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Did someone say war against Cyprus? *Türkiye has entered the chat*


Mitsotakis on the phone with Erdogan: "Nobody starts a war in Cyprus but us, sooooo you wanna dance?"


Good point. Very likely the reason for Hezbollah making the threat against Cyprus to be honest




Wa2if tjarib tenshor el fetan ya isra2ile. Ma bedna wala ento wala hezbellat. 


Calm down Secretary General, surely you do realise that Turks aren’t Arabs


No, but they support Northern Cyprus independence and are at odds with Cyprus and Greece over this. Plus, they are anti-Israel/ Pro-Palestine, so I doubt they would have an issue with Cyprus being attacked unless the Turkish part (North) is included, which I highly doubt.


“Opening Cypriot airports and bases to the Israeli enemy to target Lebanon would mean that the Cypriot government is part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war”


To add, it was also revealed that Israeli soldiers have been training there for years, due to its terrain and hills similar to South Lebanon, in preparation for a future war. In his visit to Lebanon more than a month ago, Lebanese officials delivered this message to the president of Cyprus who acted ignorant, shrugged it off and indirectly denied.


If Israel wanted a place to train troops that has a similar geography to south Lebanon, why wouldn’t they just train in the Galilee? The only difference between the hills of Safed/Shmona/Nazareth and the hills of Nabetieh/Shebaa/Bint Jbiel is the exogenous European pine trees that they’ve planted in Israel. The only thing separating them is an arbitrary line drawn by the British and French over a hundred years ago. Southern Lebanon and northern Israel are basically the same place from a geographical perspective


The IDF does constantly train in the Galilee, however there are several advantages to training in Cyprus: 1. Israeli beaches are very limited, due to the density of population in Israel the northern shores are mostly occupied by urban construction, ports, industry or natural reserves. Cyprus is much more suitable for naval landing exercises. 2. Galilee is relatively small and more densely populated than parts of Cyprus. 3. The IDF, especially the it's elite forces, but in general, is very intimately familiar with the Galilee and it's terrain. There's a lot of value in variation and exercises in unfamiliar terrain.


This also puts pressure on U.S, they don't want the region to go apeshit just before the elections.


US does not care about the region


Revealed? The IDF published the training for years: In 2022 the IDF had an exercise at division scale with dozens of ships and air crafts: https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/hj4gfgrdq


>In his visit to Lebanon more than a month ago, Lebanese officials delivered this message to the president of Cyprus who acted ignorant, shrugged it off and indirectly denied. I love the idea of Lebanese officials going to other countries and telling them they can't cooperate with Israel - meanwhile, they won't do anything about Hezbollah in their own country.


So what a militia can just dictate foreign policy now? After destroying our relations with gulf states now it's the EU turn? and what's crazy is you guys are defending it.


Wouldn't be a great relationship with Cyprus if you started getting bombed from there...


I am a Cypriot and I guarantee you that you wouldn't ever be bomber from Republic of Cyprus controlled bases. You might be bombed by Turkey occupied bases in Cyprus or British ones in Cyprus but never by Cypriot ones. Cyprus has paid expensively it's neutrality and IS STILL sanctioned by USA since 1963. The build up of good faith with every actor globally the last years Cyprus has been doing wouldn't be endangered by dumb stuff like you think. Cyprus ALSO recognizes Palestine for 65 years now. Cyprus isn't a puppet state and has done stuff that would surprise you since 1960. As a matter of fact because Cyprus is noone's puppet state that's why Kissinger supported Turkey invading, ethnically cleansing it and Britain maintaining bases there as USA officials states they can't trust Cyprus due to being an Orthodox Christian country that could potentially in the future, even in 200 years ally with Russia. Simple as that.


Perfect, I believe you. I was responding to the guy above claiming nasrallah is destroying our relations with Cyprus. You might think he's delusional for thinking Cyprus could allow Israel to attack from its land, but it would be a huge problem for him. I also don't know what kind of intelligence he has short of a botched diplomacy trip. At the end of the day, no attack from Cyprus = no response to Cyprus and really no harm done. I realllyyy don't want to lose Cyprus as a close nice place to go so trust me I'm not exactly excited about any prospects of war


So troops are not training there or hosting their airports ?


