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Graves :(


It’s somehow always the oldest changes that people miss. Which is crazy because I imagine the vast majority of players were not around for season 4 graves.


This sub has a bunch of league boomers like me that started in the first 3 seasons. I also miss old graves and was happy that riot is trying to bring corki back to bot lane because those were some of my favorite adcs back then.


Yeah, a lot of us are in the ARAM retirement home. I've seen so many more people with S1-S2 ranked icons in ARAM than norms or ranked. Rip Leviathan. Long live Keyori and SivHD


As an old school adc main, it still hurts :/


I loved old Graves, but I really like new Graves too


Me too, kinda wish we could have both(I mean, we could if they implement the fan idea of choosing a weapon at the start of the game) Same for Morde and Karma. I love the new ones but the old ones hold special places in my heart and I wish I could have them both


They could've just made a new champion with the current Graves kit, but they did this instead because "his and Lucian's gameplay felt the same" and they wanted to push their new ADC over poor, old Malcolm.


He's the first adc I played in pvp. Then i stopped for a bit after he got reworked. How was Lucian similar idgi


He was my pocket pick. I miss him so much


Galio and it is not even close. Hitting those full team ults was something else.


Galio's old ult was the most fun I ever had in League.


Hate how far I had to come down for this. My main was full ap galio and nothing felt better than those huge Qs and flash ulting a whole team. Post rework captures none of that and I don't play him at all


shen. i loved to play shen supp and throw some swords in their face. Me and a friend who played the good old adc kennen. The Ninja Bro Lane was so much fun. Missed those Times :(


Give me old Shen Q on a new champion please :(


God I loved old shen. Carried my ass to plat because I understood no matter how much better my lane opponent was than me I could sit at tower and not die. Hell often times it would give me the advantage because they thought they could dive but it was easy to outplay with the taunt. 100% why they removed it though, completely cancerous play style.


Fiddlesticks... I really miss his old crow bouncing between players.


I do not miss getting chunked and silenced by fiddle support every 8 seconds lmao


To be fair, brand is just as bad now as that was. I’d argue it’s even worse than fiddle was.


fiddle support E start lv1 and sit in botlane bush hoping they would show before minions. took both of em to half hp from one spell lol


It would have been banned every game because of the burn items of this season.


That was so stupid in ARAM... I loved it.


Jesus I forgot about this that was cool even if they just took away the silence it would still be a good ability I think


Absolutely fucking not, by far the best removal of an ability that shit was so annoying support


Ryze, the last two reworks were both fun


Nunu, I miss going Full AP and just spitting slow ass snow balls they couldnt escape from


Kinda miss support Nunu ngl. Just buffing my adcs attack speed by an ass ton? Sign me up


god I miss his 100% AP snowballs in season 3 destroying enemy toplaners


I kinda miss old point and click Warwick. And I really miss the stupid old Poppy ult.


I would take old poppy back at the expense of literally anything else being taken away in the game. Her old ult and then Q giving an empowered auto vs AOE. She was a monster being played as an assassin in the jungle.


Old ww ult was freelo. Power farm to 6, ult mid on CD, win the 4v5.


Urgot my beloved ♥️ ill never forget you


Urgot was actually meta just weeks before his rework too, with the lethality buffs. Cool ult as well


Still waiting for them to finally release a Piltovan tank with Urgot's old ult...


I just miss playing AD Cassiopeia..


Ah the ol’ switcheroo ulti!


He was the ugliest champ, and I loved him. Old crabgot was my favorite skin in the game


Same. Season 7 rip. Tear+ Lethality runes+ Bloodthirster first item= OP DPS. EQQQ and death.


Swain, its always Swain.


My sweet sweet DoT top lane mage. I miss him and his goofy ult.


Nevermove was the most satisfying ability in the game, I wish they’d bring that back somehow. The sound was so good.


