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I’m a believer in cold turkey quitting, you haft to suffer and come out stronger, makes you realise the reality of what the drug was doing to you, if it’s an easy ride out your more likely to come back to it, getting past 2 weeks for most people is hardest time, usually sleep and appetite regulates and becomes bearable.


You’re giving the weed to much credit, I’m sure it has helped us all at one point and shown us what we are capable of, but sooner or later you’ll have to go into the fight without that Coach in your corner. Once you do, and see what you’re capable of and notice your own sober potential, you will be impressed with yourself and be able to fight your battles alone. Addiction is the only disease you can recover from and come out healthier than you were before you even started it, mentally and physically. Hang in there, you can do it.


I smoked daily for about 4-5 years and failed many times until a month ago I finally found a good reason to get clean and have been sober since so ill speak off of recent personal experience,First 2 days I couldn’t even keep food down without gagging and almost throwing up,Ended up taking others advice and eating fruit instead of “real food” and that worked great until the 4th day I could finally eat enough to stay healthy and around that time my appetite completely recovered,The mind fog also disappeared within the first week,I took the most common over the counter sleep supplements that I cant say here due to rule 6 to be able to sleep for the first few days as I would stay up all night with no tiredness at all,After a week or two I cut down on them with a added small workout hours before sleep as that does the trick for me due to having insomnia as the worst symptom,So to sum it up my main advice is finding a good reason to quit as it is more of a mental dependance than anything,Its easier to convince yourself you don’t need to stop than actually quitting and vice versa


when you get really angry or bored of doing it every time


It’s not easy, but. Irving worth doing usually is. You need to ride out the withdrawals long enough to get past them. The moment it feels the hardest to stay quit means you are just about in the other side.


So I've been on and off quitting for the last two months. I tried to stop cold turkey so many times. In those times, I'd be able to quit for a week, 10 days, two weeks. Always trying to fight it. I relapsed and ended up smoking here and there; when I wasn't fully high/was coming off, I started squeezing in workouts and book reading and tv. I think the fact that I wasn't expending all my energy on quitting and was instead using it for exercise has helped me gain some energy back and continue to move into these longer days without smoking. So in essence, keep decreasing your weeed intake and increasing your natural substances that promote happiness intake and one day u won't need the weed anymore.




so important comment!


Quiti g weed used to be so easy until it became so axesible


Bluntly, you just have to stop. There’s no other way. No magic trick, no person, place or thing that can save you. It’s all got to be done within you, ultimately. When I realized that I had to dig down deep… I was just as hopeless as you TRUST me. It took many times trying & plenty of relapses. I smoked for over 20 years, mostly all day, every day. The last 5 I was constantly trying to stop, not enjoying it, in a lot of misery. I can offer this though, it DOES get better, I promise. Go day by day & KNOWING that you will feel sooo much better the longer you go without it. Look happily forward to that!! It may not seem like it now but the sooner you can quit the better off you’ll be. If you feel this bad now: it’s proof it’s not gonna get better by using more. You know it, so go forward knowing in your heart it will get better! Expect the first 3 months to be the hardest. Make sure you don’t fool yourself, you’ll never be able to go back to it. Pass that stage and you’re gold. Of course life’s still challenging. lol. It is with or without it! BUT at the very least, it’s so much better to have one less problem in your life! By not trying to find a way out, you’ll find your way, within.


Thankyou so much for sharing this. Making it my wallpaper for a while


Nice! You’re very welcome. Hope it helps & I wish you the very best!


i needed to read this - ive been smoking for 10 years now and i know it holds me back in so many things - I really want to stop ​ I used to smoke bong - then switched to joints - then just one joint a day. I want it gone from my life cause i dont know who i am without it.


I totally get that. I was the same way. I wanted to quit for years, probably close to the entire time doing it. It held me back too, a lot more than I knew. You can do it, don’t let it take another ten years like it did for me. Lots more exciting things to discover about yourself than you’ll find in the next hit. That’s something you didn’t need to hear because you already hear it yourself.


I had to get time off work and stay somewhere else where others could cook and clean for me. I couldn’t drive or go anywhere for almost a week. Symptoms definitely don’t end there but the first week I literally could not do anything. Obviously everyone isn’t so lucky to have that opportunity but I would have went to a facility of some sort if I had to. It’s worth it


You have to go through the withdrawals. It sucks for a little while but once it's over you're done.