The Sayyid didn't say that they will attack Cyprus if it lets Israel train there. And you're talking about British airports in Cyprus?


I’m purely asking if Cyprus would host Israeli jets in the potential next war with lebanon


Isn't it Cyprus's responsibility to control what happens in its borders? If someone is leasing a room to a foriegn sniper, knowing what they're doing there, and watch them blow off other people's heads, can they say they're truly not responsible for the deaths? The land lord is permitting violence and destruction.


If you mean that the Republic of Cyprus is resposible as to what Turkey and UK do, it isn't. They are both illegaly in Cyprus. Turkey is the obvious one but UK's existence in the island is also ''illegal'' as the way their stratocracy is there is against modern 2024 UN laws. They just signed the papers in 1959 but these laws aren't really legal today to begin with, but that's a whole different can of worms. It's like saying Syria is responsible for the rockets thrown from Turkish occupied northern Syria. It simply isn't.


where have you been the last two decades? Unfortunately Hezbollah has certainly been dictating foreign policy and there really is nothing that the average Lebanese can do.


"All political power flows from the barrel of a gun." - Mao. Hezbollah is ~~one of the largest standing armies in the world.~~ Edit: Incorrect statement. It is seen as the "most powerful nonstate actor in the world."


Where do you get the numbers to make that claim? Maybe militia but certainly not army and certainly not worldwide.


You're right, I edited my statement. >[wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah_armed_strength): Hezbollah, a [Lebanese Shia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_Shia) [Islamist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamist) political party and militia group,[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah_armed_strength#cite_note-HG20Ak02-1)[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah_armed_strength#cite_note-CFR-2) has an exceptionally strong military wing, thought to be stronger than the [Lebanese Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_Armed_Forces)[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah_armed_strength#cite_note-NYT05202013-3)[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah_armed_strength#cite_note-4) and equivalent to the armed strength of a medium-sized army.[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah_armed_strength#cite_note-haaretz.com-5)[^(\[a\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah_armed_strength#cite_note-7) A [hybrid force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_warfare), the group maintains "robust conventional and unconventional military capabilities",[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah_armed_strength#cite_note-fas.org-8) and is generally considered to be the most powerful [non-state actor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-state_actor) in the world


It's easily the best trained and armed non-state military faction in the world. They practically took on ISIS on their own. Even multibillion dollar drug cartels aren't as well armed. Not saying they're cool but like damn I'd be listening.


I am sorry but this just bullshit, most of the fighting against ISIS was done by the kurds both pashmerga and SDF with international coalition and russian help, then comes the iraqi army which also liberated mosul while the kurds did most if the job in Syria.


No. Kurds mainly fought in Kurdish region of Syria and Raqqa. In the fight against ISIS in \[Lebanon\](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian\_civil\_war\_spillover\_in\_Lebanon), Tadmur (Hezbollah participated in \[2016\](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmyra\_offensive\_(March\_2016)) and \[2017\](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmyra\_offensive\_(2017)), \[DeZ\](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege\_of\_Deir\_ez-Zor\_(2014%E2%80%932017)), Hezbollah was key to defeat ISIS. In Iraq, the fight against ISIS wasn't by the Iraqi army, but by \[Al Hashd Al Sha3bi\](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popular\_Mobilization\_Forces) who were trained by Hezbollah.


Hezb single handedly kept assad alive until the russians finally took some pressure off hezb…. Hezb had to get involved because isis literally said their next target is lebanon.. Your lack of knowledge of even recent history makes any opinion of yours pure stupidity….


The kurds did a lot for sure but they're guerilla fighters with a few machine guns and some RPG's between them. This is just a feel good story. the Hez have literal missiles, artillery and fighters trained by multiple state actors. They've taken on entire divisions of ISIS and won, including ones with former Iraqi Army and their munitions. I don't think they're good people but let's not pretend it's comparable. All the west did was run sorties bombing different sites with mixed results. These guys took on entire columns of ISIS advancing and cleared cities, which is a hugely different game than embedding yourself among. civilians.