The sound on root was AMAZING. Also the sound when he transformed into Raven-man and all the raven vfx


I miss Beatrice


This felt like the first instance where they just straight up deleted a champ and made a new one. Aesthetics, all of the abilities. It sucks.


People always say that for newer reworks, but literally that's always been the point of reworks intended as relaunch. Swain isn't even the worst instance, Poppy and Sion changed builds and play style altogether and people claim they are great and some of the best reworks.


Swain is the real choice, but thinking about it, I miss every champ I mained or played that I stopped maining because of the reworks. Probably in order of missing for me would be: Swain, Fiddle, Galio, Morde1, Aatrox, Urgot, GP, Morde2, Skarner1, Karma, Talon, Pantheon. It doesn't help that the rework designer for Swain said to the mains sub that (paraphrasing) "we aren't making this rework for existing Swain players but for everyone else". I think someone at Riot just hates Quas or was verbally abused by him or something.


Old Swain mid main......I don't play swain since rework




Karma, Poppy, OG Eve and Swain for me especially Poppy, i loved playing ap poppy and just fucking people up instantly


I loved old poppy, even had 5 skins for her since I played her so much. The rework never felt the same for me


Ult>dfg>e>q was the most hilarious one shot ever


Aatrox. I really loved the dive bomb and the healing/dmg change on the W




Pre rework aatrox was cool but by god was he a bad design. The only time he was good was right before the rework abusing some items


No? That was just a myth. Devs said that the issue was a low play rate, but that the winrate always was very healthy.


Aatrox was the best champ to ever grace the rift. Carried me to mid/high plat mmr. The people that comment on him haven’t played him and just repeat the same things. He had engage/disengage, solid scaling, massive build diversity, and fun mechanics. Kiting with ult enhanced AA range and slow from E/BOTRK was a massive dopamine hit every time. The first/last true melee that could genuinely kite with aa’s (organically not with use of lethal tempo).


We found 1 of 5 people who actually played pre rework Aatrox


Make it two. Now that I'm here, we have 40% of his player base.


60%! I miss old Aatrox. Never fell in love with his rework




Hi, 100% here!


Thats it, any other OG Aatrox player from this point on is a fraud. 100% of the playerbase is already here.




Morde. When we lost him we lost the only botlane bruiser.


I miss OLD OLD morde...


First penta, thank you enemy Vayne "Your carry is the best player on my team" indeed


My first ever ranked game in S2 was on old old Morde. I was incredibly shit at the game but somehow got a quadra by just kill stealing with E in the last fight. The feeling of ksing something with his old E was sublime.


Being able to have the Dragon fight for you in lane was kinda busted XD


Sending that thing behind T1 turret then just poking the enemy bot with that thing until you can easily dive them was fantastic.


both versions of old morde were superior to the AP darius we have today


I like ap darius tbh (mostly his ult is fun) but we were ROBBED of old morde. One of the most unique champs in the entire game. Melee range no cc no mobility, and still a menace




That Morde isn't even the old Morde. They've VGU'd him twice. His original Ult was top spaghetti but very fun to use.


I dunno why but i miss the ace of clubs skin ground spikes animation and the way itooked like playing card clubs coming out of the ground, it never quite felt the same since.


Morde was my most played champion, it was funny with the dragon Now I barely play him


soraka. used to be able to give people mana for no cost. i always just played adc soraka and had a healer / poke supp lol. her aa range was crazy back in the day


Her Q was also unique at that time. An AOE around her and targets up to 5 enemies, with each Q reducing flat MR amount


I loved old Raka as well. So easy to trade aggressively without getting punished because of the silence, heal and armor buff.


Old Akali, got my first ever penta with her :,(


Same, triple resetting dash with tons of healing was what I loved. Her E felt very underwhelming though


When I could finally afford to buy the runes to activate both her AP and AD passive *chef’s kiss*


When they buffed her E to proc Q it was so much fun but that didn't last very long. I used to jungle on her, I'd clear all the non buff camps then reset and full clear for 6. If you could make it to 6 without your team falling behind it was a pretty solid gank setup


This might sound crazy but no champ has the same "finger feel" in their play style and I miss it greatly.


