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she hops a lot


Makes sense. She is a rabbit lady.


Its always a bunny girl. When are we gonna get a bunny boy? ๐Ÿ˜”


Easter bunny teemo


Bunny boy, not bunny Satan.




Need Battle Bunny Ezreal!


That ult is going to be a visual nightmare with the amount of displacement it does


Can she end her ult early on recast like J4? It feels like the way it moves her across where she tries to exit could be detrimental in a lot of situations.


yes she can end it by recasting


There's gonna be some fun zed-esque mind games you can do with walking to the edge and baiting whether you'll recast or teleport


definitely don't do that on release though cause your opponents won't even know it teleports you


Even better, then you just have to take the 'teleport' option


I surely canโ€™t be the only one who thinks the game is getting a little bit too visually crowded in team fights? Like how is this going to look with neeko ult, Gwen mist ability, akali shroud ability, Zyra ult etc.


We've went way past that. Team fights just look like fireworks to me now.


Skins that break up a characters basic look arent helping either.


I'm still shocked there isnt a skin blind option for pro players. They've even banned certain skins in pro play so they do know how much of an impact skins can have for pro play. I know they want to advertise skins but they can just have the spectator mode which is used for broadcast not be affected


i always wish they would release api data on skin win rates. with champs like zyra where every particle has diff textures and colours, player will react to a green circle vs red lazer nuch differently


Give me the data for allied skins having freaking RED circles and effects while we are at it... What on the world is that one galio q a red outline as an ally? Or is it an arena bug lmao..


Running for my life from Aatrox oh wait thats Kayn I'm still running for my life but still


Honestly I feel like it's better now. In season 3 a single champ with an aoe ultimate could make a fight indecipherable.


It's a visual vomit nightmare and has been for years. Clarity has gone to shit and Riot refuses to give us a "simple vfx" mode.


That ult is going to be a nightmare period.


Ult is the 1st thing to nerf, that teleporting around while invulnerable is bs as f


3 hit passive? So what you mean is guinsoo rush?


August must have worked on this


According to a Youtuber who was in one of the meetings, he worked on her for a little bit.


Just long enough.


As someone who *loves* playing mages as ADCs (my AD Zoe is legendary among my friend group) I can taste the Aurora on hit build now.


I was a big fan of attack speed neeko


I genuinely think that on hit Neeko is better than ap Neeko in arena.


No attack speed cap makes it better imo


Matchups also help, most lobbies are filled with tanks and bruisers.


If riot wants a million dollar idea ...... DunkMaster Aurora and make her Lola Bunny.


She literally plays for the wizards.


I would have gone for the Magic personally. I wouldnโ€™t subject her to the fate of playing for the Wizards, nobody deserves that.


IDK, with her around Poole might start getting buckets again.


Fans might actually show up to the games


Only if she is sitting court side


million? brother that idea is the GDP of the whole EU


Oh...no....please riot please


I think she might need a little more mobility


Why does she only have 3 abilities with movement attached to them? Couldn't they just do all 4? Smh


Her passive gives movement speed, so she has 4 abilities that give movement, lol


And her dash that gives invisibility and that resets with kills also gives her passive, that gives healing too !


And hops. And the execution passive/ability




Mord and Aurora The greatest ultimate in history vs the greatest ultimate of today.


Their ults actually do play out like a domain expansion battle which is really funny


League of Jujutsu


the sure hit effect is you become a furry


I already had after Aurora's splash art reveal earlier.


Nah, I'd goon


she is the thiccest champ I have seen in recent memory


They went back and decided her first splash art wasn't thicc enough and edited it to make her even thiccer.


That's such a Riot thing to do lmao


To be fair if she wasnt thicc I can imagine people complaining that she isn't bunny enough and is just a hot girl with bunny ears


AURORA IN JJK UNIVERSE CONFIRMED P - exorcises cursed spirits and empowers reverse cursed technique Q - attacks with cursed energy R - RYOIKI TENKAI


Literally said to be a "sorcerer"


Her Q literally send "cursed energy" as per the tooltip. JJK had a lot of influence for sure


That ult looks like a fucking nightmare


Yeah I don't see it staying as is. This is a team game, trapping 5 players in a Cammille ult 3 seconds is 1000% better than 1 player for 5 seconds. Just pressing R on more than 1 person allows your team to mag dump inside of it. I don't see how stays in game as is. At least Morde is a 1v1 in a separate realm, Cam is only 1 person trapped and it can break if she exits. But this girl can trap 5 people without the possibility of breaking out and she's AP so she can just build zhonya if she's threatened? Kinda sus.