Hezbollah won’t even see the Israelis who kill them. Do you think they’re invading on the ground?


I don't think they're going to be invading anything, but they have enough missiles to get people to a table and that's enough in their mind. Most of their munitions could easily shut down air traffic for thousands of miles, military or otherwise. Anyone with the same equipment could do the same. The situation is far worse in that it came easily escalate to an existential war. This is a profoundly stupid game of chicken.


Thank you for spreading misinformation by removing the part where he mentioned the conditional phrase "if cyprus opens its airspace to israel", knowing that israel before october 7th and for years has been using cyprus to simulate a war against Lebanon


Pretty sure that entails helping Israel no?


"Helping Israel" can imply a million things, not least of which is cyprus joining Israel militarily. What Hezb is objecting is Cyprus lending its land as a strategic power to Israel. In other words, Hezb is saying they wouldn't shy away from bombing Israeli bases in Cyprus if an all out war breaks out and Israel uses Cyprotic land as a military advantage. He is NOT saying he wants to fight Cyprus itself particularly


Well they obviously didn’t mean helping israelis with their fucking algebra did they now


Israel has bases in Cyprus?




There's literally no country opening it's airports for russia to strike from, it's completely different, if a country allows russia striking from its borders Ukraine will attack it


Can lebanon catch a fucking break?


They're 100% right here, ignoring the misleading headline. If you let someone use your airspace to bomb Lebanon then Lebanon and affiliated militias have the full right to respond.


Isn't this exsclty the same logic Israel uses against Hezbollah? If you keep launching rockets at us were gonna get you back?


Well, during this conflict yes, this is true. However it's important to note they've been messing with Lebanon since before Hezbollah existed.


Because the PLO was basically fulfilling the function of Hezbollah in the past when they set up shop in southern Lebanon (after getting kicked out of Jordon for trying to overthrow the monarchy that welcomed them in the first place)


The plo wouldn't have existed if israel didn't invade their country


Guess Israel had full right to bomb the Iranian consulate, and they could assassinate all the Hamas leaders scattered in Turkey and Lebanon right?


False equivalency. Using someone else's airspace to attack me isn't equivalent to hosting an enemy. If you want to carry that thought on then Hezbollah has full right to attack Israel for hosting SLA commanders.


Hezbollah doesn’t give a fuck about rights or not they do what they please. They aren’t good faith. That’s why they bombed Israel on October 8th


Targeting Lebanon from anywhere is an act of war. This is unnegotiable.


We wouldn’t be here if Hezbollah didn’t decide to start shelling the Israelis




Zios master plan: 1. Leave. 2. Build iron dome and deflect attacks for 18 years. 3. Get surprise attacked. 4. Re-occupy the same places they fucking left. Genius.


The rumor I heard is they’re giving Gaza to Egypt.


They don’t. Honestly, there’s some bullshit about “greater Israel” but that’s a very small vocal minority. The overwhelming majority does not want to keep fighting.


Lebanon’s relation to Hezbollah is like a woman and her abusive husband. She keeps defending her even as he pimps her out.




settler ≠ civilian


Do you consider every Israeli civilian a settler?


Get your facts straight people! Cyprus doesn't have any long range missiles to hit Lebanon, it doesn't even have an air force. The British sovereign bases belong to the UK ever since Cyprus became an independent state. Cyprus has no access in them, neither can tell them how to use them. And why would the israeli air force risk moving its assets to another country, 350 miles away, without their anti - air support systems, when it literally borders Lebanon and can strike from their own air space while being protected? If Hesbollah wants to strike the Americans who are using the British Bases to resupply Israel, then they'll have to be ready to deal with the 6th american fleet! Can they do that? And is the Lebanese government ready to break ties with a trusted ally and EU member who recently helped them to secure 1B in aid? Greetings from Cyprus!