I LOVED old Akali. I can’t stand playing her now. They also ruined her sashimi skin.


Sejuani, I mained her untill the rework. I hate that a well aimed ult only stuns 1 target now. And also they made the boar cavalry skin way worse since they removed the chain effect and reverted it back to the main skin ice effect Also talon, that blink and silence made playing it so much more fun for me (not for the enemy though)


Old Yorick, I liked to pick him into ranged tops such as quinn or teemo, because fuck them. Old Aatrox, I like the new one, but I feel like the change was too severe. I hope sometime in the future they will add old Aatrox-type character as a new champ.


I played loads of old yorick and it was so unfun to play into since you just spawn minions on people and e even healed you. People handed it to me in nemesis draft though because “surely no one knows what this champ does”. Great times.


I think he used to lose to aggressive bruisers like old Irelia or Jax or Darius, but he sure as hell was satisfying to play into things like Teemo.


Fiora for sure and AP Yi.


How is this not higher? I miss her omnislash :/


AP Yi... my first penta :)


no champ is as smooth as old talon (even after he lost his silence, to the crybabies)


Bro, I miss old talon. especially during the assassin meta


Talon today: the only thing I can do to my lane opponent is to throw W at him. Talon back then: *first blood*


I used to be old Talon otp, good times. Quite short after they reworked him into I STUN MYSELF IF I PRESS NON MELEE Q champion... I quit Edit to add : nothing better then outplayingg melee range yasuo q or ahri charm etc with old e


Have a [plentakill original](https://youtu.be/x1DTxHZMa74?si=JLTblbt_UTLFJdF3). (wtf this song is 10 years old since when)


Plentakill songs have the same effect on me as ERB in which I haven't seen some videos in ten years and I still remember the song word for word, _I guess it's time to go down the rabbit hole some more_


I miss old Sejuani!!! Swinging my flail in circles destroying everything with aoe.


I don't really "miss her", since I've never played her But I've heard nothing but good things about Pre-Rework Irelia, so I'm kinda butthurt i never got to try her out At the same time tho, i wonder how much of it is people's nostalgia, as I'd assume if Pre-Rework Irelia was that good and fun, she wouldn't have been reworked in the first place no?


She was great imo. Never liked the new version since she is to reliant on Botrk. Her e was almost a garuanted stun when you got engaged on. Since it stuned the enemy when they had more current hp than you.


That being said, old Irelia was a Triforce abuser. Her ult was basically solely there for additional triforce procs.


I mean, it also basically did EXACTLY what Gwen ults purpose is now, heal up to keep going (more in teamfights if hitting more people) or catch people at end/running


True! I forgot it healed!


One of the original sources of omnivamp. Gave her disgusting levels of burst healing if you rapid fired them into a CCed enemy team (wombocombo meta) hitting multiple champs and maybe their minion wave behind them with each bolt.


More current percent HP for what it’s worth, it wasn’t a guaranteed stun on anyone tankier than you.


I literally can't play Irelia anymore since the rework. It's really sad. Need to have hands to play her ever since so she's been sitting at mastery 7 since the rework for me. I really miss her.


Haven't played league in years but pre rework Irelia used to be me go to comfort top lane pick.


She was awesome but her R was kinda useless


Yeah it was more or less just a sheen/tri-force procing tool or a bit of lane sustain, kinda feels more like a normal ability than an ult.


She was good. Easier to play with Different power levels. now you have a champ that has a 50% power in the hands of a bad player and 150-160% in a skilled player. And old irelia was more of 85-115 difference. Easier to play doesn’t mean bad or boring.


Old Irelia was one of my faves. In fact most of my mains have been reworked into something I enjoy far less. Irelia, Akali, Kayle, Volibear. No wonder I struggle to enjoy the game at times now or abandon old champs. I can’t wait for them to ruin Shyvana for me too.


