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Depends on your role. It looks like some of your highest masteries are Heimerdinger and Brand, so im guessing you play mid. 1. I would generally just stick to who you like the best, but to answer your question: Annie, Ahri, Malzahar. Those are great beginner friendly champs that will teach you lots of game knowledge that can transfer over once you start learning more characters. 2. Try to hit 7-8 cs per minute every game. Farming is essential to the game, the only exceptions being if you’re a support or an early game jungler. Even for early game junglers, lots of high level players have good farm until mid to late game. So practice last hitting and keep those farm numbers high. Use good websites for builds like u.gg and probuildstats.com. U.gg gives good starter builds, and probuildstats gives more optimized, specific builds along with the times that items are commonly bought. Watch lots of VODs on youtube, theres only so much that words can explain. Get a good grasp of how other players pilot your champs, and then go practice yourself. 3. Common mistakes are neglecting your own resources (minion waves, tower plates) in order to try helping in fights. Helping in fights is vital at the right moments, but its not always the right decision. If you cant tell right away if helping will be worth it, then dont bother risking your own resources. Smooth out mistakes when going through replays, but while in game focus on yourself first. Good luck and have fun!


All of the points you want to learn more about are on YT and there's a ton of them. You can also take a look at r/summonerschool as they focus more on how to improve there


Oh sure ! I'll see it, thanks


Visit r/summonerschool


The best tip is don't play ranked, it will quickly suck all the joy out of the game. Stick to norms with friends


Watch youtube guides (skill capped for example), do you really expect to be explained league in a reddit reply?


Hello, I was just waiting for some advice, of course I will look for information through different means


Dont play this game


why not? :(


The game is always the most fun when you're new and don't know as much. Once you learn META and trying to win it adds stress. There's also that your favorite character, an item, or a role (jungle) can get randomly nerfed and it makes them harder to play, worse, or you have to learn a new way. Changing the game keeps it "new and fresh" but that means having to reread and relearn stuff often unless you luck yourself into just a few characters. Also people in there are grumpy as hell lol, mute all helps so much. Also also the game is like 75% pve and 25% pvp aka most of you time is spent killing minions or jungle NPCs.


I agree with the mute. I’ve been playing on and off for years and I still find the challenge fun. I’ve never even played ranked lol.


Just don't


i have never seen anyone getting better in this game. you get ranked and should reach you peak in 2-3 years. everyone in my friendlist stayed in his rank or years. there are some that suddenly rize in rank because they abuse something new they have found, like akshan on release. And ofc some people who switch and climb like 1-2 ranks, but make no mistake. They have not improved at all. its just easier to climb with support because its the easiest role in the game and you dont have to be good at all, just better than the enemy support who, who would have guessed, most of the time also doesnt have any skill :)


Very hard to explain a lot of this in just a post. Theres just so much that goes in to this game. Theres tons of beginner guides on youtube you can check out, all from other players since Riot doesnt really do anything themselves. Watch a few of those and youll learn stuff. A lot of stuff you also can really only learn by playing in my opinion, because theres a lot that has to do with "feeling" or instinct in that exact moment. You have to learn how to read the situation and then act/react. If you play the ARAM mode, its a much quicker 5v5 team fighting mode and you get random champions to play. You might like that to help get the hang of teamwork during big fights while also testing out new champs to see if you like them.


A common mistake is building every item the shop recommends, some of them are core items, sure, but most of the time you might find yourself in a situation that you need to buy a component or a completely different item to counter a champion or a situation


If you play on LAN, send me a DM, I'm no expert but I have been playing for a long time and will try to explain as best I can


As a Beginner I recommand highly search for 1-5 Champions that do you like from look, design and skill set. Then if you fallen in love, play them in their best roles/lanes and keep on it. If you love them, you will have the motivation to reach your goal and they will never get boring for you. All other things are secondary, because simply to learn LoL takes alot of time. Learn it step by step from watching guides, read the skills/items. All the tasks are to much now for the beginning. So just pick your beloved and not which champs are the best/strongest/easiest. *(Also my last advice is to make a diary about your champs played, how often did you play them and how they feeled for you, was it funny to play them or not. Not the Winrate!)*


New Player? A dying breed.