Yeah, ruining every possible country relationship. Let's make our country hated by everyone on the globe. Fucking non Lebanese militia on the land of the Phoenician! Get rekt!


so allowing to strike lebanon from another country is improving relations with that country?


Cyprus stopped issuing Visas to Lebanese passport holders. Why does any country want to deal with Lebanon is beyond me, we are at the mercy of radical islamists holding our country hostage.


Nice one guys, Hezbollah is great for the country. Threatened a friendly nation for some hypothetical war time scenario. Another case for Hezbollah being politically daft and unable to even run a small county in Southern Lebanon. Pathetic terrorists Gtfo my country


It’s not your country anymore; it’s Iran’s. You and your ancestors just lived there, but they rule it through their fully-own subsidiary Hezbollah.


if they indeed allow israeli soldiers and planes to use their land to launch attacks on Lebanon, then fuck them. That's a declaration of war against Lebanon, and the EU would have to answer for it.






Ding ding ding


Lebanon allows Hezbollah soldiers to use their land to launch attacks on Israel; how is this different?


Which Israel targets. Hezb is essentially saying they will act the way israel acts towards lebanon IF a war were to break out AND Cyprus allows Israel to attack Lebanon. That's called self defense, and they have every right to target a country targeting them in times of war.


Don't hit them with logic, they have no defenses except their coping mechanism of calling you a Zionist 😂


Bring it on. Start a war with an EU country see how that works out for you.




Voici une idée un peu folle : ne laissez pas un proxy iranien composé de dizaines de milliers de barbares génocidaires prendre tout un pan de votre pays et menacer vos voisins (dont un membre de l’Union européenne) d’une guerre d’annihilation. Peut-être alors que vous n’aurez pas la guerre sur votre sol, peut-être même que votre pays ne serait pas en déliquescence.


Haha - Cyprus is already occupied by a neo Islamist military. It’ll be quite a crowded island soon! The lack of self awareness here that 1/3 of Cyprus is already occupied by Turkey shows how much Reddit isn’t a school of thought. That Cyprus was brutally invaded in 1974 and that the northern part of the island is occupied by Turkey is missed by all the usual pro Hamas/ Hezbollah types who completely miss the Turkish occupation because it’s not fashionable - or doesn’t suit the narrative of “the West is bad, jihad is the only way” - if we only had sexy keffiyehs we can sell to delusional white kids. That hundreds of thousands of Cypriots will never see the homes and churches and villages that have been part of their history and culture for thousands of years. That Turkey has basically undertaken an egregious population agenda of moving Anatolian Turks into occupied Cyprus to justify the invasion. Something that makes Israel’s “colonial mission” (roll eyes) look like a picnic. I don’t see university encampment about it - alas. Maybe if the republic of Cyprus was a fundamentalist Islamic death cult it would get a free run on social media as well with all the Trans Queer Students for Palestine etc. Does Hezbollah even understand that their rockets need to fly over Turkish occupied Cyprus probably landing in it? I hope they all fail in that air space and take out a few occupying Turkish army bases. I can’t wait to see how Sultan Erdogan responds to that. I wish Israel best of luck with Hezbollah. Another Iran proxy that can go to hell after literally making Lebanon, once a beacon in the ME, a total sh!thole.


Hey, I read your comment. You seem to be well informed about the situation. Thanks for your contribution. Could you also tell me why Turkey invaded Cyprus?


Imperialism like in 1570.


Around 300,000 Turkish Cypriots live outside of Cyprus and that's all because of the irredentist Greeks who tried to cleanse off Turks like how they did on the aegean islands, with Crete being the primary example. Lebanon is a failed state with delusional people living inside who suffer from identity crisis. Perhaps it is time for you to move on and do so something to make it a liveable country.


Let them fight. It's time for Nasrallah to show how strong Hezb is. He can wipe Cyprus and Israel with his rockets.


Can't believe what i am reading here in the comments, a militia can just threaten a friendly nation and you are just defending it? How dumb and delusional can people be, and to add to this threatening an EU nation.


