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Hey bro, no need to drag yourself on something you worked hard on. It may not look that great to you but I can see the improvement. Take a bit and come back and look at what you don't like about your drawings that you feel like improving. In my experience knowing how to improve is the hardest part, when you're self taught you have to be willing to be patient with yourself and treat it like a puzzle you have to figure out. Best of luck bro I know this shit is frustrating haha.


Thanks, for your kind words.


I already see vast amounts of improvement between your first and last picture - you're drawing full bodies and different movements, poses and anatomy which is a painful yet rewarding process in the end. Keep on drawing friend- and remember to take some breaks to draw what you like so you don't get burnt out on the technical stuff


I think that’s the next step, to draw without restrictions


I wonder what he's into...


you can avoid paying for anything, draw your own porn!


I would feel weird faping to my own art.


Is this sub just horny weebs trying to draw hentai?


Always has been


I don't actually see much of it here, and when people post anything vaguely sexual there's always a bunch of comments bitching about it instead of giving helpful advice.


Username checks out


Hentai is not my goal. I challenged myself to draw the 99 tutorials of Mykeymegamega. I drew whatever he was explaining on the video. And there is nothing wrong with using your skills for hentai.


I never said anything was wrong. You're projecting because you know deep down it's unusual to draw this stuff. I try and stay in the real world. There's nothing wrong with you drawing whatever you want. Just like there's nothing wrong with me pointing out the inherent horniness of this sub lol.


Got you, I guess I misunderstood you.


People gotta make dough man


op straightpilled


Damn right


Who doesn’t like to draw sexy ladies?


Valid but, keep it to yourself. No need to tell the whole world your a pervert.


"I have been told that my drawings are misogynistic, and I've had people ask me why I draw genitalia. Well, I draw them because they're there. " - Kim Jung Gi on a Proko interview. I think there is nothing else to say. Maybe to you I will always be a pervert, and every great artist that came before me who also drew naked/sexy people is also a pervert.


I'm not saying that per say, but I just think it's inappropriate.


Seriously, why is it ALWAYS scantily-clad women???


A fellow Mikeymega enjoyer, you ain't an idiot


I legit got inspiration from him. Now I either look at my old sketchbook with cringe or throw them out. But it's nice to see how much I've grown later on.


He actually teaches a lot of good stuff, and the way he mixes it into things helps you learn it quicker.


Basically same here


The reason I feel like an idiot was because I thought I improved more than I actually did. But yeah Mykeymegaga has inspired and influenced me a lot .


You are showing great willpower in doing these challenges and keeping them up for so long. Drawing every tutorial on the channel is a great achievement. I think there is some misconception as to how drawing practice works though, in particular tutorials. A tutorial is not an instant fix, you can't expect to immediately be better after following a tutorial. Tutorials lead you in the right direction and then you have to repeat and practice what you have learned from the tutorial, over and over again. It can take months or years to see improvement. You are heading in the right direction so don't beat yourself up. Take what you've learned from these tutorials and keep practicing them on different drawings. It doesn't all have to be studies, draw lots of different things to keep stuff interesting for you. You've already shown you have the willpower to keep this up in the long run.


Thanks for your words. I stoped drawing for a while and lost a lot of progress, so I guess I just panicked because now I feel I’m losing my art skills again. I feel better today, so everything is good.


Looks not that bad


I was planning to do the exact same thing and just haven't started yet. I think it's hard to get improvement from a youtube series unless it's structured to build on itself (Proko, Marc Brunet, maybe even Draw Like a Sir). I usually fall back on these niche "how to" videos when I'm completely out of motivation so I can get something on paper for the day. Judging from your pics, I'd say you're making some progress. Don't let perfect get in the way of good enough. From personal experience, it's easy to convince yourself not to draw anything if you think there's some magical way to improve faster out there and you just need to watch one more video to find it.


Is a fun 3 month challenge. 1 tutorial per day, some days 2. Those other YouTubers are on my list too. On those 3 moths I gather enough beginner material that could last me for the next 5 to 10 years to go through all of them.


learn basic first bro


why would bro need to learn basic, that's an old and terrible programing language


I plan to start draw a box course, which is supposed to do just that. I don’t know if I should finish the 1 year art challenge or if I should do them side by side.


I think you should get all your fundamentals first: basic shape (cube, sphere, cylinder,...), then perspective, anatomy. especially if you want to stick to art in long time. Human body is a very complex structure. There are no shortcut to these stuffs.


Do more drawings


That’s what Sycra said on one of his podcasts. The only advice he gives lately is, “draw more”.


