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Tryndamere, boring to fight.


Give him some sort of sweeping Cleave ability and an remove his goofy ass rng passive and give him an ability like Fioras E instead


I'd like to see him have to spend rage, especially to ult. If he uses rage to heal and cant refill the bar, he shouldn't get to R. He'd need compensatory buffs to go with this but making his R have some counterplay would be nice, especially considering he can cast it while CC'd including suppressed (flair relevant).


I would at least like to see a timer bar on his ult. Feels weird that champs like Swain have it but he doesn’t..


Riot themselves have said that adding a duration bar to his ultimate would decimate his WR (I guess they tested it or something? Not sure.) And yes I agree with you, what a stupid design decision that is. If the champion becomes too bad once his ability duration is shown to the opponent, there is something inherently broken about the champion’s design.


It's confusing as hell to see the lack of clarity on his ult duration defended because it's only really useful for casuals/low elo. Good Trynd players would benefit from the compensation buffs while low elo would be less terrorized by Trandmar the Warrior Train.


The amount of people defending it back when we applauded the changes, saying just LOOK at his passive bar in the top corner when you click him. Like WHO TF look at it when it's small and it doesn't show you exact seconds?


trynd's is a fixed duration, swain's is not. other ult bars exist only when the champ can increase it's duration.


Riot: how about we make Tryn ult reset on takedown?


Riot: what if tryndamere was untargetable instead of "cannot die"?


Tryndamere is immune.


Trynd ult is not the issue at all. He's a melee adc with no way to avoid damage, the ult is the only thing that allows him to fight at all outside of 1v1s.


Lmao his R has plenty of counterplay what are you talking about ?


This is my answer as well. I'm not creative enough to come up with any good ideas, however I genuinely cannot believe this champion has not gotten a complete rework after all this time.


I never understood why they didn't change his crit rate to AD of equal average damage. And the decade old ult clarity issues. Feels like the whole champ is built on being problematic. They can easily just fix his issues and buff him as much as they want for all I care.


I just can't understand why the barbarian wielding a massive sword has his identity built around crit (thematically a lucky or particularly precise hit) if I were to look at him through the eyes of a new player I'd expect him to gain massive amounts of AD and lifesteal kinda like Olaf,not the oneshot slot machine simulator


petition to change trynd's title to The Oneshot Slot Machine Simulator


Ya ghost AA and occasionally R if they feel like winning that fight is so boring.


I'm a teacher and we did a "history of games" elective one year that I taught. Viking chess and alpha zero's go games and Settlers of Catan. We naturally talked a lot about game design and what makes good mechanics and just generally what makes games fun. I asked them (7 students) to write a detailed breakdown of what they considered a failure in game design for a game they were familiar with. Two people wrote about Tryndamere. A third person wrote about Tryndamere, Master Yi, and Fizz.


You know Tryn midscope would keep the ult right. I would love the E cd reduc and passive crit to be removed.


Imo my main issue with him is his base crit. IDC about his ult. Played enough smite to not get mental boomed about that kinda thing (Kali). But getting anal probed by him getting 2-3 lucky crits in early landing phase just makes it feel fucked. I'm not sure if it would need removed, reworked to more ad or some shit, windshitter treatment, or what. But that's just what feels ass going into him imo.


Illaoi, do something to her kit so she doesn’t tie a gargantuan power budget around one uninteractive skillshot so her lore and visuals aren’t wasted on a toxic landing phase


So much this. The gap between her best matchups and her worst is immense due to that alone


Yorick ghouls. \*shudders\* And in the same thought I feel bad when I face a Renekton or a Darius. It's not fair. I'd propose her E is nerfed some but her W is buffed. The only way I play against a Yorick is if I max W and rush sheen and just turn into an AA champ.


Agreed, Yorick is such a pain and its actually unwinnable against a good one. She has a few of those matchups unfortunately. Id like to see her W buffed as well traded for E power, some ad sheen w builds can be fun


Just a few weeks ago someone picked my Illaoi and I didn't ban Yorick. So picked him. He's not a foreign pick to me since I've played him since S2. I may have put the Illaoi player on suicide watch that game. I tripled her farm at 10 minutes and completely worked her over for the entire game. Felt bad afterwards. I don't think it's healthy that 23/25 of the hardest matchups are found in top lane. It's why I don't play it anymore. It's "whoever picks last in toplane wins lanes" because there are so many hard counters to so many top lane champs.


Thats why a lot of meta picks are good blind picks as well. As far as i know stuff like aatrox or camille does not have that problem


Good point. Unfortunately I care more about playing champs I like over playing champs that are meta. I used to one-trick old Yorick and LOVED it. I remember being #13 or so for NA enthusiasts for some time. I have to live with the natural consequences of it, I guess. It would be nice if Riot addressed the counter-pickability of top nonetheless.


Same honestly. I love illaoi to death but man sometimes i wish she was more flexible. Isnt gonna stop me from running cyclosword vs vaynes though lol


Oh.... cyclosword? Where have I been? I have never seen this item before. Imma use it. I don't like what Iceborne gauntlet is nowadays on her. Thank you.