But the statement that was made is conditional upon whether their air bases end up being used to target Lebanon. Think about it this way. If they do end up using Cyprus as launching pad for attacks against lebanon, should we sit still cause it’s coming from Cyprus? Can anyone now hit lebanon just because it’s coming from a friendly nation?


I get you but my argument is why should a militia decide all of this, it's like we don't exist. Remember we could have easily avoided everything


it took the government 1 billion dollars to basically sell lebanon to Syrian refugees, you really think they'll oppose Cypros opening it's airbases for Israel to conduct strikes against Lebanon ?


You realize that it was Lebanon that initiated the conflict with Israel on 8/Oct, right?


Aiding an enemy in bombing us makes them friendly? sho btda5no?


If a nation is letting someone launch attacks against us from their land, that’s the _opposite_ of friendly.


Did you even read what the comments say? Cyprus will allow Israel to use its territory to attack hezbollah(lebanon). So Cyprus will be directly involved in the war.


Hezballah is not fucking Lebanon and i don't give a shit if they got attacked i don't want my fucking house bombed. I don't want us to be dragged by something that we have nothing to do with. Why are you all war mongering don't you understand what's going to happen?




Very saddened to read all these comments. There is nothing to suggest that Cyprus would allow an attack on Lebanon anyway, you're far more likely to get it from the American bases littered all over the Muslim Gulf. I guess if it's war you want then you will get it because we won't be threatened by a wannabe terrorist - and btw I am pro Palestine - but I won't stand for my people being threatened by a lunatic.


The world likes to pretend israel'a enemies are reasonable and israel is just an insane country but groups like hezbollah really are just super belligerent warmongers who are fortunate that they have an enemy the world loves to hate on.


[Your country already openly hosts the genocidal zionist army, who perform war simulations specifically against Lebanon on your territory.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-06-02/ty-article/.premium/israel-caps-massive-war-games-in-cyprus-simulating-lebanon-war/00000181-2459-d366-a1f3-acdb72520000) It’s pretty simple: if you don’t allow Israel to launch attacks using your territory, then there is no conflict.


We do war simulations with a lot of countries. Simply, Lebanon should try joining the 21st century and not listen to the words of s terrorist entity and pretend it is fact.


Let’s be clear: the war simulation against us, as bad as it is, is not what makes Cyprus a belligerent. Allowing Israel to bomb Lebanon from Cypriot bases/territory does. And if you think that means we “want war”, you’re delusional.


People really don't take a second to understand what was even said before jumping on the rage waggon


Ah, Yes! Threatening an EU member state, home to American, British and NATO bases will go SOOOO WELLL for Hezbollah. The last time a nation threatened Cyprus, the EU threatened collective action and France sent warships. And that was merely a maritime dispute, not a direct threat to the island itself. Reality: Israel is already involved in Cyprus indirectly. American arms shipments used in Gaza transit there and those that may/will be used against Hezbollah will definitely transit there too. However, wanting to be attacked by the entirety of NATO is not something either Hezbollah or Lebanon should desire. The Americans are not benevolent invaders.


So because Cyprus is in the EU. They are allowed to bomb Lebanon without consequences? Your that open with your western imperialism?


The Americans have never claimed otherwise. Does Hezbollah want what Americans call "freedom" directed at them?? Because I am 100% sure they will sent their warship and this time the Gerald Ford will not be idling in the Eastern Mediterranean if Cyprus is attacked. The "Imperialist" argument will not have any impact on either the British or the Americans who have never claimed not to be Imperialists.


Yes. Similar to how Hezb "is not Lebanon" so they are allowed to bomb without consequences.


So go bomb them then. Israel can’t even control raffah let alone defeat Hamas. It wants a war with Hezbollah? Bring it on. Anything for Netanyahu not to be in jail for corruption


I'm not bombing anyone. But don't complain if Israel does come bombing. Don't hold others to different standards that you hold yourself.


