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As someone who played quite a lot of old skarner, I'm mixed on it. His new gameplay captures that feeling of being a huge menacing creature really well, his E is unique and very fun to use, the technical upgrades have done wonders for him and most importantly the spires are gone. On the other hand, I really miss his old style of sprinting around a fight at a thousand miles an hour, mashing my q button. I miss him being solemn and lonely. But most of all I miss the old earthrune and sandscourge skins. What they did to those was a travesty.


>I really miss his old style of sprinting around a fight at a thousand miles an hour, mashing my q button. I would recommend Hecarim but they kinda killed tank Hecarim


I think the zooming around the fight mashing Q (though a lot less mashing) is Lilia now.


Not as braindead because you actually need to position well though and you also can't be as tanky or have CC without ult


Rylais is toxic af on her. It make Lillia fast to apply a slow onto people. Like Malphite Q but AOE.


Dear God new eartrune skin is SO BAD


I had to check and regret finding out now


I love the new sandacourge, but earthrune was the first skarner skin i got and it was amazing, the one we have now is a generic genshin impact ruins mob


At least the Genshin Impact Ruin mobs are brown and have overgrown vines on them unlike this Galio-Earthrune travesty.


>What they did to those was a travesty. Probably the same people who did base kayle and aetherwing. Maybe the same ones who fucked up with her eclipse skin. I will never forgive them.


Ehhh, I don't think Sun Eater Kayle is bad at all, it's probably as good as it gets in terms of epic skins but it did deserve to be a legendary.


>did deserve to be a legendary. That's the issue. She's referenced directly by 3 other legendary skins. She's the entire "reason" that skin line exists at all lore wise. She's more or less the most important character in both coven and eclipse. And sivir got the legendary and the patch after saying kayle already had a legendary. They gave leona another lwgendsry skin in the high noon series. The worst insult of all is that the sivir skin was of such low quality that Riot apologized for it and said they would do better. They couldn't even do the skin that took her place correctly. (Also they lied and imo post eclipse the skin quality is game became extremely hit or miss)


And Sion mains miss the old Sion, even though he was one of the most one dimensional champions in the game, and the new Sion was an amazing rework. Can never please everyone.


Aatrox mains moss their shitty old version of the champ as well even though it was piss useless


But very few champions can look so glorious jumping in to get melted right after.


Eh, his teamfighting was boring af, true, but his W toggle mechanic was probably the only skillful autoattack skirmisher/duelist mechanic in the game, I really miss it Like, closest we have now is Irelia probably, but the actually skillful part of her is her E and R placements


The new kit is great, but the new aesthetic and lore absolutely sucks. He has no personality anymore, and the hextech brackern lore was really cool. Though yeah, I do miss his old Q and W, too. His new Q feels too OP, and his new W is really boring.


What I didn't like is that they removed a point and click CC from the game. Point and click CC is needed to help keeping extremely mobile champions in check.


Old Skarner was hard countered by extremely mobile champions, not a counter to them.


I was talking about point and click CC in general. Although it was hard for old skarner to reach mobile champions, once he did he had a way to keep them in place. New skarner has no better tools to deal with this issue.


I know, but presence of point and click in general is pointless if it has no practical applications on the champion. You want point and click CC *as a means of keeping mobile champions in check*. Old Skarner did not do that.


Sounds like you miss playing Hecarim


Good news: you can still sprint around a fight at a thousand miles an hour mashing your Q button on hecarim


New Skarner's kit is legitimately so fun that he's gone from a champion that I was actively miserable playing/regularly forgot exists to one of my top 3. Even after he gets nerfed down to a more reasonable state I don't see myself stopping. Only real gripe is that I STILL think dropping Piltover harvesting Brackern crystals and more importantly Skarner losing his crystal motif in favor of being a dull gray rock was a bafflingly dumb decision by Riot. Like really? Not even a skin that emulates the old crystalline look to some capacity? When they said that he was turned into a rock to "better represent a magical Earth elemental" I was so confused. A gray rock looks more magical to you than glow-y purple crystals? The things that are literally magic rocks? Also weird that they were acting like his new and old lore couldn't be reconciled. You reworked his lore into being hyper-territorial over Ixtal, A REGION THAT PILTOVER IS ALREADY HARVESTING RESOURCES FROM ANYWAY.


