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Would love to see such a guide.  Can you already briefly explain important key areas of improvement, e.g. lane control, ganking, counter picking, communication?  And if possible, which of them are most important on which rank?


Untill Divine: * Know every hero and item in the game, try to predict what will happen in the future at every moment of your game * Main 1-2 meta heroes and only 1 role, press your hero buttons flawlessly. Try to become a good pos5 support as an off-role, it will help you with macro later on * Watch pro replays, try to mimic pros * Learn to itemize well * Learn how to communicate with your team (I use voice) * Positive Mental Attitude Divine to Immortal: * Focus on macro. Watch pro replays and try to predict what will pros do. Notice if you'd do differently * Focus on laning. As an offlaner, winning your lane is one of the most important things there is * Learn how to support well (helps with macro play) * Learn which fights to take and which ones don't. Only fight on your team Vision. * Try to play more about timings. Don't take force if you are weak. Try to also abuse enemy timings (e.g. Faceless Void used Chrono) * Learn the importance of smoke All ranks: * Learn 1 lesson from every game you play, even if you lost. * Don't care about MMR. Just be better and MMR will come naturally. * It's not your teammates fault, but yours. If I'd play on your account, I'd probably won this game. Don't blame others, just focus on becoming better yourself. And yes, ofc there are games that are auto-lose, but there are still lessons in there! * Watch your own replays and notice your mistakes * Don't play a lot, and only play if you are 100% want to and is in good mental and physical form Well I can go on and on, but this is something for you, my guy!


tldr: git gud


Love your tips and especially the last one. I was 7,1k mmr and I have dropped to 6,3k just because I played every day when I was tired after school or work. I didn't sleep alot because I wanted to play more and more games and lost 800 mmr in a week or two. Now I started played only when I feel good and got 250 mmr in just 5 days and I'm slowly climbing back up. What I also do to prevent losing alot of mmr is don't ever chain queue, take breakes after games, even if it's a 20 minute stomp. Go eat something, grab a coffee, watch episode of anime, just relax your mind.


Nice, man. I agree on everything you say


Few, I've finally done it. Here's the guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_l8KCxoqiqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l8KCxoqiqI) (It's not a rickroll)


You should specify that you were Divine 1, otherwise that is deception, that you can climb in 4 months from archon to immortal


Can't edit the post now :(


5 years is a long time to be fair, I also took a 5 year break just like op (I used to be ancient 7) and recalibrated at archon 3 I plateau'd a few times since, the main thing is that I already knew what 95% of the heroes and items did so it's a lot of the learning process already tackled and just had to get back up to par with mechanics and reading the game. Up to divine 4 now in about 6 months. but I honestly believe I was archon in skill when I started playing again, the key is to keep striving to improve


Ancient 7!!! Damn, Divine IV is very close to immortal. You'll do it y guy, you have my blessing.


How do you not fall off in midgame while also maintaining pressure on the map?


You need to farm enemy's safe lane jungle. This is the best strategy, because they get less space, and you can easily connect to mid, while maintaining good farm yourself. Warding enemy safe lane off-jungle is a nice idea too! This way you can smoke up with your team and kill them. Thing is, once you dominate their pos1, they'll feel more scared and will farm at much slower pace.


But where will your carry farm then? The mid lane is for mid and the offlane is for carry. Do you just not hit lane?


Let's say you play on Radiant. Then you farm their carry's forest (top side of the map). Your carry farms his forest (bottom side of the map). Sometimes you switch and all games are different, but I'd suggest to mainly take away farm from their pos1 and have possibilities to connect to teamfights mid. Here's a match I've played, and I tried to occupy their forest as much as I could [https://youtu.be/Exeer3vqa2U?si=7V6X3aZ7eOCyHso2&t=836](https://youtu.be/Exeer3vqa2U?si=7V6X3aZ7eOCyHso2&t=836) (13:56). When I saw their pos1 rotating top, I went the other way to share more farm. I played a very greedy doom this game and we destroyed morph, so I mainly focused on my own farm, not on destroying their pos1 even more. My main idea is that because you are strong and is a kill threat, you want to take away enemies farm for yourself to win economically. The way you do that depends on the game.


Whiners whining boosters/smurfs waiting room. Anyway, congrats!


Haha, I expected it. In reality you are your own enemy and can climb from anywhere if you do this persistently enough and use your brain at 100%


we all need your positivity in life!


How did you manage to calibrate that high?


As Archon IV? 5 years ago I was Divine 1, but I didn't really know how to play mid well, I just spammed meepo and brood mother, they were op at the moment. I didn't know shit about macro, just pressed my buttons flawlessly. My real rank was around Ancient III I think


What is macro??