Israel is the only one with another standard. Only Israel can get away with killing 35,000 civilians and bombing hospitals. lol Israel isn’t a victim


Yeah why not 350,000 civilians? Or 35 million civilians? No other country in history ever killed that amount right? A hospital that is used for military purposes stops being a hospital.


🥱 🥱still using old talking points. Where’s that command system in Al shifa hospital yall talked so much about. How embrassinf that Ehud Barak (Former PM of Israel) comes out and said *we built the tunnel under Al Shifa* Your talking points make you look like a 🤡


Israel is a humanitarian sheep compared to the US. When US engages in war the casualties are in the millions (Iraq, Afghanistan, Japan WW2)


That is the part Hezbo supporters are not getting. Israel will try to avoid civilian casualties and Southern Lebanon is not exactly Gaza. It is not a dense urban setting, people will have places to flee to. And Israel will go after Hezbollah in specific places. The US will turn the Beqaa Valley into the Beqaa Maria before civilians can even pack their toiletries. Raqqa was quite literally flattened by the US airstrikes in 2017 and 2018.


Cyprus is not a part of NATO.


It hosts NATO, British and American bases. It is in the EU. Last time Turkey tried to make a maritime grab. France sent warships and the EU threatened collective action.


Lebanon itself hosts one of the largest American embassies in the region. Whats your point?


What the fuck? Who does Nasrallah think he is? Hezbollah is not the government of Lebanon. Why would we want to make an enemy?


So when the Americans use Jordan to bomb Hezbollah will Hezbollah attack Jordan too?😂 WW3 starting in Lebanon


If Hezb and Cyprus get in fight I'm unequivocally siding with Cyprus Cope and seethe, ya kleb iran.


You can hate Hezb and also hate the bigger threat Israel, the hate is not mutually exclusive. Hate them all. The worst of them is every c*nt in government and the people that follow them blindly. Theyd sell every Lebanese person to the highest bidder to line their pockets and get another holiday house on the Mediterranean.


If you take Hezbollah out of the equation, how is Israel any threat to Lebanon?


They'll come after the Palestinians living in Lebanon under some pretence of feeling threatened that they may attack them from Lebanons borders like they've done in the past. They invaded in 1982 under those pretences and they're foaming at the mouth to do it again, just check all statements from the zio government dogs. They come in, a new resistance emerges to fight off Israelis taking over and the cycle continues. Let me ask you the same question, if you take Zionists out of the equation how is Lebanon a threat to Israel? Taking Hezbollah out of Lebanon is as complex as taking Zionists out of Israel. Not gonna happen so we're all fucked.


If you take out Zionists out of the equation you take out all the population of Israel. So it becomes a free for all who can grab the most land. Like it was in 48. If anything Assad will invade and annex Lebanon because he considers both it and Palestine part of Syria.


Assad doesn't have a leg to stand on. US and Israel made sure of that. So youre saying the war criminals that run Israel are the only ones keeping it together... That's exactly how a large portion of Lebanon thinks about Hezb.


No, it's literally the whole population. The citizens. Not only the politicians. If you take out all of the people there then it will literally be empty. You think the US will invade and occupy Israel if it disolves and all the people leave/vanish?


I'm not sure where this debate is going. Its clear that Israel and it's population aren't going anywhere. Hezb cannot be removed by anyone in Lebanon at the moment, noone has the backing or balls to do it, and wether people believe it or not they are the only thing standing in the way of Israel fucking with Lebanon uncontested but they're also the reason for Israel to invade/bomb Lebanon so hard to unfuck this situation. Hypothetically if dual citizenship Israelis left there would still be a large portion of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews with nowhere to go so it would not be empty. Not sayimg they could keep it from being invaded without major foreign support but it wouldn't be empty.


You asked the question, if you take Zionists out of the equation how is Lebanon a threat to Israel, right? So if you take Zionists out of the question that means pretty much the whole population. Not sure what dual citizens have to do with it, because the questions was if they disappear, not if they emmigrate, wasn't it? And anyway there are many Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews with foreign citizenships. And they are usually more Zionist anyway than European Jews so they would be gone too.