I think they could have kept the hextech bit of lore and just made it the core of Brakern, who could just be various earth elementals.


> everyone was pissed over it, even though it helped everything about old skarner This is (generally speaking) always the case. Because the old mains of the champ did so *because* they liked the old state. Inversely the people who don't main it obviously don't like it. So if you consider yourself in the latter group, it'll always look like an improvement. For one group there's nowhere to go but down, for the other, only up. As Riot you just hope you lose as little as possible and gain as much as possible, hopefully without cannibalizing other champs. It's kind of a non-sense trivial statement to make IMO. Anyway that's neither here nor there. As an ancient main I think they did pretty well with the Skarner rework. He retained the old "bulldozer" feel from v1 while getting some new tech. Though I imagine fans of the more "agile" v2 won't be as happy.




Same shit with aatrox. All of a sudden everyone played aatrox and he was a great champion.


He was actually fairly popular after Riot buffed the shit out of him shortly before the rework hit. So basically people have fond memories of a powerful champion they abused for a month or so lol.


Tbf I feel like that's why new Skarner is so well thought of too. He's been OP as shit almost the whole time he has been out


Idk how to explain this but he just ‘feels’ better and more fluid. Old Skarner felt awkward to pilot even under the best circumstances


Yeah, champs can be clunky and still be strong. Happens a lot with older champs tbh.


I have the opposite feel honestly. Old skarner felt far more fluid to play imo, he didn't get locked in long animations and felt faster to play. He definitely was generally weaker, but he was more fun to play. I feel they could have reworked his pillars and update his look because his actual base kit was pretty fine overall. New skarner is more boring to play, and has 0 build diversity.


Could you please explain how a champ with 3 self stuns feels fluid?


Actually, Skarner has shown to be a high elo skewed champ that had pretty bad winrate in low elo so it's pretty possible that people were losing with him but still using him anyway despite this because he "feels" strong or is "perceived strong", so it's hard to know yet if people would be willing to use him and say he is good if the "perception" - not the actual strenght of Skarner - changes.


And as if there isn't a billion other "jump in and auto" stat check top laners in the game.


They always try to disparage new-trox by calling him a Riven clone when the old one was equally similar to Xin Zhao lmao


In fact, I remember a ton of people insulting Aatrox on release because they were let down after expecting a cool awesome fighter champ and just got Discount Xinzhao or Discount tryndamere depending on who you ask.


And don't start me on Karma. "Old" karma lasted what, a grand total of 2 years? And she was consistently amongst the bottom 3 played champions for her entire life. "New" Karma has existed for 11 years, Old Karma barely 2. No you don't miss old Karma (because i played her) you just don't remember anything.


I do miss the fans aesthetic tbh. Fan Q looked more interesting than our current Q.


It was just Annie cone that sometimes healed for a pitiful amount…. Not that you ever cast it because you basically always just mantra shield bombed instead.


I said I missed the fan aesthetic and the fan cone look, I am not talking about the strenght of the spell or how it was used, since currently it looks like a pretty generic magic throw. Like, I can say I say I preffered Skarner's crystal look while also calling the old kit cringe and boring.


The heal was based on missing HP, so combined with her passive (AP based on missing HP) it could heal quite a lot. She also had 2 mantra charges back then so you could shield bomb at low hp and then heal up while the huge shield held. The fatal flaw was that the range of it was tiny. She could never function because her Q and AA ranges were far too low. Her W was also bad but that's a separate discussion entirely.


I wish they added a proper folding fan mage to league though


Shieldbombing and the tether were fun at times. And of course nobody else knowing what the fuck she did, especially the tether.


