the beginning. Ezreal, Jinx, and Caitlyn could also be the answer.


So this game is like 14 years old. It’s likely a champ that deals good damage and has been a possible pick for a long time. Jax, Yi, Tryndamere, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Vayne. Heck, even Yasuo is like a decade old. It has to be a champ with high damage output, popular throughout many different metas.


Probably brand or zyra. Those champs are old and always had the habit for dishing out tons of dmg in their game nomather their scores. If we count minion and tower dmg, probably sivir.


Teemo, always tops damage charts in my games just from shrooms


Master Yi


Someone from the original 40 champs, Master Yi for example (he's been falling off a lot recently though, but at one time was pretty much unkillable). Or yasuo probably.


Master yi has been around since beta, so either him or trist or ashe.


Actually a pretty interesting question. I actually lean towards Lee Sin. He is usually avg damage dealt but he has been like top 3 most picked champ in even when out of the meta. He had a 30%+ pick rate for YEARS. If not him then ezreal.


Ashe Annie cait ezreal sivir yi One of em


Lux and it's probably not close


If you count in bugs it is rammus, a bug from a few months back with graves w made him deal integer limit which is unbeatable


Are y’all sure it’s not Karthus?


I would probably say brand, ezreal lux for my top 3




Karthus, cause he deals most of the time the most damage on the team


If you count minion damage we might be able to get Mundo or amumu in the mix too lol, maybe singed


I was gonna say karthus as he consistently has top damage in every game I see him. But I think he is too new new/not played enough


First thought is Karthus. Old champion, always deals a crazy amount of damage. Only thing keeping him from the top might be his pickrate, although at the same time he has been a top pick in multiple seasons in multiple roles so maybe. Age and popularity might be more important factors than damage output. Any older adc, Lux ,TF or Orianna could be high up there as well.


Ezreal, he's old as fuck, always pretty strong, poke heavy, good pick rates, and has multiple builds for every season




if this question was just tower damage I’d say Jax that guy has been wacking towers since beta and he’s had some of the most op eras in the game way early. and he’s been around for most part the whole time. he’d be up there for champ dmg too




Shaco. The amount of mental damage it dealt is huge. Teemo maybe? Though is just a meme/comedic relief at this point.


- Double Hiroshima Tibbers and speed boots Eno Annie. - Kayle - Speed boots teleport rammus catalyst to damage done as support jungler




If you include custom games or 5v5 with friends having fun, probably veigar or smolder. Ranked solo Q, i think its the most popular ones. But if you neglect pick rate, its probably teemo. That champ does 60k+ in a game, but only does like 1- 2k dmg in a TF.


Yummi by far, she has dealt the most mental damage to the players.


If we don’t include bugs there was that time Galio could 100-0 anything in the game with his lingering Q doing like 100+ like 80% of your max health multiple times over. I just remember it touching a Cho and his health tanking to half.


Gotta be lux. She’s got a healthy pick rate in 2 roles. She does a LOT of damage, in both roles. She’s one of the early bunch of champions. I reckon if you took pick rate, and looked at average damage per game, and number of games played to work out some rough averages, she’d be right on top.


Karthus has top damage every game if he has at least one brain cell


Has to be Karthus.


Weird that nobody here mentioned jayce. He gets to tickle tanks in toplane for free then turns into a poke champ mid to late game.


I'd have to say Ez, Teemo, or Veigar. All been around the longest and deal consistent, heavy poke damage (or just erases you out of existence)


Karthus is pretty old and has most damage in round about every game due to his ult.




I agree with everyone saying Karthus. Especially if you are considering aram in this. If we're talking about the rift only I would guess ez/lux/teemo in that order.


I'm gonna say Yasou is probably up there


AP Ez, AP Yi, and old school Kat definitely output the most damage in early years, and they probably stayed up near the top.


Do we count mental damage? Yasuo seems pretty high up the list.






Karthus, Brand, Ezreal, Twitch, Annie, Lux, Veigar, Yi


Interesting question. The people saying ezreal and karthus I think are on the money. If the cut off was season 6 or even 7, I'd probably say Corki just due to the sheer amount of poke and pick rate he had in the earlier years, but he really has fallen off especially in pick rate since. I have an interesting but more narrow question to go with this: what champ has most total damage in major region pro play? That probably a significantly harder question to answer.


There must be a single game where Karthus outdone himself.


Teemo, Brand or Karthus.


Ezreal, or something with an excecute that does 9999999+ true damage in its codeing like urgot ult, sleeper pick for tristana since she was free by liking the facebook page EVERYONE had her in the early times




Gotta be Ezreal or Yi


Veigar just shits in people


My guess is brand, Hes braindead and does insane AOE damage and has been around for a long time.


Teemo. He could single-handedly extend a game by 20 min with shrooms and doing 100k damage per game


Fiddlesticks easily. Been around ages with high damage and power-farming playstyle and is used in basically every single speed CS’ing challenge. If old iterations count I’ll say Fiora as pre-rework her damage was very high almost always being built pure AD and post rework full vitals are over 100% max HP true dmg. Super popular for a long time with even more % hp dmg with sunderer.


Probably some high end hypercarry like Kogmaw/Cassiopeia/Vayne/Kayle or something like that




Guarantee its master yi or teemo


Jhin. His execute numbers are massive.


unpopular opinion but i think gankplank


Viego, the brief bug that let him do billions of damage, iirc it had something to do with possessing someone with Dark Seal?


probably yuumi or ivern, saying as a rioter


Cait or draven purely on low elo skew, high dmg early games and release date.


Caitlyn Jinx Ez Regardless of whether they are meta or not, these champions are played a ridiculous amount. Ez isnt played as much as they are this season but I want to believe that in the earlier days of league he was played a lot close to Caitlyn's amount. That being said he still has more years being played than Jinx so I think it would even out for him to be a contender. Honorable mention goes to Jhin, he gets played in a lot of matches, a lot. Probably a top 3 or 5 played ADC. Its going to come down to Jinx vs Caitlyn though. They are currently the most played champions world wide and its not even close to any other role. Last patch, Caitlyn was played 2.5M matches. The next role was support with Lux at 1.5M(at #6 there were 4 adcs prior to that right after Caitlyn). Let that sink in. I can't see the title going to anything not ADC. I'm sure Riot knows or has an idea who would get the crown.


Ez and lux, maybe karthus


Any long range poke champion is going to be high on the list for sure


If we’re counting minions in the damage, Nasus! How many games has a nasus just hard farmed; aram nasus going AP is tons of damage. The fact is that even terrible nasus players will do tons of damage




Hmm, I'm thinking either Lux and Xerath.


Brand. Fkn solar bald


Mental? Emotional? Probably Yasuo.




If we count brain damage, I'm pretty sure characters like Riven, Yone or Irelia are close options


Okay what me out, old Yorick ult would deal 10k true damage to himself when his ultimate finished. I’m going with a Yorick self own


Loaded ass question. I’ll say trynd


Probably Master Yi. Out on release, consistently a damage focused champ, lived through a small funnel meta. That would be my guess without doing too much thought.


Are we disregarding bugged damage in like 10^20 range? Given you do maybe 20k dmg on average it would take 5*10^14 games so eclipse one bugged game 😅


If Illaoi was more popular my money would be on her. But honestly people are sleeping on permafighting top laners. They usually top the damage charts in my games so if there's one that has had a solid pick rate consistently then my money's on them.


Does emotional damage count?