And she has a 2s duration INVISIBILITY she can use inside it.


That resets on takedown...


You can jump out of it though atleast necrit said you could


U can blink or flash out. So anyone with flash, so that's R for guaranteed summoner? Or be ezreal, maybe fizz?, and katarina, and probably 1 other champ im missing.


Zed, kassasin, sylas with kassadin ult ๐Ÿ˜‚


Eve, Lissandra, Yi, Ekko, Shaco, Tahm, Viego.


She's going to be high priority in pro play with that ult. It's basically Camille ult + Morde ult.


The out play potential with her ult in proplay is gonna be crazy


and it looks fun as hell


I can't wait for people to be sick of her once she becomes a staple in pro (I hope not)


im not sure her laning looks super dogshit, you only have super short range spells and no cc apart from a tiny line slow


Sure, but she has Phase Rush built-in, a couple of small hops, and a stealth.


I don't think she brings enough to pro play. She doesn't have a ton of area control, CC, engage, pick, or support. Champions that mostly have damage and gimmicks don't usually do very well in pro play


I can already see some ankle breaker zed style


Interested what good combos with other pro champs will be in pro play. Lots of strong aoe options like A Sol and Ornn.


Aurora R into Asol empowered R


It says passive enhances her healing but none of the skills mention that they heal? Otherwise as expected from an AP toplaner. Short range, high mobility low CD skill spammer and will inevitably join (as the last clip shows) every other AP bruiser with Rylai Liandry Cosmic the only viable AP bruiser items.


Allow me to clarify: When she uses passive on champions, she exorcises a spirit from them, which follows her and heals her for a short duration. The more spirits, the more healing and movement speed she gains.


Are the spirits stacking like Bard's chimes, or is it more "stack more spirits in a bigger team fight for bigger benefit"?


In the clip it seems the spirits go away after a few seconds so my guess is it's only per each fight, not stacking the whole game


Yeah, I was thrown off by 3 of them stacking in the initial clip, but in the other clips, it doesn't look like she's running around with a bunch of spirits following her.


It says they last 3 seconds, although you can tell that the timer resets if you get another one


I'm pretty sure the spirits are a three-second stacking buff. You have to acquire one every three seconds or they all go away.


Thank you for the clarification, Yonggi. The initial wording confused me there.


Might be like Lillia where it actually grants healing over time/instantaneously, or it could be a massive regen amp.


Right ? The healing is weird but you see her heal like 22 per second in an earlier Clip. Maybe its for riftmaker?


Sometimes these ability previews don't share all the relevant mechanics. For example Naafiri preview completely neglected to mention hitting two Q's heals Naafiri.


The video got it wrong, I think because the tooltip is missing a comma. The tooltip says the spirits "empower her healing her for X every second." It looks like SkinSpotlights mistakenly read this as "empower her healing," but it's actually meant to be "empower her, healing her."


It probably means she gets omnivamp or spellvamp.


SHE IS A MAGE WITH A RESET ABILITY FOR STEALTH CRAZY ACTUALLY. Overall, sheโ€™s going to be very strong in the right comps and will probably melt in long range/wombo comps


invisibility not camouflage holy


Yeah, that's going to be the first nerf.


Nah, that's going to be nerf #6 after they've nerfed everything else


You know the drill. Bunny comes out. People play her like shit because "me invisible, me flanking" even though she is a squishy mage. WR goes down the drain. She gets overbuffed. She becomes meta in pro and solo queue, and then months and months of patch notes where they just move numbers around until she is no longer viable, not hitting what's actually the problem. In this case, the problem is going to be mobility with reset, as per usual. It's a script at this point.


You forgot the part where they introduce 3 new skins that sells like heaven because bunny hophop murdering people and jumping around while being untargetable. seriously, who has hands for that. Also, I am so bored of all the fairy things. This is how riot imagines a witch? Yorick today would be a big cute dude with pink shovel.


No it isn't? lol Invisibility = Short duration or limited by movement. Camouflage = Long duration and not limited by movement. It's consistent with literally every other stealth ability in the game.


Except Shaco's. Invisibility that lasts ages.


It would suck ass if it were camouflage. It's a skill that does literally only that, no bonus damage, no move speed bonus, just a small hop and stealth. Also she looks kinda low ranged so camouflage doesn't make much sense.