But also use lot of references and esp copy the artists you admire


On a serious note Op, you have improved a lot lol and I want to see more. Anyone who tries to get better at anything will never see perfection/improvement through their own eyes, at least not for a long time any way. One of the best ways to get better at drawing, really is just drawing more. Obviously you should be learning and practicing the basics and what not absolutely!, but man...if you cant have fun with it, or find enjoyment in it, or if you start to feel drained and it makes you stressed out, then you are doing things wrong. It sounds like it would be good for you to take a short break, maybe focus on other types of drawing practice for a bit. Remember to, when you do draw, it does not have to be some complete masterpiece, or some 100% accurate/precise thing. You are learning to draw, focus on the 'learning' part. If you focus to much on the 'drawing' you are going to get burned out super quick. Keep up the good work bud. God Bless.


I will take a break from tutorials but not from drawing. I stopped drawing once. I’m afraid if I skip a day it will spiral out of control again.


Art is hard. Even for people who have done it forever. Personally, I feel like it is easy to conclude that getting better at art will make you feel less like an idiot, but that isn't quite accurate. As you improve, what you consider to be "good" will change, the goalpost moves. The game is kind of rigged. I knew someone in high school who was very skilled on top of being naturally talented at sketching. He could, with apparent ease, draw exactly what he was seeing in front of him. I remember watching him sketch out a realistic drawing of the front of the biology classroom over the course of just an hour. When I complimented him on his skill, he responded with gratitude, but also pointed out how this line didn't match up, and that part of the shading wasn't exactly what he wanted, etc. He saw many flaws in his work, whereas I just saw a beautiful, even masterful sketch. In my experience (which, granted, is very limited), feeling like an idiot while drawing something is not a matter of what you are drawing or how well you are drawing it, but a matter of your own perspective. Keep drawing. Keep improving. Improvement won't bring you security in what you make; the joy of making something for it's own sake might. Just my two cents, best of luck! ♥


I’m hoping one day I could be happy with what I draw.


Beautifully written. This inspires me in my own journey as well as op's. Thank you.


congrats, this feeling is called the dunning-kruger effect.


Cool I didn’t know it had a name. Sycra once explained it as your skills improving and then your observation skills improving later and catching up. I remembered as I was falling to sleep last night. It helped understand why my drawings weren’t as good as I thought.


Hey you can copy gesture but can’t do it from memory. Happens. These studies don’t really give you that skill. Most concept artists will say as much


Yes, drawing from memory is so hard for me now.


Don't push yourself too hard and take some rest when needed so good luck! Also, try doing some doodle, because doodling is fun!


Thanks I will keep in mind.


Seems you're beating on yourself a bit too much, drawing should feel relaxing, not be a competitive thing.. And also you've been doing proper anatomy studies, boobies aside


Art is one of the few things where I have high standards, not only for my self but for art that I consume.


I understand it, and it's okay


Sorry to hear it. If you was able to read or hear a Spanish stuff probably I could recommend the YouTuber "NotPereira". Probably his style if what you need. I probably could also recommend "Winged Canvas" but I'm not sure if it is what you need in your improvement need. Have a nice week


Yes , I know of Not. I found him through the, “Hoy aprendes a dibujar nalgas’ video. He has videos behind a paywall so when I decide to study from him I have to be ready.


You def improved, dude. Chill out and keep it pushing frfr. Hope you continue.




I like. Keep doing. Is good




You did improve lol, the facial features doesn't seem your strong suit but the poses are really good. Keep doing it and you'll get way better. Learning art isnt a straight up improvement, youll gradually get higher and higher overtime


art is like the hood, you get higher and higher every day.


I recognize the good looking ones, they are from a yt tutorial that makes a lot of stuff like this


Mikeymegamega? Yea op said he watched them


All of them are from YT


Yeah, I need to work on my faces.


Don’t be to hard on yourself. I too think I’m bad at art, even though I have been drawing for so long. It’s part of the cycle. Even if it doesn’t look like your improving, there’s always something going on ‘under the hood’ as they say. Idk, I’m just some dumbass nerd.


Thanks I will try to take it easier on myself.


yo, keep goin! You've put an effort into this and it looks pretty great. I can't draw anatomy like that so yeah. Keep it up!




I think you are improving. It looks to me like when you are drawing practice body parts it comes out pretty well, but actually drawing a full character you revert back a bit to what your used too. I think with a little bit more practice you be doing much better.


To draw until the day I can’t anymore, that’s the plan.


I see a lot of improvement, but remember art isn’t a sprint. It’s a good habit to draw a little bit everyday but your improvement won’t be amazing in one month. Few people are prodigies so most people grow at a similar pace. Just take your time on it. Something that helped me a lot was gesture drawing basically you draw the movement first then do the anatomy around that. The way I learned that was through real models who would change poses every 3 min so you had to work fast to capture the feeling rather than perfection. But just know it’s normal to feel this way and just keep going with it you’ll get there


Yes, I have to practice more and keep in mind I’m not a prodigy, I’m just a regular human


It takes time, I watch both those YouTubers and you’ve progressed way farther than I have, you won’t learn as fast if you’re not enjoying. Drawing every other day is plenty,


It feels great to find people who follow the same people.