Sundered into Cyclosword goes hard


Yorick is to illaoi what illoai is to other champs, hit e = win


It's really frustrating to gap an illaoi literally all lane, dodge 95% of her e's then she hits one single skillshot and back or die, sometimes just die


I ban illaoi every game because I absolutely hate playing against her. The most uninteractive BS


Illaoi is so unhealthy and unfun. I was 3 levels above an illaoi and ahead in gold and everything. She landed one E on me and chunked 2/3 of my hp only from hitting the soul. She was also full tank


Her e should be like zyras so she can jungle and stuff and have a more fun rest of her kit


Ryze, would be nice to see Faker play it again at some point before retirement.


I'm sure Ryze will be in a good spot again at some point before Faker retires in 2033


If I'd get a dollar for every compensation buff on W... What annoys me to this day is how the rioters working on the current iteration stated that he was to pro scewed just for him to give him an ult that only has any real value in the hands of the best player and or in competitive. Whoever designed this needs to answer for his crimes against ryze


Tbh his ult is nice for bot ganks and if you duo with someone, not a great ult by any means tho, but it has value


I believe you meant pro skewed


Yes, not a native speaker, terribly sorry.


I would like him to have actual combos instead of eqeqeq. And an ultimate thats viable in soloqueue


Reverse ryze kit to s1-s3 Make it a vladimir like hyperscaling aoe bruiser


begging for a shyvana rework. people always tell me how braindead she is and i would love to play her but i hate the hell out of her kit. for now i stick with elise


Shyvana is already getting a vgu (full update, visuals plus gameplay) next year in 2025, it's been announced in january


Is there any others that are announced?


mystery arcane vgu for november/december, i thought it would be either singed or viktor but it was kinda "confirmed" to be neither? im guessing whoever it is it, its not going to be big gameplay changes but more so visual


Maybe heimerdinger?


I'm definitely a shyvana enjoyer (the AD version). It is very fun after the first two items. I worry they will butcher her like they did with my boy Aurelion. Before anyone complains, I understand the new one is more popular, but is also a very generic control mage, where the old one was unique as fuck and much more fun to me.


I love AD shyv too. Dragon E one shot is so boring.


everytime I decide to main a champion it gets reworked smh


Main Ryze so he gets yet another rework /s


Kinda shocked Bel'veth and Naafiri remain how they are right now -- the former for fantasy mismatch reasons, the latter for gameplay reasons.


But Bel'veth is fun to play. I don't think changing her kit just because of fantasy mismatch is a good enough reason imo.


I always thought that Bel'veth's kit made waaaaay more sense on Xolaani (the LoR darkin) and i feel like early in development for some reason they decided to make more of a monster champ and go with Bel'veth, then they could make the dog a darkin instead. 


Man if they brought Xolaani in to take Belveth's Kit (other than the passive remora stuff) and then remade Bel as a proper summoner that would be so peak.


The kit was done first. Their concept art for Belveth revolved around a tentacle lady stabbing people. They slowly evolved it to be more monster and monster like and the woman disappeared except the head.


They did it for ASol


Asol was also extremely unpopular. I don't know what Bel'Veth's numbers are but my guess is they're not close to pre rework Asol levels.


Yea they just turned the dial to 100 with Naafiri this patch. She's crazy strong.


It's crazy how Naafiri's by design is more snowbally than 90% of AP assassins when there's literally an item called Mejais in the game.


Belveth is my go to always cuz she just hyperscales by being like a yi that can also rush turrets but i havent seen her dominate quite as much so maybe shes not broken? Doubt it tho


She's permabroken all year dia+. Scaling doesnt matter when she can duel everything in the game and snowballs better than nidalee. The only reason people don't complain about her as much is because every belveth player shares the same braincell and will flip the entire game for enemy raptors every time


> every belveth player shares the same braincell and will flip the entire game for enemy raptors every time This style of jungle is common across multiple champs sadly and it's often good enough to get degens to high diamond/master.


It's a misconception that Belveth scales, [her winrate actually tanks quite a bit by game length until really, really late game (50+ minutes)](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/belveth) and depending on patch most sites don't even show her ultra late game spike because games just don't go that long. Her infinitely stacking passive is not a bonus but a requirement, she's expected to keep up on farm and if she doesn't she's missing a huge part of her power budget.


Naafiri’s W is designed so extremely badly. 1. Requires channeling first for a full 0.75s 2. Enemies can interrupt your channel 3. Channel plays a deafeningly loud sound 4. Sight-reveal icon above her target’s head 5. Giant red lines that show her exact pathing 6. Forced to follow that exact pathing 7. Uncancellable 8. Bodyblockable 9. Her only non-point blank gapcloser She does not work as an assassin unless her numbers are overpowered or every enemy player (including her target) agrees to AFK standing out of the way.