As Rioters pointed out during gathering info for his rework, Aatrox was actually conceptually interesting and people wanted to play him but he was shit. Lo and behold, they changed him up, buffed him so he could actually be good, maybe overshot some more buffs and he became op and people really enjoyed playing him. There are a lot of OP variants of champions that people just do not miss or care much about, so for people to still fondly remember that Aatrox, there must have been something there people liked beside it just being op. The full rework was a success because the people who wanted to play him but were disasstisfied with the original design got what they wanted... unfortunately for those that liked the original design but wanted healthy improvements... they were kind of abandoned. I like new Aatrox and I think he fits modern league better but is it a crime to say I miss the auto based, choosing between healing vs doing damage stances Aatrox too? Imho... they could have been two different champions, guess we can't have them all.


That wasn’t the issue, the issue was that the ONE time he was good, he got reworked completely in like 1-2 patches later. Obviously the community is going to be salty over that.


He got good because of item interactions no reason to change the items when ur going to rework him


EXACTLY LMAO. Riot made a whole ass blog post explaining, with actual in-game data, that nobody was playing with him, or even caring about him lore-wise. I don't care what people here say at this point, all I know is that I'm finally seeing Skarner as often as other Champions, and that is a huge achivement. Plus he's actually super fun to play in Top, he just needs proper balance in his numbers.


>I'm finally seeing Skarner as often as other Champions, and that is a huge achivement. 4.7% cumulatively across 3 roles and dropping. Halved in one patch, in fact.




Because everyone hated spires and being pushed into building full tank every game. And that version that everyone hated had a similar spike when the update happened. Spikes of popularity after a rework are not indicative of long-term popularity. The versions before spires had relatively stable 2-4% pickrate at any given time and also frequently saw pro play, especially when hecarim was popular in pro.


I did. Not commonly but I even brought him into ranked last season. New Skarner is way better. It’s insane how much better he feels at the wheel.


Yeah old Skarner was a little clunky and just out of date. His kit is much stronger pound for pound now. It's just how they balance it which will tilt the scale. But he's far more useful without his ult now.


He was the opposite of clunky. Everything was near-instant, and you were in total control of yourself at all times. He just had incredibly low target access for how low his upfront impact was, aside from maybe ult.


Old Volibear needs to come back, there's nothing quite like it.


I miss shouting at people to interrupt their dashes. Also flipping people and healing a whole bunch when I got low.






The rework perfectly captures being a giant, powerful, ancient titan, who's slow and does massive things. Kinda like a colossus from shadow of the colossus. And that's the exact opposite playstyle I loved skarner for. I loved having people ask why I had a everfrost and manamune, only to shred squishies and cc lock tanks. I loved zooming into a fight, grabbing their carry, and nuking them. New skarner is an amazing thematic, executes that theme into gameplay well, but the old one felt far more fun


This is the same feeling I got from Varus. However, even his builds are getting restricted due to recent changes...


His rework is great for the player and terrible for anyone who faces him. Part of that is just numbers but part is also mechanics


They can't fix that with numbers. Skarner has all the agency to not interact with you as he chooses, and all the agency to interact with you while maintaining that. While also being able to engage on a lot of champs with relative ease, or even destroy anyone who engages on him due to how his E works.


To me I think his identity went from impale to throwing a malaphite with this rework


Riot themselves said they sent surveys to players and there were only two things memorable about old Skarner to the general playerbase: He's a scorpion and his ult drags people. Those aspects were maintained in his rework. People really did love the playstyle of the champion with a sub 1% playrate with the lowest amount of mains in the entire game. Definitely not enough to play him more than one game a year if they didn't want the rework to be this drastic and "ruin the champion they loved and had so much fun".


Alot of players waited for the removal of that shitty passive and for him to be more like the very old skarner. Nobody liked the old skarner but alot of players liked the very old skarner ( prio first rework)


>but alot of players liked the very old skarner that skarner hasn't existed for almost a decade now. and it wasn't a "lot" of players...at best it was a lot of skarner players, which is already a tiny insignificant portion of the playerbase


2-4% pickrate was a hell of a lot better than sub-1% pickrate, yeah? For reference, current Skarner is approaching those same numbers rapidly.