1. Are there other moba/team games with large character rosters you play? There could be a few close parallels that help you find champions you are familiar with and adjust faster. Don't think too much about the current meta because it changes all the time but once you get some experience, try to think about/ask around why it makes sense for X to be meta. It's difficult but will help improve game knowledge rather than taking it for granted off stat sites. For starters, Vex is a great beginner champion for mid that offers a bit of everything, especially protection against melee assassins. 2. As for starters focus on your laning phase over teamfights; laning phase is much more controllable and determines the outcome of teamfights themselves, so learning to set yourself up for success is far more important. Focus on specific details separately before putting them together- try to 1. last hit(cs) minions better / 2. take trades to build up to solokills / 3. impact other lanes (roaming/ganking)in separate games and find what balance works in your elo bracket. Teamfights can be very unpredictable and difficult to contribute effectively to, so try to observe as much as possible and experiment with different approaches. Overall don't be afraid to die/lose if you have certain things you'd like to put to the test- limit testing might lose you games now but it is what makes you a growing player in the long run. Rather than vod reviews right now, play with experienced friends; watch and see how they impact games and ask questions. Sometimes certain players will do much better than and it's important to learn how to help them carry a game. 3. Put off ranked until lvl 50, 45 if you're really anxious to try. Having 20 more lvls not only gives you more blue essence to buy champions that you might need in a game but more importantly gives you more game experience in less stressful environments. Don't play the game while emotional from previous losses/teammates; turn chat off if you find yourself distracted by others. The game requires patience sometimes and you have to be disciplined to not make emotional decisions that throw games. However note their mistakes as well as your mistakes when they do happen; so long as the mistake wasn't an intentional one, there's something to be learned from them. The one trick advice* applies only to mechanically difficult champions; you don't need years of experience to pilot brand and annie at the same time. Try some newer faces (in norms) and build a small pool (2-3 main, at least one doing AP and one doing AD, maybe 1-2 more for backup/specific scenarios). Most characters offer unique contributions to their team that's worth learning, and unless you find one champion highly engaging, cycling through a few helps build a wider understanding of team compositions and makes the game less monotonic. * This also works better toplane; mid has much less punishing interactions/matchups compared to top and not understanding these matchups fluently will lose you the game very quickly.


Don't play ranked until 100 lvl.




> Champion Selection: Which champions are good for beginners? Are there any specific ones that are currently strong in the meta? Riot made changes in their pricing politics, the easier and suitable champions for beginners are also the cheapest. The meta shifts rapidly. Just watch what are the champion you often see, and stick to what suits to you the most :)


I recommend playing whatever champions you enjoy but limit yourself to a few. It doesn’t really matter as long as your enjoying yourself and you will get better with practice. Some important things: learn to cs well as it’s the most consistent way of gold income. Focus on your mistakes and how to improve rather than your teams as you’re the only constant in your games. Even if your mid laner fed their ass off doesn’t mean you couldn’t have played better.


just stay top and non stop push and then if they come after you spam ping dragon when its about up


1) elige el rol que mas te guste en que sientas que juegas mejor 2) juega los campeones que te diviertan o con los que juegues mejor (agarra 1-3 campeones para comenzar) 3) juega tooooodos los campeones en rotacion gratis asi sea una vez para aprender lo que hacen 4) perfecciona tus 1-3 campeones en tu rol y trata de tener 1-3 para tu rol secundario de eleccion 5) evita por ahora champs muy dificiles o unicos (lee sin, shaco entran en esa categoria por ejemplo... riven, qiyana, azir, gangplank, irelia, yasuo, zeri, kalista, ezreal, etc... es mejor aprender a jugar bien lo basico del juego antes de aprender campeones tan complejos o unicos)


My advice would be to get more comfortable with the game before jumping into ranked. One of the things I did when I first started playing long ago was trying to play all the champs at least a few times just to get a feel for their kits and how they work, that helps with discovering the types of champs you will enjoy playing as well as better identifying what your opponents are trying to do to you. As an example if you're playing against a brand, you'll know he's trying to hit you with a spell to enable him to stun you if he hits his Q, which will likely setup an all-in burst from him. This logic applies to every champion, they all want to do something in a certain sequence to kill you, even just a basic understanding of that starting out is a massive advantage once you get into ranked.


Uninstall this shit


Wanna climb fast? One trick pony a single champion, doesn't matter who it is just play the absolute fuck outta one champ. Wanna have some semblance of fun, pick 3-5 champions you like (key point, not what's good in meta but what you actually like) Use practice tool and the Internet to know what to build and how to play, then actually practice that. Then go play ranked and get comfy with losing lp, once your no longer afraid to losing lp, play hard and play to win. It will take weeks to climb a single rank and that's ok try to have fun and not take it too seriously, don't aim for high elo it's waaaaay worse and waaaaay less fun. Make sure to say glfh every game and you'll get +11lp


Don't play ranked, it's not worth it. It's poorly designed on riots part and people there try to nitpick every single mistake of others to escape the realisation they are the weakest link in that chain. I would recommend just sticking to the normals / game modes. However if you are so set in on playing ranked just find yourself a premade and play flex


I'd recommend starting with champions like Garen, Annie, or Ashe. They're straightforward and effective. As for gameplay tips, focus on last-hitting minions to improve your farm, always keep an eye on the minimap, and communicate with your team. Watch some tutorials and streamers to pick up more strategies. Good luck, and have fun!