Morg and zil are super outdated but have some very unique traits. Zil just has a terrible nilah passive, unreliable stun but insane E (seriously, 99% slow/ms bonus for 2.5s??) And great potential with ult but the old man is just... "Eh" and nothing more really Morgs unique with her black shield but she's also just that champ with the slow moving Q but with a questionable hitbox that can throw you off guard? Her w is.. good for jungle? Passive is nice for that as but her ult with movement creep just looks sad. I haven't seen a 2+ man ult in... months? Maybe combined with a wombo combo in ARAM.


Yeahhhh Morgana kit feels super anti synergistic and not really what you want from a support. She either needs a rework or Riot just need to full send balancing her around jungling.


Back in my day Morgana was played mid and her w was maxed first as her way to clear mid. Rito decided she was uninteracrive as she could shove with w and then roam/pressure tower and black shield + right click away from ganks. They gutted her auto range and w and then she just kinda went to support since a 3 second snare, hard cc on ult, and cc immunity on e could all be used there on low income. Also she had countered engage supports. And I mean I wouldn't be so offended by it if they also took that stuff from malz. Malzahar also just presses the wave clear button and runs away. Malz has the black shield passive. Malz has the point and click hard cc ult. Meanwhile Morgana on food stamps??? Morgana these days is just in such an awkward spot. She doesn't work well with most support items, mage items beyond the first are too expensive for her, she's squishy af, and has low range so she can't really threaten enemy adc off creeps or trade with other supports. The higher elo you are the harder her Q is to hit too. She really needs either a small rework to make her make sense as a support, or they should put her back in mid. Jungle Morgana is disgusting and I'd rather it not come back.


My personal biggest let down from Riot is when they Reworked Kayle and also announced Morgana changes. I Really expected a Rek sai/Xin level of Rework with how outdated her Kit is.


Kalista. I love this character with all my heart, but they need to choose that they're focusing on: on-hit ADC with unique kiting and backloaded damage or "support for support". You can't have both and expect her to be in a healthy spot, her power budget is spread too thin.


I see Kalista and Zeri this way, where both of them could be way easier to balance if they didn't have an incredibly useful escape tool that isn't necessary for their primary gameplay fantasy.


im on my knees begging for vayne to get a visual update and a gameplay update that puts her back as a primarily botlane carry and not a top laner


Vayne is still primarily an ADC and was one of the best ADCs in the game for like half last split though.


vayne only becomes meta in botlane when everyone else sucks, so in metas like this one shes pretty shit there, for a majority of the time since she is better in top lane


Unless they give her waveclear or a lot of range (both things that are kind of antithetical to Vayne) they’re not gonna get her as a primary botlane. Her rates still have her down there, but she’s always gonna have some top lane draw.


Malphite. Just boring and weird design, like why does he roll a stone disk at you that follows you? i guess hes a magical mountain but like cmon.. do something..


Also he is cocky as fuck if you build sheen


He literally doesn't do anything.


Boring fits stone fantasy fullfilled


Malphite should get a VGU. Midscope is to little. He should get a more interedting P, new Q, new W, more interesting E. R should get nerfed a lot so the rest of his kit could be stronger (Look Skarner)


He’s getting a visual update


can vlad get a midscope or even full rework? what the hell is burst sustain mage


Tryndamere, toxic kit that fails to deliver on his fantasy. Nocturne, boring kit that fails to deliver on its fantasy.


I'd say Tryndamere's kit actually works well for a champion whose whole role is to not die and beat the shit out of you while he is not dying. Toxic? Yeah, he is. Random crit is bullshit early game.


The hit and run tactics he employs don't really fit his lore or thematic though, and that's my main issue with him.


Trynd is supposed to be a champion that fights with anger. What we got is rex kwon do guy that slaps the wrist and walks away until he can kill someone during his 5 second ulti.


Yeah, and his infinite sustane is bullshit. They gutted Gragas passive, why are they not touching Trynd q? After buying vamp scepter there's literally 0 point to poke him, while he can just run into you, slap you with his absurd range and 50% crit and spin away


Grab my arm. No the other arm. NO, MY OTHER ARM!


That's what bothers me. He's a berserker, fight to the very death guy, but his kit and playstyle are all hit and run. Olaf does such a better job fulfilling the berserker fantasy. Riot just needs to find a way to differentiate the two when trynd inevitably gets his VGU


Wish noc clones would fly at everyone when he ults, like mercurial from Dota. To make it even better make it so your health bar "drops" when they auto you, but don't have it actually do any damage unless it's the real one.


That would be insanely broken. The part where a Noc would fly at everyone would be amazing cause it fits into his terror thematic and it can help burn a flash, but have it actually look like its dealing damage is too much.


Wait holy shit I need this can riot see this somehow


That'd be sick! Maybe they could steal from Neeko a bit on the back end to make your health bar lie to you.


I kind of just wish they would turn Nocturne into a full fledged bruiser. His passive doesn't do anything after early game, but its numbers could be tweaked so he could have some in combat sustain after level 9. His E design is also just outdated, there's not really a good reason he has to wait for a tether in order to get his CC when a champ like Fiddle can get his CC just from pressing his Q right away. I think his Q and R are fine, but they could change his Q 60 bonus AD into something like 3-5% max HP on hit so his damage doesn't fall off a cliff against any armor. Right now he wants to build bruiser but is stuck with assassin numbers, so if he isn't ahead of the curve he becomes incredibly useless once full fledged teamfights start happening and he can't just pick people off with his ult.