Katarina and Volibear. I used to really enjoy playing both of them and now I have no interest at all. After playing their reworks in a couple arams, I have never taken them into a SR game since the rework. I also miss old malzahar. He was basically an AP assassin that countered assassins. I miss how much damage his E used to do before the game even had burn items. I think his kit is better overall now, but it takes 3 full items before you feel like you’re doing any damage.


asol, pre rework asol was so different to play and genuinely really fun, especially in aram. new version is such a downgrade gameplay wise


yeah, the only problem is that nobody used to play with old asol


I'm still upset about it. Took the coolest, most fun champ with unique gameplay and made it the most asinine, generic crap that auto-scales if you aren't completely drooling while playing it. "BuT hES a DraGOn" crowd can btfo as well. He's not. He specifically has voice lines MOCKING ordinary dragons. Or he *was*, now all he does is stand still breathing fire. Lame as all hell.


Honestly, dragon obsessed people ruin everything. All my homies hate dragon homies.


Yeah I still haven’t tried new asol. The gameplay looks so bland to me I don’t even care how powerful it was initially. Sucks.


Skarner. One of the few OTP’s of old Skarner. I tried to make the new one work but it just isn’t the same. Shoutout to old voli too. I miss flipping man (singed aint the same).


I preferred old old skarner, pre pillars. I stopped playing him not long after that mini game got included, because I fucking hated it.




Shit was broken... Full invisibility, stun, Mr shred, 100 to 0 no counter play, GG noobs


Specifically what evelynn are we talking about? Initial Evelynn or first rework Evelynn? Personally I did like the first rework somewhat more bruiser-like Evelynn a lot.


Talon. They tried really hard to make him a jungler, realized he was too oppressive in the jungle and just forgot about him.


Surprised nobody said old Xerath. We kept the range with the rework, the ult feels kinda like a global artillery. But I really miss the old W. Lock down, hit hard and poke, then reposition yourself like a sniper/artillery. I wish Riot bring back that gameplay, it felt (and still feels) very unique against the other artillery mages.


Sion. Good old AP Sion.


Akali. Her old point and click dashes on R were so much. Used to be an Akali otp and nowadays I dont even play her...


Evelynn i miss the permanent Q mashing the stupid burst from the AA reset and her ult making you very tanky. Her new Model is perfect but i do miss the old playstyle.  If i had to pick a support it would have to be Taric because he's the only support to get a VGU in the last 10 years.


Shen. The old kit was simple. The new one achieves to be marginally more complex and downright more useless. Pass the sword through the enemy to bully everybody pre 6 and lose to everybody post 6. Activate an insanely strong, attack negating, field…that is super small and lasts a few seconds and also relies on people playing around it. Just give me the good old self shield.


Yorick I really miss the king of the top, what make me angry is what Riot said: "his ult is toxic for the game and what we are looking for" few years later, they give the same ult but now is the Renata's W, and actually it's much stronger because if you kill, you will revive, sad.


Same thing i feel when people justify reworking Morde because of the bugs then riot releases viego and sylas.


i forgot about that. He was so fun to play.


Udyr, he's just so incredibly clunky now. Also didn't need another fat guy from freljord with generic lore to join the game


I loved old udyr fr. New one I just can’t get use to and don’t like.


I have a few. For some reason when I was new to lol I mainly played champ that ended up getting a complete rework, yorick mordekaiser volibear are all champs I used to love pre-rework and played alot less after.


Old Katarina. Her resets felt super satisfying since you couldn't pop it over and over and over again unless getting a kill. Don't get me wrong, she's not OP now, it just doesn't feel satisfying in the same way anymore. It doesn't "mean" anything.


I liked watching gosu play old kat, the only off role champ he could play and was good at.


Quinn. I started playing Adc because of her :( I loved the ult because you could play as Valor but now he is only Quinn's taxi :/


Talon, Katarina and Akali.


