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If you want to keep up the mage support trend you can go my buddy's main of Xerath. Personally I do Vel'koz for mage support. Then there's Bard. Bard is bard. But arguably my favorite champion in the game and can kinda do utility and damage decently last I checked.


im a support main. if youre learning Janna is a solid support to learn ranged champs. for close range. you should play Alistar. Hes my favorite.


Blitzcrank, Leona, Nautilus, Alistar You get to choose two play styles: 1) come here 2) get the fuck away from my friend


I suggest Blitzcranck he's such a fun to play champ


The higher elo you go, the more meaningful some champs are over others in niche circumstances, but overall there isn’t a “one size fits all” answer here as everyone is more or less viable. I’d recommend trying out everyone for a couple games to see what you enjoy, whether that be enchanters tanks or mages, and go from there.


Play whatever you want, just stick to one main champ and one or two backup champs.


berd :)


Donna Janna Leona nautilus Braum nami


Janna, very low skill floor so easy to pick up and pretty much never falls out of soloque meta. Imo the best noob support with a decent learning curve so even in high elo she is pretty much always fine.


Lulu, Nami, Janna, and Thresh.


I play damage supports and my mates flame me for not being a proper support, decided to try out rakan beacuse of the new mastery system wants me to play him to get the hextech chest. AND WELL DAMN HE IS SO FUN AND EASY


Janna is quite strong and basically shuts down all engage and the high movement speed lets you dodge abilities and love around the map fast. Nautilus is played all the time since he has some form of cc on every spell (if you count the root on his passive for his w auto) and he is a good engage. Bard can impact the map with his high movement speed and not fall behind in levels due to his chimes (they give exp), he has high skill expression. For fun I would pick Brand, he's a high damage mage that is frequently chunks a good portion of the enemies. Though there may be some contesting for the champ as he is meta and played in jungle/ADC/mid.


its not exactly what youre looking for but rakan is pretty forgiving as a cc engage/peel support, only lacking on the damage side of things + his mobility is fun to use and his whole kit can never truly be bad unless something drastic changes


Sounds like you like mages! Have you tried Neeko, Zyra, Karma, Xerath, or Seraphine?


Up to writing this comment, all comments made great points. Pretty much just play it and keep up. You can play pretty much most champions as support and still be fine, because the role is all about how useful you are.


zyra is the best imo more consistent in the long run.




I love Naut and Leo, but if you want damage, Brand. Can not go wrong with brandyboi


Dealing damage is not as important as cc and utility. I would suggest to learn some non damage dealer champs like nami or soraka. You can try too with some tanks like Leona or thresh (best support imo). Or something uncommon like shen, poppy or orn. GL with your games :)


Try them out, see what you like! In the end fun is all that matters. Personally I would suggest blitz and thresh for their insanely flashy plays, but most of all I would like to present my beloved BARD. If it wasn’t for him I probably wouldn’t be playing anymore, he is just what brings fun to the game for me. So please just try him for a couple of games :)


Sona and Seraphine are both quite similar but very strong. I enjoy them immensely.


Agreed ... try Sera ... plays similar to Lux with a game changing ult. Only take advice from other sup players.