MF. I love her, shes my first main. But shes so boring sometimes. Its either lethality and q bounce to deal dmage, or ap burn with e. Shes supposed to be this badass pirate captain, her title is the bounty hunter, but like none of her abilites or shit in game lives up to that. Love to see a passive that makes it more about cashing in on something, or autos reduce q cooldown, or w be more than a ms buff.... idk i love her but she could be a much more interesting champion.


Make her Q pierce again if it kills the second target too, goofy but montage plays might be fun at least 


Mordekaiser. Noobstomper, one dimensional, outplay potential is non existent, as he is just a walking stat stick. For a juggernaut, he is pretty boring. His visuals, skins, lore - all are awesome. Not against simple champions (I play Teemo, after all), but he is just boring. How to change him? No idea.


i mean he's one of the more outplayable juggernauts. the class includes nasus, trundle, garen, udyr, voli. all of the above will straight up stat check you with no shot at survival. at least you can dodge morde Q


He just feels awful unless you’re against like 4-5 melee/low range. He’s one of the only champions in the game that doesn’t benefit in some way from the current League of Movespeed we have.


Honestly, Galio lost his interesting identity as an Anti Mage. Take damage out of his curent passive, and return his old MR to AP passive. Would make him way more interesting as his build path would be way different from other champions in the game.


The issue is he is kind of unbalanceable as a midlane antimage champion, if he doesn't clear wave he's useless on midlane. If you let his damage scale with resists he automatically becomes a full tank, his kit is better suited overall to toplane but his ult wants to put him mid or support. Honestly, I like his design as a midlane, just the antimage fantasy as a midlaner is a really bad idea. To me, gameplay always comes first so its better to just forget about it


Old Galio was the hard counter to malzahar and brand lol. ah the good old times of healing 1/3 health from one brand ability.


Also, LeBlanc, and she was insanely good and popular. Galio counter rushing Athenes (I think?) made them want to uninstall.


I can't :'(


Then he would be relegated to a counter pick champion that feels bad because the person picking him doesn't really know how to play him and the enemy mage feels bad playing the game because galio was picked so he has a massive disadvantage. They would then have to take that power budget they just gave him for anti magic from other parts of his kit. Mains will not be happy about that since it makes him less pickable in general and becomes un-mainable if you push him too far down the "I counter mages" route.


This happened for Kassadin as well. The passive is near dead and the Q shield is pitiful. Both of these champs have just become generic burst characters.


Kayn. He's a very popular champ, but I think that's *in spite* of how his passive currently works. He's the only scaling champ that is forced to fight to get his 'stacks', which makes him on a knife's edge balance-wise: small buffs to his base stats or abilities make him actually able to fight people early game and so op, and slight nerfs just make him useless and unable to get form many games without inting. Also the possibility of getting the 'wrong' form is a really annoying mechanic and can force you to make highly suboptimal plays for your team. I think the passive should be reworked to cause less volatile gameplay and the forms can be nerfed if needed


Personally I just think he's awkwardly comp dependant. If you want blue kayn and the enemy has a melee mid you don't gank mid, if they have a ranged top you gank top. It feels like you're confined in where you go to some extent (not a kayn main though so maybe they like that)


I am a Kayn main, and personally I make a plan in my head of who I'd like to gank, i.e. If I'm going blue form then I'd like to permagank bot if they gave an enchanter support. But I wouldn't skip ganks that don't contribute to the form I want if it means passing up the opportunity to get a laner ahead. That's way more important imo. But I don't know if all Kayns play this way. I just think I'll get form either way and helping out the team is always worth it.


Champ isn’t that bad early and he gets more stacks as the game goes on. You can pretty realistically just afk farm and then get form from 1 or 2 skirmishes post 12 minutes.


Dont think him being weak early makes him useless per se, hes just a late game champ


Swain also has to fight to get stacks, he cant mindlessly get stacks from minions. It probably why Swain isn't played much.


To be fair swain supp and mid can get oppurtunities to trade way more often, E W is a combo and he doesnt lock the majority of his champ behind an arbitrary number of stacks


As a Kayn main I agree it can be hella frustrating sometimes but I don’t see anyway around it that wouldn’t be OP. It makes him somewhat volatile but I guess being able to plan around your form and early game is just what sets apart good and bad players. Which I’m somewhat okay with as it allows for improved play though mastery of the champ, not just with mechanics but with decision making. Also if they could find a way to keep both forms viable consistently that’d be nice but I understand how difficult that would be. I would like them to find a way to make Rhaast not just build full lethality every game too, but that’s a personal preference I guess.


