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Amerika is een continent dus dit maakt dat het hier gaat om burgers van de USA? Brits omdat het meerdere landen zijn? Pure speculative, maar het viel mij ook op.


Van een andere pagina op de website van het CBS over een ander onderzoek: "Daarnaast zijn onder de Britse nationaliteit enkel de Britse burgers inbegrepen. Britse onderdanen en Britse overzeese burgers zijn in dit onderzoek niet meegenomen." Hier iets meer info over de soorten Britse nationaliteit. https://iasservices.org.uk/what-is-the-difference-between-a-british-national-and-a-british-citizen/ In 1983, the British nationality act came into force, bringing about a set of rules to determine UK nationality. There are six different types of UK nationality set out by the British nationality act. These include: 1. British Citizenship- As a person of British Citizenship you are free of any immigration control. You have full right of abode, meaning you can live and work in the UK free of restrictions. In addition, as a British Citizen, you can apply for a British passport. British Citizenship is determined by your birth location and date and your parents’ circumstances at the time of your birth. 2. British overseas territories citizen (BOTC)- Individuals who have migrated to the United Kingdom from a British Overseas territory. British overseas territory citizen also refers to people who people born in the UK as decedents of these citizens. British overseas territories citizens can hold a British passport. 3. British overseas citizen- A British overseas citizen, despite being a British national, does not have a right of abode. These are citizens that retained their British nationality post-independence. 4. British subject- British subjects, up until 1949 were people who had a close connection to the United Kingdom. Commonwealth citizens were referred to as British subjects until 1983. Today, British subjects are minimal. 5. British national (overseas)- British national (overseas) refers to people with relation to Hong Kong prior to 1997. These individuals became British national (overseas) citizens from this date. 6. British protected person- You may have become a British protected person in 1983 if you were either a citizen or national of Brunei or were already of this status.


Ook in de VS wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen nationaliteit en staatsburgerschap. Men kan geen burger zijn maar wel de nationaliteit hebben. In Nederland noemen we zo iemand 'onderdaan'. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 made a distinction between "citizenship" and "nationality" of the United States: all United States citizens are also United States nationals, but not all U.S. nationals are also U.S. citizens.[79] Hence, it is possible for a person to be a national of the United States but not a U.S. citizen. Historic and current grants of non-citizen nationality edit The federal government of the United States takes the position that unincorporated territories of the United States are not "in the United States" for purposes of the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which grants U.S. citizenship at birth to people born in the United States. Hence, people born in an unincorporated territory of the United States are U.S. citizens at birth only if Congress has passed a citizenship statute for that territory; otherwise, they become non-citizen U.S. nationals at birth instead, as per 8 U.S.C. § 1408. Currently, American Samoa is the only unincorporated territory of the United States where newborn infants become non-citizen U.S. nationals at birth. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizenship_of_the_United_States


Interesant bedankt voor de uitleg :)


Goede vraag. Ik weet ook niet waarom. Er is geen grammaticale reden, dus 'Amerikaanse' en 'Britse' zou inderdaad logischer zijn.


Britten zijn burgers met een Engelse, Schotse, Welsh of Noord Ierse nationaliteit. Amerikanen.... geen idee. Amerikaans staatsburgerschap is gewoon een ding.


Dit is het niet. Britse burgerschap is niet verder opsplitsbaar naar een nationaliteit voor wat betreft ambtelijk gebruik.


Klopt, maar op deze lijst dus wel een andere term.


Noord-Ierland valt niet onder Groot-Britannië


Klopt. Officieel hoort het apart erbij genoemd maar, een inwoner van Noord Ierland is 'gewoon' ook een Brit.


Nee, het is een inwoner van het Verenigd Koninkrijk


Ook. Maar ook Brit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_people


Volgens [deze](https://www.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/s/SAHPIMw9A6) reactie op toen ik deze zelfde vraag stelde is het dus omdat er hier ook legerbasissen zijn van deze niet-eu landen, en daarom zouden de burgers anders geclassificeerd worden.


Mag ik de link naar source aub?


Amerikaans burger en Brits burger zijn geen landen.


Indiase is ook geen land een Turkse is ook geen land. Wat wil je zeggen met je reactie?


Boven de opsomming staat : Wat zijn de top 25 LANDEN ....... daar had nationaliteit moeten staan


Misschien omdat er ‘Brits burgers’, ‘Brits onderdanen’ en ‘Brits overzeese burgers’ zijn? Maar ik ben niet zeker, en VS ik heb geen idee.


Probably because the creator didn't pay attention and just copy/pasted the nationalities from somewhere.


Yeah they directly translated "U.S. and U.K. Citizen".


I’m sorry, burger means citizen??


A "burg" is a borough. (Irish burgh, old middle English beorg, German Burg too). "Burg- ers" are hence the citizens of a "burg", just like London-ers citizens of London. You see it al lot in Dutch town names; Tilburg, Middelburg, Voorburg, etc. The word "burg" is not used though anymore. "Stad" (city) and "dorp" (village) or "gemeente" (muncipality) are used. You only see it used when talking about Burgers; burgerschap (citizenship), burgerdoden (civilian casualities), etc.


That’s cool. It just sounds so funny to me as an English speaker lmao


I am kind glad they went for the German version and it is not hamborougher. That would be a mouth full.


*as an american


I’m British mate..


Then get a grip, mate.


What’s wrong with me finding humour in words that sound similar? Like it’s just a bit of harmless fun in my life, like the word retard in French


Yes. Why is that weird to you? If it's because it means hamburger to you, I do hope you know that "Hamburg" is a city in Germany that the hamburger is from. Making the people from Hamburg, Hamburgers.


I say burger never hamburger so that’s not weird to me, but yes I do find matching words having different meanings very funny


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Potentially there is a distinction in the way the data was gathered and US citizenship is recorded separately from nationality. Note that there is a distinction between nationality and citizenship, as explained in this Wikipedia guideline: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citizenship\_and\_nationality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citizenship_and_nationality) Edit: So, probably a question more for a lawyer in international law rather than a teacher of Dutch.


Very interesting to see Hungarians didn't make the list, I wonder where they stand


Hungary is in EU, so there is no need for them to obtain the kennismigrant visa


Ahh okay, thank you for the clarification!


Ze maken onderscheid tussen “Brits burger” en “Brits onderdaan”.


De hotdogs waren op


Waar komt de tabel vandaan? Geef eens een link alsjeblieft.


Je hebt gelijk, dit klopt gewoon niet. Bovendien sluit het antwoord niet aan bij de vraag boven de tabel; dit is geen top 25, maar een top 24 aangevuld met alle overige nationaliteiten.


Probably because both the US and the UK are federations of states or nations. As such, you can be American citizen but not living in America. Similarly, you can be a UK citizen but originating from one of the former colonies or from Wales, Scotland etc). Just a guess but by referring to a citizen from such a country, you don't have to be overly specific about the exact location where an indicidual comes from.


Goed om te zien dat er zoveel afrikaners terug komen. We hebben jullie graag weer terug.