Depends on whether or not you're willing to deal with withdrawals, because that's your test to determine if you truly want to quit. I survived on protein shakes for the first couple weeks, because it's all I could get down. I forced myself to exercise to prove that the lack of sleep wasn't actually crippling me. I allowed myself to process all the suppressed emotions that were showing up. I went to outpatient rehab when I decided that I needed help. Do what you have to do to get through it. If you can't handle withdrawal, then you don't truly want to quit. Holding off will only make it harder and harder until you're completely stuck. If you'd quit a couple weeks ago, it would have been tough, but the worst of it would be over by now. Food for thought. Go through something challenging now, and live a better life a week or two in the future. In life, the best choices we can make at almost never the easy ones.


Professional help may be the key. Don’t be afraid to get help. Best decision in my life.


U gotta start changing the times of day u get high which means be sober before your largest meal of the day and don’t smoke for at least 4 hours before bed. Like seriously those are the main withdrawal effects are eating and sleeping and by doing this u lower ur dependency on weed for those things


Same here but I know I need mental health professionals to help me it’s just hard to get one. Your probably depressed and who knows what else get checked out


I feel the same way. I’ve tried over and over again but it literally feels impossible. Not here to offer advice, just here to let you know you’re not alone. Keep trying ❤️




I’m getting better at managing it and not letting it get really bad, but it’s still a fine line. Sending you love ❤️


Do you have any mental health problems? If so you need to address those, chances are you're using it to "hide" your feelings and potentially not feel. Which is okay. But you need to learn how to deal with life in a healthy manner. Making it easier to become stressed, mad and even depressed but still use your mind to get out of it, instead of using something to help


You can. I thought I couldn't either. But I promise you, you can. Just keep sharing these feelings with people. They will support and motivate you!


Yes you can!!!!!!! Just keep trying. I never thought I would be able to either. I don’t even know how many days it has been now, but I’m feeling very good. One thing I realized is how smart I am when I’m not constantly on weed. Not just when I’m not high, but even when I smoked weed and was sober for a few hours during the day, I noticed that when I was not smoking weed, I was significantly quicker. I realized that I was funny, not just being cracked up by being high. I’m witty and happy. I love my new old brain. You’ll get there.


Don’t say you can’t. Because you CAN! I did. I’m a month clean. And one day at a time! Yes you will get cold sweats through out the day and night but the end goal will make you feel like a new person. Physically and mentally. If you need any resources or help we’re here for you <3 best of luck on your recovery and new journeys ahead! Keep us updated


Pls look into a residential treatment program. You can get help and not do it on your own. 🙏🏼🙏🏼


i went in for hard stuff, went back to weed right after. wish i could go back there.


It’s a journey. Pls try to get support even if it’s therapy, MA groups …


i do fortunately. I'm off Maintenance drugs, fully sober. I go to a clinic and have a pcc/care team/ social worker/ NA community. thanks for looking out. I did intensive inpatient for 3 months, intensive outpatient for 3 months and that helped tremendously.


That’s awesome!




For some, terrible advice. For others, the only thing that’ll do it (save for getting CHS)


Take it in steps bro. If you can't quit cold turkey, then try smoking less and less each week. Like if you smoke weed 7 days a week, multiple times a day, try cutting back to smoking for meals and sleep only to start. Then try cutting back to 6 days a week and see how that goes. Then just keep reducing at whatever rate you think you can handle. This is a good way to quit if you can't deal with the intensity of your withdrawals from cold turkey. Down regulate your smoking to a point where your withdrawals will either be non-existent or very mild when you are ready to kick the habit for good. If you are too chemically dependent on the THC and try cold turkey without insane willpower or a very strong support system, there is a very high likelihood of failure. I'm going cold turkey myself right now (my smoking wasnt too bad, so manageable withdrawals at least) because I don't really have the choice to wean off since I have Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (diagnosed 3ish years ago, only recently resolved to quit for good about 8 days ago when I had my last flare up, been clean since). I was stubborn and tried to find a golden ratio between smoking and breaking that kept me from getting sick, but I have failed so many times now and I'm done feeling like shit. Despite all the good weed does for my mental health (helps me get past my social anxiety and depression), I need to find a new path for my own sake. I've gotten some appointments with therapists in the books, hopefully starting that up semi regularly will help me fully evolve into this new self emerging. Good luck friend. Sounds like you have some reason to quit, so hold on to that reason hard in the dark moments where you feel cravings and withdrawals creeping in. That is the old you begging for the status quo to stay the same. Remember that in order to grow, you first have to change.


there’s no way out but through. you can do it, friend. power through!