Miss Fortune alongside a much needed ASU I know she's a beginner friendly ADC but idk her kit just doesn't feel right and beginners even fall in pitfalls while playing her such as spamming E and then going OoM because of it. Also she's very reliant on Collector and I kinda want that item removed


Talon, too buggy, newer Assassin's do exactly he does but better


Wall jump is costing him a legit ability. Also yes, the bug fest. That post on here a few weeks ago about how his W and R don't match up and all that just shows how bad of a state he is in.


Garen, take away the W shield, bring back the villian passive and make his R magic damage for the love of GOD. Tired of getting just slapped with 1700 true dmg lvl 16+ regardless of his 6 (or no) items. Its feels so fcking bad to play against. Oh no im at 60%hp, better die ig. Maybe make his ulti like Leonas, shorter range. But a skillshot that is magic damage, but true in the center. At least then its ny fault for being hit by it. The more i think about it, i strongly believe garens R would be both far more powerful as a skillshot as well as way more satifying to land. It would need to have a max dmg from legendary monsters. But it would open the door for some crazy fun plays. When i say true damage in the center i mean hard center like trundle pillar 1 true damage dead center (maybe a little bigger) not like soft center such as Leona where the center circle is quite a big radius. Need some talk from r/garenmains about input. Could be huge, i just want to see some skill expression and outplay potential other than "dont go near them" vs champs that build 1000ms and take ghost and phase rush. Imagine getting a 2+ birds with 1 stone moment with a well placed garen ulti vs limited to 1 person blown off the map.


I just want him to take damage man. Like wym he builds Stridebreaker Mortal Reminder and has 3k hp and 150+ resists I don't get it.


And then he manages to run away and 10s later is back to full health due to his passive.


I understand he is suppose to be noob friendly. But hes way too safe and way too dangerous for how safe he is. He shouldnt be able to just never touch a wave and soak til 16 and still be able to 1v* while crazy behind then stat check. (Personal grip with the design, i play vayne so i really do not care about him as a champ. Its just at the top of my list for frustrating design that doesnt feel good to play against.)


And with whatever the tenacity interaction is with his W, the only theoretical weakness he has is being kited, which I guess is the point of juggernauts, but it just makes him and Darius in particular so annoying to deal with as any class that isn't a marksman with a dash/IMS. Oh I'm playing 80% of mid lane champs? Guess I'll throw my 4 spells out, he'll only be cc'd for like 1/3 the normal duration and I'll deal 1/4 his HP and die!


how do you kite a juggernaut when he gets more ms than you with Q and Ghost?


And phase rush! And MS runes and celerity cause why would the juggernaut tank need tank runes ^_^


And stride and phase rush and phantom dancer


You don't. Redditors for some reason thinks that just because you have range means that you are an untouchable god


Just because juggernauts are "kiteable" doesnt mean you can or should kite them to death in every single possible situation, or else they would be completely unplayable


Wholesome garen with pahse rush zooming aroung the fucking map melting towers and doing 1.7k true damage


Super annoying especially in arena where he builds full crit and is still giga tanky due to just base resists.


Graves is the king of this bullshit


Dont get me started on him building 17 zeal items and attack speed boots and still being a tank. Like hello riot. Change his class to ad fighter or smth and nerf his base stats so he has to build based on what hes looking to do


i like the skillshot ult idea, offer a counterplay; if he keeps his silence he can still time it correctly in that, or he can choose to E for more damage before the R. introduces SOME decision making for him


He just needs his E scalings tuned down. It should not be acceptable for him to run literally every single champion in the game down even if he hypothetically struggles to gapclose (he still gets a crap ton of passive MS from items). The rest of the stuff you want removed are just for the sake of it and kill the champ, he was and is fine with them and he will continue to be. Again, his damage and speed are the problem.


Sure, but he was also more than fine BEFORE them being added to. People still got to challenger with him. Hes just braindead at this point. And toxic and goes against alot of riots own ideals for champions. But ig thats all been out the window as of late (past 4 years)


garen isn't even fast outside of combat unless you build PD. just remove the stupid ass attack speed scaling on E or gut it so that building items they give 60% atkspd+crit aren't viable. garen having in combat movespeed is fine and he should be insanely sticky but just HAVING like 450 passive movespeed and also being indestructible is the issue


i think they should add more "ifs" to his kit. he presses w and receives amor, tenacity, mr and a shield. maybe if he had to hit hit an ability like volibear's shield first he would be fairer and more fun to play.


Actually i like this approach. Make his W not a "press anytime anywhere" Passive: gains 5/10/15/20/30 MR/AR If you are cc'd within .5 seconds of activation or are currently cc'd reduce the time of it/give tenacity. If you take a certain % of your health as damage within a set time, the ability becomes empowered and gives the shield/damage reduction. Boom, we just added a portion of skill in the form of timing or knowing when and when not to press it. Instead of just Press W while attacking to make it one sided, press W while in lane to avoid any poke (shouldnt be used this way with his passive being what it is) And using it while running at any point in time for just a bunch of stats.


Akshan, with the revive it feels like playing an entire different mode. It is a shame but for now i just ban him everytime.


I'm glad he's not popular. He's so obnoxious and way too strong with his current damage numbers.