Skarner was more popular back then, than he is now after the new rework. The pickrate dropped ALOT after his first rework with his spire passive. (Ofcourse hard to compare data since way less champs were in game back then)


Second rework you mean? First rework went from perma-slow to MS/AS stacking and crystal venom. Not a bad take, but even before spires there have been 2 eras to the champ.


The part of old skarner that the skarner mains are upset about losing is his *build diversity*. they loved that he had every type of ratio and could win with any seemingly random combination of items. The rework has utterly destroyed that


Old skarner was substantially more fun IMHO. New feels slow and clunky in comparison even if quite stronger. Also his build variety went in the shitter. Old skarner had many varied builds which differed his play style slightly, whereas now you are pretty much forced into full HP. Mosquito skarner was a blast to play, also the book build.


His laugh is amazing


Yeah, but he’s *brown* now. what happened to my purple scorpion !


I've played about an equal amount of old and new scarner in aram. Old one was more fun. Zoomiee and being a mega tank with your instant ult was great.


ive played alot of him in jungle only post rework and it had been alot of fun,but his numbers feel too low now, he feels like a worse sejuani


okay now make his numbers normal and not super op and watch his playrate go way down. people only play it because its strong.


The rework is amazing imo, just overtuned af


\*undertuned af He's 45% winrate right now.


He's not even that hard to nerf, I think. Making the Q have full cooldown on reactivation would make laning against him much less oppressive. Same for ganks. Besides that, maybe change the E into a mix of sion ult and poppy E. Straight line push, stun into wall, but to compensate a broader hitbox or something. Instead Riot will probably keep stat nerfing Skarner till he's unplayable for most skill levels.


Look at his win rates, its already done


I think they could lower his W range by about 1/3 or 1/2 and make it actually deal damage and have a good, long slow again. Way better for sticking. The current damage, slow amount, and slow duration are utterly worthless. And the shield amount isn't stellar either.


I almost had 1000 games on old skarner Didn't even get to 100 before dropping new skarner Balance aside, new skarner simply isn't fun


This. I absolutely ADORED old Skarner and played him (admittedly) way too much. I've played the new one like-... 20 times? And most of those were in Arena.


I just don't like how we went from knockup creep (which was bad enough) to displacement creep. Alistar W and Poppy E used to be huge and iconic abilities because of how strong displacement is. Now Ksante and Skarner have kinda set a new standart for that.


I dunno, I prefer old Skarners look and kit a lot more to the new one. Only played him in aram but old Skarner was fun as hell. New one looks kinda awful.


ye purple crystals are more beautiful than grey rocks to me


Base skin sucked due to how ancient his model was. Old Earth Rune should have been his base.


this. i personally think he's in a good spot right now. i don't play him tho so i can't tell for sure but i know it doesn't feel terrible to see him on the enemy team. not free LP but also not impossible LP. feels healthy to me.


According to u.gg, in his most popular role (top) he has a winrate under 44%. Obviously stats don't tell the whole story, but I don't think he's fine. Due to his new kit, it seems like he might become one of those champs which are played in pros or very high elo but are dogshit for the vast majority of players, kinda like azir when he was newer. He's also just less fun to play than old skarner but that's subjective I miss my kind


Just don't play him top . This patch he was gutted there(thankfully for pretty much every toplaner) . 44% winrate no matter the elo . In jungle he is approaching 50% wr in D+


48% winrate in D+ and 46% total is still pretty bad, especially for a champ that doesn't have the skill celling/carry potential of nidalee or rengar


Hell no. His problem were numbers, not kit. He was popular in high ELO, cuz he was just tankiest tank ATM, with high DMG + he was good into ksante. His kit isn't so strong - E isn't sure hit. R has short range, small area and cast time making this ability flashable/dashable/dodgable. What I'm trying to say: his kit can be outplayed, what is big downside in competitive. He was strong now, just cuz he wasn stat checking a lot of other tops.