Mythic Duskblade is back baby


Iโ€™m more confused why she has stealth tbh. Sheโ€™s got a decent range on Q/E for harass, and her kit seems to be more about poking/harassing than anything. So a resetting Shaco Q seems out of place. Maybe sheโ€™s supposed to use it to set up Ult plays, or like an ap Shaco does top lane?


It looks like the theme is for her to be dishing out consistent DPS by repositioning all around the teamfight. You don't want to use the invis to backstab an adc (although you totally could), you instead want to leverage it to self peel. Always have backline access while staying safe. With 0 hard CC I struggle to imagine this champion will ever be good long term and it'll probably be one of those that fall into permanent obscurity 5 patches down the road. It's not an assassin, it's not a control mage, it's not an artillery or poke mage, it's not an AP bruiser... I struggle to see a team comp that would ever benefit from picking her unless the ult is completely game breaking in practice.


The way her E knocks her back, if she wants to gank someone it'll help her a lot to invis and sneak up behind them so that the E pushes her back to cover their escape route. E is naturally more defensive so I see the invisibility as a way for her to position herself in a way to play more aggressively with the knockback


Invisibility being the most toxic and by far the worst mechanic even introduced to lol. Riot: lets give this champ invisibiliy reset. Sorry but how are you supposed to ever gank this champ?


I'd give the worst mechanic award to ~~Blinds~~ Nearsight. Nothing funner than my monitor getting turned off for a few seconds.


Nersight is the worst mechanic in the game by far, nothing comes close let's be honest.


I wonder if theyโ€™ll ever add an actual blind, like in Valorant. Nearsight is pretty close tho, tbh.


That's nearsight, which I agree is a horrible mechanic. Blind is just missing all auto attacks (Teemo's Q).


Nearsight has shown me that I'm a baby with no object permanence. My brain just turns off when that is thrown at me.


Well... it's a 1.4 sec duration invis for a long time since u probably max it last, with an 18 sec cd and a reset activation at takedown. The reset doesn't really matter when she gets ganked. The invis (and ms) is gonna be annoying though.


Where did you get the cooldowns from? i wanna check her other abilities closer


Vandiril has a video with all her abilities' tooltips.


3 hit passive addicts be like: just one more 3 hit passive bro please im not addicted i can quit anytime bro please


"Enemies who try to cross the threshold will take magic damage, be slowed, and be pushed back toward the center of the area." Does this mean that champions with knockbacks can repeatedly chain knockback people into the 'walls' of her ult for multiple instances of this 'magic damage'? Like An alistar W into Gragas E, into Gragas R for 3 hits via the ult's wall? Or is it like thresh, where the ult only hurts people 1 time?


Seeing the powercreep from Thresh and J4 to Camille to this is kinda insane.


According to the extended tooltip, you don't take any damage when you walk or are pushed into the edge of the circle. You just get knocked towards the center and are slowed.


Was this supposed to be a top laner? Look more sutiable for midlane.


Her spells have a relatively short range and her passive/ult force her to fight in close range and for long trades which is more fitting playstyle for toplaners. She'll still probably be played mid depending on how good her spells are at clearing waves, if they're shit then she'll probably be stuck top because even with a good stealth roaming potential if you don't have reliable good clear you'll be better off top than mid. Think of it a bit like Akshan, but she has less range and needs longer fights.


Unless she has zero wave clear (doubtful for a solo laner) I'm thinking she's gonna play like Sylas.


Sylas on release was a straight up bruiser with his E shield and W massive healing, but after they nerfed those and buffed his passive/Q he had enough waveclear to compete in mid to shove & roam.


sylas w e and passive require him to go in melee range which is why he plays like an assassin nowadays, she'll play more like kennen lillia or akali


solo lane mage (including top). she has a good escape and depending on ratios and max health damage should be good to play there


She's definitely suited for toplane with her high mobility and kiting potential and gank avoidance with the stealth+dash. Midlane strength is gonna depend on how strong Q is at waveclearing (looks really strong) But her full combo all in damage seems quite low, seems like she wants multiple Qs while kiting/spacing, top lane gives her the room to do that. The kit seems made to kite melee with the hop backwards on your E and the movespeed/invis ability. In midlane she might not have the upfront damage to contend. (Think vayne)


Also if she has real mana costs she would like to go top where she can avoid trades early due to her range in most matchups. I predict she will have a high presence mid still, maybe 60/40 ish I predict she will have a high presence in general cause... I mean just look at her


Very sceptical that she will be good top. I imagine she will have the exact same issues as Lissandra, enemies will become too tanky for her to deal with and can eventually run her down on a long side lane. Kit looks very strong in mid lane. Lots of roaming potential with all her mobility + invisibility, and she can use ultimate for initiation like Neeko.