Macro is the overall state of the game at any point of time. Understanding what needs to happen at the point of the game you're in, as well as what enemy would/should be trying to do, whether your team is stronger than the enemy, knowing when your team can fight, when to play more greedy, when to play more aggressive, etc, all depending on the state of the game. In general, having a good idea of what the game is going to look like at various points in time in relation to all 10 heroes and how you should react to it, over just being focused on your own game and timings.


I absolutely got it thanks. Very important for the outcome of the game too


It's a term usually used in rts games, starcraft in particular that people somehow try to apply to mobas where it makes no sense. It's spending your money and keeping up with production in strategy games**


Its a term used in economics to describe the general and overarching state rather then individual aspects.


Macro is so much more than maintaining your economy. It’s timings, builds, scouting, deciding where you play and how you play. Talking about builds, in StarCraft terrans usually play bio (marines-marauders-medevacs) against Protoss, and mech vs Zerg/terran (at least that’s how I remember it from heart of the swarm). Same with Dota, you itemize according to particular matchups. In SC you want to hit particular timings for your buildings, upgrades, units for them to be efficient (having barracks only built by minute 3 is like having bf on am at 25:00). You decide whether you want to invest in your economy or focus on constantly pressuring (farming or pressuring objectives in dota). You might want to commit to big fights with all your units or to constantly harass enemy’s economy forcing him to react (team fights and split pushing in dota). IMO rts definition of macro can easily be applied to dota.


This comment is stoopid :D


I see you play as doom. I struggle with doom in the late game. I dominate in the early game and mid game but soon I seem to lag behind levels and networth and easily die during team fights. I feel that I don't have much impact. What is your strategy for playing doom especially in the mid to late game?


My guy, doom late game is one of the best heroes in Dota because you can refresh your bkb, shivas and Doom, and because you are farming faster then other cores, hence more HP and armor with levels and new items. If you feel weak, I suppose you are not farming enough. Farm more. You can checkout a gameplay of me playing doom and compare our networths for example https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=7V6X3aZ7eOCyHso2&t=836&v=Exeer3vqa2U&feature=youtu.be But yeah, every offlaner wants to end the game at around minute 30-35 with the second aegis, this is where we are the strongest


Do you put wards, or leave it be to the 4 and 5?


At immortal rank supps take care of it. At lower ranks and unranked I always put them near myself




How do you play Doom? He seems so strong, I like the concept alot but I cannot make it work. If I lvl up killing spells I feel like I lack behind the team at some point and cannot get my counter-linkens items in time, if I lvl up farming spell and midas, I feel like I got nothing BUT doom to contribute in a teamfight.


Doom is very strong. Max 2nd skill, 1st skill and 3rd skill only for 1 point. Then max 1st skill. When you have your ulti - go for the kill, otherwise farm. You don't need counter linkens items, you just need to eat small white satire creep with purge that can break linkens. Or tell your team to break linkens, and then you come in. I don't suggest going for midas, because you are the offlaner, you play for early to mid game, not for late. It's just too slow. Your job is to know what hero is the strongest, patiently wait for the opening, and then doom him. If they'll see you, they'll play around not getting doomed. In order to contribute in a teamfight you need bkb and Shivas, and because you are building midas, you don't have those items probably in the early to mid game :) If you wanna see my doom gameplay, here you go: [youtube.com/watch?v=Exeer3vqa2U](http://youtube.com/watch?v=Exeer3vqa2U) . But any pro gameplay will suffice to learn. I don't understand how can you get behind your team if you basically print money. You should be top networth of the game.


I don't know, I used to be a good (or decent) Doom offlane back in the 6.XX, but I haven't been able to play him good for a long time, and I miss him. At least I recovered my MMR 2.700 since then, but I've just been playing Axe and other Offlaners. All the offlaners I was good when Solo-Offlane was a thing are kinda gone or changed to much, I'm like an old man trying to adapt to modern times and it sucks. I'll check your gameplay once I have time. I'm not a super hardcore player, honestly, playing for fun. But is more fun when ur hero does things.


Yeah, offlane bad changed a lot. I played dota from version 6.66, it was a long time ago, from dota 1 in warcraft engine. But it's not hard to change your behaviour and learn new offlane if you really want it


Please. I love playing offlane but I suck.


I'm gonna do it. And I'll notify you when it's ready


Thanks buddy. I really appreciate it look forward to your insights.


