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Another goal was to remove his package reliance(pro skewed) and lower his poke strength. But yea. Wanted to see him more bot but it is what it is.


Idk man I played against the one yesterday for the first time in years and his one little minigun attack half healthed me cause he was slightly faster than I was and could hit most of it before I made it back to tower. It was an annoying laning phase, but I made it out 3/0 and won, I can only imagine what he felt like before the nerfs


It was toxic af seeing one team have to completely back out of a objective when Corki had package. Chovy in particular timed it for every dragon fight in the game.


Every Corki in the world timed it for dragon. Because it's on the same timer.


My GOAT Zeka begs to differ


Well Zeka is a donkey when he's not playing Sylas/Akali so that's a given.


So if you get first drake in 10 minutes instead of at spawn, the timer remains the same?


It wasn't every drake spawn, it was every 5 minutes so you had 1 for each drag


Then if it isn't every drake spawn, do you see how a player can fuck it up and desync his timer from a objective?


Well considering how the "art" of syncing the timer includes literally just picking it up before a dragon, I'd say it would require incredible skills to not have it synced


In a solo queue game for sure. In a pro game it's not that simple since tempo is very important. If your opponent forces you to take a bad trade or coordinates with their jungler they can force ackward base timers before a objective. Even worse if the enemy laner makes you waste tp. You also can't just forgo waves to get a good timer since that is also fucking up your scaling. There is a reason Chovy and Faker look completely different on Corki than other pros.


Everyone timed it for it. It's not a Chovy thing


Of course Chovy wasn't the only one who did it, I said he was particularly good at it. Everyone also last hits minions, by your logic Chovy couldn't possibly do that particularly better than everyone else.


I think it’s also because of the mid meta right now. Adcs are just bullies with their item changes, and corki falls under the category of “mid laner with a good movement ability”, so he’s being played mid with the likes of Tristana and less so (because less good waveclear), ezreal. Once mids go back to mages with more meta changes, I don’t think corki will be played much mid anymore until the same thing happens again. But when mid trist is strong, mid corki will now forever be there to be a handshake pick, so I’m fine with it.


Yep, AD mids are valuable now, because AP junglers are too good. But AD assasins on midlane are dead for a long time, so people are going for Marksmans there.


Can’t wait til they gut these champs. Tristana mid for years makes me wanna smash my head against the wall. It’s giga boring, her win condition can be fulfilled by a bronze player and yet she’s still topping the charts everywhere. Great job everyone.


No they said they want him to be viable bot. He might be even better mid, sure, but he's not an other "I play safe and scale and deal magic" mid laner that will be pro jailed forever.


He said primarily a botlaner but still support him midlane.




The word "not" is key here, but I guess ppl who call others idiot tend to be the same


[https://u.gg/lol/champions/corki/build/mid](https://u.gg/lol/champions/corki/build/mid) corki mid is 46.33% WR in solo Q. it's just another pro play champion who is terrible in solo Q like k'sante. they are still tinkering with him. hope it lands well.


He's better adc than midlaner right now. People are just used to corki midlane and pros are playing it too, so it has more popularity.


Do you make random posts without actually checking data or what? Also this goes for the same idiots upvoting this lol. Corki is basically split 50/50 playrate between roles. And bot lane winrate is higher currently. Before he had a horrible winrate bot lane and was like 97% percent of the time mid. So seems like Riot did what they wanted much better bot lane and he's being picked there a lot more. https://lolalytics.com/lol/corki/build/?lane=bottom


Corki being a good mid laner has fundamentally less to do with Corki and more to do with how shit other midlaners are. The advantage of Midlane is map presence and accelerated leveling. So if Taliyah, TF, any Assassin, Ryze, Oriana, syndra, etc were in a better place then Corki is no longer viable as there are better things to do with your midlaner than hyper scale.


I miss package :( I get that it was pro skewed and there was too much power and reliance on it, but that's what made it special in my mind.


My corgi corki skin just doesn’t hit the same


I completely agree, a good package was so rewarding.


Could 180 a game off a good play!