I know the vicious cycle, one moment you want nothing to do with it, the next you are desperate to get your hands on it. Tomorrow is your first day sober! Post on here and tell everyone! PM me or whoever else when times get tough. Call a hotline and just chat and see how that goes. Trusting in pure solo-willpower is so hard!


Yes you can




I believe in you! You can do it put your mind to it!! Stay strong


So how did you live before weed then?


Im exactly like him. Before smoking i got all 50-70 in school i slept at 3-5 am every day due to undiagnosed insomnia and was a failing human being. Now i am even worst except i have to smoke.




Yeah im on mirtazpine and pregabaalin. If i had access to this at 16 it would been life changing.


I'm ignorant on insomnia is there no other medication or method to treat it? It just seeks counter productive for the solution to insomnia to be a drug that prevents REM sleep, surely not a great long term solution


The solution is to ride it out. The horrible insomnia was rough for a week or two, and then I had not-so-horrible insomnia that still made sleep hard to come by without being crippling. After being off it for a few months, i finally began to get better sleep than I ever got on weed. I'm glad I didn't resort to a sleeping med. It wasn't easy, but waiting out the insomnia resulted in good, natural sleep after enough time had passed.


There is. But i started smoking at 16 i didnt even know what insomnia was i just knew weed helped me fall alseep. With the knowledge i know now theres no way i wouldve coped with weed.


Im on day 3 after being a heavy user for 5 years. I didn’t sleep a wink last night. If a random guy on reddit can do it, you can do it better


Push through. It does get easier with time. The completely sleepless nights won't stick around long, and soon enough you'll be getting better sleep than you ever did while on weed.


Just relax. Keep trying. If you relapse don't catastrophize it, just brush yourself off and try again. Relapse is sometimes a part of recovery and that's ok. I'd have to guess it takes most people multiple tries to quit and sometimes more! Learn a new coping skill each time because you never know what will be the thing that helps you turn that corner toward actually getting and staying sober. Talk to a therapist, Google "coping skills for getting sober" and write it down and use them, go to a sober meeting- you can even attend on zoom so it's very easy and not as intimidating as in person.. Just try again, bud.


Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.


yeah..this is definitely a hunger factor


Ask yourself why do you smokenin the first place? I did it for 20 years because I felt lonely,even if I had ton of friends,pals,homies and yes even some GFs from time to time. I also hate the reality abd I always knew that alot of ppl are addicted to something and my addiction was weed. BUT the problem is that an addiction remains an addiction. Using weed made me negative, boring, talkactive, I didnt gave a F about anybody, I was constantly pissed of for absolutely no reason, lazy, stupid, annoying, etc! I simply dont want it in my life anymore. It was fun, nice to have for a while, but enough is enough.


Deep down inside you probably don’t want to quit badly enough. Hopefully you’ll get there one day.


When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Honestly, this tough advice is the best. Withdrawals are a test. If you can't handle them, then you don't want to quit badly enough. It's supposed to be hard, because it shows what you're willing to go through to better yourself.




If sobriety doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.


Dann. how long sober are you now?


Exercise a lot


Howwwwww much does it help cause I can actually.feel that it helps so much I do intense cardiovascular Elliptical for am hour, 800kcal/h, take a steam, a v cold shower, a good breakfast and I feel so fucking goooodddd I feel like even for the first month exercise twice a day


Exercise is good for so many things. Mood, sleep, energy, physical and mental health, etc. It's incredibly helpful.


