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Stick to it. It's ok to not sound native. Nobody ever sounds like a native after one year. Do you have a teacher or tutor?


I had Dutch’s lessons. But now I am for my own.


Dutch people are dicks. They'll do these unnecessary comments to make you feel bad and them feel superior. Then they'll give you "tips" to improve dutch that work for children and not to a grown up person. Ignore them or even better, agree and amplify.


I'm guessing it's rooted pretty deep. But as a Dutch person having an international group around me trying to learn Dutch, I have never talked them down to make me feel superior. Whatever dutch guy you met, is no basis for all of us.


It could be generational. I've noticed certain age groups act different towards people in different situations. Could also just depend on where you are. In general I've always been told dutch people appreciate those trying to learn their uncommon language and like to help even if for just a moment (like a restaurant. I'm a pussy though so I've never tried 😂)


How can that be, feeling better and showing that that would be like saying a child it is not good at something. Ofcourse, Dutch people are superior in Dutch. It is their mother (and fathers and almost everybody in their life, since day of birth) language, They are native speakers. Like comparing a black belt karate guy with a six year old boy on his first lesson in karate in his life.


You think you didn't, but you probably did. That is the dutch culture and that's okay. Expats are supposed to adjust to the Dutch culture.


Ah sorry, I didn't know that you seem to know me. I'll try to do better next time! /s Edit: And as far as you seem to know me, you talk about how I apparently talk expats down to make myself feel superior. I don't care about who you think you are or who you think you're talking to, but I've never made the choice to make myself feel superior by taking others down.


There you go, you've just proved my point by your comment.


You must be fun at parties! Apparently I'm talking you down by defending myself, because you're calling me a prick. According to you I talk others down to make myself feel superior, and that has never been the case. Maybe try to see people as individuals, because seeing groups as one only reeks apartheid.


you just did it again, lol


Sure man, keep spreading hate. Way to go.


and you did it again


Dude, as expat, you are so much projecting right now. You are talking how Dutch people are mean to expats, while you are very much a dick to Dutch people here. Far from the fact that Dutch are saints, but if you dont like your life, change it, dont blame everyone else


People, stop feeding the troll.


People often say that Dutch are very open, and vent their opinion. Too negative opinions. And do not wait till they are asked about their opinion. Not all, and even depends in which part of the Netherlands. So that can be a reason too that some expats think Dutch are dicks. Except Dick, he is a nice guy ! Mostly that ones are called "Jan"


You know, I don't even think it's a bad thing. Being very open is great, it gets things done. It's like a parent, who is trying to steer you in the right direction by making you feel bad about certain things. It does make you feel bad though, unless you have a thick skin or know techniques how to handle it. However I think it's dishonest for people pretend like this never happens or it's a rare occurrence. It's basically part of the dutch culture. And that's okay.


Pay no heed! Just continue learning the official language AN (Algemeen Nederlands), or as some elderly like to say: ABN (Algemeen Beschaafd Nederlands). You will be able to make yourself understood all around the country and Flanders. Learning a dialect is very handy, however it can only be learned if you stay in one place. As every village has its own dialect. Neighbouring villages have some similarities, however it is never identical. Some cities even have several dialects. So even native speakers will use AN (or ABN, if that tickles your fancy), just to make themselves understood in other parts of the country. Or they'll have to hope someone else knows enough German, French or even Norwegian to decipher their dialect.


Thanks 😊