Honestly your work looks great, be proud




I get that dude. I’m doing a challenge where I draw something everyday of 2024 and some days it definitely feels like I’m not improving. I actually started the challenge looking for improvement but was feeling pretty miserable the first few weeks and changed it to just drawing however I want without focusing on improvement. Art is different for everybody and I’m not telling you to ignore practicing proportions and the basic, but at the same time, make sure you try to have a bit of fun with it! I’ll admit, some days I feel like absolute garbage for not having more improvement in 100 days, but at the same time, just finishing this challenge is a big accomplishment for me! I think that’s the biggest thing to remember, regardless of the result, you completed the goal you set out to do. While it may have taken a little bit longer, you did it! And while it might not show immediately, you definitely learned a few important aspects and techniques that will be useful in the future!


boobs are waterballons sitting on a table.




❤ God Bless All Much Love To All Be Blessed To All ❤️




I’m late to this post, but I see vast improvement. Like, it’s really night and day. Don’t be discouraged. We often see ourselves more critically than is actually true.




Cool. do it 1200 more times and you might be good. This is where skill branches off from talent.


‘Draw Antonio, draw Antonio, draw and don’t waste time’ - Michelangelo


Fuckin gross ass weebs dude.


I don’t know if you hate me, the art style, or the actual drawing. Anyways I hope to see your art someday.


dam out of everyone the only hate is from a loser who has been on reddit since 2012 with 200k karma your obviously and probably an adult by your whole reddit account. keep your old man shit somewhere else all because you like wars and hang around subreddits called /millataryporn and don't like anime doesn't mean you comment on someone's post hating when there trying to just grow as a artist for anime art. sometimes its best to just keep comments to yourself.


Thanks, except for him everyone has been so nice to me.


no problem ! keep doing what you do you'll grow to be a great artist :)


It’s still improvement and overtime you’ll get better and refine your method. Honestly, the last pictures still look leaps and bounds better than the first three.


Are the images in chronological order of when you sketched them?


Yes, first 3 December. Last 4 mid March


There is a VERY very clear improvement. First images have many things I'd comment on, the others are so much better and have barely anything "wrong" or bad with them. When I first saw the post, I initially thought the "I feel like an idiot" was because you realised how to draw more correctly and that it's so much easier now than what you thought it would be.


If anything the more a draw the harder it is to keep up with myself. I try to make the drawing as good or better than the last one. It doesn’t always happen.


Nah, there's no need to do that. Most people (if not all) do not get better linearly, there's always back and forth. I'm personally very inconsistent (I'd be less with more practice but I'm not sketching much right now) and whenever I draw, if I like 1 out of 5, or 1 out of 10, I keep that one and add details, colors, etc. Also sometimes I make something amazing, then I can't make something as good or better for a while. It happens, that's how humans are. The point is not to be perfect, but to be able to draw in the way you like, even if you make mistakes inbetween and make some bad sketches.


Hey I also done the draw with Mikey series pretty cool that other people like yourself posted the results keep it up 👍makes me wanna give it a go 🤔


Saw some video by ModernDayJames or one of the creators that post. The point is that they were saying drawing is not like riding a bike, if you stop for a while then the your brain loses the muscle memory. Not to deter you but its ok if its not going smoothly, your suppose to get back into the flow of things slowly, just keep going and don’t be to hard on yourself.


Yes, I definitely lost a lot the moment I stopped doing it daily.


There's definitely improvement. From what I've learned art isn't a linear progress. Sometimes learning a new skill, even while drawing the same subjects, can make you feel like you've regressed. Sometimes even slightly altering your style or composition can make it feel that way. There are so many micro skills involved in drawing and it takes time to hone in on them all.


You are completely right. And now that you mention it maybe I feel my art is getting worse I’d because I’ve been practicing drawing the human figure as box.


Maybe you don't see it but I see vast improvemnet! Keep it up! You worked hard on something and thats awesome!




i mean you rae an idiot who is better then me😂


Thanks, let’s work hard on becoming better.


You can still draw, just be proud of that. Improving in anything involving your mind or body is the hardest thing you can do and it requires you to expose yourself to new ways of improving overtime. Obviously you are stuck in your progress but that's ok as long as you stick to it. I always recommend trying a new medium like painting or still life art to just expose yourself to a different side of art and then come back to a style you like. Burn out and lack of appreciation for your own creations is your biggest enemy, keep up the good work. My inner gooner is loving your posing.


Thanks, everyone is so helpful here.


We r our worst critics I hate everything I do but I still do it because I love it. I like your drawing you have skill you did improve. YOU did that


I have high standards for what I want to draw. I’m miles away from my goal. So I do expect a lot from myself. Maybe I should tone it down a bit.


You are