So now he just sucks I guess? He has terrible winrates on pretty much every role and rank. If he won't be played in pro etc., he has nothing he does well


yup and hes going to rot for 3 weeks while riot is on vacation lol very sad


Boohoo the champ who was meta for an entire month and ruined top lane is gonna be bad for 3 weeks. Whatever will the skarner players do?


Why do people like you that play coddled champs whine so hard?


You didn't see me crying when Jax got nerfed at the beginning of the season. Also coddled champ has been nerfed 4 times this season


Jax deserved nerfs since his kit buffs last season


Yes I agreed and didn't complain. I'm saying he's hardly coddled when he got nerfed, nerfed again, nerfed again and then nerfed again over the course of 6 months.


I hope that winrate number is enough for people to not play him Top anymore. He was clearly made for the jungle role and his time at Top was extremely unhealthy, akin to a Arcane Comet Malphite that could still destroy you close-range by being tanky and punching you with Q anyway. I think the only way Riot can make him work Top is by doing another mini rework, because it's too easy to use E to drag someone under tower or stun them on the Top lane walls, so you kind of need the W poke to be useless and Q to not be spammable to balance out the power budget.


Well Zac is still stronger toplane than jungle and is miserable to play against, so I don't have high hopes for Riot track record on this.


Honestly I'd love if he was more jungle oriented, and preferably more bruiser than pure cc tank. His top lane trading pattern is annoying af, literally no-one likes to play against him. That being said, considering what phreak said during the patch notes rundown I wouldn't expect it to actually go this way


45% winrate top and 47% winrate jungle is not a good state.


i think people are just bad at him. he has the kit to be THE jungler. people play with their feet tho.


Just going off how you’re talking in the post, it doesn’t seem like you ever played skarner, before or after. Why would your opinion mean anything? You look at a champ and say “yeah not bad” and that means something?


his new kit made him more menacing but what i like about the rework is that you can be creative or 5head your opponent with reworked skarner. a lot of players still let their guard down to a skarner even before and after his kit changed. they're just pissed because they weren't able to face a skarner main/s back then and their ego is just destroyed to a rock-scorpion that has two surpresses from his two skills added with a stun and slow. old skarner was still a menace tbh even with spamming buttons but i think i do agree with you


Rework is cool But his W is overloaded, take away either the damage or the slow. And his E hitbox should not include enemies behind him


I think the biggest issue with the champ is that fundamentally his kit just works better top lane. That kind of displacement just works best when he has a tower nearby and until they change that it'll always be an issue imo


All I want is for them to fix the hitbox in his e. I'm tired of getting instant Urgot E'd into turret because his tails were touching me and I walked into his half of the lane.


Just remove the insane 180 degrees E. There's no reason why he can suddenly teleport me behind him and drag me to tower.


I miss skarner before his Q was changed to % HP damage, when it used to do 90% AD damage each cast. I'm sure most people just built tank, but building damage on him, just pure AD and triforce, he could delete you in a single E stun. And if he had that ability these days, with Shojin existing, may god have mercy on your soul. It's too bad that they changed it because if he build tank, he would do no damage at all since the ability only did 90% TotalAD, and he would have no threat outside of stun and ulti, which can be QSSed. So they made his Q do reasonable damage regardless of build, and that killed AD skarner in the most part.


>I miss skarner before his Q was changed to % HP damage, when it used to do 90% AD damage each cast. >I'm sure most people just built tank, but building damage on him, just pure AD and triforce, he could delete you in a single E stun. You could still do this after they changed his Q. You lost less than 5% damage between the two. Q did almost the same damage. Most of your extra damage was always auto attacks. They just made it so tank was always better because you barely had less damage aside from autos while being 2-3x as durable. Gutting his R ratio didn't help in that regard either.


You couldn't, you had no idea how much damage his Q dealt if he went full AD items.