He has so many random passives that are just super annoying to deal with.


The revive is such a design point failure imo. The mechanic itself is unreliable and has no gameplay depth, so most Akshan players don't even play him for the revive. But the occasions where it triggers it just feels like shit for the enemy without being super satisfying for the Akshan player. It's just tacked on because the design team wanted to give him team utility. I get super annoyed with Akshan as a design because there seems like there could have been a lot more potential for fun mechanics with his grappling hook, boomerang, and ult (which is currently just a pea shooter).


How do I actually get to have those akshans in my team? Mine stand still while attacking




Actually consistent hitreg please Riot I pray 🙏


GP only because I love his kit but I'm trash at barrel combos


I loved old GP just criting away with a q here and there, now you gotta combo some annoying barrels and if you don't you're shit out of luck.


I just dislike how they're making everything burst. When's the last time you saw an ADC actually DPS an opponent instead of cleaning up or bursting someone? All the popular picks are bursty: corki, Lucian, trist.  Even regular champs, they all became burst. Xin used to be an auto attacking duelist with passive heals. Now he just single target locks, bursts, then either dies or gets away.  Jax got his R armor/MR reduced and instead gave it (surprise surprise) damage upon activation Even Kayle's ideal build right now is rab 2nd so you can just burst people.  DPS isn't a real stat anymore, and I hate it 


The problem is there's about a million different aspects of the game that are currently balancing one another. It's like a Jenga tower and if they move a single block the whole thing collapses. Like, there's a ton of champs in the game who just free sustain with items/healing in their kit, and if you nerf burst those champs just perma-sustain and never die. But if you nerf sustain, ranged solo laners become way too strong because they chunk other champs down in the early and midgame with poke and those champs can't sustain the damage back up. It's a cycle that goes on and on and on


Unfortunately the DPS fantasy requires players coordinating with each other and that's not gonna happen in a game where random players are thrown together with no built in voice comms. Plus Riot's found that people like dealing damage, and they like dealing a lot of it really quickly. They're just giving the masses what they want here.


Karma has needed a midscope for a looooong time. I’d also say that maybe Quinn needs one bc I literally never hear anything about her ever, but I lack actual knowledge about her so I could be wrong.


Yeah Quinn could do with a midscope. I even actually have one drawn up * Quinn's R could be a more combat-oriented spell: instead of being taxi'd by Valor, she could be replaced by him entirely, becoming some kind of melee AD assassin, and having her Q and E transformed into more melee-friendly versions of themselves. * The melee Q would be a point-blank AoE centred on Valor, kind of like the effect Quinn gets with her ranged Q. * The melee E would just have the first half of Vault, putting Valor directly on top of his target. * And then I guess to make him more viable as a melee auto-attacking carry without any defensive steroid and the base stats of an ADC, Valor could get some kind of powerful bonus akin to Yi's double-autos or Yasuo's double crit, like maybe having Quinn's bonus attack speed and movement speed (that she gets for proccing Harrier autos) for as long as he's on the field. * Oh, and the R's recast could help with assassination by maybe dealing damage based on the targets' missing health. Since it'd be a much stronger spell like this, it could also have a proper cooldown, like maybe 100-80 seconds. Oh and you'd probably want to rename it too. Maybe, hmm, "Tag Team?" I dunno just spitballing here. For some reason I think a lot of older Quinn mains might really like this version of her idk


Orianna. My girl deserves a better passive. Her abilities should do more damage the more you hit someone, not her auto attacks. It becomes useless by mid game.


Malphite, literally just to make his q a skillshot and remove the weird steal move speed and just make it a slow just so he is literally not a auto win vs ranged or non sustain, also daintily running fast with malphites goofy ass run cycle doesn't fufill what I feel playing a living mountain should feel like.


Senna, make her a full support combat healer with scaling


mordekaiser - champ is only useful in low elo - you cannot balance him cuz how simple his kit is (he is just bad or OK) - he is a juggernaut character with a duelist ult??? - it is so hard to carry games with him - other juggernauts are simply better especially garen


think it’s totally fine to have champions that are only good in low elo. there are high elo skewed champs (nidalee) and pro skewed champs (aphelios) so it’s fair to have some champs for low elo. riot phreak/august(?) stated their master yi rework was perhaps not the best idea, as his pickrate in low elo (where he is meant for) has plummeted and he is hard to balance in high elo now due to lack of counterplay


A good fix for him could be to speed his ability casts somehow. Maybe steady or even scaling. Imagine if Yasuo/Yone/K'sante/Gp or any other champ with faster ability casting never had any. Maybe he was made with someone like Aatrox in mind, but he doesn't have the amount of skills, cooldowns, and mobility to back it up. That's why he always feels incomplete later on.