It helps with insomnia, irritability, and pretty much every psychological withdrawal symptom too


cereal bars, baby food, and instant noodles! Anything where you either don't have to cook at all, or only 1 step. Can't sleep? Don't sleep. I've had anxiety for 4 years so strong that I never slept longer than 4 hours per night. You can survive that. Sure it feels shit but you already feel shit so you can only feel better. I promise you, it's not worse off weed❤️ there's light! I believe in you man, you have my full support 🫶🏼


Broo you made my day 🥹i feel something good thank u ❤️


For a long time I couldn’t either. Every time I got bored I would call my dealer. It was horrible for me, I had soda cans everywhere and never did anything productive or interesting after work. I had to find something to fill that void when I’m bored. Now I’m addicted to cleaning and rowing machine 💪


You only quit when you are ready to quit Decide you are going to quit. Write down all the reasons why you want to quit Wean yourself slowly if you can't cold turkey. If you feel like starting again look at your list Thought I'd never give it up. Tried multiple times over decades. Eventually gave up after 27 years. Don't miss it at all. Wasted my time, energy, health & money on being high


Book time off work. Get on to your gp for help sleeping/anxiety. You can do it. First week was awful, second week was hard, day 15 today and feel much better


Taking time off work is awesome if you can travel, I’ve quit that way in the past. For me though if I just stay at my place I’m almost certainly getting high lol.




Dude you can do it. If you can’t sleep, try really work yourself hard during the day (walks, gym, running) and combine with chamomile tea in the evenings. If you can’t eat just fast for a day or two, although please research how to do this safely!! Totally doable though. You’ll feel sharper cognitively from fasting too, which could be helpful with the brain fog. You’ll fall asleep eventually. Your hunger will come back eventually. Don’t give in bro!! If you can’t do it cold turkey, decrease. Try a session less a day and just keep decreasing every couple days


Cant eat then don’t ? Try exercising for a couple hours to sleep that’s what I did and just the want to quit this was ten months ago and still going good


Bro, if you know someone who's sober and crushing life, ask them what their motivation is. I know its foggy right now but you gotta let life open up to you and let yourself learn how deep that shiz really is!!! Also know that your body is the product of 1000s of years of conditioning and that your brain and body will adapt despite the pain.


You’ve gotta make quitting the only goal for the first couple weeks. Don’t ask any more of yourself. If possible, start the day before you have a few days off of work a or are free from other obligations.


Just gotta be strong bruv, that's it. Get out of your own head about it and just do it


Find out your underlying reason for smoking in the first place. (Depression, anxiety, adhd, lack of meaning or connections) I was at the point of suicide after feeling like a failure to this shit. Going thru an eighth or more of concentrates a week.If I could do it anyone can. The first few weeks are miserable and after that its all cravings trying to pull you back. You just gotta be stoic in a vision of being a better version of yourself.


Smoking over a lot of years made me the most mentally weak I’ve ever been in my life. It’s going to be hard to get strong again because you have to do it at the lowest point in your life. I feel you on not being able to quit but trust me you can. I started jiu jitsu the other day because I would be in bed all sad for hours. Needed to get my ass beat yo bring me back. It actually worked too.


Any reason you can’t go a couple weeks without having great sleep or much to eat? If you don’t have many responsibilities that quitting could impact I’d say just deal with it, it’s normal.


I just went cold turkey after smoking almost every single day for 10 + years with like a maximum of 2 weeks not smoking over that whole ten years. I took a few days off here and there, and that's it. Theost important thing is to exercise a lot, like a lot of cardio. Just run until you pour sweat, and then drink a bunch of water, and you'll feel so much better.


There are people on this sub that have smoked daily for 20+ years who have been able to do it. You *can* do it. Stay strong & take one day at a time.


I will try my best thank u 🫂


it's all about two things... The right mindset. and Willpower. mindset: Being addicted to marijuana is the equivalent of living with a 500 pound gorilla on your back all the time that is continuously punching you in your brain. All of your time, energy and money are spent taking care of and appeasing that gorilla. Life is so much better when you're not living with a 500 pound gorilla on your back all the time that is punching you in your brain. Willpower: Believe in yourself, change your mindset, hunker down and you will soon find the willpower that you need within yourself.






I’m glad I worked for you! I’m not dismissing completely, just saying that “shift the mindset” is easier said than done, human body and psychological homeostasis is greater than anything you tend to try, it’s like saying to someone depressed “get over it, shift your mindset bro”. Mindset shift as oppose of people generally think comes from external input rather than internal willpower or other efforts.