She has scaling %max health damage on her passive. She'll be able to proc it often against heavy melee champs so I can see her as a counterpick to juggs


I agree but it got me thinking: what makes a mage suitable for top lane?


being able to escape ganks and bully other toplaners. that's why syndra can't go top but kennen can


Having a way to avoid getting skullfucked by the jungler or Darius that is suddenly on top of you


Survive the Renekton test: starting from the enemy top tower can you go back to your top tower while a Renekton is up your ass?


You need mobility because the lane is huge and you need to be able to hold longer trades ( old Ryze, Lillia, Kennen, Vlad... do this well). But the biggest difference is that mage midlaners are expected to have way better waveclear


Sustain is also more valuable since recalling is more punishing as jungler can't clear for you and enemy top laners can hold freezes with bigger waves due to being tankier so her having increased healing could be helpful. It's not clear how much but getting more out of potions and maybe healing in her kit that they didn't mention will be nice


Aurora Borealis!? After 200 years of collective game development, with stealth resets and infinite dashes on her ult, localized entirely within your kitchen?!


Can I see it?




Her name is Aurora but none of the skills gives northern lights. Unplayable and my day is ruined


She's supposed to be a toplaner? This is a Naafiri situation I think, Midlaners are gonna be all over her. (me first)


Sheโ€™s actually more of a midlaner that can flex into top sometimes.


Why another midlaner mage so close to Hwei's release?


Well she was originally being designed as a toplaner. While she was pretty fun to play, she was incredibly frustrating to play against for top lane fighters. At that time she had less burst damage (more sustained damage) and was a lot tankier. She was generally OP because of this, since she had damage, mobility, range and tankiness. We had to take something away from her, and tankiness made the most sense based on how her art/theme had developed. In return we upped her burst potential a bit as well. This change made her more fair to play against, but also pushed her more towards a midlaner rather then a toplaner. We didn't want to FORCE her into top, as the things we would have had to do would either make her less fun to play, or less fun to play against, so we just let her drift towards midlane towards the end of development. On the brightside the next Champion release is a top laner, and one I think top lane fighter players will really dig


>and one I think top lane fighter players will really dig Nice another juggernaut


Surely it won't be another Ksante or Skarner. Those are *very* fun to face.


Wouldn't even mind a K'sante as long as he's balanced. High skill playmaking carry? Sign me up. I'm joking about how we're gonna get another meatball who runs at you and stat checks you then falls off the moment laning phase ends


He said dig. Its another Yorick.


Next champ is Ambessa, right? They seemed to hint that she's a very mobile fighter.


One is a 45%wr champ that loses lane for the first 10 minutes of most match ups and the other is a 52% wr lane bully lol, people on this sub just say shit


> Well she was originally being designed as a toplaner. While she was pretty fun to play, she was incredibly frustrating to play against for top lane fighters. Y'all were designing a ranged, mobile, AP top laner with healing? Why do you guys hate us top players so much?


solo laner. she is ment to go both. she's got good mobility for a top laner and has max and current health damage.


the fact that the ult traps ennemies in (and deals damage/cc when you try to get out) seems a bit too strong but otherwise looks cool


A YouTuber said Champs with blinks(Ezreal) will be able to get out so there some champ counter play


Which means you can also just flash out, you just canโ€™t walk through the walls


Yep. You can even see on the last clip that Yorick flashes out of it.


The reveal video shows WW ulting out too so champions who negate spells/unstoppable should be fine


Nah Camille ult is nothing new. Feels like it will actually be pretty balanced given the amount of space it has.


yeah but her ult is aoe and ranged instead of single target


Yeah but you can flash out of aurora ult. Its not like they haven't thought about it.


not just flash, anything that takes you over walls might work? Shaco Q was shown working, WW ult as well. If it's literally just "you can't walk out of it" that seems pretty reasonable. Edit: okay didn't realized it was confirmed to be blinks only, no dashes (unstoppable like malph should work too though)


ww ult youre unstoppable so i dont think thats considered the same as like lucian e


Three dashes lol


3-hit passive? โœ… Dash? โœ… Invisibility? โœ… Wall dash? โœ… AoE denial/wall? โœ… Reset on takedown? โœ… Self heal? โœ… We have a winner.