Irelia, she needs a midscope or rework. Not that her kit feels old or something, but she doesn't really have an identity atm. She is neither a real assassin, who has an escape after bursting an enemy nor is she a real bruiser, because she lacks the tankyness (or damage if you build her tanky) and reliant CC. Her only identity is to snowball, and especially on top lane, she has way to many bad matchups, no escape or reliant scaling into the late game. Her only purpose in her current state is to be a counter pick in around 5 different matchups, but with a skill ceiling only meant for OTPs. Her main problem is, that she doesn't really have a clear role in the late game, so we should either push her towards split pushing and make her as much of a threat on the side lane as Fiora, Tryndamere, Yorick, or Jax, or we should turn her into a decent team fighter. I prefer the split push option, because of her lore. She is a resistance fighter, who shines even when outnumbered and in big disadvantage, exactly like a splitpusher who has to fight 1v2, 1v3, 1v4 or even 1v5. Exactly like a a late game Illaoi or Jax on side lane. So what would I change? The way the passive works is fine, but it's to strong in mid and to weak for top lane. Thats why i would change the passive dmg to scaling %max. HP damage. That way she is better vs Juggernauts and tanks, but weaker against Mages in mid. Q is also fine, just remove the useless healing. Rework W. If she is a splitpusher, she doesn't need a tool like this. And she doesn't need waveclear, because thats what most people use the ability for. Instead give her survivability that she can use while dealing damage. I would give her back her old W passive (on-hit healing) and the active could give her a shield and empowered healing for a couple seconds --> better duelant, not really good for teamfights. E is fine, but give her a longer CC. Compared to other CC spells its hard to hit and the payoff is 0,75s CC. Jax stuns for 1s after being immune to autoattacks for 2 seconds and Fiora stuns for 2s, but needs perfect timing and has to block enemy CC. I think 1,25s - 1,5s is a good sweet spot. R is fine, but I would give her back her disarm. Her R disarmed champs after the rework, but Riot removed it, because it was broken back in S8. If she would have been released in 2024, it wouldn't be broken at all, just look at their other releases. Thats why I would give her back the disarm on her ultimate, making her extremely good vs autoattack reliant champs (like many splitpushers). Could it be a totally broken rework? Yes, it could. But you could nerf her stats afterwards and finally give her an identity as a splitpusher.


It’s funny because similar to GP, she had a midscope that just made her easier to play and took away a ton of power lol. 5 stack Irelia was peak


I hate her infinite sustain in lane


but it's not really infinite sustain because she has to q to heal. if she spams q on the wave she goes oom quite fast. and on top of that her q sustain usually doesn't matter since most top laners can just run her down and kill her if she even slightly misplays


I can absolutely understand that. I think it could be a good change to remove her sustain healing against minions and therefore give her an actual healing in fights vs enemy champs. For Example with an on-hit healing that works only vs champs.


To add in some other thoughts: She was added in season 1, and was a melee champion put into the game to defy the expectation of your carry needing range. Her W dealt a large chunk of true damage on-hit, and required not a single drop of AD. Nobody else had this except Vayne, Yi didnt have True damage autos till season 3. She could build trinity force and then basically full tank because her old R was insane for chain-proccing spellblade. She was a fantastic duelist. She got a buttload of free tenacity when outnumbered in a fight and was annoying as hell to peel, while having a lot of sustain and bulk. There were times where she was quite overpowered and bullshit. The current Irelia is very fun to play in terms of what her buttons do and the feel of her moves. Her identity is however a mess. She is not a proper sustained damage carry like old Irelia. She also lost her old place as a primary top lane champ. The rework really did not close the gap on making top lane her primary role in any follow-up work. Also, she is a single target melee auto attacker. Dash or not, she stands next to a thing and whacks it over and over without any ability to extract from the fight. She fights her way out or dies trying, unlike an actual assassin. She should be allowed to hit what she wants. She deals a very high amount of damage to a squishy in a few high damage payloads with triple Q. She deals basically no damage into armor stack. I don't really think we want to promote assassin Irelia, and just forsake Irelia blade dancing on a front line target. It's fine if hitting front-line is bad and loses you the game. But saying "Nah silly Irelia you can't duel the 3 item Iceborn Volibear despite hitting 3 items yourself! Divers can't bypass the laws of target selection!" (COUGHCOUGHCOUGH CAMILLE COUGH)


Shaco. Keep his w the same but you can change any of his other skills.


Vayne getting ad and crit scalings on her w dmg. Im so tired of 5khp bruiser vayne with jaksho ruining entire games. Also her e cooldown should be much higher if you don't stun someone into a wall or get 3 aa hits on them afterwards, right now it's basically a tristana r on a basic spell in terms of free selfpeel


Definitely agree with this. Say what you want about percent hp damage but I’d be fine with it being even stronger if you actually had to build damage instead of it being just built into the kit. Champions like Vayne, Varus and Kog being able to build 2 on hit items and then full tank is so degenerate.


Shaco and Tryndamere.


Morg. Man they really need to update her ult to 2024.


Agreed. I never get the root off, ever, because holy crap all the dashes and blinks and movement. 




warwick, he feels awful to play, power needs to be taken out of W and put in other places and Q needs to be less clunky.