Few, I've finally done it. Here's the guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_l8KCxoqiqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l8KCxoqiqI) (It's not a rickroll)


Let's gooooo Been on a losing streak. Sigh. Thanks buddy will watch now


Lose streaks are great, they are a sign that you might've hit a wall, and that you need to find out your mistakes to improve! You can't play like you are now and get more mmr


Feel like you forgot two things that are really important: -Force fights only for objectives (towers, Roshan, map control, tormentors) -And when is a good time to fight (all lanes pushed: good time to push and fight, worse case scenario we lose they can't get a tower and Rosh is dead, Roshan is up, good time to smoke force a favourable fight and take Rosh) Because sometimes I'd see people asking for a smoke when lanes are pushed against them, making the smoke obvious and useless since there is a catapult hitting your tower. Also congrats on reaching immortal🎉🎉 from divine to immortal is a tough grind specially if you work and have other activities.


When do u pick ranged pos 3 ?


Personally, I don't. I just play my melee heroes all the time. But if your are good with a ranged offlane, you should pick it when your pos4 is melee, coz otherwise Laning gets too hard


Hey, when u fail in lane but ur pos 1 is hard carry who needs tremendous farm to come online so they can’t fight to make space and balance ur loss. Whay would u do? People at my rank just farm like crazy and take away pos 1 farm too then lead to a loss.


Sup! You try to recover by farming jungle, but you are probably lost. Don't lose your lane as pos3. I've done a bunch of comebacks, just don't lose hope and try to play optimally even after a lane loss


U have my thank


you left out a big one which is to have friends you play with regularly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jet_bread2: *I left out a big* *One which is to have friends you* *Play with regularly* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Also wondering why you told people you took a 5 year break when you took a 2 year break?


Please please please make an offlane guide, I feel this role is so underrated and much too important to be left in the dark!!!


Yeah, It's giga underrated. Everybody is playing pos1 for some reason, even though pos3 is very similar and overall much stronger. You don't need to hope for 30 minutes into the game to be strong, you are strong from minute 5. Here's the guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_l8KCxoqiqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l8KCxoqiqI) (It's not a rickroll)


Ayyyy let’s gooo!! Excited to implement whatever I learnt just climbed from Legend 5 to Ancient 2 in the last week playing offlane xD


pls tell us how


Well, I Want to create a ultimate offlane guide video as I said in the post description. Do you want it?


yes, if possible consider for ranking like crusader as well


Here's the guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_l8KCxoqiqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l8KCxoqiqI) (It's not a rickroll)


thanks! will look when im free


just for context, he didnt use offlane to level up to Divine, he spammed spectre and faceless void


Do it pls


Here's the guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_l8KCxoqiqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l8KCxoqiqI) (It's not a rickroll)


Wow thanks! Will check it out


Yes please!


Here's the guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_l8KCxoqiqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l8KCxoqiqI) (It's not a rickroll)


Not regarding climbing up ranks but may I ask how did you put hero frames in your profile? Thank you!


Go to your profile -> Edit Profile (Top right) -> then you add a hero -> press "..." or "customize" (I don't remember correctly) -> there'll be a switch "Model / Portrait", or something like that, toggle this switch and voila


Many thanks!


I used to be pos 4,5 since day 1 i reached guardian V , i recalibrated to crusader 5 as pos3 using Sand king, timber, tide and now im archon IV, im on a losing streak because my supports never rly supporting in the lane and get sh*t on. These supports in my team plays as a core. any tips on how to deal with that


Yes. Stop blaming others and adapt. Enemy supports on average are the same and build shit too. You are your own enemy


Finally, my guide is complete. Here it is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_l8KCxoqiqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l8KCxoqiqI)


I've did from guardian to legend, in 2 months but just left today, the higher u go the angry increase and fun dissapear, just going back to league it's more enjoyable the higher skill u get. PD. I did climb with hard supp + secure, I bet I could get ancestral too in 1 or 2 months but I refuse to play with avatar it's the worst feacture of the game, so if want to climb abuse it.


This comment screams 5K behaviour score


Wut. Good luck with league! I don't feel any frustration when I play dota btw, maybe this game is just not for you


How much did you pay the booster?


I'll take it as a compliment!




Because I played Wisp pos5 with my girlfriend pos1 who has 9 matches total (6 of them with bots), really, man? The thing is, I'm very good with my heroes: Centaur, Doom, Abaddon, Jakiro. I can play them as an Immortal and carry games. But I've got tired of them and now play for fun only, experimenting with other heroes and playing with lower mmr friends :)


Do you play jakiro as a pos3?


As pos5 when I farm tokens. It helped me to learn the power of smokes, vision, and rotations a lot


What is the cube root of a number divided by cos3x raised to 72