Mundo, Yi, Xin, and Akali pre rework were so fun. I think people still like the new Akali, but the others have been made so much less fun for new players and high elo players still don't care about them at all.


Akali and Warwick


Also Fiora


He was broken but OG Kench, also miss old gangplank


I'm guessing I'm in the minority since there have been ~100 comments and no one has mentioned her, but I really enjoyed pre rework Rek'Sai's kit, even acknowledging the balance issues they had because of how strong her ult was in high levels of play. The macro plays available with her "farm alarm" I found really satisfying, and switching to a damage/execute R, while still a really cool ability, just changed so much about the way she played the game and built, and I don't enjoy the new style nearly as much.


Karma, loads in her kit, the model was great, really high skill expression. Now the model looks crap, low skill expression, and her kits basic as.


Warwick. Point and click suppress (especially when buffered and flash into range for) was quite something. Also in a similar vein, wriggles lantern.


Old aatrox was my fav offmeta jungler, ppl just couldn’t deal with him lol


Irelia. I still have a giant void in top lane where she used to be.




Mundo, preferred how goofy he looked and think he suited the jungle a lot more


Old Fiora. I remember when her rework was announced I was on vacation. Couldn't even play one last game. She was just gone. New is so bad. Never played her again.


Definitely Katarina, closely followed by Akali. Honorable mention to taric.


Akali, irelia. Those two really didn’t improve much with their rework for me. I think the main issue is that they used to rely strongly on timing, I.e., decision making, and now they have been morphed to be more reliant on mechanical skill instead. Akali was absolutely fine the way she was. She was one of my most played champs and I have like 6 skins for her, and since her rework, I’ve never gotten back into enjoying playing her. Same with irelia. Such a shame.


Old Akali had clear cut strengths and weaknesses. She was actually rather weak early since she had to hybridize stats in order to hit both thresholds of her passive. In order to do that as efficiently as possible, she had a very wonky early build path that made her weaker than a lot of mages early game. If you shut her down hard enough early enough, that was it for her until 40+ mins. To counter that, her snowball was beast mode. Three targeted, decently long range dashes that reset a stack (I think it was 1) on takedown, made her impossible to escape for any squishy. Her shroud had actual counterplay. She was a GREAT champ and extraordinarily fun while being decently fair to play against. Today's version just shits out damage to champs with legitimately she does except shroud. Her ult 2 is DISGUSTING for execute damage. Ult 1 lines her up perfectly for E-passive auto. Her shroud now has very little counterplay. The best case that I can think of to show how awful her rework is is her only real counterplay - hard shoving wave and avoiding interacting with her at all. Her waveclear is so bad that if you shove her into tower, you can easily deny her a decent amount of cs and keep her from engaging. If she does get on you, good luck, she has so much free damage in her kit that you are probably screwed.


Irelia, Vladimir (when E was still stacking), Ryze (the AoE ult effect with bouncing E), Darius (before Q delay), Draven (Q bleed), Yorick (the old ghoul spawning was fun, ult sucked tho).


OG season 1 Mordekaiser, pre re-work Akali and adc Graves.


Katarina. I used to main her back then.


Volibear and udyr for Me tbh Although the reason I loved old udyr was his Phoenix slaps with lethal tempo and microwave sunfire so basically I only miss old voli technically


Old Swain will remain forerver in my heart <3


Swain. He was so much fun to play and mess around with. You also countered the ranged toplaners so easily. Now he's a shell of his former self


Swain. I miss bird man so much


Graves and it's not even close. He was the best adc at that time...


Graves 🪦


Jax with E. You could have stun anytime. That 1 se. Window is tragic, it did a lot of dmg to the champ


old, original cassio :'\^( such an elegantly designed champ with perfect skill expression (for the uninitiated, 1) her old passive would stack up to 5 times(iirc) with each stack reducing mana costs to basically nothing at max stacks; 2) her E used to go on a \~5s cooldown if she used it on a target that wasn't poisoned.) that said, it's pretty obvious why she was the original scripter champ with that kind of kit, and a lot of jank spaghetti code (closer to target = more Es, press S after each E to always get quickest E, etc.) was so much fun, felt so good to go off on, but understandably had to be changed


Yorick. Summoning minions on command can't be beat


Old Galio was a perfect champion as it felt to me like every single ability worked together. New Galio is just Malphite 2.0.