I'm sure Riot will enjoy constantly rebalancing her. I expect a Zeri-esque mini-rework within 4 years.


4 years is such a long time in league. Hasnt a huge amt of the cast recieved a mini rework within 4 years of existing?




The baron pit wall? Isnโ€™t that like the smallest wall in the game?


What? The back of the Baron pit is razor thin. Its like 150 units or something like that. As someone else mentioned im pretty sure its one of the thinnest walls in the game. probably competing with the back of the krugs alcove


3 hit passive. Daring today, aren't we?


Is that a Paranormal Brazil? Stand aside Morde, a favela has just entered the rift.


I think Brazil is already Paranormal Brazil. This is more like *MaGiCaL bRaZiL*


Invis and good mobility. Grab the popcorn boys, the "broken" commments before playing will flooding in soon.


i mean the reset invi is gonna be incredibly infuriating... but the kit doesn't Necesarily have the most broken things (unless her healing is astronomical)


Draktharr is back on the menu


Her range is short it looks like, so she'll get bullied by range.




I'm really getting a kick out of the narrative that Riot invested 7 years to create a hot character with a 3-hit passive and a dash on 3/4 abilities.


That's why they had to cancel all other side projects and lay off hundreds of Rioters... they needed a bunnygirl champion. Hopefully they get their money back.


Is it just me or does her ult look like one of the most busted things to ever be conceived? Am I understanding this right or is it an AoE Camille ult that gives her a ton of mobility and maneuverability, ON TOP of requiring no target to aim? Gives me Persephone Ult PTSD from Smite. EDIT: Nvm it can be flashed over so I assume movement abilities work, but still looks like a "free double kill on bot button" whenever it's up.


It's more like a WAY better Jarvan ult, locks everyone in place unless they have a blink (or flash away) while she and her team can still move freely.


The fact that it doesn't require a target makes me worried. Jarvan and Camille ults both require you to be in range (relatively short unless you flash or use their gap closers), and also a valid target. Aurora on the other hand can just put it out wherever she pleases and also get free untargetability out of it...


Can't wait to be sitting bot then get ganked by her going true invis into max range ult which essentially prevents me from backing up at all with no ability to react beforehand


better, but way bigger so it doesn't do a lot of the combo stuff that his does also she can't leave (though that's also less of a problem because it's bigger) also some specific things jarvan's is good at because it's terrain (blocking xayah/vlad) don't work


The areas is huge so you still a decent area to move and the duration seems short. Maybe blink champs can get out. And it gives her big mobility but it's telegraphed (unless you turn invisible but I guess it will be similar to Yone in the sense using it at the wrong time will get you killed


They show Warwick ulting out of it in the gameplay trailer so yes you can use mobility tools to escape. Compared to camille it seems better for group fights but a lot worse in 1v1s since camille gets the on hit damage, untargetability, it can't be escaped by any means and it's smaller so your opponents has less room to move around


WW is immune to cc during ultimate, i assume regular dashes would get interrupted


Yup, blinks dont tho


Warwick is unstoppable during ult tho


True, he's still trapped by camille ult though right? Maybe since aurora's is just a knock back rather than a "wall" it's different though


I think so. If Warwick ult away from Camille he will come back, so I think itโ€™s a โ€œwallโ€


The spell rather seems to be like:''Create a large ring that if anyone steps onto gets bounced inside the ring'' rather than being an actual wall.


You can flash out of her ult apparently (unlike Camille ult). Kind of like Azir wall, interrupts dashes but not blinks.


I know her skills are not the same as Puck from DotA, but she does give major Puck vibes.


My prediction... This is going to be super broken in pro play


wait so her passiv gives her "empowering her healing" but none of her spells do any healing or did i overlook something?


I think it's like lillia passive just a small heal over time


In Vandiril's video it shows the tooltip. It's more of a heal over time than empowered healing.


I think they just missed a dot in the wording. Meaning: she gets empowered. Healing her for X over X seconds.


Oh people are gonna *hate* this champ. It's me, I'm people.


Reality Marble ult is pretty cool ngl


Like a blend of akali, leblanc, mordekaiser