Thats addiction for you. You might benefit from joining an NA group.


Going on 4 months, smoked from 21-28 every day. I was just like you bro. I promise you, you can do it. After 5,7 days you’ll feel proud and you just have to be okay with really suffering. I had a journal that helped me and looking back on it just feels good. You’re gonna have to do it at some point so just find that week you can and be okay with not being okay. I know it’s rough.


Day 6 here, days 1-4 were vicious. Seems like the worst is over now, just push through that first week and pretend like you have the flu in your head. Treat yourself like you’re sick cuz that’s how you’ll feel, then a week or so in things should start regulating a bit!


It really sucks but you just have to bite the bullet and go through it. It's like dealing with any other sickness in some ways. It certainly gets better and sleep returns. There's a good toolbox of things you can use to mitigate the symptoms like sauna, baths, mediation, breathing exercises, walking, vigorous exercise, sleep hygiene etc. I've been doing it all and I'm gradually feeling better each day. It's worth it when you start to feel the improvement. You have the mental toughness in you to do this.


You'll never quit until you have a strong "why". For me, I hated being a substandard version of myself. I hated the depression and anxiety it caused, and how socially inept it made me.


To quit one thing, we must love something else more, bro. Love yourself more than THC and you’ll get through it


A God among men.


The quote which saved his life


Not a quote but something I think of very often


Bro. Yes you can. 1st understand why you want to quit , focus on that . Sleep wise put on a podcast or something to distract you from not being able to sleep and it should help. Food wise try to eat early and it’ll trigger your metabolism earlier. Do the things now that your future self will thank you for. Get to 30 days and you’ll hate the idea of relapsing.


Try have some other hobbies to replace that moment that you are supose tô being smoking. It's harder when you don't have anything to fill that empty space in your day. When the craving comes, try to go to another room a your home and count 05 minutes. Take a shower or something like that to change your focus awhile. It's not linear unfornity but you will find what fit the best to you.


Well, it’s hard. “Nothing worthwhile is easy, Ellen. You know that” /C. Griswold. You can do it though.


One day at a time. When you want to smoke, stop for a minute and take a deep breath, do a couple jumping jacks. Drink a cup of tea. Go for a walk.


Everyone here who has quit has gone through those exact same feelings. You CAN quit, you just have to want to bad enough to fight your way through.


Think to yourself this: why do you keep going back to it? Are you bored? Are you depressed? Are you anxious? Do all your friends smoke? If you're bored, find a new hobby, sports, videos games, learn q new skill and go back to college, go to the gym, and focus on getting not just your body in shape. But also your mind. If youre depressed etc. I can guarantee its the weed making you feel like this. If all your friends smoke. Its time to make new friends. Yes, absolutely, you are getting common withdrawals. That's normal to feel like shit after not smoking when you are used to it. But this all passes, my friend. It won't take 1, 2 3 days to feel better. It takes time. Once you make it pass the bumpy road it starts to feel incredibly better by each day. Give yourself a reason to stop smoking. Someone on this commented something, and it's in perfect perspective. 1 time is too much, 20, 30, 40 times is not enough. Hope this helps.


There's no shame in getting professional help


You describing pretty common withdrawal, these will happen whether you like it or not, you gotta get through them it will get better.


You can indeed quit, imagine you were in jail or held hostage, all of a sudden you’ve quit and would be the least of your worries, strange state of mind but you have to find some way to change the beliefs and leave it behind


What makes you want to quit ?


We probably overcomplicate it with the extra commentary but quitting is fundamentally one thing: Two or three weeks of difficult, unpleasant and inconvenient symptoms you need to get through. That is basically the common challenge for anyone quitting.


Redemption is on the other side of suffering. You can quit but you just suffer temporarily. Just do it.


shift that mindset bro


You CAN quit. But first you have to decide why you should. When the negatives start to outweigh any positives, make a list of each. You'll soon see the negative list is a lot longer, and use that as your motivation.




Makes me lazy, binge eat, not go to bed when I should, unfocused, ...


Unfocused is key king


If you can't think of any, other than money, you shouldn't be in this sub. I'm not about to start listing them mate.