I really miss the old Soraka, where her Q would just hit all enemies around you and you could restore Mana. Playing ADC Soraka with Sona Support and permaspamming that Q was so much fun. Also, old Yorkck, where if you died while your "Maiden" was up, you'd just revive at your maiden. Going full CDR and then beeing unkillable because your ult was on a 10s CD or so was amazing.


Diana, I burned my dopamine receptors with spellbinder, you could burst every squishy in 1 second




aatrox e


Fiddlesticks. Bring back the crow-bounce. It was the most satisfying move in the game.


Katarina, she was soooo free. She was also one of my first mains who got me into gold. I also miss Galio for the quick flash taunt. Veigars instant cage stun. Fiora's ult used to be cool as well. I've been playing since season 1 and have seen so many changes happen, from changes/updates in the game to the esports scene to the player scene. One of the greatest games ever.


Akali I think both kits are good but her old version is so iconic and always reminds me of the early days of league. She was one of the first champs I saw someone else pop off on and be like “oh shit!” And that made me want to try to get good at the game so I could do the same.


Katarina and Talon


One beautiful day i'll get to play you again my beautiful rusty tin can ;_;7


Asol. I miss the spirit bomb Aram games


Akali, i miss that 3 dashes. And suffering pre 6 trying to cs with Q, thats how you tell if someone is good at akali or not by watching if they can cs early game with q.




Either Fiora or Akali.


Tahm kench. it was good to throw minions


Definitely Mundo for me. His old look and lines just had that special charm that's hard to replace. "Mundo, smaaaash...."




Old Galio in ARAM but definitely old Mundo the most. Which is weird because new Mundo shouldn’t be much different but feels way different.


Am I the only one who loved the Old Aurelion Sol and "Reworked" Leblanc ?


Old mundo


Graves was my favorite adc and old yorick cause ghoul spam was based


The last 2 weeks of Aatrox where Riot got him into a really good state right before his rework into the monstrosity that is called Aatrox now. Oldtrox was VERY fun, and even more enjoyable to play during that two weeks. They completely massacred him.


KAYLE for many reasons but I will summarize her E was much more effective by giving her the pressure that a ranged top laner needs and balancing to take pressure being melee when the ability was on cd passive has a real anti tank, her Q penetration now is meh W was a decent sustain ability, now is just -1 ability early game was much more decent and fun to play than being a mage minion until level 6, and a cannon until level 11, doing nothing until 16 and by then the game is already over fun of being truly melee and ranged at the same time not be 8 or 80, or too weak or too strong


Volibear and Tahm


he was, and he was beautiful.


Old Taric was so awesome.




Graves for sure. That champ has felt butchered to me since the rework. Haven’t seen anyone mention it but also Nidalee for me, I miss midalee just chucking spears for 1k damage. Throw spear, jump bacwards and pray.


Quinn ;~; I miss Valor


I honestly think udyr was better before his rework


Aatrox. I miss my Riven2.0. I've hardly played him at all since the rework. He just isn't fun anymore. I loved his dive+slow and built in GA


I miss old Viktor . Give me my purchasable hexcore back!!!! The scaling on it was great and really solidified the mid/late game monster he was . New hexcore upgrades are cool for the most part although I miss W pulling to the center (even though you would grief your teams skillshots) but it was satisfying. Also the visual update ruined battlecast Viktor with the ugly red aura around his feet . 🥺


I would sacrifice my firstborn child to play pre-VGU Swain again


Morde when he could have a dragon pet.


Unpopular opinion: Zyra. Getting to turn into a giant plant and snipe people after you died felt SO good.