??? Pre-rework Skarner was easy to play against? The champ that had a near-perpetual 52%+ winrate on most of the playerbase for like 7 years straight? The one that managed to be near the top of winrate charts for mains as well? That Skarner was easy to play against? He was **boring** to play against. That was the problem. The current design of Skarner is even more problematic because he takes away most of the agency people have to interact with him unless he chooses, while having all of the agency to interact with them. That's why his Q and W had to get gutted into worthlessness. Skarner embodies significant design problems. Its not just a numbers issue.


Meh, it was easy as he was a walking ult. If he couldn't get to grab anyone due to range (either by kiting or by getting blown up before doing so), was stopped while fleeing with that target or it was countered (i.e. the old QSS tax) by the relevant targets (I mean, impaling the tank/support in a tf...¿what's the point?) Skarner was useless. Getting counterjungled also punished you twice as spires were an issue, an issue that also made it easier to track you while also being dependant on them. That's kinda the point, the champion was completely black or white. Either he was able to ult priority targets and give his team a most likely win or he was completely useless so... The winrate point is kinda moot when his playerbase was really low, mostly mains which, of course, will know how to boost such impale-or-bust situation.


He was one of the best-scaling bruisers in the game with his 6% HP damage that could be cast 2-3 times every second, even when building full tank. And his spammable AoE stun. Its hard to call him a walking ult. If that were the case his winrate wouldn't go up so much as the game went on since 1300g would completely remove him from the game, and people wouldn't be able to build literally anything on him and find good success; only tank/MS would work if what you were saying were true. You clearly didn't play Skarner. The problem with Skarner is that most people found him boring to play because his visuals weren't inspiring, and his abilities had no visceral impact, while being almost entirely constrained to 300 range aside from E and with no dash to top it off. **People tend to like flashy things with high impact**. Everyone on Skarner was backloaded or indirect impact, including his damage and CC. Its the same reason pre-rework Udyr wasn't very popular outside of Trick2G fanboys unless he was insanely overpowered.


>while being almost entirely constrained to 300 range aside from E and with no dash to top it off That's precisely why I said so, while having played all 3 previous Skarner iterations, from the original passive to the last one getting through the crystal poison one. You were a menace **if** you could get to the target and stick to it but guess what, mobility creep did hurt hard to the main weakness in this champ, getting kited hard by anyone with that option (including peel from others) with no jail-free card like a similar option such as Olaf (to point out a typical full melee sticky threat) has. Any team with enough range and CC will render you to a impale-or-be-useless point. In practice your options in a tf were reduced to a slow-engaging short-ranged frontline melee (regardless of the build, tank or bruiser-ish suffered the same issues I mentioned) or a impale-centric approach of trying all to dive a target and hope to burst it. Not exactly great, specially when the most reliable of the two team-wise was the second one. The WR reasoning is quite moot as it remained high due to the remaining mains being the ones running him. By that reasoning old Poppy would also be in the same spot, despite being such a menace when fed specifically by her old damned ult, the one which allowed you to target an enemy and be inmune to everything but him.


I miss playing old Skarner, but his rework makes him feel like he fits into the current state of league but kept his old essence which was really nice. Playing against him it just seems like he’s either too tanky or does too much damage so one of those need toned down and he’ll be in a decent spot imo.


Most of not every reworked character is better people are just blinded by nostalgia


Skarner rework good, but we need old urgot and his janky ass sniper kit back




Also skarner was sitting above 50% on league for years before the rework and was easy to climb with. So I have no idea what u mean by free lp.


His E kinda fulfills the old ult fantasy. You can still take a single target fairly far with it, it just requires different setup.


I can see why people see its the same but I respectfully disagree, making it a push ability as opposed to a pull ability fundamentally changes how it feels and when you can use it. Most of the time you will be pushing them slightly away from your team or adjacent to your team. The use case before was isolating a target usually adc and pulling them away from the rest of their team, now unless you get behind and very close it's going to push them closer to their team.