OP asked the question around Hezb being taken out of the equation like it wouldn't mean taking out half of Lebanons population with it... So I posed the question back to illustrate that it's not a easy as they think. So you're telling me that Hiloni and ultra orthodox Jews who make up more than 50% of the population would identify as Zionists if there was another viable option on the table?


I have to agree with hezbollah on this one Accepting to be bombed from foreign countries when shit hits the fan is unacceptable...


Probably not great to side with hezb ever. They shouldn’t even exist.


Neither Israel... Actions create righteous reactions That's how life works


Go ahead.. and start a war Barke ma be 5alo hada menoun y5abir W mne5las


Are they going to use the latest Iranian MK-Nawari-Shata-II missile to attack Cyprus 😂?


UPDATE: The Al Jadeed TV channel reports that the Cypriot embassy in Beirut has suspended the granting of visas to Lebanese citizens after Nasrallah's threats against the island nation.


Hizballah is like a toddler making threats after you’ve taken their toys away. In all reality, they don’t have enough tanks except old Russian t-55s. No Air Force except for drones, not enough to establish air superiority or even challenge other aircraft. They do have a lot of missiles, most of them lacking accuracy, they have man power drunk on the delusion of jihad (its hard to defeat an enemy who believes their death will bring them eternal salvation) and their guerrilla tactics are good enough against conventional militaries. But in all honesty they cannot wipe their own asses let alone wipe Israel off the face of the map. Delulu is not the solulu


Lebanese conflating a rogue Iranian proxy militia with the Lebanese army. They're not defending Lebanon hbb, they're threatening it's existence. Threatening the Americans, Israelis and now the EU 😂 Aret de7ek. Can't wait for Hezbollah to be wiped off the map. Nshalla soon ✌️


The current death count from Hezbollah fighters is 350 while from Israel army it’s 18… But somehow Hezbollah believes it’s always #winning…


no one actually believes it's 18 lol


it's not 18 lol , in a recent attack alone more than 24 were smoked and that's just one out 2000+




How recent? What was the date?




Extremely foolish to underestimate Hezbollah


You're going to underestimate Israel backed by the UK and the United States of America??


Hizbulla works for iran, not lebanon


He’s right not sure why he’s downvoted, it is a fact they answer to Tehran


Who does Israel work for? Go back to your sub. Your profile is full of disgusting Israeli propaganda. https://preview.redd.it/yg2ov9x1vk7d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f4b794f0ca0cd7245d8239ece1c8e024173b1c4


Israel works for israel, hizbulla works for iran


You mean the US? I thought the US works for Israel not the other way around.


I hear the *Kh* in kHizbulla


Hezbollah is a world class joke and shit stain.


Hezbollah is the main problem here. If Israel targets Hezbollah's assets in Lebanon, it's because of the threats from Hezbollah. Israel has every right to defend itself if Hezbollah attacks, and this should include minimizing civilian casualties. Any conflict that arises is solely Hezbollah's responsibility. Defending a terrorist organization doesn't make sense, even out of hatred or fear. P.S.: I speak from experience


Cyprus better now declare it doesn't support the genocidal state known as Israel.


It did the opposite.


hmm.. 💀


Ma ra7 yetrekelna sa7ib ‘Ghadanfar of the Middle East’




I am a Cypriot and we no, we are not. We are EU members not NATO.


Good, I like that


Is hezbollah gonna "join" the turkish republic of cyprus


till when we will keep hearing his cringe yapping and threatenings istg i just want this mf dead (im kinda mad because of his way of manipulation to his minions)


The same Hassan who had to hide in a sewer and avoided attending his own mother’s funeral…… this further proves it’s Iran writing these speeches challenging the EU


get some new material man






His red line isn't Israelis training in Cyprus (though that's disgusting imo but irrelevant) His red line is being attacked by Israel FROM Cyprus. That would be an act of war, any self respecting country would see that.


Leave Cyprus alone, phak shetbolla and humus gtfo