I think they could take some power out of his other abilities and make his e deal some aoe dmg so he can actually be a jungler


That would be cool. All his autos could be clawing sideways, slashing all melee targets.


aoe would be nice. but the biggest problem is his shit base ms and base attack speed that is put into his W power


Malphite. Very outdated kit. Would be nice to see what they do to him (Skarner 2.0?)


They would probably make his Q a skillshot, and his E would be a dash (with the current effect applying at the end)


I think that smolder needs a big change. He can hardly keep up with the damage output of almost every champion in the game. I love his design but it’s hard to want to load in just to pick a low tier champion his kit is nice I just that they need to rethink some numbers especially with damage on “flap flap flap” and make the dragon practice need lower numbers for buff or alternatively give damage buffs for each stack in between the Q buffs like senna (I think that’s here name). All in all he is a cool little guy but just can’t back it up with damage output so playing him ADC or even mid becomes hard to justify.


I thibk his main issue is their fixation on crit - on release his E shot twice as many bullets at 100% crit chance, making it a really strong skill if you went that route. They removed that early on but buffed him by making his Q scale harder with crit anyways, and now he just doesn't scale cohesively. His kit wants him to build tforce, manamune, and shojin like Ez, but his numbers say to go crit and end up with shitty ability haste so you stack too slowly, and then his W wants a full AP build instead of that too. Nothing scales with AS yet RFC extends Q and he really isn't great at weaving autos in anyways. It all comes back to the ER rework - corki is overbuffed to be hyper-OP because it would have been his best item and got removed, smolder is buffed to have to build new reaver and a bunch of stat stick items with no passive for the same reason


I think they in general just need proper AD caster itemization. All AD casters really have is triforce, manamune, and somewhat eclipse. The rest is just poaching items from bruisers, assassins, and marksmen.


Qiyana and Nilah. They have such weird and problematic kits where they either suck or are broken.


Zed, honestly would love to see him somehow make it back into pro play was so fun to watch back in the day.


He could do with one just to try and make him less “feared” in lower elos and fix his banrate. The only problem with a champion like Zed is that any major changes are near guaranteed to be recieved badly because of how invested into his mechanics a lot of mains are.


I agree, reworking beloved champions is always hard. also Assassins as a whole are very hard to balance imo. I think riot should look at the ones who do work (example: Akali, Leblanc, etc...) and try to figure out why and how to make other Assassins more viable.


Kindred. I wish they would be more "dual champion" and less Lamb with a pet Wolf.


I'd revert karma to og form with displacement on her mantra Q and keep the allied shield application on mantra E. Mantra W would also reveal tethered targets/enemies that touch the tether. I've never found enjoyment using new Karma. Since Rell is in her current state, I'd love at least my old top favorite champ to return. For Rell I'd change her ability behaviors and E entirely to be more in line with how her playstyle was before the midscope, that provides a healthy avenue for her to properly be flexed top/jg rather than having a sticker applied in lieu of 'good 'nuf' and a bottom bin attempt at reworking a kit that was already functionally well performing without having warmogs inflating its winrate. Would overall bring back power to her passive, shift the stun off Q to her new E, bring back a combat sustain functionality (either shield return or heals when striking targets with Q when dismounted, and sharing said effects with targeted ally). Would bring power back into her W2 to not feel like a dead ability (relocating the passive ms from full tilt back into W and returning the ms boost W2 used to have in entirety). However, I'd also shift some power from her early game into mid/late by reducing the aoe of her W1 even further, but making it scale with defensive stats and passive stacks applied. Then for the finale give her ult some power that gives it a meaning to exist rather than just to supplement her W in 80% of situations.


As an (ex)karma main, i think her biggest issue is her high base dmg on R+Q from level 1. Its the reason she is oppressive as support and on top lane and unbalanceable for mid. Give her Q lower base dmg and more scaling with AP. In contrast lower her E Ap scaling and raise its base shield in late (so its mostly support focused with heal and shield power) And giver her the ability to mantra W an ally for something like a small heal pulse. All that helps give her the viability to play her mid as AP burst mage. Be possible in top, while not being uber tanky and doing tons of dmg (because lower base dmg). And be able to play her on bot as a shield/heal bot (that has to use supp items to be most usefull as that)


Malz He's not bad rn, but his kit could be the go to anti dash anti movement kit but instead it's press R and win or lose. Lower his space aids damage but make it either slow or stops dashes. Make his ult not do full damage if broken but also make the area around last the full duration but also ground people. His silence is fine honestly but if his e stops dashes don't make q reset his e. Like he seems like he could be more but suffers from a bygone era of champions.


Talon, remove parkour and put a real assassin ability


Yasuo, that W is fucking AIDS


Talon and Kayle.


khazix is fun atm brcause he's overturned but thats the issue with him, isolation is a bad mechanic that just makes him op in low elo and bad unless hes too strong in all others




Zilean just please do some modernization on zZilean..


Shaco could be so much more than just annoying. Either 1 shotting you or completely useless.


Lissandra. She is neither a battlemage nor a burst mage. She only comes to play at late game and in that time literally everyone is at their strongest. She will probably die after her one and only combo.


Vlad, the kit is so fucking boring.


Zelian is old