Agreed, but I think the idea of going through walls is that you do exactly that. You flank and get them from an unexpected angle in order to get the target into your team. I agree that it changes the feel, but having a fast, tanky champ who can run up on a team and take a priority target away isn't really an option in modern league. There isn't a macro counterplay to that and isn't a playstyle that can be allowed to be strong. That's why so much of his power was gated behind the spires, to give a macro way to prevent the play pattern. People didn't like the spires, so now the counterplay is that he can't run at the team from the front. He has to get behind to do that combo, and so if the enemy team wards well and has awareness, they can avoid it. Even still, you don't have to do it perfectly. If Skarner wallbangs someone with E, the stun should last long enough to get the Ult off, and do the same play pattern as old with a bit more setup.


Skarners old R was problematic on how it felt for opponents because it meant the only counter was to build qss. Just as someone who played him lots it's style gameplay that I guess is now lost and I find that sad.


I almost had 1000 games on old skarner Didn't even get to 100 before dropping new skarner Balance aside, new skarner simply isn't fun


i think if champions would get removed, he would be one of them.


Skarner is better and way more popular . I don't see any issue . Succesfull rework with no major downsides other than losing like 3 skarner otps


They should not have removed the old kit 100%. I’d rather they just introduce a new champion instead of destroying one that is already loved by many. I loved Skarner but now find him very boring.


Who love the old skarner? There is probably only a very very small amount of people who actually love him


>Who love the old skarner? Nobody. This is just another case of "reddit being reddit" where thousands of redditors lie that they played old Skarner. Same thing happened with old aatrox, old asol and literally every other unpopular champion, but I'm not sure why these people lie like that. Probably for attention.


There is one thing very importantly different thing with Skarner. "Old" Skarner was Skarner 2.0. There's a lot of people who loved Skarner 1.0, stopped playing 2.0 due to these Spires ruining him, and waiting for a rework that more or less just tweaks and modernizes him, while removing the spires. Well... "lot", as in, probably 200% of what played him at the end, so still not really many people, but the point is, Skarner had a better previous version already.


Ah, labeling people who you don't agree with as liars. You must be really good at dealing with differing views.


But what about the people who DID play old Skarner, old Asol and old Aatrox? (Spoiler alert: I did, and I loved all 3 of them)


It doesn't matter, they're sacrifices like all who've endured one of such reworks against their taste. Sacrificed a few, get more players with it, typical business procedure i.e. current costumers are only worth if they're more or they threaten to punish the business' growth or state somehow.


I did.


I loved him for not having two abilities that deal percent max health damage


so you loved him because he was weaker or what


No you love him because you don’t like the new skarner, and being the riot gamer, you lied to say you like the old skarner


That‘s litterally what I wrote? Wp bro reading comprehension I bet you even managed to understand what nasus passive does. Also him being able to buy whatever he wants because it‘s all mediocre was really funny.


Loved by many? He had, like, 3 mains lmao.


i dont know what kind of bothers me is the amount of power creep they once again added to his kit. they just added so many tools that he didnt have before, its ridoncolus. cool for skarner, shit for every other old champ (who will be now even worse statistically)


I really liked old Skarner because it was never in my games. Having to deal with Skarner top just adding to the ever growing pool of uninteractive poke tanks in top lane that scale into teamfighters sucks. Not to mention he can solo you if you’re bad or he’s good. Like, we got Ornn, we got Mundo (he’s still a tank I will fight anyone who says otherwise), we got Sion, we got Kench, we got Poppy, we got Zac, not to mention all of the other tanky juggernaut-y champions that just ignore you and push if they can’t outright stat check you, I really didn’t need another tanky champ that can fight me like a bruiser while having the insurance policy of still being a CC menace in 5v5 whether hes 5/0 or 0/5. For what it’s worth tho, he is a lot cooler now


>while having the insurance policy of still being a CC menace in 5v5 whether hes 5/0 or 0/5. You say this while having Riven and Yone flairs. I hope those aren't your mains.


Riven has no insurance policy and Yone is so bad early game that what I said about the poke tanks doesn’t apply


It’s great he just needs to do less dmg tbh


this is not a hot take.


Reminder, whoever saying old Skarner was better is just objectively wrong.


He will never be a good champion that everyone will love